Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 May 1971, p. 5

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Milton District lt Sbo stioouiset IId -y=cod et Z6 eolls year lied little g ac f epng tli ms Icn l 5 6 o ia thla ysar',a creof a j ,t:eteshbeld thefir record- f Atot of 27 recrde rer bralien not in the. girls' division four ore lied as well. Of the 27 new retards, 13 orere in the girls, @N dioelgi and 14 le tihe boya. o Tog ealrolie 200 maire Ma 2 .cnds te set a ro nc th 1e mldgat divisio, RbtLaogrldge ren the M0 metre et 2.29.8, orbule Ken haoj~ id bis naine etei pltrecord book wlfh as31font 10oinchiriple jomp record. SMfrMorerecordo thl ii1e mldget baya, Scott McKenne topi.ol competillan le the javelle throumne ultli a jrecorded 74 foat tliree inch performance and a tesco ioclodlng Robert Longrldge, Gr ain he, Mii. Orpen aid, Wayne Roskam completed > Oie t,50 mefre reley race in04.51 minuites 10 cap the record in016e miuetceory. ubo 10 proliably bitter lisaun for los performanco in the Junior Merclbant goal, train 16e 200 metre Nice caitch j Ai lent one Mille. flabemma wf ell r1 yosi l lâset necessaey to I :k a lot of Xefl.and (recel siorblr t Mca oceau ulIbnaît. tailles of MinetursIlethe 18 Un1e Creeli ubere lie londcd font brous tro.t a11 between leur and fIne pernds Wednendey .1861. race in 24.7second5s t obitter 16e Irevious Junior record. Brobetue John Acold frolie two records wi16 a 37 foot tus inch jele e onl oer record brelin joir r s Dve Rota soi oneg fonttie ta Th sn or caeiclo v seneure linemrtelbt 6 sei recr 101e ;slg ra jsn aI18font Ic 0c n n0 tefr bi 16e il jnsp. ebinets. le t et aes Roereacm inetarul inth ss1rerecorde B 1b Matoe a6 smo10 record 1 06e sbosit s1fot pemoe be ha ot 16e forc121ffert f in e triple fro .l meteraebblt Robirscaetrta ondh Nhe oew1e record treo h lie allasoesificaton a6 2980n iner ench 1020.4 senele aba6ett aidget gin. pecoronce h fo 1 ebet Robincnsflets 6 80r mereordecmelln1 record7feconda li sthdo 16e recod fac ora e rothg record jinpawi1 ant 2footfrn th 00bbp 8111 ta grs'dgct gisoy s 80011 e j oeforfts c lerd he te 0016e hardb jmpcortd ondi recod SreaIn rhmte ail ot h taec rord pherfmnce 10o 16el init ge po rsIt nn A team of Pantin, Van Bichle, Mcflonebi and Bird sel a ne record os tbe ginls' relay with a 80.0 second effort. Nancy Novals 1.13 minsteeffortithe 400ureire noce braire thc record svlile Netalbe Dndiilcl set e record in 16e 880 metre event et 4.109. (tond orr Breotas Schultz dotd e record wi16 a 14.8 second 100 metre ras in0the Junior enents, bialie 16e 200 metre record wit16a 27.3 secoot ries sot paed s teone of Sichlta, Cooleoo, Wilsn and Robinssnstb a 00.02 relsy- record. Kat6y Rot baopped 16e 80 mettre hnrdies in record brasln bine of 10 seconde ale G=ba î4 Larnor set soutirer record ai16 s foanfontotri indb jnnp In 16e junir gile' 61gb jumping competition. Titree old recorde went by 16e board 1016he senior gin!.' efforts orbes IgriotVan L0gen trast 16e 20 medir race in 32.9 secoots, Ruthl Rend birdled the8 mire evint in 15.7 seconde anoth1e Mugin1, Rend, Provanmb sot Dadnili freini troka 16e senior