Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Mar 1971, p. 17

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Hornby Couple celebrate 60 years of married life By Un. JBos Hamiltes 'Tise Secosnd meeting of Use Ularnby Junioar 4-R Club mai bR1d onMn% vznMards A, at 7 =m.t< hBonse of Mos. Jolis Cadnly. It irai declded Usnt Useir nome for thse dsub would ho "Dalry Mates". A newinstaller, Joue Harrison, jobned Use club. a Clnema Cake iras made by Lynne Steweart sd Betty Ulardouseot and Cern Chuser sis prepan by JulAe Snow and Lyndo laibicle. lise Cieese Cake irats prepared buot set eohed on Usore ires ot onoug dim. Mos. Cordlngley rend nome information shoot inds 0f daAry food and proper h ome care. 'Tise press reporter for tbio meetAng iras Mary babhor. RGotb UÀne. Mo. and Mis. Aies lngram base retsrned froon a very enjoyable trAp te Tamipa, Florid irlere Usey enjoyed a monUs's vacation. Mo. ami Mos. Ralpb Featheraton met Usomn aithUe Toronto International AirporG on Satarday. Tbey spent the seeeed mth tise Feothrotns prior tureirftg DU tUeir home WeekBy eneline Thlie Rorth Trafolgar Esdsre r Club bRi Useir ireekly enuhre ptyiltoday nigt aithUe Norfh Trater Cosmnmoity Centre. 'lisre osere srun tables 0f euaIce Go play wms tIse prises bRGog oirsrded to Use folloiig ladies- Mmi. Frankh Peacoch, Mos. Ralpb Featberston and Mo. Len Raid; prises te Use gents irere asearded DU Use foiUowing-ilods Burton, BISa Letty mnd Walter Barnard. 'Tise lochy diairs irere iron by Mrs. Harod Reedoand to Mca. Jse Sasmit irbo played os o gent. lise St. Stephen's Anglican Clsarrb Gsild Womeo met aithUe home 0f Mon. Geoffrey Dreir- Brook on Tuenday esenisg, Morcb 9. The meeting iras eed by tise president, Mos. ai Ra, seho seslemed Use lie mZber aid Usrees visitesa. a Mos. DreSv'bronh mil hoe Go chdarge 0f Use banquet on Morcb 24, for Monter FReds. Foiloseing Use business part of Use meeting miss Mary Thoriton, irbo is s Misoionary irerker Go AggOrs, EUsiepGo, gave o very interenting DUUs and showSiOdes 0f ber irerk. A question and osier perisd folloired. Wblle on hirloogb Miss lissrnton ependo Drumquiîn Goer lime norolng aothUe Oakvie- 'Trafalgar Memorlol Hospial. A este 0f tbans wai entendig te Miss lisorolson by Mos. Cralg Raye gerr goEterestlng talk. A delicioss luncb was sorverd hy Use hosteon illbo seai osistedl byi Mra. Rab Cookson. lIreeigAss ilirtbday greetingo are entendedl Us te foilowing sebo are celebratiog tbeir birtbdayo.- Gront Lee and Bruce Uailey on Match 16, Pat Flippace on Marcb 17, David WayneiBlley on Msrrh 1f, JoUe Scott Pichet aid Brendat Charlene Penney onG Marrb 19, Mos. Wilmer Mason ond Mrs. Bll Hill on Marcb 21, George ilrownrldge and Jamie iSnoi on Marcb 22, Jachie Feestra on Marcb 20, Charlie Astin and Scott Leslie on Morch 21, Richy PGant and Keonetb Rot- ledge an Mards 23. Thse North Trafalgar Comn- monlty Clsb met at tho home of Mos. Ailes Ross of Biteonia Rd., on Wednesday eseslng, Mards F. Mos. Jack