Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 May 1971, p. 12

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12 The Cndion Champion, Wednesdiay, Meay 19, 1971 Enforcing by-low on f ireworks sales Milton police aond lire chaletslo twnecepl 10 days prior 10 orge parenso and yooogsters to ytoi Day (May 24) and be familier witli the by-law Dominion Day (Joly 1) wtli flie prohibitiog thie sale ald se of exception of Sondays. lire liy-tow lireworko witliin tise taln, in "sprolsibits tlietueof f freobo preparation for the coming in aimeeis, lanes, parbo, play- ltiday weekenil. groinido, oclioot yards or any No-one uniler 16 con purcliase allier publie place offlisut a fireworksointomenbtparentscou speciot permit issedby thlire boy lirroorbo for Illeir chiel. yooogstero, provided tlie However, o groop Of eple yososgsters are supercioed oitli wioliing tb otage a public display the explosives in their own yard. al fbreworlio may do on if tliey -Ait ttr coin do ol malte sure haveoapermîtlfroiotielocallfire everyooe os fameiliar reitli tire by- chief. lThe permrit miel lie humed! toto oeil reminil Ibmr t0 ose 15 ilays prior tb tire sliooing. caution aI ai] limes," said Fire Milton Potice Chief Raoy Crief A. E. Clement. Andreos utse issus o wrning be residents. "Anymne bound guilty Nerd permit of viotating tihe liy-law is suliject Tbte totos Iaw prohbits tbe sale to a lino 001 exceeding $301 ami oc dioplay of fireworbo seitbin cousts for o first offense.,, County take-over on roads is final Aonomoitwoolraisee sic of Ibree rosi in Milton flI li cotl ceotral andl be cilase os coooty rcailotoas poose l ir toto forc .1110 May eseetin cootty concil in Mi yesterilay (Tuesday) abters Ile ceove nil see .9 mile Mtain St. froce Bronto 10 Ont St., 1.2 mile of Bronla St. f No. If Silerooil t0 Main St. or milen of Martin St. frote Moi Steeles Ave. tollen iroth Ie t and classilseil as coosty ro, Wben 110 oooue vras mInrait soinetse ogo os part of roas' tend stuily for the cou it causeil conoîderi cootroversy at Milton Cote Cooncil aI tht totre was deuil agatesI the tobeover becoose cooly usas offermng la talle t roi in good sbape (and in case of Mate St. a brandi ESSUINI j Tveot.ip Cp.uel At tbeir regular meet Monday niglit, Esqoes -Accepteil tbe tender Obeler Haole t0 miv ai1 al topooi from properly bell the towenship offices 0t1a prie( 70 ceots per yord. Onty oti tend er receivei wos fri Huilie Sand and Gravel, sl offered t o th1e pile for $1 Itoado saperittendent C. 'Bud" Sot entiate tire p centaors about 1,50f yards. C btedreil andl lily yards wn tokten froce, tise pile andl dostaI to the village of Glen Williams belp costrucI o cuire ai1the W Meesoriol there. -APproveil a $130 gront t Y M.CA. ondl Y.W.C.A. Gieorgetoswn to be spent willi Esqoesng township as tie Il orgaonatioos sec fit. TI Y.M.C.A. plas la operate ad eaiop on the gromris of Lio toute sctool Ibis sommer. -Agreeil t0 provîile 000 letcing for the aesiual Hornt Gardes Party ted the onno grant thte G eorgeot Agi co arl Society. pne i porei beflore eInosci wio bo10 reqoests. -Received acopy ofa pores the Halton County Health Un ocaued t10Blue Springs Ilt., R .l 5 Milton, for dumeping olildgi Dssvpiog is tobe restrictelt 1010 Iacof oI. Patterson. liReceîveil Deparîmenl c fbigbtays'approvollforpoches of a nt ruck. -Agreed t0 aloer o lente froce Gin Wdllames resîden Patricia Herringtos grastmng bie pernotsson tooperate a bond crafts sbop 'Tir towshisbp' holding by-Iao dtces sol apply t, the bariets. lieceiveil o copy of a lette iroce towsnship solicitor Tercanci luises t0 Harry Hooper, e roulent of the Esqaesioti.Nasoa P aweya toton laie, nfiormiol bu wout dispose of oseil velclet on bis property ocaoediately. -ieceiveil a copy of o Jetter