-6 The Canadlian Champion, Wednesday, TMay 12, 1971 Good season is over boys congratulated Mr. Bob BurlI, Sports Ediler,' Camadiuu Champiom. Deor Bob; Todoy mrais the officiai mnd of 1the 1070-71 horkey mmmso fer 1he Mltonu Miuor Hockey Associatimnrnernoberî. To mlud op these arllnîties for 110 oeao Ibore wai a huile btoufmd beld a11the orena afl1er mlerb Ibere mere ueveral prueUlulimI. To th1e boys mbo mon lropbies, congratolations and gmod luck in the futlure. To 110 aorily homever bolIer 1mbk mol ueaIon-1'y barder. Homever, Ibere are severol people wbo ruade 111e ban-feed 110 mrrceso tin11 mouwa mnd 10 0-eue people me 0ffer our verbal (mrlileo> tropbbes. Merle Murray, presideol 0f 111e Mibmr Hockey Helporu Assucirion and bor mUtre group mbo al ocaucu have born a tremeido bolp tu M.M.H.A. mnd ou Solurday aidertbmb 110 mommobb job of Deai il edite 0-e A. Budg gem i made B. the Denm Ca 0-n Unies Edur; c'ut of Tart itenc îe luf11e 400 pIs plyu , Larry Ai-biic mdlsutaff adAesBrd for provldlug the arema for 0-e day. mur on borne-lomu boys-Brure Hoi d, Leou and Pete MeDuffe for lablug part in th1e feslivîiis of 0-e day, the pobiliy deportueul of Maple Leaf Go- illdem for pronidlug spoclol guest Jbn McKemny. Thanku On beilolf of 0-e buo 000-he Hume League Oiampionshup, teams-tbanb ymu to Murray flmd for 0-e doemled Amtiers. To Loral 4970, Opluolot Club, Lions Club and Local 1067 for b'ophieî donmlod. Auy oomes left ouI are ot lulouliomal bol toi ALL mho helped lu mny may-THANK YOU. Also 0-00bs o 100e staff 0f 110 Cbampion mnd Sports Deporintenl lu parlirolar. Your co-oporalion lu every maller bai beau greatly apprecialed ail ueamo long. Yoors lu sport, Jobo MeLean, M.M.H.A. OUR REA&DERSÇ WRITE: ONE SIIOT AT stroke of bis pon milb bis ides of Regimnal TWO BIRDS iioveromnenl?? Win anmaI loyers vote for 0-e Tory 15 Side Rd. goeiaienl 1101 hrougbl 100-he Animais for Naaiagamoya. loboratories leglîlulion 0-ot 110 animal fR10.2, Rocbmood, Ont.) loyers ronloetel a ardenlly? - 0-ol allomî i-etarded Indian cbldren lo b farmed ouI in r Sir: sucb abject mluery they conmit suicido? - 0-at alloms the Niagara Escarprnent, the ion't very oflun a mi-iter 0f lellors tu Forests of Quetico, sur natural malermays ru gota t10 chance 10 give mne ibot aI i-apod 0f nalural elernent, ucar-ed or icds. Two relatai! articles appea-ed on polloted beyond redemption? Acton Free Press and the Milton WW ol e s00 upport a goneronment 0-at; dian Champion laît meeb. brimgs mn a budget 0-at benmfita 0-e "haves" The edilorial "Torieu Score with and cosîder the moemployed only la the ,et" bld the people of 0-is area in eslent of allommg 110mt 10 spond Ibol- rai tei-ms 0-at 0-e Tories bhave il enfoi-ced leisare fisblug free 0f char'ge? That c" ifan election mere calledl nom. through ils policies foi-cou our farnsers tu The Canaolan Champion, under moi-h for pîttauces mbdust 1he middtemon .nborough sa elected agalu" attributeo geUs fat on the farsuers' efforts? Swanborougb wOUS 0-e utatement 0-at 10101 abut Ontario's Catholics, docluru, NDP convention Aid tho Nom tradte uniomists, etc. etc., etc., and 0-e fail cr010 burin. Niat a laugb' but not leaul our îsdents. In uuinorsilies Il nanyome forget t10 Tory covention? used to bo a student thombed lifts and talked lelegales badn't t10 iluligence to rail soriabism, Ibon mith 1110 