Wibllamson, Use president, welcomed Use 10Gladies DU, Use meeting wlncb iran openeil ets Use Club Ode. A short dis- cussoion wsea beld on Use M Anniversory 0f tUe Club irbicb wilbRbe eld inSepinnshor, but due Go Use small attesslonce Lt iras derLded thol t would hoe hotter DU Estave Etsover for the sent meeting. Tbook youn otes mere rend by Use secretsry , Mos. Jse Soosinit. FoflowiogUshe busineasspart of Use meeting o social boor iras esjoyed. Mos. Bort Leslie rend two hsmors articles, Use fusl mne iras "GBaving the Fln" and Use second oDe iras called Hockey Playoffn". Mrs. Gsrdon Leslie condscledl a word content sn St. Patrich's. m. jack Williaison liras Use sesoner of tUe f irst prise and Mos. Martin Gidt weo Use loir prise. A delicios Gunch iras served by Use honteso. Ile snt meeting wiU ho Gold on Wedoenday nlgbt, Apnil 14, ai Use home of Mrs. Martin Godt. Bath AsnverBMry 'Tise home sf Mo. and Drs. Harr Leedes iran a happy place on Sondoy. Feb. 2f, whon open hosse n'as beld for Use 60Us Wedding Asoiversary of Mo. and Mos. Martin Lswdes of Torono. F'riendn and relaivses gotbered ta, join Go Use celebtration of a seonderfsl couple. Fifty-five gsests attended inis happy event. lise table ires decoraind seith a Garge iredding cobe and cesdfes. Milton woman top weight lo«ser Bp Mis, CeeU Pattersos (Dtedd for last week) The Narth Trofalgar SUimeRaes Uebd tlseir weekly exoseh mnd ke fipogrom at Perey W. Mer cURo Msiday evenLng Mac. 1. Mca. Pot Clayton mss in cUo rge itb donres aDd a booethoil gaine, amainted Uy Moo. Foster aithUe piano. Mon. Eva Cro of Milton ias irioer 0f Use omard for hosI Imser 0f Use ireek, mUsh honorable mention DU Mos. E. bUI. MrS. Belle Featbersîone, seidoir of tUe Iaté Wibfred FeaUseruDUne of Toronto iras laid En rest Go beUsel cemnetei'y baside Uier usshoid on P'ridoy Mar. 5. Funerab iran front McKersie's C=ael Milton. SympaUsI is exteded on Uier passing. Senior citizen Normn Leawresnce, sise 0f tUis dislrict'n senior citiseno passedl aseay MarcU Oi ston Centennial Monor sODUr a Iengtby iliness. MUr. Lawrrence hod msde bis home wiUS Uis daugUDUr Mos. Wm. Baibey and fsmiby. We extend sincere sympoUsy Go Useir horeavemeDl. Greetiiigs Oitdygeelng tAsweek Rahl, KaUseruLe Ayres Ssss B'rey Margsrel ibba fetephen Graveený Einsbelb Fisher. Use Nassagaireya ladies. Foîbowing the service, the Ladies' Aid bRd o brief hosiness meetiing. The president, Mos. Hesderson, handed out Use liste for boal meteriab ibicl i rs. ElAlit hodl priated. TUe glaneros donation received from Mes. C. FIrank follomling Use foneral of Uier bsnod ies mentimned bY theprmident. Fuether planDs more mode for Ue35tU onniverssryi of Use Ladies' Aid 10 Ue celeUraDUd in Use chUrch in April. Also arrangements oere moarie for a hussecLeADLOg oftUe chorsU in Ue seor future. ALCOIIOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETS BVERY TUESDAl' N p. URACE'ANULICAN FARIOR HALL HA VING A PROBLEM1 ROPIN. Frienus attendait frl