Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Mar 1971, p. 19

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Plan two trips to United States sy I. céé& Thic Ballon 4-B Club Leaders lseld a meeting on Marcb 10 lu =Uie 4-H pregrain lu 10 ef- phs ear. As a mosult efthOe tartvey acnaaliing members inslcain thei arma ot inlurcal, Oie flllaulg cluin are lu be mtabllsbced: Hallus 4-H1 Oint Calf Club, Haitn 4-H Helutein Calf Club, Haltes 4-H Jersey- Guernscp.Dual Parpoe Siectlurs Calf Club, Naitn 4-H Conservatone Club, Halles 4-H Field Ccep Club, Halles 4-H USeep Club, Halles 4-lt Herse Club, Haltes 4-H Englnering club, Actes 4-Ht Caif Club and Adtn 4-H Field Crop Club. With tie ecempties ofthOe Engieering Club, foc ichicli the minmum age ba 14 yeacs au of Jan. 1, and Oie Conservaion Club, for which the minimum age le 15 yeurs as ot Jas. 1, 4-1H membere loline a club muai bie 12 years oidasof Jan. 1usnd set 21 yeuri nid before Dec. 31 ufthOe carrent yeur. Two exchasgcn fliece wli lu lane enebsegni froni Oie U.S. tis peur. A grouP et 4-H'eru uit b visiting tro-u maiylanl d a grime freint "Route f0 Action" themne Junior Former conference FOR 45 YEAEý 0F SERVICE in thc cause of the Ontario Gond Roads AssociatIon, gond roads, Halton County's roads Simns, OGRA director trSm Whitby, department floreman Stanley J. WUson, 426 presented a certificate of long service < Broadway St. Milton, was recenly honored by the asseciatlons convention in Toronto. Mary Anderson Hybrids have heads Collsons - "CmbàvR olen" el avan r thoir irgI meeting in Oie rlub "l>aicy Feae ou Tuesday, ByB. McNeIu Osice tlus they have held lic eOi University et Missouri, more meetinga, ailt bwidi have prelubly "no dnveopmcst in beoninferuetiveamd i-ntbW. plant brcedisg bas receivcd msre flic leaders efthIe arclulus, or bas been aceld .Casepbeilviilc Colleenu" are moree rumplctcly Oia bas bylulid bleu. Wlliam Maetn ad Mca. D. mm,,'. Largcly sec resuit oftOiu luglia. There arc 11 memberu in surreus, nvcu lbhe experts Oie club. samletisees tail inlu Oie trup ut flic cuccutive la, preidest beScnlng that ail hbiid narlctims Mary Andersan, vlce-presldent are seperior lu ail non-hbidal. Judy Isglîa, serretary EKi ilurb t detlsltelly sel t10 rase. Maure, freasure Annie Mabas, Abybrid ano more oir lmu Oim Preas reporter Fat Vast Sclec tic immcdlalc eilspring Of lue Atcacb meeting there abeota parensOat difter indosermaure insses asd a deseauntrallos inberitcd traite. Al bumas arc dealing ithO milk and lin b- hiybrida. if yse red a cmi tudC a oo etiueataspects floiccred pelin, wulb a ulule et Oua t cu10I everyone tabca flaucred mne, Oie plit tlniered a pari is ose ofthIe c gamiin.unclbb Ini tisabe 4-H r ern ersa bpbrid varlely li uscat 4-Hmembers nl~~~vgor.IOcactraigi anincrase 10 Oic vigor ot Oic iudge sh e lwbcid attspring. Se, pou sec, hybrida do sel alicayo have By GlcOStevensn uupeior viger; sute hbrid ThueBattent 4-H Obinp Club bcldi nurielies do, but maoy do sol, is Marub metingon aiialerday, fluertealures Macb 6 aI Cedar Mains Fa n But OuiOerc 0 asoier tenbire et Boltes wli senen esemblersin hbriida Oiat yeu may tind me iteudasce. Mr. Bluir, Oic