girls' effort 1016he reley race. Campbetlvitte stS opes taieu Boaton Senior ILgue season 16is eSims, Msy 10, s Csmbellvillle sth Wstdoss splag 16e opposition. Laot ycar'o seond place fontobeno are almnoot intact as 1fr only ployons ndsiwg froin September's squad anc Non Nsylon, Robint Lee, snd Jacki Roberts. lacîdenlally rail are piclens. Naylcr, s soutapawse troko-out ipecaloot injured bis saki dorisg thae ntersand il inliopei JENNV MIJLLIN ors anc Mf many Monea le tise scisool fid dsy Thurotay. turing tise District Hligis Scisool nsudento wo cempetail dsy 27 records orere tied.-iltaff Photo) (huait Services J CHURCH 0F CHRIST No. 5 Sideoail andl 416 Lise Trafalgar SUMDAV, MAY te, 1971 t0.00 sin-Bblo Schiot. Classes for ailt ailes. 11.00 aas.-ocisa Wonnisip. 8.00 y.n.-lPceaulang Mf the Gtospl. NIGNWAY GOSPEL CHURCH A local asscsntoy of The Pinieosol Assncodies of Canada Wakefield Rd. und Rsny. 25 I'asio: 01ev. M. Chnisteose Tel. 878-2064 THE LORD'S DAY 0111406. MAYV 16, 1971 9.4S a.n.-Suosday bcoo. 11.09 a.as.-toning Wonosiy. 600 y.s.-Fainity Prayon. 7.00 pan.Ennisog Esongel- inîin Senleore. Tuesday - Bible Stody, 7.3 Poople s. Psaim37, versc 4 -Cocon oi lis svasoitahe Lord. Toust iloinoHas: uni Ho 'hait bristo il toi pG55. * BOSTON AND OMAGH * PRISSYTERIAN CHURCHIS btleister: Mr W. R Lcewis, 'B.., B.D. 878M428 5110106, MAV 16, 1071 tissgh 10.00 u.os.-Wunslsip Service. 11.15 a ..--.Chuvih Ovisil. Basson 10.15 .o.'.-bsrvb Suhovi. 11.30 a in.-Worshiy Service Today, bue secrsiii.sîli bc ivsduiid bv the WM.S. et ihis oogcgativon Thc Guesy ýcubur is Mmv. Jsohn bMurras. Thuinu, "A o 'Mas Sens 6v Goil." A cordial invitution i, - entesudei 10 uit. S7. PAULS CHURCH THEIUNITED CHURCH Mais St. ut Jumes Si. MLiister: tcv. C. A. faivr, 5-.0, 0. Oi'g.îîîîî anvd Coiîsr Leader:i Mrs. Ha-vlId Mugre SbINDAY, M0AY 16, 1970 11.00 a.sy-Wsnlap Service. 9.30 s.;i.-.Sndsy Sdioot for 4*4 sisoi, 9 yean &16er lio0 n -ifans Nursesy te chabege M( roalsteold clotrse aod fNursery Deparîment. 11.00lmay daparten agn j 11.09r a..'Ddcracent nils 4 - S. AU Welcom THE PRISBYTIRIA4 CNURCN IN CANADA KNOX CNURCH MILTON Minuster: Rus. Jobs M. Marray ý;wnit: bOns. L. ViO#em. 5110106V, 'MAY 16, 19741 9.45 a.w -Sevior Ribla Sisilo ClunS. 5.40 a.w. Sc. Cbsrub Sdiool. 10.55 use-Jr. Cburvb Scoas. lita0 a.in.-Moroleg Wiurnbip. Sermno tapie, 'Peter: The Mziig uf a Mas." lin0 a.in -'ur.cv iaviiities. 7.30 y.in.-ooog Peopqes Society. bOuTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N1. 878-2022 Christiaau guibece in the nie of 16e Lord Jesas Christ. Lord's Day 511010V, 'MAV 16, 1971 10.30 a.in.-Bnsubing Mf Bceadl. 12.15 p.se Ssnda1 Scooo. 7.00 p.m.-Gospel Service. Wnsesilas, O pin. - Frayer aod Bible nsuoting. Ali Gres scosse to 16cm sensiors. Oui Golv eouinech Hîs lose lussird us, in biai,' wbiii. % eevdsihnevs, Christ lidi.fiîviu, Roie.8 GRACE ANGLICAN CHUECH ýMillas, Ontariu. Reusun: Rev. R. W. Poster Assistant: Canon F'. H. Masos 5110106V, MAY 16 ' 1071 Rugalivo Suoilay 8.00 a.v.-Hoy Commnona. 5.30 Gin.-Jr. Cýhunci Schooi. 5.30 a.m.-Faei avnd ouih Su 'se 10.45 a.in.-Sr. Cbsruh Seoas. 