StraUsrey, Delhi, Hornby, Toronto and charhoon. Aise attending iras M.P.P. James Unoos Who preoented tUe happy cosple wmUs o plaqse. Tom Martin and Mon. Pot wesnSho irere former lforsbY reete iron prises aithUe Central Otario Boirling Association at Guelph on Spoartsmsan for Sonday's tourna- ment. Tom Martin wson on dlec- tric mriner, electrir blender and elertrir meot grinder. Mms. Jepson iras tUe iner 0f on erir teothb uesh eltb laine Gosohles. Mo. and hOrs. Artur Plant spent the ireehend at their cottaige at Wasaga Beach. The WorMd Day 0f Praper mas observit Go Use Ramsagomeyo Preshyterian churcb on Friday 0fteiln, Mords 5 mth ladies frir Ebesiener United ChurcU as gsoot. Mos. RRrris aid Mca. Wor esdocteil tUe service mUsh Mos. Rendersas and Mrs. Rayirord ai idditional raentes. lise Speaker for Use alieroon wsa Ras. S. Warren 0f Use Sezek Chbristian Ratreat and bie mas Gtrsdoced by Mca. Jss. HaIL sUject mss "A neir people for a soir age." Qooting from 36Us chopter of Enakiel, verse 20, Goe said Usat SalthougtIse nid religifon dones ont se.tb ssiteble esy mere, Use old gospel mAl nver change. AHia dsourse iras lGtenid te mUsh interest and enjayed by ail. mh ru as favored mUsh a de yMos. Eorly and Mos. Mceesi, accosnparded on Use orges by frs. John CGtching Ilb bsd playid for the service, lise mieetbing irai dosed mUsh O bymis nid prayor bybv Warrsn, alter iBilca Mot Ccvn s rire by DEE '*T PRCS OE B PIE U E B BVR A.' B'Y BDA EVR 5Y N L-- NOUSEROLB 21.6 Dz.97 CLEANSER TiR 270 POWBIR 4 0O LIEOUIB LA FL oz. 49e pi51 EREAL AR LIGUID l24 FL Z. BO59 C BREC AIT I 64 DL. 1 le pOENT BTER OZAVER LILOI BÉcD iDAC D2 L Z. JAR 360 NIR, BENO BRANS 1IT 0z. IjÇL 36' PORE 14 FL5 Hornby MLI New siate to be elected next month TIse Mords Hfornby Womes's Gostitote meetGog met at s AsnofMsRyWilson wmUs 12 onaber peen. Mms. R. OConr condce Us=metng d Le tDo Use Iso f PoEnT Mms. William IGarPhseson SIse opened Use meetl irith a paees "EnjoyesntofLil". Th5is iras foiwe by Use mnntes 0f Use ost; meeting readl by secretary Mrs. L. Sampeon. Ranil rbailn Dissa grHeinhorn"a!ees anwered. "Solpp TLps" pab le by tU Ge-,U l bo Toroto, consito ofte hoshlefs ceon'TsDrlgf FoweTrs Plot MaeraadTb Preserv.tion f Psiloge os 'Thse Tressser's repart mon gises. Corirespandeice consistait 0f a discussion on aur ares convention fee UeGog ralsedl from, $00 DU $6.00 eiLnatisg tbe M0 cent registraions fer païd by meesbers. This wil iesoted on at May 19 (mmng and afternnon). A rosbion top, a decorated annversar cake and aRe ot nlg 16 linon are tne o Goes froneah brancb. Susggestios for prngram for the day are te hoe preseoted at tbe District Directors meeting Go April. Tbe tirs courses cbssen for Leaders Traindng Scbonl in Use tLa irere "mworkisg mUsh Knits" ond "Ontario Fruiits". Tbeser are DU ho Go by April 1. It mas declded sot DU, hold ony sbort courses. An ACWW Cooferesce mill hoebeld in Oslo Aogsst 3. Neiraserte A norminating cononittere mas apitdcnlln 0fM. C. Pa