LowvilIe -Councillors give Local studonts partake selves good raise Call n iily coon eiltors E benez .r I n Robinson musical neled trmselvesan arde___ ByBM. Roy Crriter Atamectln hoeme ci Mc. aid bt. ItuSaidersn, the Falrviere Htem.nd ch Associatin inr an reporttrl Johnr Grefi lirai re chlcu tmbtre pregrai lad bae ac- ceasnl. Two recent filma peoeaud wate Thre Prince and fin Paupat raid Tee Wbo Dared. The pregrain gîne an IN nrily fortw nabattaedntsale ninmri-blflat t>e iretm and scinat meeting mili litsn Oie fMmr of an Aataer t2arlcit le pronide a nnclely "e;mm-ary aI lUlbride Public Scirac, opetatedcnlY murh BulrlePublie ratyla nere aiofca nminbr if ire Saurh CiaiIela lbrar Sat =imht=in ln coh ie rant Ballon aid Waetr. A rccenl change if 75 pat cet admit beau) Sivaes a mider "dice in ficto nd nn-fiction, lhilng bicka on c=rteit af- faits, poltical. attence and the cirronlalreeaichorchi gters Addition& are made le lir chitdrcn'a book aection aI tegilat internala. Uhbraty heuei are Moniday and Wedircaday frran "- pr. aid Sabtay, t aie, le 12 Ataraiceirerate Lait Sabtday evenlng Oie Lawville Alane, winnere if tire 1970 Miner Sifîhai Leagne, rccelned jacketa aI a dance nd sooial coenleng held aI Fairvine Sciill tdet. erom ldgb lichent mete Bob inas, Marie Beer Pal CelllnugRoe- mary Ce in, Janice Drper, e tlabh Forgînon, Sue Fergsn, ichard Gibson. RIcb llalliday, Ada Maîmmîrein, Naicy O'Neil, Helien Pair, Anne Ituawebr and Etaire Warren. Mrs. Bine BrAncha mai inietia lehe aBternin unil ot CHURCH 0F CHRIST Nu. 5 Sidvrurd anrd t Unea Trafalgar Ob UNDAY, MARCH ýlsI, 1971 10.00 a.re.-Bihlc Sobool. Classes for aill ages. 11.00 a.m.-Morning Wvrshru. 8.00 p.m.-Pmaueling af tle Gospel. IIIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH A local assemly of Tphe .Petta]u Asusmblies of Canada Wakefield Rd. andl Hroy. 25 Milton J, Pr-lac Rev' M. Christeoscon Tel. 878.2064 THiE LORD'S DAY f SIJSDAY. MARCH 21,i. 1971 9.45 a.mes-Sonday Sobool. 11.00 .m-Mvrnog Warvhiy. 6.00 p.m.-Family Pruycr. 700 pm.-Eveng Evnoxci Tuesday - ible Sladv, 7.30 p.m. Dci 1: 17 - The Cause Ihol k fou hai for Smu. hrtinixnlumniel tn 1scili hear it. GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Mithon, Oltait. Rrr.lar: Rev R W Foste AssatCaoF.H. ao 5IJNDAY, ýMAOCH 21st, 1971 Fuurl-h Suodox in Lent 800 o.o.-tllv Commionsir. 9.30 o.es-Jr. Charch ichual. 9.30 .m-Famlvuand Yaolh Service andl icimas. v0.4 o.m.-Sr. Churh Selsial. 11.00 o.m.-Haly OEudururist and ice-max. TOIURSDAY, -MARCH 101h 10.00 a.îs.-Ha1v Comesunion. 8.0pm.-Leolce Devotos Yo Ame Ahooys Wecume Ai 0* Grave Clmrch ST. PAUL'S CHURCH TUE OfTB CHURCH 0CANADA Main Si. ut James St. Mister: 0ev. C. A. Hatour, B.A., B.D. OrganiîsI ,rvd Chair Learder: Nli*s Haralîl %4agv SUNDAY, M'ARCH 21st, 1971 11.0 m-osi e 9.30 a.m.-Sunday Snhool <xi 4 abtdrex, 9 yeaurs & aver. n 11.00 a.m.-lafanî Nurisery ie chrge if imgltred ourse ami Normery Oopartmene. 11.00 are.