B The Canadien Champiou, Wedvnesday, ttarch 17, 1971 PUPPETS FROM STORYBOOE NOVEIS Stedied isy teis grade byve rlass at W. I. Dinh scisuol, inere made by slsodeate last wenk Papils uf Mrs. E. Erssins ries, tee studoate picked teir favorite risararter froni tee auve andi madn u YOUTH repticu of tise charurbor la lise fors of apuppel. Shown wilis teir puppeis are evia Smiths, en Syer, Mary-Anar Furley, Jane Bruns, Wendy McMssrray, Juish Macogall and Alexandra Ellwoo<L-<Staff Pisoto) School news Treat juniors ta "1Gypsy"l preview A snai pnvin i "bnWisln varions depunissoents of Use store, steged Ihair oin Puppet showi. Asnsiao unîdt nir regulur Gypoy", Uhs year's uporolia lacludlag Use meal cultine and Tise puppalu were made uni melg os n dy vei. being prsesnd by papias ai veonlaln urapplag trccs. talassei aller clseccers Use Teucis pruvideil tee pragcum, Merlin SI, Scisul, inus ssain lu Aid ted Crse group biail coud about in lac lin meeting, iniicis includeil grade foaur ald tie studennaloaf tîdel tUs liieraure perlis. byve leeciser aurnsaopa. Specini tee Ibren junior scisuals anstuet itesho olc gueni tac Use evesting inus Stl. Mody.Te uio lass)si s$8.6foc lin Rcd Cross Fonda. + + + tii Putterses ai Milles Police aady.nTie whaitce seloen Marris se Rut Cruss mosUs. Tbcee alueoa leuriers viaind Force. usauisente psl sod. l Grade five nlodosîs made J. M. Desyns trisel. Mid-lecm breaks (bulidups) prrtarl inpiy.ar* d puppet s inis ue nd Tis me ad trissel bi va Monday. Useir nay home le parents on Friduy. Principale are eeerully W hite Oaks -qoile plensevi isU progreso Use atudeuls arc seaisng-o . Pla niebkiodergar- le ase iWs Dinh scisool visit Lublas lod Il la store ainh plana last ineis. Store manager Rus Mcleacbom gave ty Pal Faut Use yosusters a toar tiscougis Use wîte Use pre-holiday a A graap uf fouir aludenle troin Aldersisol Higis Scisool il Blinn, inere ainners oiea$5 Canadien Ratienai Spectemens Shiuw Conservation Ainard, opel le ap asaldeal or gcasp ot sladents in Ontario. Tise Aldncnsot team cumpeled againt 10 oteer legi cos uinl Usn Halles Regian Conservation Anteorily's vialersisei airea. Jim tenders, Betty Rolandl, Tncry Wrighst and Jean Meulens ill receive tise praoe. Jin tenders iil represent Use groop uithle presentatise ut ainerds lu, ha iseld Sttrday, Marris B0 ut 2:50 pin. in lise Direcloca' Louage aI Use Spurlamen's Sisoin. Micronconservation Usaler Use direction ut teir science teaciser EeiUs Clacis teir mnarathon, dances nindoca project, culled micro conservation, deult iil lise ntodp of erulogical aspects ot conservatin. A salI sats camuuaty inas stadied la delti le detersune Use celatinslipe hatinen plant nd animaal lite nd set, lempecaure and ligisl conditions. Thic conservatin prines are designudtol encurage inlerenl la conservatuon projects and ar- tivities isy Onlerio secundary scissel stodenle. This la Use firnl peur aurs n aseard is been mode isy Use CR55. LasI peur Benin Larses, a grade 11 sluent iAres District Higi trinol inas presesnid sniUs se ainard sp lise CN51 witer spacised Use yearly content ut- fered. riou s, Use organisatios iiln Witie Oein are loisise ais oe Usoir spring uctivifien. BaIdent Guncil la sesding s inno Use cinhar lraki iU a dance fealacing Risinscerna. Il in unuliser join effort saith lilabeluris and abouti! drain asuleate tom ail uver since Uis la Use band'a