ouner, nuiuablc tbae tbe possibip întroduccd members le Cp iorconicd viger ami 1101 la Use Loudco, lis manger. iscreaucd usifermily. lu meut Thfli mcmbcre icere Oies lubes saiurally crous - polilatcd oa stlur ut bis sheep operal-osuperies, uleih includes mont et mnd Oies sbois boic lu iug aior iteuvers and mmpy et air slucp. The membere Ohn JUdge vegelables, Oie bpbrld vardelles Or ai ies invied as inslde for lunrb and retrcsbmensu. Wbile maldc Oie elertios et at- tirera icas beldi ami Oie resulla are as tollows: rmaidlent, Dave Mcanues vice-prmdet, Keli 'McEissaun; secrelary, Janet Hunier; preas reporter, GIes Bvsso.; and represesiaive for Oie Hallus 4-H ubcep club, Janet Hester. Dave MeKiaies distaite our bilsanmd beuinseu. ilfor learnin Juin Raises, vire-cbiafrn of Oic Hallus Comnty Board et Educationsbn sessulaled au a randidate toc 110 Lamp of Learnirng Aicard. Tbe aicard iu prcscsted ausually by the Ontario ilecondacy tirbool Tearbecu Federation lu a man or icemau iclu bau made as esceptional contribution te alducatios daing Mr. Roson pccnioaily toaded Ocilrlinu Ocluol Ooard ami pont presides t oich Ontario [Ha iton fictkes over IDeug Wood, cbaîresau et Halles Boeard of Eduraties toi becs appemlted lu 110 board et dicrl et of tc Ontario lustilue for iltudies en Educoties for a tseo fyear terni. he Wbere are provincial f sjeetiugs ftIrustees, Halles p/ay lIses avec' -eid Wood. J . J in igleluu Halun's diceciar of cdu.taiou 10 alresdy go the board et govcrners. Board vice-c airmas Jobs Ros lu cbairesau ofthIe Ostaria Scbool Tmousie Ceuneit and Fred Armiluge, former Haltou cbairmas lu vice- deicinco of Oie Ontario Pubie Setoal0 TniteS AucniS-. have muh gronter usiri thamdoe nesa-bybrids. Se, icasi ail ot yor mapdrag groic le atout thc aimeI mnd lu blooas ai abut Oic Une, dieupa trOuw prebabli lu buy a bybcld vacicly. icantvariatli Os Oie euier tond, pai isicter a blgb dcgcee of vau in yoor gardien for varietp mnd, in Ibis casc, pin wica iccli lu baya nou-hbid vo Ustorlusuicly, in mmny you miay sot bave a cuoirs largcly te tbe myth o: mnqabied uuperiocity of h sariclies, Oic demasd for bpbrld vaciclies bas tulcun Lgoint wbcrc the seedms alersativc lu sing ses-i vaciclies 10 leusse a varli hybrida. Somc seelsec send parkclu ceuleinine m ofuiedtfronta sumerof by .Ose let point. If yai ic seve senti frein peurb plansefor pluniing Oce seul <lu sot esperi Oie resuliog lu 10es Su ie Oce parc porens. A tcic mop 10, i majecily s'i enlebil a range eftr4aile, pcobabiy n desicabie frein yoor aes point et vlicw. I"The Haute le Artien" le Oie Oieme efthOe 1971 Presleciai Conteresce efthIe Jusior Faresr merllsoitio ot Ostario. Toronlu's lue as Oie Park uS tient Oirnes budred asd filty 1. E. Junir Farmero troint accoua Oie luit, prevnce fer Ibis tbree-dap iisg Ceisteece, Marrb 19 lu 21l Halles Cously ull be relsreseund by David Mclslpre, 0.R. 1, Arles; Sharon Brilles, RHR. 1, Anusn; Mary Lyon Hyall, %R. 1 Narval; Marg OOptoul, Meso Rond, JanetHRoter, R.R. 1 Harligles ami Bary Mabien, RHR. 2, Campinilville. Set guldelineu During the Cesteresce Use delegales icli 10 involved 10 tlleg se in-deptb loob ai Oie Junior Fermer proganl Ontario, and