Fore i Zst time tn a ltary, Hictas Wect Progressive Cosservativea seil isald c uamatlng, convention in tIc cnrisersi end efthlie rldistg-is Actio. Four cabinet miniatcra cf tise Octarie goeriernct will bu cpecial gueafa ut lise cosventin la Actan district ig scisicl on Wedae'y, May 28. I Ani a faftIl cabinet minicter, ut curse, seUl be tise Huis. George ere, Mislster cf Energe' and tesmarcea Management tas seU agala cesteat tise Haltais West nomination. Me bus luld thesectchancel1gg7we e U new idisg wac creatcd. icelch hcre Pastldue 'Tise guent liai cf cabielat Tisedecicco tarnoise Antan thc mlalictra wW bu iscided is e'i venue ut tise cocvention wsae Han. Bais cfdt, tao hala the stricile dreamed up fellestlag a caclreveralal edacaiacal receat nlise' b Mr. Kcrr ta tacs portfolio Premier Bill Davis sec lic coeferrd celUi Parie' vccatcd, acd iccludea tise stars, cbu palatad eut Uic Mlalabur ut Mimas Lac Seraie-, tawn isd cner iseau isuat ta a mnd Mlaistars stithout Porifolio Uic Han. JIm nsw aisnd Han, Rticisard Patter, Orgasiscra cf Uic convention tape it svll be a "tac" Uhilcg See are birlglag Uic Barhlaglesi band up ta parade tiscaugs Actas portaUice cnentin meeting, '- alucg wtU a abrase Surllagtan n contciagent cf Tories. , Buses stili cvqy isand amd boostars la tawn. KiIbride A layer ha hem fuund fer Kdlbridc Hall, Tiseisall, wisimi lac scrncd as lise centre et si ecmmite inl Kilbiscde for iane' ycars, stas cleaed isy Uic buSliboard aflar puie mectinga fided ta stir ap eugs ieresi te jaslify heepicg il macn Mr. mnd Mcs. Pcter Suras, Uic halis seul dccc scigistara ta Uic casi, hacvc affectd ta hue' tise hall mnd aI a receci paiS meeting fiear aBfer stas accepted. Tise' prapere' au yard arca. The use Uic hall migist bu put ta stece lumitad because ofe UIl repair Uic bail hadl fallen mute lise 66 he' 132 font lot la luo amaS fac beuning reqairemecta in Kdlbride. Becane septir tacha are astd, Uic cemie' bealh n manso alacrc sites fer T ECALSH tLielc Preceeds tramn Uic hall ceai go cisumienhip ihaie Waiite toardsblgtng thban dlamucd tieague titis ycu ami recentls' in Uic villcge. stiUtis tepise', Pate Csucisme Ssii town debentures 8.3% intsrest rate HîgC vois cf brrastîsg mence' Tsc stars mcladcu statarmea fer municipal stades prejece ceas extensions, Maie St. bicîlye discaesed be' Multas recontracion and paring lais Ceaccil îles stccb, au member& in Milles. made arrangemns ta l d c5400 ot f lests debectaras T S Mace' ather masicîpalîtîcn e n i have Ced le pae' as mach as aci mrnnead cme-bel par ceci as IeSSOnS debastares îssacd in recesi manUis c cl stas leld. DepuI' Dme tae cmaasbung latereut la Iteeve Perce' Bacc scid Haltan tennis - avidccced be' tise Ceacte' reccshe' mIld debectares ceewdtd ceusact RoBtare' Paris- lac as addition le Joseph Bruni thc Milles Tennis Clais la cern Maernrial Hospital la Barlangle, tahlag reglstations lac alduit aI a cit of 91ï per cent. Tisc geeup lemacas. Milton grcap gaaased tbe' wece Pecteasial instuihn wni be gething a bargala, nus thUat avadlabîeon Wtcnesdce' eveclags icleresi calas bava dipped sicetlag Mcay liteor cigisi weis shigbhe'. ait c mat cf $5. Mace eawms Na semae stalttg iermt la basic tectadqae .i bebieve Uiat's Uic test stc intraction ce la brashing op as ceald Cape fer," sunmmt ap thir game are ashad le call ceascillar Charlcs Johnson, isba Kcîi Hoaston ai 87-2424. chairs tbe bunance cmmhlte. -Ils c getd deal better Uimn c eec age. I danit belicvc rne'll 0O1e' imaginable difficullies gamn ane'Uimg he' dclae'lag Uic ccci bu oerreme. r- First lime P. C. nomfinations in Acton May 26 U ae Fish Ne] Ose cf tbe sacestinldications Uiat sprlag bas arrived