2' The Csoodian Champion, Weolvesdey, Match 17, 1971 Expond wlnter break O.S.D. swlmmlng p.rlod An expanded uIneor swlmnng Seh"o for the Dent oll b. by progromt for lie oloter acteol ticket ordy. vacolies bas tees lmafroduced by Nbureto theMilteu Reca'eation Coiai5tte Cmeen ieead r d ts ear meet lie larah o mptn ggad r pouity efthae progrom. paovlded and change facilitu 1ete ii in easics are avallable. Te poolls baheensresd'tethre maximumn deptb et 10,8" p ar nd 100 aduit evnog Iovides for dlvlsg aid aithe0 year hallw en thedeptht le the. Soima are helaig previde to. eel aie incien. Nes-ooneinrn Two co-operale ere nel provlded for, snce 'The progromn arranger! hy tie instruction is set available Recreation Committee sa in ce- during lie solmng perleda. oPecolies with lie Ontario Srbaol for the Deat ohece the beautifel Ibsn qed nine andl 10 are indont pesl sa locoled. Lent yeer encouraged to ns. lie 1 p.m. teS2 liblsfr i sicoingoc pe riod; lime 11 oad 12 lie seld ont ont lishan resnlted'in 2.15ulo3.15 perid and lime trom lie m eso f lie progromt. 13 andi Up thre 3.30 te 4.30 perlnd. Moelo 00 poid admissions 'he Tueaday and Thuraday were recorded lest year. eveni a p.m. te 9 pon. are Tickets ter lie delly so. neggested for yoetba and adulte. porinais must te obteined I Aflereesn admisints are 25 edvonre eithe Monicipal Office, cente end evenlng adamissions 50 Tomai Heli. Admission ai Ontario cents. Ads work wel Dozen calli Mr. P. teid o ce celle on dresner te advertlsed for alde Mca. W. tied seyeraI colla on j chauinsso ..eagroup oftceve oere aold enndy hy Air M.. Mr. J. sold tes moteccycle.. hOrs. Rns ad gel rid of o pool table andhlitchen sute...' Mcs. V.' sol ter fridge . .. and Mr. R. solo egtpieces of houneholc .. atce 'Ibot'sli the nd of neccess somti oif lie "toc ssle" adt n l lei oeek's Chempion genereted. Obituary Normian Normen Lawrenice, retirei fermer, died et Miten Setordey, Match 6, 1971. Heowaslorel ite district of Party Saiund Jone 21, 111. A tom yeoms later ho meveai wsi his femi te Balton Conty, otecehle spont lihe ctet b is Ide. Until teis ceticement te lived on e feaesonuli et Milton on 811gh- oey 25. For lie pont 10 yeers he te lved oltlits daghter, Mcs. Wila ogey and femily ai te ar .ni Rd. E. Horehy, otere te spent mony uefui yeers telping oli lie large gerdeai. Beowas marrled wire. Bis f irat wifeooas BatIle Genrgino Sider, wo diied in 1929, leoving hlm oli lire chlldcen, Amy 4Mrs. Arthsur Pescorbi 27V1'omas St., Milten; Wilfred, R.R. 1 Milieu; and Aedrey, pcenenlly seri'vng os a misslemy in Atrice. A tom yeors later te macclei Mcs. Ella Rohertsoin, oidowoef Bell RobetsoneofOahvWte. Bis second mife died in 1931, leaving tees s on dresser c Tiiere oece etters, tee-Mca. K. .fouaid rleanlng oork, Mrs. E. gat i ueveralrcollsonhmbeffec tedo a uoinai etotme, Mc. V. cested o ternished apactisent, Mm. C. foai main aind hoard, Mc. C. t cmled e ieecbahnp, aid many 0 other advertinecn cerrted ssnfI action front lie li111e Iwaont ads". Lihe te get le os lie ortion? Call 870-2341 amiea ronrteess ad- toter willtelp yonordyeorad for aient oeek's ise. Lawrence oji a deugliter Rali (Mca. William Bogey) RKR. Borshy and e stepdoughtec