11.00 a.w -Huis EuvbGrist. Thur,dis, Man 13, 10 a . Huiy Commnioun, Vo0 Ans Ai.uays, WeisGine At Gruvo Chuct EMIMANUEL BAPTIST CNURCN Coincil Street, Miuton 878-9606 878-3542 Gueîl Spuakur' , Sý \4. 1iiLivîvu Paq ,îîî l Fullhili, Bapiisi ChoisiS, Cubouirg. Thto Lords Day S11MDAY, MAY f6, 1971 9.45 a.a.-Bile Slhoo5. 11.00 a.in.-bOoring Woriip. 6.50 pea.-Song Serola. 7.00 pin.-Eosoog Worhfps "Lot os elter intothleoose Mf the Lord soitb t2asesbig and tire, 'Ris Cvermo orloi pm3le."1 UP, UP AND! OVER bc goes. psle naoiting la bat misses by s bit Lutter u jurrp by Peter sirops one Mf tise most exciting Mf fiehld day Roberts estublissci a sewrcecortL--(Stuff eventa. "Rocky" Barber maltes o gond stais photo) -A Chamspion 'for salc" adl recently sid a csbta for as Oak- ville masi. He said 6ie adsertirued i11in senerai ailien popers bat tac Csampion ad taongbt eigbt sr mace replies and the evntuai bayer vas a Champios madier. AVAILABLE AT IAN"S 6ARA6E sth LIRE SOUTH 0F 0ERRV RD. R. R. 2 HORNBV, ONT. 826--ff IAN BREAK, PROPRIErOR seul retorn sron. Lee, ano16er otbpaw wbo contnibsîrd veeral tey effortlale in 16e setsos bot yen,' s away et ocliasl la tac U .S.A. bat sa especîrd boc ins mid-Juoe. Roberts, 16e taini letot bonder, bs rottrel after a wosderfnl carcer. He wasthe bckone of the Csmpallnille moosd staff foc 10 yeans. 20yearmeo Ken Moore and llsrry Hamilton are the roui neterens of the club. Tbcy nre tata startiaf ibeir 2016 season in tfr loagse- 19 of 16cm witb Caspillllle. Mince lies becs 610100n ui16 ss16orîty ail sprisg and wll prolebly win a startmng spot in spite of boon competiton sot Hsmilton is eosectel b tata fis rcgolsr torsr on 16e mardi. Oota aeformcr AU Stars os seneral occssion, sud Moorcbs won thc Lesgsc's Mont Vslonblc Rlayer aseard. Rimer Dreilge ond 01 Effiot seitte Lt tarin 171 Siao t 1f _cgol itb Camp frbte. le1 sc la ore AUt-Stars ond Dredgc bas was tac MV' sinard. Once again Drcdge selS anclior thc inîeld froin bils familier sbortutop position and Uot olill add lcft-bssded placi bittlag srcsgtb tr 16e teai. Gcorgo Chcster and Lary McPbsit anc slanttag 16eir 1216 asdIl 11h scasions witb Campbollnillc raspoctivcly and taey round ouI theonctersn contingent of 16e stiuait. Cbester votbi b folsg r 1fr loit-fietd job so McPbhai l vi probabiy sharo firnt base vitb Petc Andrews. Imprsse bittIsg Dou0 Long vili tae stsrtiog bis tiid sreasont as Camptailvilils catcber andl îî espocted bo anprsse as lait yenrs 248 letting ancrage. Ho 10t 286 la 169. Thie catcbisg dunies soill 6ie sbared by Pote Andrews wbovill be playiag in bîns siu16 season ond lodth1e teum le baittisi last yenr vitb s 340 ancrage. Pote will traito appoan aI tinst base and poasibiy wn 16e suliiell. Bill Dennis anot Garnet Mitchell wtt ta playing in tacin tifîli nesson wi16 Campbillnifle. Dessis sa particularly naînable because oflitsersatibity. He lesa negular ouffieldor, a goot suli- ubltute itfelder ondisafigbtog for a cegotar spot os 16e pitcliag staff. Mitcelill sebo wfon oix aot tint tos os 16e bWteslat yaar sot came up wt6 as encollent 1.40 carnel rus ancrage wîll uotoubtodly tie one Mf the big gusof th ahurbong carpe. Leflbhaoted biltteri Bruce Evans and MI Jordas ai ierin tbeirdard sasonwitb Casupbollnille. 