araund Lestvdlc icUthe maillereof cars araundUihe 12 Mile Crcch an a weekh-end stita drivers seisicle' pcerlag lale the ster mndcc a bridge or lale a deep hele beside a big avcrhmanigltrc, ail lmblang for sacters asd Uic elasive raîshast baut asiles jearnce'upctreamo frem thc fole le spasts. Se fer ne raibust and cule' a fais suchers bave bren caegbt bat afest rnce brestu treal bave becs taadd. Fer Uiese plamlang a fisblag trip, cacto hes uld br taben. Tise ater în aldfi ice ccld and stiemuie la hampercd be' brave' cletalag. Den't oelcad tbe hat. Ifi la ce, Ire' i cul brfere gelag serUi and checke'cur sparcltirefortbe railr befr lavig. Dm1' SUter Den't blter the ea e'ea vieil. If il il gbt ceugb le carry il in ta Uic bacC, ltis lîgbl cscagb te carry' il cal, or bure' il deep. If e'ea arc la a CeaI bring e'car bItter te shore end dispose cf i ie the preper arca sever as a bace rcad. The srnell are ranslag bal set tac, slresg e'et..plcne' cf secleers et Branle pier baltasie' a fes melta. Tise stater Cms ltarmn oip befere Uiee"l e aslreeg. lic et Midlasd Uic Deparnment cf Lands and Poemis bas set becs ilIe. There is a 2,600 acre st-ca purchmced te buprave stildife fer viewngman llatig. Hustlagstilbebitd asislasnecof the places stisre sterfastl resl ccd stisre flchs cf Canada Ocese are brlag relcased and arc eesg. Hastila isca allcsted stberc them lards are ruised and relecscd. There la bittle daube Uial a resident fl1mb cf Uicse gracetailand hcachiflbirds cas becesahhahed. Clubastarded Te Drillia game acd conservation club bas Uic hener cf belg numcd fîrsl for tbeieffoertsfor cnservahio. Thisl iefiUi ear inc crw fia club has stan Ihal Cmeor. lamne lcai Cabermen have bacs havlag guud lacs. Sme Wlader, las Grant mnd Jbu Caus caugisonn nm ice f lish aremnd Lesevile mn oeslg dae'. Wr eiie Dems Sinclair get tbe prise fith cf Uiem aSl accmnd Lestvillc as Cc caugst a 25 inch, fiv Pound brcstreal. Oe cf Uic Cmlt ralabest caltes se fac stas made Ce' Mihe Brasb mnd Dard Sncb cf Millen. Tise' isceags Ibeir liradt cf 1l raiebases te ahawmme luet Satacdae', cacgieg tram hrceet lecigbl peundu. Tis hlad cf fîsbstg la net cern te Mihe as be lsanm ardent flisermes and altae's marne le gel Cia tare. Clcacup gang Te Haltmn Spertsens arc happe't le ac thal a lai cf the ralabest Uiat te Pat ie ltoln pond are blagcagstb' locale'cacgsr. BiSl Shields anddta cleas-up gang are dei a flac job ai the club if e'ecr came isaonthai liai please gclcup ta theclu ansd Celp fer ai cles a maupleeof bancs. lt maissid's jobasicc and the grounds cîcaner. Cachail lamprce' Te Deparisucut cf Fisiscries arc dalag a flac jaiso et ifr lamprce' central pragram stiicis la nl full swing. Mme' dcad lampree' cmn be sces flallag dcstheUi crecis. Tisssill deflaitale' belp Uic fisi belag sleehcd in Ltke Ontarie. lamne cf Uicse Colle Salmonu are as stbat e'eu mgbt call a fahe spastslag rau and arc Ccieg leben at Uic mealis cf thc Credit and Branle Crecha. e Wlader and lac Grant caagbl face Ii st ech st Uic largmit ai leur pamrds. Jse sae'n ire' aI hadl taee' macla an Uierneaccplaone. These fiss stcrcall caen and re met Cisc secUiern Itlakeet, pmbk Slet and dclicialus cahang. Tise' stere caagsl as saii spimners. nomication meeting. Tise' Bigurcd i ceas pea dac. lise cuccutive seteciolta a buddle and the propoai isas bu'ccd lata reahie'. Tise ridicg cf Haltan West is dcminutad be' llurlicgtan but iccludes Naaaagaveec townsip, a slrip et nurliseen Esilucslag and Ihe tawn et Aclen. lise Tories bupe ta jam Uic Actes diatrict isigi schoml auditarium stitis supporters utd ane'anc stbu mnjaes an elcila meetlag. Mr. Keres esecetive assistantGordnHcmpaac polats