Lucy Rotertson, Lateabace Blghieay, tlOavite. Be oas e memter et St. Palo United Chucl until his cetiremeait oten he tcennerred te Oeliel United Oich, Bomhy. Besiden bis besaediete f amly, ho leaves il grandoblildrei ami ltrme grent grssndrhildres. Be aloo leoves one sister, Mahel, (Mca. William Llghtfeet) Ctechseai, aid o leolier Melvin wo resales le Floride. Tise fuaieral service as conderted hy Rlev. Mins L. Adin et dulel Ualted Churdi ai MrKersie's Poneral Bomne, Milteu, oith istoconent In Evecgreeai Cemetery, Milton. The peliheaeec oece David Lawrenice, Robert Lawrence, Steven Lewrence, Melvle Ccalg. Denzil Lawrence endi Ralph Horaihy. Mlk 15 important A total of 17 meeshers aid lie Mcs. Rentennor possed areond 100 leaders oece preuent al lie a samplen ogo0tut or mdih efthe second Ashgmove 4-B girls te leste aid give a cossaent BSeaelkieg Club Match 6. on. lTe meeting oas clmsed w011 The gtoup dierussed the lie smngiaig of 0 Cainada and a importance Of mil and alaen delirjous lundi oas necved hy te]ted about yogorl. Then liey Verma Fisher wo made French teOk deme neme important noIen reopo; Lois NMIst aid Sylvia On milk aid hesli. Due tu lie liephmece wo mode crn ltc Of suggetiom, lie name of dieodec and Caroline Bird who thercluboiflt edecidedaet th mode e tenauce soledl mi a nain Meeting. yoguct dtesoiisg. PMETI'Y RSICOLLEENS wece on bacul te serve gsestsai etMrs. L. Potter wo arason mui thse ladies pourlng ton, are theK]nox Curch StL Petrlck's beai end tee helai Selocdep et coileens Mary Wills, Delobie von teekea, Caol MéPheIl, Belen the chuci tIse servmng Indien wore fIish boos ami gceenI Bronsh, tenrilyn Loekle, Cindy CerP andi CothY Scott. TodaY, aprons b.decked osth snhemcocks, aid tise chocis Ai tlly teecch 17, is ctffcially St. Petriclts Dey.-<(Stadf Phoito) decoratei lin tribale te lie petroi salit oif Irelani. Shoon wits Planning Board critical, but Council refuses to budge over Bronte St, rezoning Relg etow te prensure &=mn MIto Pleaning Bord, members of Milton Caoncil ved 1.2 Wedise te confiren lieir eacitrdeciota tnoui 12 ace ni land South ot Aie Blvc., eaut et Broute St. hmu lae te, medium dessity. PIeponala te change titi zoalcg enlte ndevelnped laiabea u rjlectei bp Planninag Baurd, bat Cuibnil tiare weeksaileagave Mse aiplicantsaynpg .ttb .r and agree ailow lie reaanlng. Sae hesng Board caled a jt etitng Wendyte air Ouaed bymarcera One eflle parete le ewned bIt Fred lige, a msesdber ofthle Planeing Boaud ami the ailie le ouned hy Christie andi Woods. William Weods, one eft1h. piocipala , le bauit a cooncillor mud a mernhor efthe plann boaud. Atthe ladtP.nigBu meeting cheirman Barmnan Peuce had onggmsted lie tee msienatld bave cenigaied lieir pubt tetoe pressing te bave Uir land ssnleg rchged At lie sotet ot Wednenday' joint meeting Mc. Fourre oske erh meenher et rooncil te tnplaio ohy they taveced resssing "egainat lie olahen et the Planning Bourd." Reeve Ron Barris ad he likel the 1dma of a huferor es te, separate anagle tmsslly homes e«tof Breaste St. tromn industries mid raloay tracte on lie oesl lit of the rond Be also toit Il mouId île in oli lie Cliaingate levelapesente firmea pcopoaed udihun denalty area