erssad Won. R. WiloD bring Go new triate 0f officers f sr Use April meeting. A letter hod tees sent DU our Koreon aoptaid dsild. Rorssby Wt esinra to Use Eorly ilird ilowlers Blanquet on May 15 aithUe Boye Centre. Iterest biadt ben sbown Go parchosing ImsiLDuDU silserirare Goe ssld Getween meetings. Mrs. P. W. Merry os agrsculture coveser preseDted a paper on "Pollution" -s discussion followed on lUe palution of waeaned air. Mrs. J. McCarron speaker for Use af- ternsson tldus ofer conienal tr'ip froon Montreal to Paris, France, Holland, Germany. ilwitzerGassd, Go Pason Play Go Okerassosergas beld once every 10 yesrs, Go ilavaria, Ausria. lGaly, London, England aod home. 'Ibis iras enjoyed Uy ail. Locli iras served by DUrs. C. Patterson and Mrs. W. Ford. -'os con soUl jsst sboot anything irith Champion classifieds. -A Georgetons mano rolled a perfeclO5in Go five pis bowling gOORi at AcDonbol week. George " ry"Lsi ias Use expert bowler wiUs lhe l2-strske Gosse. T~~OMME 2 S.'490 MARTIN'S AB FL OL. 9 APPLE JUICE TIRA 25 TOMATO .TN 37 BOB OR C (AT FOOD 15 5Z.TI OIS VIVA 14l FL APPLEsAUCE 2 TNS33 PARTRY SNELI 19 FL 91 C PIIEAPPLR oz. lINé MANDARIN i ORANGES 10FRL O. TIN27I ABPNES CROIRE MARRES POSSIERT 19 FL OZ. OIN250 DORE PARCS FRUIT 14 FL. OZ. TIN 33 C CONCKTAIL BRouMNTS CROIRE RALVES OR ONTARIO SIICES il PIACRE% 1 FL OL. TiN2AI TOIMATO 5/ OINS PICNIC AIL 990 OLDEN ACRES FANS FRLZEN FRENCH CUT îoZ c GRIEN $ANS £RSP YORK PANCO PRRLEN 2EEALS10L. BAS 55EC PEACN PIE OL PG 49 IOBRARAS RIOCRUN PRIDE STRAWRERRY A c JELIT ROLL Il oz- ens 4 RU ULGUIDE CUSTARD 33 SQUARES il OLp PRO LOBLAAIS KITROIN PRISE BUIS PRO. OR S NI N CREST PSFAMILO SuIE 19 E TOOTIPST TUB .7 NAPINS 45 ce LISTERINE 12 FL Oz 70E ANTISEPTIC MOLE7 POIl oz D LUNCHEON MEUT3 TOIN S' LONG RI COFFEE ' CREAMDER 6oz. A 2 BEEF, CRICKES. ONlON ILES12S-i 1/2 SZ, PKG34t JELLY 3OZý PRO 1U CRIERIOS C .no 39C BELLOGG'S 50 SPICIAL " Il Si PKG.,j CRIAI OF WNEAT 14 OZ P 23' SDN FE 71le RAS 69 c The Candiov Champion, Wedriesday. Marh 17, 1971 BS 230 women, girls at pro yer services MlGoOnn of ail ages uisied foe Grayer on Pfday, Mhr 5, Use WorGd Day sOFryer. SeroteS were held aG the CessteslG MAnoS ctsapel aG 2 p.m. and at Grace Anglican cLsurch in Use afternssn ansd RvenLD4. Patients ai Use hosital irere abSo provAded wGGs copies of Use service by a membe of Use Hospital Aooiliary. RepresenDUlives from, Grace Anglican, Bllghway Pestecostal, rLs Pebyterian and Ut. Paol's Unitedf srehe f Il a ladies' choir direrted hy Mro. M. Led- seill. ilesides providLng leadership for Use bymes Use choir beought plesre DU, Useir listeners uith a speriaf ssog caUled "The Gospel COUi." Attends ail three Mrs. S. Sherrstt, who ils Use president Of the plDDn cosmollee for Use WSrfd ay of Prayer i Milton irs prsstad tssk part Gi Usreepservies. Basiog bier irUrds oD Use tfseme or the day "A New People fsr a Newr Age" Use guest speaker, Mrs. A. Ledwith, csiled oD Use de we sth genoLoe coRceRI for