in establoin Oie guldeliles blrb ulil esable Oiis tegrsil meel 110 rbanging eedu utloday's reul youtb. flic keysele addreua aI Oie Confence aill 10 givea by istuer ahmas Mare ot Help Family Ceilege in icnsin, on islersalieuaill k eice isull11y commeulation os volinleer if pai organsilons. is le A vieilthe Ontario Siene beigbl Ceutre wut 10 included 10 Oie iSam Friday slgbl pregram for Y iciml delegales. Over MO Juuior Farmers ami frieudu are eupecled te attend a bauquet and danre an ilalurday iay, igbt in Oie Cesteseial Oulleose, diai lue ou thc Parb. dddo arey FSter Due te heuds of lG nw group Your ByHB. J. Stanley ipluid Tom Feuler us ebsen au ety et preuideul et the sewly foresed aBfer Hulesn ami Peei Perb Frodurers ulurin Association. Tbe eigbl Direrlers bridu. frein earb of Oie cuilles met in mIt lu the agrirullaral oftire an iybrid Tueuday, Mardi 910o mabe plas ymar, for 110 sienl pear. Vice preuident nluie iu Jobs Johson, 11.11. I, et or Bramspton, and serreiary is Ailest ut Oie Orowuridge, 11.1. 2, Georgetown. wide itla 10 oped tha1 wilb Oie ol ail asalgarnaaOos et porb produrere Oietic in Oicue lic remues a sirenger organization iil reuul. THE RED CROSS SERVES FOR YOU g aword Trustie Ceundil. He bas bin active bot pcovnciailp and lucaily an educalien cirtles. Hiu seiinalur Fred Arusiluge seud Homs us rered with value and pbilouupbp le educolies dencipenes aud Arinitage solud be bnec ai one more deserving. ADO5OTISEMENT Announois Mou boallus Substamo: Shrinks Piles SuoIoIossa h«gubSeta prna te shciek hsertttouidsan eopus aouoso tiaseu. A ierne rescrea amittt Oall tuoud a Uniqe inuil $UuEtanCOeiit ths ablitn t eis hueitu-O vasiolo t ,icitusue discornfort ie minutes and uiuidi wt cuu a 5sitas cacl ansi cse, ondle suiVy receicc pan, actualiOdoStiiO (sicinkauci tuo aicOe. Sticeortunt0OS uiI.-sas mis uotwulu ttut tis IproWuit Thsnistueas c0 piIoaoà ev stoula«grM aiaof iS.euO tsuses Njewi 0.19 ui lua IFdInoaius tant SUPunIt o au sisailla sienp.oSisfact.ion orisas"uli o resd. atafi enouci Maple Leaf LOIN PORK CH GPS Rn. 95 Lbt. S9Lc.. Loin Pork ROASTS Reg. 85 Lb. 5 9Lb. Lucas & Arthurs -SIDE BACON Reg. 79c Lit 59 Lb Wiscmnsin. Five members freint Halteiill wM setoclod lu spesd a week in Wisconsin, aiei ll le a dmible change wllb him Oi yeac. Asyene lierealed lu diaperesfing us grouptease contact Oie agricultiira cf e in Milles. Itla1 expbcted uit ail echauges wilI b in July. Il wuld 10 apprecinted if aspoee inleemtcd 10 besling a US. delegate ueuld contact the agricullucal uSfice lu Milles fer mure infrmaion. flic club leaders are ging abond wilb plas le ceuduct a sluusuaslp judglg Scbeel for ail bshwsi gin th 0Ois airea, asd tfor asp leaders inlerested le altesding. Il ill 10 se allempt le estabilsb a uritecin appreacb le judgisg sownuuip. Tbcre ulîl be more informationes a s as delellu are werbed est. 4-H meetings heîd to get organized By .Cook flic 4-H Organluatin Meetings for tie Hatesi 4-H Agrirulloral Coins are 1010e beldi 110 weeb of Marrbl21. Forlluose attesding, ail meetings will 10 inid aI8:0 nops. flic Halles Clulu ulil ail ment in Oie agricoîbiral offire, Milton, ondOihe Actes Coins iill minst in Oie