te lie norli f lie nuhiect landa. Discriminationcbargedl Noting lie board lad approved Canine capers trouble twp'9s rural residents' Mai' oitn riond as es ome a Tes Stuart patrolied il setn bit of a nisance tor rosidents of Deputy Roeve Dum MarMllan irieadly peto oece a Nassagaoeye Township, noteai even if liey bâti lie ares c roi uprito oece tooship ronrd egrred aI lieir teite Bamane Soc meeting in Boeokvîlle Oed- toacbed the spot. rlek eephli Sn w Cori qreed rai Townsip cerk Cmpbel Sno co eilÉtertfootte blfor Thompsoi told roortl bis office pirtod op or laboe st ted rereived an average cf to lie gattege lion ceptaut per wrek onurniofngïim ope deo emnptyig gartege. sky oc et crloerteoni scehed uole Appacoitly lt cuits osualiy pnrted Op eecly lein attadi durleg lhe sifhI. Wbile Some sommer worho projects otorb meano il; teis mouersl synspaliod oilh lie may have te te caireSled if el rai or vrcy virtimu et the miainight Nassagaoeya Township is geiog meoreleg. Thttgives moteudets, loey fet o action te meet the hesvy coisocf onoo matasdeca lie adva roolai se taken. cetooval on towntship roads Iis Portofreral wtiter. lving Grant McMillan, mead "flece ismresly netoof oecai sopecuttendnt told mandtif reugh de. fIis just part of obat you entimnatos show is departmnent haive te put up ilt if you Out 1, mold te ao muc sd on$15,00 or F DRI O tie rucal," hie soid. $20,000 overt1he budget. 2440 Qceeesv Counrillor Art Gihuos us suggented the only anseo 055e B e said bis seochers oere Jc strong lId on lie gathage con. poting le almaist lires limes as 'We teelly ranIt de enyliing. I murh overtimeeasliey ould le a Ver would mest s a leg oind on ecmn te megulet ointec. "The beys bave teve thn pirhed ep ami lhey tomn woctoig 14 ami lheor deys featurit teed frast.r liai e ceai pich tpnle frequenly Ibis winter," E liomn op," te said. Mrfifleon told lie monril.E in the Jobn us forI tionIy lte oeghteand lie o mile aoay iety officiels aento wesld teving doge ,Ws la protc eles. fie cateai hy lie Gorbage la the motaiag totoe pot eut early le lhe lie midilh ontage. onediomn denssty ft tau elier nearhy oh.e, Councillor Gtiarles Jbsonaggmstedlthe board was .dscisticg", qainsi lie lue baffer #ras dot tes,, ubilicr I hmie te Raetat Pbusâsg Baud for tnec - c Ose cdm Osep make."1 le "ie feft the bowdasdaoebainalingagaint "lieu hessaieec wo have pl taxes tere toc yemcn." C=nilo Art Meleaison said il oas esoraci's doeanm te make, ad faitthe mediumn deiftyacmà u la beeping ollb nnctemdaicg developenent. 94 onmaire Coonilor Oordo Ecaitz a d il mu timpossible te live by "lie book". Be aike platnera te expiais iehy mediomn dmnalty oaa ierong inlthe oeondaaid tie mu oiling te Ilheld set my wrlat mnd bave it alopiedf they (pIunnera) old ton." Coonrilor Pay aIne asked plannens te expiais lieir dmltre te kesp lie landssored for siaigle femily houning. Planing Board choirman Peacce soid cainniderahle research ted gose into lie of- ficiaI pion aid noning hy-lao. "'The allocation of tands was net kased on such fllmsy promsises as discrimination or a desite te moite nure one pernen hon soonething 1hn1 enmehody eh.e has." Poulation, services revenu and lie "cimmonlty concept" ban