tanst engagement in Uisarea ftecea long leur. lTseI date la Mercis 19 nd Use price la $2 perpes invoutlgating a reM lutln yuaieaiseiss of m arisn dcing lise isulidaya. tdent mouscils neyer gel se ricis UsaI Usey cualdalt us a Stilo mare manny, end isealdea UsaI, ivl iseep ui o us inio aren't gniss ssot f hestroole. Alse coming opia etplanning meeting for Use forai. Il inil ha a Usree-url ettuir once ain elu ll (labo, anad a fer a thama, decoculiona ald a gcoap are inoîmmne. Frep tac soarneya Duwin thUs gymu Usese dua Use badminton pleyera nd sur agile gynsts are gettisg ready fur tournemenls o e h ell afer ine cetucn fromUshe hliduys. Word la oul UsaI inn will b hasvinil Use boyn' gpssnaulicu aIWOSS. (Eat ynur heurt oul, D. J. t Thsesenior bsa agning os tour eguin, Usis Simeo atceneville os Uh staynf scssel. I may be inscinal publie uppearunre belote inn go lu Roin Yorks. Tise romm- unicatins belinen teatord, Lang Islandal nd Oubvill are geltise fast und turban asine sel up for nar mont amiiius moisenge yel. We wiSl vinil ticol, frus Aprt B9 le May 2, und teafordinil s Use bigis points ut OakviSne and Toronto lino ineis lalter. Andnt Bal te ceceiple tram Use King nd I have ha os cousaed ($1,200initb $»in espesses), aSl Use witie Oubers inite show bsainesa in Ibeir blood arn planning Variely Nigist. A number ot prospective arte have uginrudtheliseanves, and soin Use producers are considerisg a incrsat lac lin evening. M. Ma Robinson Hockey stars Halton champs ty Donna-Jane tynra leasi or skting stars se a final 2- (Pal?) wonone matchbnd placed reailp appreclato teir greal Woaee!! My Dordreaîlypp d 1 decision. Prom Usere inn ad- ini insane Use isigelen. Bll tlent. Rosimuns valsera cois olt aller test weeiss isassie wit canced le Use lino-game Itel Everett inon lire nd Is ose le mannudthUe leucisers' staff ronaio Use assistants! Sorrp about Usai point finls mite Saumouat ut ean a Usird place finishs ovecail. readp le snap ou ansi pots for a Dal "lI pal, I meant iv warn Hamdltou. Tise tirsiferme, plaput Atfine yeur fortmiloytSassera! 50rcentislacksandwite or 75 cent sein poo mince comîng. Thep in Htamiltoen drein a pilhacing Orub day colur pcinl. htd le toise advantage of a obinson ccaind inis sein uur itolney striltos aguini I've guI HANGIN' LOOSE enicomer. As a revoit. Saucy Raiders go doin I-6. Tise 51011 le haut il lu Uhss graden mals, 1.Mci Beus Oh oy tellp iv on har way tu tiharia - gomne isoinever la h ain d PIPO Uep are cnadp la go al out la iu sra? tO aBong aisoard se ice-iceigister iv .cool Tuevday ut Cenri Tie sopinson ut scsse forit aWloug offt ltvinon Riaiders have galles a Use dapper Satle tellnsvi lahUe rut ne.. Here on are oitt u ooer namne for halag a roogi ald tigists? Wisal a isasep' Yourn, 2. tprmng voleybisal league se isigliligisis of tee sport aind tomrisn us., and I snain ineS Alice?) vaulled inlao action tels minci. social vvorld. Our soper-duper coine Usroogh iil u nineep Nova il's pour tom. Spring? hockiey tmso sand pant Milles ,'icleCy. 