frais Mr. lamnes t0 Andresç Varga, a renideol of Hîgbway 1 near Silverereei, odvioiog bon be must ceuse operalion of a0010e repoir bosineos aI bio bomE orootedialely. -Received a coceplaiol about the coodition o) Confedieration Street t Gien Williames froce L. Dearstey. Mr. Dearsley clooned latexso bail been bonpitobnzed for two ays abler bIWng frote lits bicycle whlen lie slrsrlt a large paffiole 10 110 rutai. liceve Tom Hil presiiled for the Ilirce bour meeting. Councillor Didli HosoitI tous absent. AI otber members were Mettent. i rondi) in esdlionge for rond 1001 teere in need of repair. 1 Miltone Cooncil oas aise upacI s we e1 ronds ceomite mode Fconcesons be QOavitie andl 1 iNassagotocya bol refosed te badge touards mailing the putl oiyeasier te snulowforMlton. No oppasition Hoseever oben the by-toto oao peesenleil seither nf Milton's represconttoises rose in opposition bol blilton's Reese lion Harris tld ceesby ceuncti bis coonicil bail uppesoci of nue. bp-loto ami orites approsal le 1001 effc vias on the oup. The by-lose staten tbc mesicipulity woi 10 respanoible for 110 cool of sanitar>' soeors, siielctas andl un> appurtosces andl street liglting other thon tise figlltusg covereil ly the eontyls Ponecy for rond iolmintion. Thle count>' ucccpts cesposbdirpy for al otlser faceto of the upbeep or maitenance progrues incloding unose receovol. The cont>' teill nt ottecept be cIeux the sI-cela but tou Play 110 ceoncipaly la do the surse andl esinti 10cmn. Mest ortuote Georgetown seraut probabl>' the soot lormulae of the toono aud ttornships 10 the coont>' in respectIe teronsi lI eir case the ronais the coonb> ba tobing osier seere 10 nemi of lirose rond incluole 3.25 miles of Moonlainvieo bond, 1.40mrues of Mopte Avenue, .43 miles of ivser Drivexi ild65miles of Main SI. lire rond repart doalt tein 10 Felaruory ail moabe ulooaore ceoil tobeseers bn Oubvile as tocS. Actas bas o cooni>' couds and is sot ilococe b>' the llp lase Read before y.ou ride Buy the right machiner for the right reason. TORO ofns two compcles lises. Tie Sponssouslne with 3 ou, oco, vs eodels froto $45900 io-fdtheTrau loir lise w,11, 5 moils btoss Bath lirr beoo wtst 5 H.P. The Sportsmano uono upto 7, theTrasorIo 12. We Ta1 e Cae,' lOTIE GARAGE Highoor Il et0 Iniîassio Rd. 878-3912esi Oakvllle Sr. Citizen home first of its kInd for OHC OTA F TOAD HALL" un adaptaioni tif parents, gruniporents ami frsesids lise casi thse Pty'"Wind in lIhe Wllsom" tous presenlel practianil bor the Play dsorfsg thse -err ut Foirvieo Sciol en Tliursduy omi 'ridjoy eteclive drumu sessions. lise scene hle evessiags. Tosepurote couts ptoyed the moto iruvalven o triol.-<(Suff Photo) dbaruacter Ports before un audience ci Founders' Day lt's your bail, Gus says township council MiuNgMaseooeip sai ii abler Mr. ftootouleit ad bt cofidence saouei b a Fones Day he ronce, lie tous going lise gso n moe u Gibson asored Mr. Goutoonla recoperoa".' NosagseuCocs me o o maice lad liesn inlendel anil Mr. Goutous1cî Mondycmealr negs a il wsamI donte os a dirty ticn. He man aroesd ilson b>' some citizns. lise and other conrcillors offereil chealiers. He motter wuo brouglit up b>' fermer 10eir support la malle thie firut reprenentod bits ai concilor Aloant Adlimon tout Foonilers' Day a soccesolilà one. mon ilelegation on Noveceber. As lie t1drew lest the table office on more thson Gusitoutouoi uppeareil belore andl tudbeil bis ondelivered He is whlaI miglil comrit Monday 10 sec ha stla teinent 10 bis padliet, Mc. the "esofficil opp acties bad been tollen, cal 10 Gououski thanbeilcooncito are la the townshiipce lutin Ibal lie bail bean uppaintel chalirmon of the eniteîte1 organose Fouetders' Day oald the Toornship bad gresled $50 as o lalleocotribution 10 tlle I progrom. Tliantogiv0g Thonkogiving bas been . esotbislbe tepropor lime for a Founders' Day. Mr. Gootoonhi 24 HOUR MAINTEN lad o fult page oloteceent l prepareil but withdrew abter * SUBSTATIONS oeild MOTOR council reoi the resolution. He TR bail enpreosed intercut anil tld REPAIRS esonceil codler il vrais omclbmg le AERIAL FLOODLIGHTING ni attenotifl 1 unilertaies. 