Mauy là; Hiering, Speelch Mont h Stress ecarly diagnosis ler lads . Mrs. Ilarlasy Fr and til More Ilan a mnillion Canadiano are affected by bearlog Ions oir seech dofecla remnected wiOi bearing problemo. Aspolaelybfvo per cent of ail grd col-ge cbitdren havo muId la severe beariog dis- abOities. Tbese ditubing fadas reme tram Tise Canadian Hearing Sociity, sebicis is rnducttog is annuai Hearing and Speecb MonOi educatianal program, in May 10 f oia attention on Oie nedfor greator undoritanding of laaring and speech defecto. tit On aimant impossible to determine Oie exact norels of Caredians outtering fron, tbese Loch kenwledge Errol Davis, renuling aodio- logisl la Oie Society, qays tlat, ao sboclsing as it moy Sund, many Canadiae are Bit f sily aseare of their opeechi or laarOng dit- Brelities. "Tbey lave n01 nxugbt profenlional belp for tbemselves or their cbildres becasse of a lacis 0f laowledge of the signo of defective hearing or speech. ..or because Oiey thoinnthlag can be done for Oiem." StTH AMUNIESARY-Mr. ansd Mm. Edward E. Vivian of 210 Cedar Springs Road, Burlingtres %vin. be ait home on Sunday, May 2ifrom2to4p. sndfrom7 to p.m. to receive relatives Band friends on thse occasion of tiseir golden weddlng asniversary. They were marred on May 25,1921 anE the bride's lnnfl l NeiBRo Village (Burlington> by thse laie 10ev. G. W. Stocker. No gifla please.-<4Photo by De Bruyn Weigh twl ( 8 ELEANOR Ct'vvelle SU0.bEER READING WheB noce weestiler momes, some people put their books AWAy and enjoy otiser Bctlvlties. Foir Ilsase sebe bave more leismr dm in the nommer and torsn la boao, 1 cas remommesd a couple thaX seere urliten by renldensof asr ares. Bath Wrlters are seoren. Thse àrsR ose I met tn a creative wrltnigh lna Brgon Central 111gb Scisoal daring th1e seister of 1 100 tah bwe Bu lad a reanuscrVpt ready and wanted information from th1e teacher of thse clans 11w la go aboat satonitting ber story la Ohe publitiers. Ho Swassnottaoetielpful. He toldbernt il expect ta get Et pubihed tat a writeriLa isely taget a dozen rejectiono betore a story isactualy Saccepted. tte sas serong in Ibis case. Mci. Boit sent ber st l McCiolland and Stewart ansd it was accepted at once, mubject ta nuggested *revisions. Tbe result La a ttsarogbly different and istereoling booki aboat ber fasoily's experiesco in Kenya wbioe ber huBband (a monter -at Hamilton Teacbers'Colege) seas worbing on an educatioal foreign mid project foc Canada's Externat Affairs Departenent, On conjunctio wOi Oie Kenyan Governient. Thse boak revers Oie Nwo years ol their nie there and Mro. BeBX teels Oiey antt enefitteli greally by tbe experience, inctuding 110fr o wsee publie ncbsel age cbidren. Tbey ai lIearned la adjust la the slaangways0ftbecstma airf ts pole n o as thie mihl hfOe blba eseeeya niaadlsyleacel lamcpe. C Thse seriter gives amssg blgligil of bw sbe canquered the langsage lacrier wli ber bnssebold belp, ansd ber experionco as a volsnteer dlspensg medicines aI the village chialicgivoo a pathosie picture of lite as itLa in Africa. Roth Oeil sers to bave o flair foi d scrbinsarry andthis brings the jungle la lite for ber readero, as the taesuly esoi many seildle Bafari litiLaabook yoned natfiishbla on, buis onwich co lie picised Up ta reali, cliapter by cbaptec. I thorougbly enjoyod overy Spage aind beartily recsmmeod IStraseberries Ail Year Roond." The 4warsoth of fareily lie la partrayed firit in the