degree lu tas band voles p'oporty neyer bas suc 10e bougbî a car, joiried the "«rat race" and ipoeorne been ubomu on TV beforo. mai toa busy aig lits may 100-te top to a people are slupid (flot fuony) they cure much abut polirs. ait support a porty leader mbo, as Nom 0-e gradale louves college, mnd 01100 Miniuler, allomeu conta tu spiral fildsmnojohand 11e omes 110 need for change, 11to, le atle 10 Siable to, do 1the radical change and 11e becornes luvotved. bn wfha aes. my opinion Mr. Robarta "amthe ligbl" mnd Namoagameya could me vole for a got ouI mbilul the golug mas good. led by a man mbo brought ai taxation We are gomng 10 mee a change and Jùn at cepresentation, Le. our EdUcation Smaoboi-ougb is slugutg the party's 'Swan" or- a party wbose finance aioister, - boroîigh song. led to strîke our township out i0 a Alox McLaren compotes in provincial competition Au 18'year-oId grade 13 uludeol at.Io 1 10u sltrir =0g Bebool AIe roren opldl Ibte aII-Onlorio-bigh urbool gymnuotir com.petiliou ond fhuished second in 1the porallel bai- compolibon. McLaren, wbo la i lits flrîl year of rompolilive gymuailîico, flulubod lu the top 20 of 0-e NI athIlee from ntaolrio bigh sebools. McLaren mWlie 10ne of seyeraI mbo lai10 port lu o demonstraioo durlug opon boumni 0-10 Tborsdoy nigbl at1110 sebool. 13 accidents Durlug 0-e your 1970-71 0-e Muler Safely Offlcers widb 0-e Depai-bmeul of lands and forests lu Lobe Huonm District (mhicb tocludes Hallou Coontyl iovesligaled il accideuts ivolvlug ficearmo. As o resuil of th1e investigations, 13 mere clouuified as uclual bunliug accidenta, lu respect 0f Ibose buotiog accidents the follomlug luformalion is of lutereul: --one of the 13 accidents more fatal. --seves occîdentsa l 511e more 0-mn one hall) more raused by Porsons under 21 ymars of age. -tmo accidents mere coused b porsons mbo bad taben o bunier tramii corse. -six accidenta mere caused by persons of age 16 or leai. Tbey badl iad no training coorse lu lointing safely and more flot licensed 10, bat i l0 firearms. -mo accidents luvolved porIons over 70 years 0f age, eacb with more 0-an 50 years' hanllug eSperieoce. Nelîber liad a training course iluimier mloly bot 100- more lioemsed 10 bmit: mith firearms. William A. Johnson Security, pool companies occupy Alliance building Th1e lirol 100 temat lune recenlly set Up &ho0p in Alliance Building Corporation's indailelal comples on Baie lino Road lu Milton. Th1e 100 fuis, John Tamn Securities mnd Surf-n Smn, a fl-m învotned in manufacturing smmng pools each ocspy 4,000 square lent lu 1the 24,10 sqare fait enaiplon. AU bot the 0fa touches are enmpleled on 0-e buling. Berurlty tlros Juin Seager of Milton sa ço'eîidenl of Jolu Tamn (Canada) Liislled and is alopresidenl of Sealior Securllies. Mi-. Seager himself is involved in th1e ennssfitog and designig aipects of the operations. WSîle ai acual manufacturng is carried on nom in Milton, the idea has heon consîdered and migbt moleralize 00er the next fen years. The 1crm employa foor porains mnd specializes mn vault deors for batiks, credit uons and othor organizations. The second 1crm Soi-I-n Smn ban Sitoated in Milton hecasse of the ideal fengi-aphir location. Bol Anderain, mbo is 0-e Eastern Camada manager for the Regina- basedt firm, said the deciolon 10 locale mn Milton came as 0-e renult of survoys. Good teavet He oled te own laitexcellent acceus 10 bighmays and is ullualed ini as aroa 0-at is likety le 10 regarded ai the centre of 0-e Southeen Ontario region. 