heen taken fine armoait, tie explalsed. Wasted money? '00 might lest as well ssy iee've oasted esc miey on esc consultent" if lie board rejeLta lie expert's recommandations, tie cmntiaised. He naid Il old look lite lie tows duos net intend to live op te lie cau il preomnted tu lie Ontacio Municipl Board ohen il sesght approvel efthle neo nen hy-lei. BHe aIleu oose urh a cezening oas seting o pcecçdent for coier developers to tello. Boting 10e landosers invoived are abomemhers efthe Planning Bard, Mc. Peace nad "porhatheeeoasoa tesdency la feel neccy toc temr" aid lie board ft epps'vedl coloration et aie rond iehirh lteatesed 10 nire op Mc. lIge's laid.. "I1 teolise il Oas lie wona derision -we sucromted, we lent eut logic msmenterlly," hie ad- nuifted. Ces4ting the crdl fer motong lie decisisai lo ceome wiliout consuiting lie board, hie £10 lA MOTOR MOTEL eay Dr. Bcrîîegtsc 637-5601 tff l i ne, Soth of the Q. satile Musi cot The Caste no BOB VARGA ttrtainmeet & Dancing ,Fri,, Sat., 9 PM. tel1 A. Cartwright Room ,tlY Entertcalnmont >NNY & GORD ;exI, Gultar assd vocaîlst 9 P.M. tfol A.M. In The Stable fine dlnssg - fisne entertainment said hie ftthe teard's morale mus teisg ondetmined. Wbere de yucstop? VIricanman Dan Bayierd ieared mondicl lie laidaier malt oif the ssbjlect pr.putm woctd ieni be mppracbing conmeil tar a rcing. uno uha t ginxad cm us rablue bics, at abat p"li de we itqn?"l te as"& Pbaeno Oenck Copiant md te usais wborred about tl preedent cennecil "Coounril is teing oarie hy th. provincial goverement eid liey are ding te samne te lue Planning Boaud," hge piancer Coain lSillie. 1You a suil te ascl li teard so ll btumll eling" uccýilior antc. =endd if the titeehldg lie dog, or lie clog oeg lie ti.Mear Brion aest Opinaid saine tiee-oay dialogue ieesdd teve helped inl litsasituation - "lie decision oas mode hy CeOuriil wilieut all lie esontciioca lowing lie Planning Bauds teeling." Obay te"Isflll" Reeve Hecris tait it oan alilght te "'infl" existleg sodevelupei lad aid sotod capital lot levien should tej a oel=om frutt liait ae sai Uthrare Mc. Peere maeatsli "evermil concept - lie planaid ernemyeof lie tome as a wole" tedl to te kepl le mmnd. Memhor &rasilie oarned lie tome old snait reosi io 2,100 additional population tirait and fumier develepmest 0111 have te te halted. Coonclifio Jeinson said! "my decision oas baued on faim plap net nympethy." Be coià:et onderntand ho platnera muId alleie one emeer te, have tegher denoity and net sootter. Plaanocrs ntcennea gain liatIif liere 0080a difféeonce ot opinio,, il aheuld he toltei ever heore Say decteions are mode. Exprea cacr Staniley Gibbons. oho eaus lie C~pocty South ofet luubject 'de, taise train lie audilence te enpress hBe cancer. about hilare pions tor lie ores. He Sotid 1h. loal 20 feet on lienorli aide afbin laid toma 100 foot aide collectar road andi 17 teet aif the front toc fatume Branme Be. coad wimenng, "Ibis cuts don mjt landi emidemly," lNting lue tirus pianid te xpmad SI300Offlon ai-eek,b.e tit "Ibesoth end oftlon deaerves a littie t ho." The9 discussion endei ieben Caoncillor Etaitz ieander.d If ailier lie cosoclorc orp esrs oece golng te "bnd ." . oods abstalsa