'MelirasseUniosn astfantastir! Wlut's ait ail tels sn00? andi erneried Halion Coonty Tais Iros lise Ontario Tise eîgisl member land drein 3. Yoo're rigist Put. He iv a chamspions. Broois Murray and Wrentling Meel isnid lasI iniai iuaised le ha a recd ccaind goutte! Emuan, hocisey players. Jus Wyatt poppe i n tise goals tu Saturday are la. Maris Ribisins for a Robanses Dance. Tise ldn huit? Milton District High School "Subway" sings like Elvis Ry Juin F. BrlinraiUs, Jr. Last Friday teSubay Elvi urrivudt usMillon iîl Usn Baud -Mempls". As sual Userc mas Use regsisr croind Smoig uithUe daurstforlicks. Soisiay Elvis, a take-off ut Etvis Presley, snge, aria, and irum o distance, even Iois lire Elvis Presley! Tise alesospiscre la a ltIne tonal, donue tete reinasing of report cardy 2tv Feiday bot on lise olise baud, thcy are lookivg lomnard le tise wecs ivlidayv, cormmeerit Muuday. Speuising ut isolidays, nevecel voyaeeurs frum Billon Hieis lef I Billon an Tiusucday tur a Bedilacruneun Crs-e. Laaving TorontouinternatinalAirplsrtu Si pins. Usey ere due la arrive ut Leosserda De Vinci Airpurt cigisl bone later. "Wild" tiBy aire ciii mise las Esglisis lucher, chu caa amuse tise ulser leecisersaeccampanyisg lise chuderds Hockey standings Onsupecial requesl frols lavely L.yon Wtis une of ur sI -devvled" tass, I nin report Usn teanm standings toc M.D.H.S. hucksey prior 10 the hantle vu. M.M.R. Tisey mince s tolloins: MieFrame 34 pis. Pete McCivaig 20pts. Dsenycovns 24lt. Dovny Chuchtovcv 2 iple. John Spcoit 19 pis. BoitMcKee 1 lple. Jus Marshsall 9pls. Bhy inG oloednIode Fetter, John Wsenliisn. tasdy Hannon, Bill Kervin and gualenders Paul Parrett and iir Figg ai centrisatoil la a legsily oaccesdulason A band frus John Carroll. University, Cleveland, Ohio enîecleined sluentn lisat Tisurnday iil many cholca nmiters. M.DH.S. basnneen a lot la Use inay uftIoaring banda Usis pear and ispuptlly Usece inil ha musy more. Betty HamilIas placed its in Use "Miss Guides Hurassoe" custent iseld lal Tonsauy. Congratulatios, Betty. NOTICE Tise Grade 12's are buviog a -fansion showinbUs Weilnesday TIATIS TONITE) ai M.D.H.S., sponsoresi iy lise local mercisunîs, and aSi Use lutesî tuaun for spring ald suommer aiS] ha mndeiled. Y'ALL OBE, NOW! 1 Tise tani "tinacers" la comdnglaB iltao onApril 8iUsplus Use nver pepeler BHelIn" fWOWt waish nscella sente teil teeaey. OFFliKAT-HNItro' Ninis respseeled a ape«W report on Rie "Ed'n' parly Selisday nilgis. Il cas a reeu nsdd -Use Champion classifiedn. --Studeule are oit scisool nesi snob foc a mid-wlaler holiday. ELECTRICITY 4 SIs Our Business, Fil if unomUmm FEATHERSIONE Mi S ELECIRIC 878-6378 Carnival ... <Continsoi feus Page BI) Flying Usoungtshe nigisl United Nations cousîo inere: ENGLAND-MAYPOLE DANCERS. tendra Tnelii, G8ti Bucblny, Duwsn juisi, mani partuo, Katisy Rusell, MacUlai Biddll, Latrie toiser, Kelly Virinrp, Mary Anse Farley, Duane Lee. RUSSIA.-SHAWL DANCERS, Patrciia May, yne Stear Joanne SitUs, Joli Sow, ucl Welln, Denise Dregnr, Pulli Houd, Kimo Ridilell, Molli Lise Ceacon, lieUs Hulflold. tutu - Kimo SIceUs. SCOTLAND-HIGHLAND LASSIES,' Cindi Hsed, Carni Hyatt, Kelly Cens, Sius SmitUs, citeryl Flîspaics, KaUsy tIers- taris, Lana Ellinun, Crynlal Cciarisc. Leud Duncor - Merci Griswold. SPAIN-SENORITAS, Jaet Htoward, Putit Hnud, Lindu Le- Riche, Dian0 Stali, Karen Adaiensu, KaUsy Adumaun. PICADORS, Jolie tanin, Denise Dreger. Latrie tBar, Jae Benett, tendire Tnolll, BeUs Guilfcey. BULL, Merri Griswolduand Ans Arii. SOLO, Judi Haut. GERMANY-CABARET GIRLS, Ans Acii, CaroI Welle, Brnndu Lawrenre, Shirley Christie, Marilyn Hsed, Susan Sthe imis E s BruI, Merci Gris- wold, Miarin McMurpby, tendra Ginon, Jean tlacslors. CaroI