-Kidergrmce aid Prisary flpat , nges Ail Wetcomc Lamnille Uited Cbatcb Wme farthie Match meeting. Tire leader, Mms. B. Gunby, epeeed lin meeting murh a inmoral tibile le Oie laIe Helen fralinitrei titrn preidenl if the gerai. t.CW for tirrai yenre. IJCW AI4NUAL Mci. F.O. Celllng reperled hflgbtrl of lin Preabylerlal UCW anal meein held aI East Plaine UnldCberch, vlendsn fn eneel ere Mcnti. tedgaranbe tuti. membr.a Coi nMc.R. Culser MciaG McCd rnra Tba and ci. Brc stoc feinds tcihe e mtan hOde mc if fty ethor. rs arM. Leon ar ilion head chia ge ifsae oi preg reo Frmlad and Tigos aedtes an ieory f teino iric it bibe limohrdo lgtet. Mlc.a Fnon. Celinir orr uite ads ci. Higb inaml8glenJren Mbleptogn et eipfore.i raidblte niede r ot nlri e in Cacnibean, gan ire teindpere f re ac aiM t iscil ait miy fad net fuel MorIo the wlp' ire or bu rgsacpano h tender Eienin orecmaa ptid rea sueitendeTent Cl. E. balai ga papiad opl fe for ie llpi npyaoie aori aiiesved afrecemocend alon b aid diesel fue aI a price if 20.0 renia pot gallon. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontarioi St. N. 878-2022 Clîrisiions girîherel on the xae l the Lxrd Jesxs Christ. Lard's Day SUNDAY. MARCH 21si, 1971 x0,x a.m.-io.xkiut ut Bread. 12.15 p.m.-Sunday Schxal. 7.00 y ni-Gîrsyrî Sernire. Wr.rtxesdos'. 8 pi.- Proyeri rond ible reodixe. 01 rrservires' trm H., aid, "I 'oeIieiv tîhu Jesv uýChrist is the, Son ot Gxd. Acîs 8: 37. EMMANUEL BAPTIIT CHURCH Commerrcial Strert, Milto 878-906 878-3542 Gastr Speakrer: ORev G. Itunord. lorrm Paslar at Kesmuir Ooptitl, Port Credil. The Lords 00v SUSIDAY. MARCH 21si, 1t71 0.45 ra.0(1,Schxvl. 11.00 a.in-Mrong Wxrship. 6.50 pm.-Sxag Service. 7.00 y.m.-ring Worxhtp. 'Let us exier inirriheHoause oI the Lord suii haniroxxctrts amiim His Courts wuish pro tv.' KNOX PBOIEYTERIAN CHURCH Pt ni,1cr: Re. John M. Mxrrov, Mitîin. Orreonîst Mrs L. Viasiaixi. SUNDAY, -MARCH 21,t, 1971 9.45 oie Ouvîx., Bible Stxdy Clu s. 9.45 ,.m.-Sr. Chxrrh Sciraxi. 10.50 ,r un. Jr. C.hxrch Sirluol. 11.00 .r rî.-Mo-g Wxrshtp. L,nlca sermons, "The Splevdxxr ot Jesux. (4) "H.ltrvg l'he, Pýsio 11.00 o or Nxrscrr' tovililtes. 7.30 pam.-Yaoon Peatalco Socity. BOSTON AND OMAGI4 PRaSBYTERIAN CHURCHEt Mirosrs M,% W, W L,,,. B.A. 878-t428 SUNDAY, MARIri 21,t, 1971 Oixugf 10.00 a.ie.-WoiOhip Servire. 11.15 oie.-Chai-dr Scbvol. Adsht Bible Sisrdy. Boston 1-1'.30i um.-Warsbip Serviue 10.15 a.oi.--Csaob Sciool. Adult Brie Sisady. A cordial irnttihon is exlcnded Mo ait. inallb. He itayed tir help, wllb theresut atIIal linre inn beau over 1t0 yearn if Cbristian fetiemsbp belmeen lin Istands and thecAmericancontflsml. Tire peeple if Trlnldad amd Tobago are neeon ire nerge if becoing nelt.aelflclenl in uthr cinrrcb merir. Mcn. lnrdge Gunby annlnled Oie baileai in nervng retraiti- omis and tire blrlbday eoeg mas eraif fer tire inelesi. We add ont congrabulations h tie mey end by Hfenry Bale=slechibli6t lir rtbday, celceaind recmitly aI Hlon Man«r. Mc. Baneritocir wai for marty yars a goed nelgbnr