Canoillo Charles Pay pst forth a motion liaI mSuccil la ne forttec action aid lie original motion (te reone lie teinta) caieain standing. Os a recorder! vote hie acd louve Barria, DesyReeve Barr, Cousdllor =ono aid Meleneon oprted bis metion; Meyor Butaid Ilosodcllor Kraitn voed "noe." Cbonrillor Woetds ahatalced tamnt votieg. An mombers of lie Planning Boaud prepared te louve, Mapi bast oshe if lliey iesoted te atap and discutsism pepood Staff senmtng arrangemen. "I1 dm1' liink the atmeophere le oprerit" nlld cdsalrmui Pere l m red te boli oift luat diaression sortl am@neture date. IJOHNSONI OPTOMETRYI MILTON AD ACONI 0 se e prfeiendelt SUN. TH*OUG" THUMIL .M SAY. MATINRIE 2 P.. ràh. 18 Fa. 19 s. 20 Sert1.îe2 tE mem opton Sn," ý mcn os oreIle JEI sae. 21 msa22 Y..23 est24 , :. - ri..25 ft. 26 so...27 Should be able to pile manuro where, when they want Trer nraa Neaaageya nid okIr aOadp ébocid be allouaid te ple mance Ctosclllr Art Gl. fi th.i wberever ani whaemw they report aho"l not b. acted mma loa, augaoa Councillo umffl the location of the nus, Jim Waao aadudong a airPortowas aettled. discusion on the Toronto- Cotred Regton Design tor inrqy oth rpu ABIA N ate rs t smnted Fine Fiwituri in 1 thelc report AT FACTORV TO dmho aand buy tb. laod ai the. YOU PRICES goihit rice. Likeltareave MILTON He' Bp.d v? romng out eto getosodto FU th.enmeiontre, or pick It up ORATORICAL CONTUST Spsosrel ly the Optimist Club of Milton Ail boyo wlao have not reaclwd their 16th birthday by 31st of December, 1970 and who reside in Milton and District are eligibleto compete »MI TMlE WILti M This 1 belleve CONTESI WILL BE HELO AT THE Holy Rosary Hall l3eMARTIN BT. MILTON Thursday April 1lst, 1971, 7 P.M. Any boy wiolting e, enfer plesse contact the followlsg: i VOUR SCHOOL PRINCIPAL * ANY MEMBER 0F THE OPTIMIST CLUB @THE CANADIAN CHAMPION USED CARS FLOWER MILTON PLAZA 878-2881 For The Boit in Wedding Designs - Anniverserios Hospital Gifts - Funerel Tribuîoî k OI SALESMI KEl SELEOTED TRI$ BEST BUY IM COUGAt Power Brakeo, Power Steerlog, Power Windows, Radio, Imaiaculate condition 28O Sagmies. Licence Nîsi $2g795.00 1lm RIVIERA -Power Steering, Power Brakes, AhI FM Radio, Leolior seuls console, Vinyl rotf chrome Riviera Wheels. Acar tosee. Lirece79475 $3#950.00 19M BUICK LE SABRE '4M0 2 door hacdlep, Power Steeciog, Power lroheo. AU. vinyl intecior w11E vinyl top. 4 ne0 belted tires. Inculate condition. Origloally owned by local mnse.Licence 7093P $ 2,495.00 110 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 4-door hacdlop. AII-vinyl inlei vinyl top, Powr Stoerlog. Radio, 4 nom Laredo white wofl lices. Original paint 41,00 aidés. Licence NM24 $2039,5.00 DU0 CASOAO RALLY SPORT SU 316 cobes, 375 H. P., 4-opesd transmission, Hooker Beaders, Mickey Tb.mpaon Traction bats, 4 nom Asseriran Maos Ucence 04229. Choose a TIME PAYMENT Repayont lenlt ho a guesser -go de4££SSOQ MILTON MOTOR SALES 388 Main st 878-2355 Millon -4 mon -.4 me 3 are t -. are d -p fo utecl cmtj opgeb the n nf O vief Stres Inter dele, Mel. Andr chiefi June, -C confit Duigi erent wide '4 -A mite stivel -1, Child chsai for 19 -F indoni Tie e ulling bave badge Moun -A Natio ralies replar oIr