dedication to er tsoband, "Ta Narnian, wbo managed la gron roses in ICabana", and continues Oiraaghnsl the book. Ibe boit amiy livre la the lawn of Borliogton. t viild the Faeily Baoissoren Brant Streelthe day the bookVientOniale lait lail. Mcs. Boit astograpbed ber bonis for me aod wo reraloif ony of the pleasant bappenings at the nigtst ctasses, the mot enjoyablo oie beisse thse nigist the teacber failed la show op ia wo oat around in a icre and leamed fcoen Bacb Gifber. Thse second seriter, Marianne Brandis, livre in North Borbsîgaon a nd tearlies Engliib ai Ryersea Polytecbnical ntitute in Toronto. Her book, "71à Slpring'a Sowng",L iber ffrit fiction. Obo La the sothor ci Nwo psblisbed bobks of paetr. Born la ltse Netlserlans, sbe came seith ber tasoily la Canada Nsilly after the ed of Wortd War Il and settlest in Britisb Cuolonia. lier mother wroe Land ForOur Sons" wbicbiLatthe tory ofthir enperiecei there. Hier brotber. Gorry Brandis. On s woil-sionocalU arlsit and priolmiaiser, and biveo in ooarby Carlile with bis parents. Misa Brandis ban seritten Ibis bonis as as andalad journal of a Oeisol teacber wlabas learnedissober doctor stie basnt long la byve. Thse settiag totin a ran-down sommer cottage on the Pacifie Coast ust nrri of Vancoover, sebere ber doctor bas tIS us nmr hoono, lau. Alttiogb use bas ber privacy in bier oses cabin, the doltr wifo ix nesar at bond, bit many dayi Olte go by nithoot the tno resreonimatlng. Wben the doctar comsoo for neisondo, tbe three bold merry get-tagethers. jFrom a prion, spinster orbool leacboc sebo bas Boned by strict j onoventionothseboroine tormnosly te a lite of ilenxs aod coloone of inhibitins as se slmsin lahOe thandecons ocean and cbonsei friendo frore sadereraseb bfadll formerly ased ber cottage ao a ilapping-of f place. Yoo may ot approve sf ber life ityle as sho lives ber lait dayi but yoanlil admsirebhercourage as eacb day takes ber clonor la doath. Isle reader can't belp bat as, "How woald t lace the same situation? If I wouitsBstdo tbe sanse tngu, selat woald I do? " apent many of bis seasuners at is grandparesu lame in Oakviilo. Besides the animal booiss, la bas sentesn many 0f Oie advonlaro, lau. Assottser Canadian, Ady Russelof "Grizzly Couastry" faob as made the receit bealseller Bost with Traia of U Wildernss Wondercr", bis experiences infiellacies. Ab foc any of Oiese bonla Ut yoor ibrsry. ' FLOWER MITON PlAZA SO 878288 For Tho Bost I W tdding Designt - Anniversarses Hospital Gifts - Funeral Tributos Thse Canadieni leartog Saciety predicto at Seait 1,0011 more Cansadieas seil develsp bearssg problema thîs year Oirongh disease, accidenta and other caoso. Thse Society seorla dorssg Hearissg and SpehMonOi, and ail year 'rond to maise Canadians more aseare of reetbods of preservisg and protecting Obeir bearing. It particoiarly stresses the importance of early diagnonlu and treatesent of cbildren's laaring problemis. Tbe non-profit communlty service organimation dedimated to the rebabilitation of the deaf and liard 0f beariag nays there is greater lape fla tlan ever betore for tbese seith hearing probiemo. Shbe alert IL urges parents. . . and everyone .. la bo alert la slgnn of heoring difficulties. Jobony doent isten te ynu; offert ignores yoar reqsela De bear yX5 praperly illy. olo.. in le'arntol speais. nta normal for a âhid la enisPrOonnce none nords asnd Occasionatty besitate. Bot if sbe bas poor speecb and kegngae denloPeent, dent reIax and say sheill grose out Of IL 00e maY lvea speec=eo me caosed by Staen 0G nayn silence is golden, sebile itis really isolating and imnely and beepissg bim fcoen one 0f lites gronteit joys... remennicating with otheri. Suggest test Hardly anyono talts to Mary Stevens. 