and enember of Oie cemnnrxny in Oie Lemnvile ee. We boe be continuem le enjiy geod benlth. Pabflrlra 95 We learned nia CBC Sunday noinnng prograin iraI ainirer mcll kmime Hallenlin celebraled Inn mOih blrlbdiy in Bertinglen. Elgin Harri, for 57 yenre the peblieber if the Burtinglen Gazette (frein t899 le 19U)1, ejyed a f amity blrday dier at bus home. Mr. Hlarris alienyn ineh a pers"ni interest in ail wbe crinned bin palfi. Cee- gratltions are enlcnded le hlm froin Ibis neigbring ommenily. Coenty Coueicit Match meeting held yesterday (Tuesday) in Milon. Thre warden'i iatary will fie raiied ta $10,000 fInm $e,5t and ceunrcitters reli reecive a aitary et $3,tex a ycar. Conciltor inne iwenlounly bleau pald $30 a meigLatea salaies for canitei ageda'o fre N tao l $lt,300 tir lin year. Councilloci wrtt xfli receine SU per diese for allending connentins on top of olter connention expennen. Wob't dnek abiSiles An amendînent le hane conecillors docked $30 tir eacb meeting tiny minaed, wlth a grecs of thece minrgs -a5 defeiled. AI lin naine meeting connceit deteiled a recoin- mendîlixe Item tire finance cenmmillce nrglngda $1litO cul in conIn the Wardn'n dinner, bringmng il frxm $1,500 in $50. Georgetown reene Rlcb Mirriw said in ind gin ating witi tie salary iden but titI meminci not allending shmuldnt in paid anid he did net wail luin iccrnied if taking advniage il ihe synlosi. He enplained he bad t e nabsent ai tî nte eas if wirk and tel be and aitnra in thnt position ntioxtd nol be paid. *irthday cake U.C.W. meet y Mrn. BonstcLean Twenly-ene ladien nid tnee ciiren aittnded the bnener U.C.W. meeting. Mci. Dîrtiy and Mrm. Troîndîte reere the cinnentere. Mci. Trinidate dmui1 wltb lin fins itlres e aliiden. flic newer transltioln le rcndercd, "Happy are the timmbtc-innid, happy are linne mio no mieeal norrw meni aid happy are thone win clafin mitring."1 A happy snrprise mai lire serning et a brtbday cake, compile sniti cendiles, in biner of "Anal Fleee" 8»l blrlb- day, tatir in tire mordib. Mn. Diamend, r. J. Kllcbleg and mci. McLean eerned lunch. Congraîtatin le Danid and Sendira Biles, tlaidri Ilyth) if Brigen, on ltre finih if Ibeir second men. sin J;: ityl etne Ridgewey, le lire accidenel dealh if Ibeir 23-ycar-etd dnighler, Linda. Sfic ia nernined bylbhreenstiters andîmio britbere. A nimber frein Ebenener attended lin fumerai. May have won battUe over Halton weedspray Connernalioxiots may banc wom a figirl tx bine certain mlcilitily dangerain roadiide eeed sprays elimlealed trom county mse. A IdItte frein Juin Ethetinglos tcprcsenting Oaki- vitle lied and Dm Cub aid Hlton Envitoinenlal Prolor- ;inc Association îpîrhed a conlrinctiytccenly. in li leiler Mc. Ethringon axoht tx coancitis attention a iarning on the laels of Oic ceicnicil containcrs. Tire warning notes thaI cbemicalo 2, r, D and 2, 4, 5 T could camse danger le pregnanl womex and treir oBfspring. The matning rdvixorline cheneicif choildel ine aied ifong creefi basdi