0110 11cm bai offleno m Reflua, mnd Vainuner but doos mucb o 0-eir buineai tlcoagb agents loraled aeroai the country. Storage At the presont lime n manofactarmng tabes place 010-he Mlilton plant. Il is used mmw 10 store aud assmmble pools. Porle pml c- 10e set op lu foal sj oucs and occordlug te Here are sonme automotive ulellolico for 1970 lu Cianada, quotied by 110 Outrl;o SafL loague. Tber 10aa n co ue miotar velucle for enery 2.5 Per-onus! a Immseuger car for every 3.2 persona. Imports lelaUled 404,843 automnobiles; NOOle 73,2111. Anderson, these may meâ 11e the ansmer 10 the small communily tbat would like a pool. He explairned th1e pools coold lie moveli from site 10 sile or scbool to school and inslead of th1e osers travelling acroso town or any distance 10 ose th1e pool, il would lie handy. He noled sonne boards of eduication employllois idea aod oave slodent-leacher loie. FREE-* PICK- UP AND Delivery COMPLEE ESSO SERVICE I MOTOR SHAMPOO O IL CHANGE ILUBRICATION IWHEEL BALANCE SMOCKS AND MUFFLERS INSTALLED IROAD SERVICE Open7a.m. tot11p.m Mon. through Sal. i)a.m tot11p.m Sunday [elMLJON CORNER MAIN & ONTARiST The portable pool is a aiaiemhat renolotiary ides . We fix Sunday dinner seven4 days a weekYý.--,1 Coloel Harland Sndershfies Kentucky Frei Chicheo for aboot a miîlliîon folks esieiy day. Hîs chicheo gors humeiiie mo-e peuple more ofto îliao any oîher chiken in the moi-id. Must hi- peîy good? 1It os lake sortie i home toîoight. Take it frsa thi- Colonelf i .i flop-r lickio' pood' COLONEL SANSERS' RECIPE L--K.,twckv Fi.'d Akit .- CHICKEN VILLA Main and Cormercial MILTON.. ,87-4171-2 Nom fer veinecmoneioence Goarani.ud short iorm parkinet aifs Oiear of ser building. The open bouse wli giVe elîllors ou iuslgbl lino 11e ropeeprogro a 1 oILI iulu g srience, drame, sports and varions olber programus underwoy there. McLaren ml in 1ctriou mlit hiu rIboru ou Thorsdoy. Durbog th1e rereul provnciol ropolîllon 10 1mbk part in MIx evenle iocludiug porollel bars, ringo, floor morb, horizontal bors, vaulllug and th1e ide horoe. For McLaren 1the greoleul challenge lie in maulerlug 110 aide borseu. "Tbol horse 1000110t 10 lamed by auy mau ou eartb," McLaren quipped, recalliug pool btIles trying 10 mouler th1e horse. rytbm ond __fctbI»cýh explained. Ties tNoo c flu top g inl HalNton ait Peelscoluomlftboreou 10 doSn go further in provncil mpoliion moo codiorlllol" gol llred 100 fast," 11e uoled.* W1111 planm t ottend Queen'o iverity ost year, McLaren hopes tujoin their gym rlub. 11101t îrbmol bas a repulolion for havng one 0f th1e bolier clubs in Ontario. Beyoud 11101 McLaren bas plas fer th1e OSympirî bol in o modeîl moy feula 110110a0 long range goal and mne 11101 migbl neyer molerialize. "'Itu mnd shout fer il 10e mUtl Softbaâll afl set Cliff Houston mos re-elecled j'eskdent 0f the indutriel sit- boIt leagse aI a rereut meeting. Bill Broub mos uomed mrcretary mnd Bazl Roberts treasurer. 