'ils jusl toc macb trouble. Vu bave la repeat evrth. - . iosdly and olonly. . vrandl uver. 0f noneone onggeslad aime getliber bering lreled, cances are tise neot Lime you nant LaI tattlier, youit only have LOI sAy il once. OE yoa, yoor children, friends of faenily are one of thalle people, The Canadian Hearing Society nays belp Os as close as your sali doclar or yoor local beariog and speech Contre. The Stociety says early diaCosis, Ireatent and special edoratiooai attention la belp Oie deaf or bard of hearing cbttd lead a productive lite are available la everyone. OBfer services Tbe Canadian Hearisg ttociety's services lBclsde voralional goidance, employ- ment reanoclling and job place- ent for adlla with impolred hearasg. ft ao inillates re- training and provides persanal iIXunseltisg. On moot cases, ereploymet con 0e fosnd for Oie deaf or bard 0f hearing. ProSessonal audOological seruices coreprining bearing evaluations,beriog aid selectbon and fîttimg and anlilary tratining are also availaîbe. Another vital service io goidance for parents of young deaf cbitdren. mbe Society silo acta an as iformation centre for rearisg impoirment problemo. Mc. Davis nayî nese medical tehniqus are proving effective in certain types 0f hearing Ions. la caesessere treatment os nIt indicalad, a modern bearissg nid moy be the aner. Training prsgrams Ho nays nterel continues la increase in ipecial training The Conadîan Champion, Wednesdîy, May 12, 1971 BlS Orlenteering contest plonned for May 30 Wbat da yanget wben yon cross an open compots on on Msy 30Oin a car raily wiOi cross-country file Ccswford Laise rsangT ICampiseilvillo) vscinty. Four Orioteering of csrse-a Sport morses lave been establisbed- orginatisg in Nortseci Europe, one for teas of op la tbree qisybecmlae pspsslar in pernosoadlres othor routes, Careda.varysg in lengis and diffimuty, te an orieiteerag cmpetian, for odividais. Bach participait is givn a map Registration if from 9tU1 bas. andi a copaso and Os reqoicod to At the Campbottville Comniy meach seveal cbecis-palala on a Pond, with the contoil lagirig predeterminod course. Tbe Ut 10 are. at Crawford Labo and Ondividual or Ceare nbich iisldng inthe early sBeronon. A complelos tbe route in th1e Sinan entry fee wiul lae cborged. ilarloit tane is 111e seinner. Novices inlarooted in sonme Faircourses irestrucUons or hOnts reay opesis The Hamilton ]Cingls Foreitero nstb club mombero ait Orienteering Club nulà la holding registration. ____________________ For noce ioformation abiout os-ograsor parets and pre- Oie corepetition or Oie Club iteeli, woroi cbildiren bandimapped by contact Ron Campbell, 141 hearing Ions. Parrents mn obtala Gionecho Drive, Hamdlton. Oie lateit inormation fran Ibeir An orVenteering camp, local scbonl board, baspital clisic involving about 30 studontu Orore or The Canadian Hearisig Sic Wmoston Chsurchill SeconusVy Society. Sclaol, Hanein Wnl be bold Groops mOled "Parents of tIse May 13 tX 15 ai Kelso Deaf and Hard oS Heariog" lave Conservation Ares under Oie lae establiobed in mony cilles, direction ut tiseir pbynîral On large population centres, education trecber, Jacs