1 T Aflar the restitution wos ceai C UNDERGROUND WI1RIN G (toutouolisoil, "Tourbe, Mainte 1 C S UT liesse. Se 1001 10 paîting Gus OPOOLE LUNE CONST RU CTION Goutouski ints place, la Wt" Couricîllurs contint llclp laugtong ai1the roluteon"t li tire uborteut ilegotion l'oce eversees," cooncilor Art Gîbsen g D DRICHI r 0 201 MAIN ST. NERE UT IS. OUR SPRING BARGAIN-OF-A-LIFETIME PACKAGE DEAL. 878-6949 FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. CGE's Sellebrolion onuober-dryec cooniînolion plus the exclusive CGE mini- wos, looti for evorytbing rote tennis sseakcrs to delicate bond- onoobables. You'Il neyer bave to do bond wooli ng r466O 000 ach i 421G *Bleach tunnel 3 Ccles 2 Q xcvlusivse ,ouwsv ermnersso cycl *?ousl/snseed cTneddit cle c0o5,oal.055 A,,fli cye 3 Ooosh,'vioseutaun .00,,, s lien ami saiil hiome "10 la a faiiear lise couoicil lion oflen il bas ron for 10 cansidereil oiion" part>' oncil. Ontario Housing Coprtion lias iuuued a bonder cai=o tise costrluction al 337 sealor citizen onits in Oulivitie. Designed for DuC by Donlop, Wardelt, Maîssi and Aillien, arciiecbs, engineers and planers tise Dakoitie senior cititeo cetiexe wll lie tire f trut senior citizen developssent of 110 tond b lie built by DEC 10 conjoniction tllits1 Ontario Departonent oflocial and Famiy Services. Thre Corporation osontiy builds one-bedroom, self-contoinel apartenents tor sealor ciies tolo are capable al lonliing aito tireir lotion seeds. lse Ooboille developrirent w ititclude a 12- story building, contotobrg 114 one-bedronm aportsento. la addition. tiiere witi b o als- story residence wliicb wll contoin 173 bonlel ont eitent birbesn laciitien. lolli buildings wilI lie conectel by o one-storey social centre totnc td out ise offices, recreotion space, llbrory, a barbe sahp ond liair dressing salonorl diming ronm for tise occupantsuof tise bostot reuldeore. le addition be tise 173 olngle-bed bostel units, the nineotorey bildigotII cenlain two baur-bd ond 010 one-bedowardo for die use al tenns soo develop sort- lares itnestes. Some bed rare toiti be provided 10 tise resideore. by professinonl staff. lire bousirg ail lie leaid on the rent geareil-to-oome orale. -Standards are being erectel for seo tigita et1the intersection of Higliooys 401 and 25. -Thre musicale presented ai 130D Sonday sous o se-ouI to oselis 10 adoance. lire Milton University Womens "Cironsnelles" choir storred, tocbed op by o jazz quartet ou on orgie onolot. buy now on easy budget terms or use your Chargex RICHARDSGN'S 201 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-6949 ho leae ini aise payf ybeir resoires. sodi Doler When you bring your car toi us, you can be sure we1I check il thoroughly, repair il with precision. Our know-how, skill and experience moaka the big dii- ference. Frese estimales. NITED DELCO j BILL DOHERTY SUNOCO SERVICE 263 MAIN ST. MILTON N.oo 818-9125 Z4 24 HOUR 0. M. L. SERVICE TRUCK PARTS for ail makes Sfreamlined Coab Marker Lighls Chrome PlaIt toggesled Reloil 5.1 MAY SPECIAL 2.99 Y 8-Ton Hydrauî,c Jack Reliohle a Salle togOirsit Reîoil 0.70 MAY SPECIAL 19.99 Double Flore &Fiag Kil A Slelo Iem For Truck & Car MAYete sPECaiAl1.7U MAYesni PeCa t 6.49 QUALITY TRUCK PARTS AND ACCESSORIES AT DISCOUNT PRICES HALTON TRUCK SALES <1967) Linief HighWay 25 N. of Milton 878-3121 frot I i i,

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