cat it rnil alsc givc voters la Uic nurth ccd ufthUi ridlag an eppurtuclie' te attend tisa cveunio iitteul travelllag tac. Cet past? Aipugh ceoconeisas coern feestard te ceclest Uic seat beld Cye' Uic . Gerge Kerr, Uiece la altae's a peslbiie. Premier Davis cecnile' saaed mn Hamitn Uial the pepatar Burbungias latycer ril isead Uic cern Dapartrnt et the Envirament stisn Uic partfoale la le be filitd, pravidlag an aven isider cala fer Gorge Kerr isba st ale ccco oeto the beltent Pesta la tbe provnce eben ternes uppaictcd te isaad tisa Departmect cf Enurg' etd liasurceslajncce f 1969. Haestua rnuppelated la Feisraary cf Uhia ecar he' Prauder Davisx Mc. Kerr .ta tirai clectad la Uic aid Halles ridlag durng 1963. club woan fisc Bccdreac and player Bryce Hilec e csisesn CSales Hoceye sniUi thse cavcbed award. P&f. Cisucismacs acre uwardcd represeeta tise sponsoring Clharles Hctel.- chci Jnc (Staff Phoctc) [Miiton Council briefsJ Derlag a bricg meetlag cf Uicestisle cenril leefere Uiee' braise cp liet cemmteaie discussicns ce isicdae', membere cf Milton Cececil t -Heard a propesai fer a major t raffie mnd traesportation stade' fer Uic tawn, fram a traMei eglarer stis cffcrcd le underlabe Uic stade'. No achion stas taises. -Lcared a isccse et 206 Mare' Si. Uicetests pcrchascd for parking laI cxpansioc i ncst vacant and auiried Edgar Hcstden and Scns tb dcmehabh Uic haildlag bye Jmc 15,al a estcof $425. -NctdUtheUoficis cf Emmanuel Baptiet Chiens have decided le. acccpt the lews's affec te purchasc land eedcd fer expansion cf Uic sestage treatet plant facilities. -Lcared Uic Ontarla geveremeel has appreved la pelacipte Uic erceis cismscbczaties pregraa la leste. Thse rees cais cf Uic CNR bridge, sccui cf Uic PlaetS. isridge and frornt Maie le Martia Sle. le le ise proeeedd stU fhelt. -Appreved survce' cand acquisiticeand casernent sota leoe aisead fer tise receonstruettonand chasebeal ce prcgramn ai Uic Base Lana-Machsn St. intersection. How abouta nowî Toxacofunmc? Butottr now vei dyee rsel that s time yeu ce ccd that ed fa vace. Aven' Iceca ta ccd ei fuvece s designee ea entue thecempleevmbusto ave evey fast dropef ail. And cil meava the mo ea fealr the least meene' Easy baudget lcvva ceailable, R. a. OLEMENTS [M IM- Basoline Road - Miltons 878-3431 HOMCONFORT a The Cavediav Chavmpion, Wedecsdae', Mae' 12, 1971 Peuple are lance'. Thse' stant Tise "Canada", a tact the frant ef tise bas, thse harle cf ccamnsbip, wsta uacd la thc fient tise hall aad tise mniddle cf tic regalar mail service be' stater rcad. beiteen Yack and Niagara. ~ALE Austin Arneuicas I1lat caSse Irais whila ihey lest GOGETOWI BRITISI CARS 280 ANNU AL AUSTIN AMERICA SALE FHwy. 7 Georgetown 877-53 BRGWIE'SSPOT SHOP 150 MiII St. Milton 818-402 BASEBALI SPIKES acacia, Slip)0 10W 1088 OLOVES 20% DISCOUNT FULL LEATIIER TRAINING SHOES CROSBY SQUARE $12.n5 NOW 88" HUNGARIA'S $13.95 NOW lia stand Faiccan Finesi Ocalite ADDIDAS NOW 808an cf TENNIS IALLS Reg. Sec 90W 29c or 4 tar8i SESINNERS SETTwo bais $5.e5a'l 2'8 INTEIMEBIATE Rw aeiPrs $1gg . iai JACK NICE LAUS JACEK NICKLAUS AlemîEE S Cci Ns iscîght nIciL Alm SREME Pe IFtEStsIAl 3sWood, 8ircns & sedge wstcds, 8irns Reg Retail 139" Bm 14988 .1 e$24.9 198 $121.9 GOLFINO SNOES Iran' 81488 and ce FISHINO TACKLF7 MITCHELL 300's COHO ROD & REEL 29% U MEN'S WEAR TISER IBAD BRIEFS AND TOPS Smali, Medium, Large and Etra Large 9.Rfon3 R 2.85 T-SHIRTS WHITE, GREEN, NAV'I OR BLACK ORG 3m~385 PETSRnE' .6 OR R .7 flOWORK CLOTHES lU F PANTS, SHIRTS, COVERALLS, OVERALLS F THtIS WEEK ONLV 1110 TMENT STORE mii Lie - + Thursday and Fr.d.y to 9 p.m 200 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-9261