Lee. Mr. grous mode sp of def adolla Lee ia lIe 1071 President of lave been organlzed by local Ontario Orienteerint associations. Ansociation. Milton Pla - fII PUTr MVOlE 0005ei fOiii 011f roui#À riiii.jf MIEN MAXI -SAVE 'DEEP CUTi PuCES MIXED A BARRAGE 3C INSTANT 12.JO 128 VNI OR STE CREANS £PGSU RUBARU-APPLE IC PIE 240OZ POU.4 SECRET VEZ BEOBOBRANT Aî R..79 e ONDINNERS DEE CU PRC J ROLL-ON 11/20 AC BEODORANT LE-49 SOVENEIGN 1 TUNA 7021 OZTN 79 CARNATION C SURIMPS 4 0z TIPI 59C SEVLTESTICOUNITRY STYLE OR CTAEPLAIN CREAMED1C cHEEsE i6002u TU1cW SCOPE W HIl ILOI 911 NOETUAS OLE 7 ANACIN se TABLETS 000 STIL 9 LYSOL 7 OZ. AERO. DISINFECTANT TIPI 79, CREAM OF C HICOEN. CHOlOREN NOODLE CRICOIN WSITH RIOIE, VEGETUBLE BEEF. CRIAS OF AYEMER L sOz100 SOEPS 61 TINSI CATSU )IFL OZ.BL, VEGETANLE F ZTP 8 OIL 120F.ZTI 8 FINE ROSES L FLOUE i La BA0 3 SALAD 3FOJR4 91101110 Il FLAR4 PURE jAus 3 JARSzý 10 INSTANTC COFFEE XOZJAO 88C TWO CEP O CNSTNTEE EEI LBE BU FFS TAST!!'S 16 CUEICE -RED ON BLEE BRAMD BEEF- BLADE ROASIS o o SHORT RIB ROASTS LB. 6 5 CUEICE -REE ER BLUE BRAMD BEEF- EOASTS CROSS CUIT RIB LB79t CHEICE -UEDOR BLEE BRANE BEC?- CHUCK STEAKS LB.75< CUEICE -UEDOR BLUE BRAME BEEF- IONELESS79 SHOULDER ROASTS LB.9 LEAN -HEU OR BLEE BRAME BEEF- DONELESS "I0511 FOR POT R101212 BRISE PLATE LB.6 BURNNS RINOLESS 1LB K.5 t SlVE BACONU VAC PAC 1 I. PE. 59 O OIC PiC 1loz. CIII 59E EN 75C TRýPC 65 ' .69, :620 sors SDREEPCTPI DAEEP LB. PKG.CE WIIEAT Io1/20Oz PRO. 2 CMONDEITION ME R MINUTE TT OPc lICE 24 OZ.PRO. 7 C SLAKES 1318. PRO. 85 DEL MONTE 1 POWDEI a PRUNES 16 OZ. PRO. 49 DETERGINT 5 L&.BAU 997 "_______ TIDE XII 0Z.PO5c M MIn OQI z. 39c SPNAGRA IOAUNRO R 010V, STARCU vZI'NR5C SPAGHETTI BE 5 CINIXY COPICEPITRATEX MACARONI 2 LB3iA BU FABRIC 32 FL O O S0F TE NER 1,?49 KRAFT 10 1/2 OZ*~ C LIGUIX DEAL PACK MARSHMALLOws PRO.3 J AVEX XV FL.OZ.BOLE.4 A CADBUY'S BLEACI CHOCOLATE K0 RAFT OMOOR OR RNH BISCUITS 602PRO. 390 PEANUT O2z .UR 41 C 23 HAOBITANIT illin21/2 0Z. PRO.23 TABLEC MEINZBSTRAINEXUALLRMEATLESS SYUP O B E 441 BABY VARIETIEX d FOODS 4 3/4UFL oz JR1 BABY 40 CEREALS 80 OZ KG CAK9MXE ME AT BRAILS IlFLO Il. 3938=LA1 ______________TIN _ GA IERc FL WITH CREESE Vui T IA EAS 7C 162 BlINZ 2 PL. OZ. TIPI C RNK ___________ SPAGHETTI 29 DEEP BE OWNED WITH PORK STUART ROUGE IIUBY'S ILZ 0I ÇC CHICEEN NOODLE OfC BEANS ARPL8 TP SOEP 21/A OZý PRO. * VIVU HOC CREAM STYLE 17C ________J______1411 CORN 14FL. OZ. TINPI EXTRA SAVINCS' S«KEE SAMON COUPONS ON TUE BACE EF 60 o Il TUR CASH REGISTER TAPS. SUPER BEYS QUALITY PRODUCE FRON FLORM BE NO. DI T 51 ElL lOR IBUESS 15011 IBI UARE 01 FL O0F JUICE JAFFA ORANGES bol. 89C0 PIXOUCE GFI N 0110 A M116 O. 1 GRADE! 11011 ABIXONRI NO. 1 GRADE[ PlAiS G io Uo 7 (SAI lCS l 'fla119 1 L3 I.eRAB100 SiCSHPPY 3 80z 100 RED ROSE sen BOLOGNA ILICID FOCE PGS TEA BAlS 605 PRO. 79 OC1IEIII MC CORMICO S JERSEY COEUR UIVA HACES SODUA PLAIPIOR SVLTEO 0 COFIE E c CHES CRACEES 1602P F39e CEEA MER 110oz JAR 590 INCRIER COIES LOIN LAMB CHOPS ORO 4C JELL-0 1,2, nRSH 611110 CREAMS 120OZ BAG 9 DESSER 130,2,3 39 DILL T AFIL C ! LIMON PIE 000 CI0ICB 1105 SFSE PECELES 24FLOVIJARF 43 FEELING Il 39 0 BEEF LIVER Sîicko 1LIW031IItE 11 Sparcal Offerl air LOILAWS IMPOETCB AVIAN PORK SAUSAGE aîtOR BRAND CîtOilO COICE VALUABLE COUPON WORTH51Y PIZZA PIES POJMU MEDIUMPLATTIR MORTADELLA CHUIS 1.21 MODIIE 11111 COOE Golden Batter.d Porch &12REF N OFER ITWE Xeî TANGCRoYSTALS I luiua P.W. ma. S' Lc-V9 J L s1 O