Hyatt. JAPAN-RICKSHAW DRIVERS, Kalby Blucisaris, tesen Smnith, Kico Riddell, lieUs Godfrep, Kelly Cens, Dianno Lac. GEISHA GIRLS. Gail tucisley, Cryslal Cisacimacis, Lana Ellisns, Duinne Jubis, Mary Anse Ponley, Candi Hud, Karen Vîcinry, Ciseryl Filzpalnirk. HAWAII-LOVELY HULA RANDS, Kaman Adanos, Kalisy Adaisnsu Lynne tewanrt Jeen NOXEMA *IKCTA LIT CI <Cmnsssed feins PoSU5 ID) lands. In ail formo of living tise IO.DE. la aclively involvein l helping. Thse any eccasnpllahnies 0 tise IO.DE. costl renly heal~leved iyts dedscallona ani luyiy Mite iseasc lilacsiocs, Carol Hyatt, Joasas Sth, Teresa Keane, ULnda Les Riche, MeUt Unea Caon, Belis Htiafielil. TINY HULA RANIDS, inne Clements, Christine tarssur, Kim Coiltng, Lin Koeloinal, Ileiecra Carosan, Cathsy May, Suzanne McCulcheon, Sherry Sessîcer, Jennlfer USsos, Deishie Wrigglesworlis. SWEET LEILANI, Ans Arbic. CANADA-Misa Dae Hall. PEACE PRECISION, Ana Acliic, tendra Gono, trenda Lawrence, Shirley Chrisie, Marilyn, Hueil, Judi Hanil, Kins Stralis, Merci Grinwold, Marie McMurpisy, Jean tlacklocs, Lyon toiser. Ssan SmitUs, Diesme Ssmith, Janice Lee, Joni Panton, Kelisy Russell, Mertse itiddell, Jaee Howiard, Carni Wela, Paùis-a Mey, Terena Keane, Kelly Vsrbery. .lis St boso la isis yer'a cernival didn'l seem tu mini haie srenelh i i gorgeostme.Clbp- toonao c.mir eie and Mise Terri Renier seere in eharge of tis year'n carssival along wsh lub i pronident s. Elleen McCulciseon and lise oseculive. A bonI t olisoera and someroas other volunleere esaloleil Use Figure Sbeting Cais exocclive, la produciss e s howe. ltplayod touailinaosesnal buis the eflornoon andl eveniaf lper- formances. -Mohawki Recewey'n tlrol ment of lin t'ear sarte neaI Monday, Mercs 22. = tonels Jhn MAIns isepeIO.DE., eteaaealnttisiill We are Ise= lirliesu tBillon Ud juint unlsr celitisenelsinlae Ulilan Gewland (Prese Secretery) Unitex et The Yollow Balloon Our Snaw Queen and King pose in their matchln$ London Look "Skinny Knits- and Bell Bottomn blue jeans. These outfits were doneted f0 themn by Thse Yellow Belloon. For goys and cisicks we have Unisex overalls, butfon-fly blue jeans and tops galore. Especially for thse chlckn ene have Crimplene and Denlm Hot Pants. P. S. We have our femous Uino of Bras et haîf prîce. The YeIIow Balloon 1et main Sf. W. 878-9221 E IiIP I248 Main t.Milton rIEU RS FR5 1.mE.M . e . WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES j- IOUR RIADIRS- WUITI: J1w Conservation award won by Aldershot H.S. FOR 45 YI goond roi depurlaner Broadway Mary heads "Campbe 'Daicy F Febraey 11 Sisce Ihn amoe meeli han iaferm Tise 1, "Campbsell Mr&. Wuila Inglia. lTse Use clubs. jTise e Mary Anis Jady Ingl Mare, toei press repos baeso esc deeling wil a parI desesestratl Iudg tyt Thse italIe is Merci Marris O et Bolion witi intsrodaced Loseden, lat ho mon on a tur a tnd Usen s seep. Tise e0 clans ot Y Mr. talc toc lunch Wisile seasid ficere wes are s tuls 1McKisn; McKissua Hunlar; p Stevenson; fer Use Ha Janet Huai Usunised m Nor 'for John Ronr Use HuIlas Edacatiosih a eandidatA Learig A Tise aie unully tecondacy Fedecelion inin bas n cantriballue Usel yeac. Mc. Ronud e, puaI prei Hall 'takEi IDoug W Hellon Boe bocnauppuis dic elors ot for Siodîns i ynactrn. h Whan tl Issnîag i/ely luite Jm sSi mdiceclar of r'gsn huer toard v Runsa is Onsetarish and Fred Haet cf chelcssan s tchadl Tran