'Mse four teanan seba played lent year mli rompelu once agaiu. Melers, Charles Holel, Lover Brou. ond 0-e Legion club mli compelte. The seamon starle May 25. Tie league wl bave ail fotur leoamin lution Tueadoy ond fliarsdoy nlghtu mllb 10 gamnes beiug played ot loyers' dlamuod, 10 aI Martin St. Sebool mnd tise renobider al Rotary Parb. Th1e league bon a nom ride 0-le year 1101 problbits o player pilchiug 100-he play0ffu unieos 11e bos rouspoled lu aI leaol ne garses mnd lu ueven of 0-e uine gone al leoul Imo timing. Exlrordluoryecases mlie deall mlith ludivlduafly. Preîideul Houston old there ino anocancy for a fi10- umplre 0-i yeux. Holton Pool soCCer, soason undorway Miltone Soccer toes= OwuOg buta artion on the Halteu Peel Sorrer Asociaon 11r. teol nighl wben th1e Millen Sport (A10.uul look on Georgetown ln Wee go oguloul OokvDie lu Ook-, ville. Mliltoo looN Bootomu boul OublIe in their opener flsuruday. All horne gomoe ore ployed ot th1e 111gb orbool milb ait gamNI ot 7p.m. except for Satudoy gaines wbirb gel undermoy ai11 &.m. Auy porents or lolerooledl porsons mOUS automobiles roo 10e of asstanoce iu troooporlabsg th1e ploporo for owoy gante. Tbey ubould cmotct Bob luoeu. The folloming la 1the firol porion of 111e urbedule for th1e four leozuu. MaltouSpues (Atouts) May 51-OGeergetown in Mtos. Mday 18-MlI1on in Cbloguaooly. May 25-BrouIe in Milto. June 1-111110 lu Oabvllle. June 8-Mdt1on in Aebon. June 1-Milton m0 Georgetowu. BestBealy Mosquitos May 12--Georgetown vu Milton. Moy 19-Miltuonv. Cbloguocouuy May 20-Broule vI Milt1on. June 2-GOakvile va Milto10 Joue 10--Milles vo Georooen. llton UnitedPee We" May 52--MUt aV okmIl Mey 26-4hi- V M"uoooo June 2-Ookvlie vI ut Jane I MUonI va Bronli Jane le-Georgtown u Vao l May 13-Oviie va MUio MOay 28-Milton va ChlogoBcomy Moy 27-BronIe va 500-on Jane 3-MIlton va GoNrgetown. Finger-tlp St art Col a mighty swats mitS Ibis Lawn-8op Deluos 21", tw0 speed cuIlIng. The [del choie for eerousascrooge. Then Ilaire's th. 1.an- Boy 19" whlrh la one of Canada'% mmlt popolar power oes Moite yr choice ai GARAGE Iooy o0 FREIN-GRADE A" FACELLE ROYALE-REG. 69c 2 ROLL AI EG S PAPER TGWELS ROLLLS MAWL OSRE.19 LARE 39c DOZ. BATHION TISSUE SOL C GFE ME0150FACELLE ROYALE-REG. 2 for 45c LU. SIZE ,FACIAL TISSUE 5 PKGs 99 CARNATION-REG. 2 FOR 39c 160Z.TALLTINS F moNTINI-REG. 69C-2 LB. PKG. LONG EVAPORATED MILK 2oR33c1 I CAA 45PKG FRESN "A" FRYBRS MAPLE LEAF ASSORTED- CANADA PACKERSVAC PAC VAC PAC-16 OZ-REG. 89C MAPLE LEAF "COUL" RANCH STYLE GHICKEN LUNCHEON POLISH WIENERS 35B MEAT 69c.- SAUSAGE 59L.. 4 Q LB. PKO. MAPLE LEAF-VAC FAC CANADA PACKERS LEAN FRESH LEAN MEATY FEHLA-ET SLICED S1DE BACK PIAMEAL FORE RSULA-ET BAC ON SuouMEROAST PORK BUTT LB. 550BACON& COP F110 (S LB. PlECE) V5LB. LB.O o4LI FRESI4 TENFREIN SIRLOIN FRESH FRESH-FULL CUl' CHUCK Rm ROAST WING ROUND STEAK 690. $1111091.1. STEAK 99eSTA 99 COLEMAN'S "CRYOVAC" FRESH-LEAN-MEATY FREIN COTTAGE COLEMAN'S CRYOVAC PORK PORK ROLLS O SMOKED , HOCKS LU VER s 9L.PICNICS 39La._1 4.LOS 99c 4L..990 nshI/l7idrZ~t~/ELOW RIPE NO. 1 ONTARIO WHITE ~~"'"""""'BA AN 5 5?. Mlushrooms 49. NO1U.S.A. FIRM CRISP No. 1U.S.A. CELLO NO. 1 KING SIZE NO. 1 ONTARIO LETURCE 21 49c RAISE HOHUEONT. HOTHOUSE 1 3PKG25 obiIbaimmDeD@ NO. 1 U.S.A. NO. 1 U.S.A. FM CRISP MIL 2R~490 35* oU n3S25 I,0 CANADA FANCY NO. i APPLES SPY.OR MACINTOSH 60 4 LTBASKET a LB BAG DAO. 5 0 PY WW MACINTOSH Wailnet con cj 10w adl th1e ne t 11d aein cliffllit in e do law e Milto, policini $7.501 fo nellela Proit bai le darul office. i thore JClub cmr, tu eneinj Reglo nussll ut îup uit ali