0016 are loft- bandeil bifting ouffielders anM 1016 bave bien asprwsise ibis nprng oopecîalty ta lait Sasday's wnten-sqad gaine. The tbree spbomores frsin Miltes are bacb anot nre ail copecteil te limprone os 16cmr sut- standisg fnenbman scusons. Ricbnrd Clement wbo 6t .338wi 19170 and led 16e teanin wmusc HORNET OUR COMPACT LIN EUP Plenty to Chooso From At Allan Clements & Son Breofe Street E., 878-2328 Mi Ifon. offensive statistien le a taithiant imsings allowleg tws nons off intfielilenvbovil ta stantiso 16e t6rce laIs winhle sealbtag lbnee senain t oer centre or rigbt ansiutribisg-ool tino. field. Dos Reuras anil Lsnis BtSl Dosolo gave op ose ras ut Paggios, bth excellent fichiers, tance insingo. Ho saîbel ose sot oo ietbacbatcid and secotd alloinediva bins.b Jus ilanlas, rwspectovely. Wota a yenr of Camptalviico battng pnactle senior bail soder tireur belîs bath pitcbor râaie vonied tno innlags selS aspnove ba16h offensivety aot goving up lies runs off tance bila. dcfcmoivoly altaougb tair 1970 Ho sealbt tins aot ntnucb-ou iletonsove efforts leit blleb ta u ne. ilesiced. Tom Roais%,v wbs soas Michellilras vota tae teain 1967, ptayed in Rock Motcell led tac bîttons le Mottas ta 1968, and on Nvnthers tac inter-sqai gainte witha Ointario is 1970 le ariso ban,. double asil a single. Elmen Csinpbollville lsas looig si Dredgo andl George Chester eacb balf adozes finstyeor me.Mot nongîrdîseîce,MAIvJodansandvin levassent Mf taon le Piton Rainsbao doubinil and Ray Rotants seba slaneed for Millan Tonduli Pote Robents, Doog Midgetn laut yean. Rag ooernu, Bruce Evas, Ths big, stnong, lO-ycar-old Lon Don, oi Fgi n bas een ost mPresiveaitHacny Haiîltos aSl sngled. spraog and aagen EnIl Cairns Piyony especta bim o tieb up taenlucb lySn lait 6v Nanlor, Loee and Jack The gaine tais Ounday wn Robents and vis 'a regulan Campbivlilln agaînni stantleg job. Watendoen seil 6e ai 2.30 oxas. Gtan mort yeon mes wbo bave Aften tbat Cussibolville wttl go tcensbsoisg welasuder te close ta Leanîde on Wedoesday, May sorotony of manager Cein are 1016, for a nîgbt gaine 00mb Mitcell, Steve Smita, Tom inmmnscong ut 1.05 pin. and are Stokes, Ray Tondui and Jota taon bome agaîn la Prestes on White. OSuday, May 23. inter-sqad gaee Sssday's îsten-nquad gsme -Sn Fraino, 9, bound s big ended in a 4-4 lie. In fine laslegu Oosn-leaf dloyen aI Speynide Pote Roberts gain up tas nons Scleal last veeb. sosly ose caned) Mf ii bits. Ho soalked tao and olnucb-osî trc. -Mcs. A. Rrusb, campaigs la four issongs Garset Mitcbel Ireasunen, is utill acceptîng uSlosed ose trast off to bita. Ho chequoes for tac Cinadoas Cancer suaked two and stcockout ose. Societyus 1971 campaîgn for Rarcy Hamilton aiseo sent tour fnurtf. 140 ~ ~ Mai St Fre lvry 8860 V"u ace SPECIALS 0F THE WEEK Loin Pork LOIN PORK CHOPS Rog -5 Lb. SOLOB ILean taeaty Reg. 79 Lb. Sido Sparo Rubs 59?L. IIgh school ut hi etes I.'shatter 27 old records The Canedlian Chamion, Wedvoîday, Ma, 12, 19711 Campbollville club in action host Wcterdown on Sunday Il""

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