Adtos Cemmusity Centre, Aresn. Thsc redule for Oie meetingu s s teleic: ail Hallus 4-H CaOf Coins -,Wedsesday, Marrb 24, Haluie 4-H Field Crop Club - Ttesday, Mardi 23, Hulesn 4-H Herse Club - Tluorsday, Mardi 25, Halles 4-H Consuervation Club mnd Halus 4-H Engineering Club - Friday, March 20, Adtos 4-H CaO mnd Field Crop Coins Mesday, Marnb 22. Compalsory meeings These orgoniseties meetings are rompuluery meetings. Atlesdmrce uill be labes ami cecerded toc tisai slendings. For the sabe ot firut year members the age liieu on 4-H'ers la 12 year of age sat Jan. 1, 1971, and for sider membero, net 21 yearu ut age before Dec. 31, 1971. flue Halles 4-H Sheep Club lus alrnady becs organized se la sel required lu attend esy et Oic meetings tblu weeb unise regislering in mnollur rlub. The Canudîse Champion, Wednesdoy, Matrch 17, 1971 B7 "ATTENTION FARMERS'E =SEEP GRAIN SPECIAL Again Ohm year we arebtffering a sipecial early ordering discount of 10c per bushel on ail orders piaced with os for seed grain by March 20th, 1971. We have gond supplies of mont varieties and grades of Seedl Grain availabie for early booking: -REGISTERED No. 1 GARRY OATS -CANADA No. 1 STORMONT OATS -CERTIFIED No. 1 GARRY OATS -REGISTERED No. 1 STORMONT OATS -CANADA Ns. 1 GARRY OATS -CERTIFIED No. 1 SPRING WHEAT -REGISTERED No. 1 RODNEY CATS -REGISTEREO No. 1 BROCK BARLEY -CERTIFIED No. 1 RODNEY OATS -CANADA No. 1 HERTA BARLEY -CANADA No. 1 RODNEY OATS -CANADA No. 1 PEAS Our Seed Grain is ail grown in Ontario. ftis packed in new sacks, treated and of the highest qoaifyseed. REMEMBER: MARCH 20TH IS THE TIME LIMIT FOR SECURîNG THE EARLY ORDERING DISCOUNT 0F loi: PER BUSHEL. ORDER VOURS NOW. "THE ARITHMETIC 0F GOOD CROPS" G0000 SOIL WELL FERTîLîZED + GOOD CULTîVATION + GRADED AND TRBATED SEED=GOOD CROPS Special Notice Re. Seed Cleaning CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS. WE WîLL BE CLEANING Ti-ESE SMALL SEEDS UNTIL ABOUT March 209h, when wie w il have to starf to clean seed grain. We want tao give service fo as many customers as possibic but me need your co-operation. Bring in your smaii seedstonbe cieaned, SOON ..as !twill be impossible to clean smail seeds affer we sfarftfocdean seed grain. Spring Is Just Around The Corner Again this pear ice at Master Feeds wiI endeavour ta supply you with ail your requirements for spning fertilization and feeding FARM FERTILIZER- We are agents for C.IL Fertifizers. Do you have a vacant space in your barn or shed? If you have, naw is the time to talle delivery. With flot much fertilizer being delivered this winter due to stormy iceather and snow filled yards, there will be more deliveries F than usual ta ho made this spring. RE TO STDAI . I We stock a full lino ofe MASTER FEEDS - .5.MATRFO EULSTATCUT -I .. for the corefree beouty of if Eîîhances ayhomîe, oid or vn.w stucco, wood fme orbrick. NEVER NEEDS PAINTING 20 YEAR GUARAPITEE CHOICE 0F COLOURS AND FINISHES LGW FACTORI PRICES ON GIflER ALUMINUN PRODUOTS BDE * Gombination Windows AVAILABLE * Car Ports * Aluminum Auningu FEDERAL INDUSTRIES FOOT 0F FOOSY THE ST. OAKVILLE 845-0318 Nominate trustee

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