ofisers. Researdlngecrird The attendanse aithe 4.15 pmi. sa-vice of 1GGyosig people waM very ewaring or t eotsof the group leaders of tUe Guides, Browsiies, Rangers, C.G.1.T., ExplOrers, and Anglican GIir' Aosiliary ansd Jumior AusLlLary. Music for thLa nervice iras proCied by the Junior Choir af Grac Clsrch, irlùLs sang an ontlsen entild 'Joy oa Ulse the Raio" in whids solo verses wer' GOReS by Misses Jone, Jane, and Mildred MeKinonn. Everyose Il enjoyed hearlng Miss Ussda Seits sing "Tell Me the iltories Sf Jeans". The plannsing Gsi' GGis service solei coDORORd by Mis. K. Camsi. Tise csmblised offeriogo were sent DU Use Women's Inter-churds CouDCl of Canada fsr diDtribution lU world organsizatioDo wilb emphasis on ChistUian lLleratsre and ecumesîcaG and educaLossal projecs Milton Plaza '."~ LOAfrMV i - OS Sur pi.zoll<1 ryoi YO u' COME UTf LAMEAI PREDRESSED CANADA A GRADE FRESH FRYING or ROASTING CHICKENS 21/i TO 3 LB. AVERAGE LIMIT 3 PIER CDSTMER L- 3 FRESOi CHICKEN IN A BASKET LB. 394 QUARTER PORK LOIN IN cOP 63t "LIRAI FOR BADINA or BIILIBU"* BD 51 f Aw"I BACK BACON ICI LI. SWIFI'S LAIT MOPLI or PBRMMI II SIDE BACON lLB. PXOG SAC PAC 9 SIFT'S PBIMIUM WIENERS 1ILFINIG.LAC PÀC Sie AyLà PA 14 FL Oz. 17 c eH 0 I EAB & SHOULSERS 13 LIAI -RE ORR£gi IF GARBE N saa.7 IAPO OOLSZS SEEDLESS '> ~ ' o eless Brisket Plate@b RIRA CHOICE 3______Z_1_ I BLB CRIAI ~ ~ ' STL l29 RASN RS CROICG -RED OR BLLE BRANDI BEF- (OUAI A L f.. TolN ElD RCOCRNT 14OO.I 1OZ PROmm COOL CHUCK STEAKS L AYLE ICE -R MBSUT Z K 9 FRBAIHIY R Aiti AYLMER DICIDMINUTE MAIS FROZnSe 150 SOIT I LB. 0081JUICE oz PU1LDF . MINCED CHUCK BEEF 73 BlT 0 L O TF OSESORANGE oz FLLM 16O. TIRT R e "3 , JIE y 7 ABY CIRALS PRO- 4 RisEND MAGRN 005 CHOîtE 14 FLI oz 0110 LOIN LAMB CHOPS BBAILB. 494 i .n ......i isOS NET CINNON A'~ OR AES BEANS IN WRITE TUNA 7 OZ~ TINT LtAF, LLBCiIIB FILL iR n5 5, BUTTER CO .. - 43e nIOE OR POîLSIl COOKED IIIDS BILGUB A Il. PDG. lACS2 lotBRI INGERSGLL FRocESS NENLIT BILL 700 SOVEREION IN0 C IIFI I PAN BABDI PURD CHEESI 69 PICKLES SARI OL AR PIRE SALMON 1 45' O K S U A Ett.PO 2ORT 19 FPREA PRI fZN JA2 09E Il ___S P OR PO SAUSAES f tI. PEU. SUPER BUYS OUALITY PRODUCE KTCHMA T EO 33 FUNC ozT 5 VA PO l WFTllRiPGNBBL FM LRDINWAT oMEIM BESTI RED OM W1R1TE KECUSOL IICRODIT 2 a E BACONRAPAM FR MSALAis DMESSING PARITAN SIGBA BRAND GRAPFRUI OFR 794 KRAIT MIRACLE qoC RIEF OR W 491 MOTDEL CIlS B GRAPFRUT WII 32 FL O.JAR 5 IRISH OT L 9 OTDLL HB I0 FRSM THETROPICS CR00T AOR CARANA SRANDI Specsa!t Oar. - CALCE I VER 16CE Le. n e BANANAS LE . s2 1V i Womrans Day STHEAPIERS2RuF1 CELERY STALKS 2 49 IWIU ONTARIOGOWNI NO:f ORODEI HOT O BE VOMES 212 STAK BD6 HALBU PEC OCR ILL PaG RHUBAR B. 294 VOLUMES____________________ STEAK $1.6 PI EC ILESPB j eonsinies * IOLE POTATOESI RE ITUES EESUE 791 A ssn39$ IAosM0U IU *FsEf* SuuR~ IIA2A.o4:m~ IB.. BmUBI mi 8MIARANTEED& UalITY mm-et~ Gospel nover changes minister tells women

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