or on snainp land or any aree iraI ssigbtleiad 10 a wirer sipply. Mc. Ethcringlin apptincbed couny coxxcil Tuecday and renicwedluis siaxd on the malter. te raid if Oic wrating wîs fim and liners oin iboluloly ni dangcr, he moifd umderstaxd Oic coaily ering Oic spray. No Barin Dr. Ocrry Stephenson, a arofesiot aI Oie Uninersity of Guelphr aida ipecialist in bilany laid coutint no barre weaid came tv pregearil or irer peeple ex a maslt of the -hemialif fil mere oied caitioroly. He poinlod oit tesls shoieing damage le rts and mnce ieere cosdecled iih cheminais conlaminaîrd onilh Dioxin. Ao long asilhe conlareiînloe mai msed en a ratio if no mite irai le trOuher camsidorallen. mne hall pari pot millin il woifd fic spray l medxln Viel Nom soi be harmfxi. He noled ai detiliail mat spray and ac- mianitactuteti more mcl mithin carding le Stephenson il hon me ibis 1mitaI nd thc spray mai abnied in iraI country. dileled in walcr miny limes inluce il vos uscd. Mercrymni'tlir ..ma POLLOCK Etherington said fie a cexcccacd about bomnant afety. AND Hie recolled a lime 20 years agi elien il mai leliened incr C M B L mainIt daeroai. M M neirei Cueid agreed tale teonders Mnuatreto for btnah and wecd id wirhoet HiolGad OunMicinîli spcrfying types or brandi. MmnlEame Ronds cheirmin Reene Jin - Tereesmc Swan boroogir said fie lrad Ma.in wrillen lelters ta varrois COLT _____ gonernmentl bodien and mas celecting iiformation on Oie ai--0 Wi5er St. Nonh meltir. He raid Oie spray may yel le oeed, bit moald le nabjorl Appoint reps Reene Hill aid dcpoly-reene Mitler oil reprenent Enqaeilng Conrcil on a coremdites le diseuse thc proposai sasilacy land fil!s > durep site ai tin propety if Miltin Brick. The proposai Esuluesing site mouId serne Milton, Esqienlng and Nassageweya. Coinci fiai also recided le try 1 1 tost ripa meeting airh ledaiin Qearrier concereing tin fuaIre et Oie looveibipo preomnt durap site ai laid lcaied from lodinin meat Actes. 0 Ece roCMOOSE FROMA 25 IOR CAS TOTOG CONDTO UNRID~SHARP AN4D CLEAN SEE THE FRIENDLY MAN AT TRAFALGAR Ask About O À FamIly Protected MOTS a D iFinance Plan 40 Mais St. be MILTO Omm 0-1Ms -I tihi services MUST CLEAR BRAND NEW ELECTROHOMI BROADVIEW 22"1 COLOR TV With pivot track, C7 chassis, Electrolok, EIec- tratint, 6 s 4 speaker, torne contrai, UHF-VHF tuner, wainut cabinet, six ycar picture tube marranty, one only -priced ta xci at *100 OVER COSI (NO TRAOE ACCEPTED) TOWN. COUNTRY TV R. R. 3 Milton 878-4633 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, March 17, 1971 7 electric heating can miake an extra room extra cosy Warming an extra roomn becomen a quick and easy job mvilh eieclric heating. Il won't over-tax yaut present heating system. /1 Or your budget. But il wrill deliver quiet. draught-tree vvarmlh 10 any chilly room in your home. Like 10 know more? Just ask vour hydro. livra botter efectricafly MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION 250 MAIN ST. E. TELEPHONE 878-2345 t