12 'rTe Canadn Champion, Wedsosdsy, Mardi 17, 1971 OmagFi Hornby 4-H members vîsît a daîry farm styhies Cecl Faffeeses Memitecsoai fise Hornity Southt 4-H Coit vone entertaino t atie fars 0f Helen Vandehaam Flitit Lino on Wetinentay evening Marcit 10 vlan fise girla anti leaders galtereti ta see a motion daicy tac. and dairy herti. Me. Vaiidehoom anti hotper JOe Vaodevalh ahty demonsteatati miling on titoir fioe terti ai 34 cotes, heginniog vitt lte ieeiisiog 0f lte mutk pipe lise anti miltses. lTe milo vas cerriott 10lte dusmping station andti hen in10 lte targ refrîgeraleti tankt vlaih hoda nearly tva tan ai milS or 400 galions. The gicla vere qui le iteemîdi th ie greal cae asti voit icit vas reqoiredti 1 prodoce gronp ose pont grada A mutk. Every girl tat ier piclare poseti vitit a cow, ftene vi go in the record boaks. lThe 4-H projeat Gmi tpeisg la fealariog tiy so-oducto, so it vas a fise ides ta go aI stilkisg lime. Explains proess AI thanitot Me. Vasaiehoom foe la aso anti patience st elsing fise c. ig peoresn ant hose tle large tankitruckd comes every othor day andi sucta ot lte lest dirop anti viskitt avay foc fsrthoe prorossing and distrihution ta stoces andi custastecs. Hales anti lar stothor servoti htlcocolte ta lte violloci anti a socisl hall hoar vas enoayet int te hosto. Memiters ai Omagit t'reshytariao W. A. asti W.M.S. hala tise Mardi meeting of thitet organizaion ithe Go drcit schoat moins vifs 13 ailesting. Weleome geosp hics. Raort iteotnritige W.A. psvsiient velcomnedtheG grosp anti rend a poem. Promiseo ai ~Sprig. A tetlee vas reati ieons Evanget HatI, Toronta monoeesing dtiitons aiso la invite lise ladies ta a spodat service on Mardi 14. Evangel Hait cetebratti M0 yeacs ta the tission voit on Jan. 23. lThe urgent neeti is tea hags, povtierei mut asti men's shoes. hies. C. Peacocit thanhoti mnemoers for the gifla sent ta hiec tehile in itoapital eecenily. rTe W.A. vitl caler ta a bowling banquet on May 8iat Legion Hait, Milton. A committee vas oumi ta organise for supplies. hics. liestnritige ctoned lte mteeting vitt a peayor. 1n charge for W.M.S. portion ai hsiness vas lte peesitimt Mes. C. Paiteesoli, gtvisg The titongit for the day, tfolovoti hy prayer hy Mes. R. Macohat. Gniagh ladies vit eniectais liatn Assocdation Jane i at 2 p.m. Plasfor lise pot lait tancheon vere mode lise data Apeil 15 aI liavie Centre et112.34 n.st. Tis annusl event la spannoreti hy lte Manor residents e sermons, entertain ty MissaL.hMoe otialeti hy Goe Nov. N. W. ami Poster of Graco Anglicao Mes. M. Wecarsits Charcit. lise junior choir vas in O Jas. 17 chfirdi service vas alleotiance, ami sng Goe f t alt in lahG chapol 0f île Manor, hymnf. A.CaWa ladies af luncheon O Tuaiday Mardi 2 a namitor 0f ladies irasn St. George's Angilican Charcit Aftermoos ami Evamong Branches of Gae A.Ct. altte a -worhshop' meeting in St. istios Chaircit, Burliogton. Aditresses wara givas hy Mes. Tiler, hirs. Stophens anti Mes. Porter after viaitGere vere discussions hy ltae groop attestitg. rTe "Worid Day of Prayer" vas hald on SI. George's Anglican Chorcit, Latevilie vifs memitars allending frose Lasevilia anti Zisemerman Unitedi Giorclas. lthera vara about 35 ladies allending and Goe speaker vas Ras. Wayne Irvis of Lasvitae United. Me gave a wartlîshila atitcas fo the Go Ie v.ha are thepoor". The leaders veca Mes. La Page, Mes. Kesey, Mns. McCormacit, Mci. Roy Celter, hics. Oscdge Gsoity anti Mes. Jaffarci. hics. JamesPoell. renderad a solo. Presenl play On lSuntay March 7 a "Confirmation Play- vas presentai hy Gae cssfirmaison dlas aI tha mornstg servica. It vus secîtten ity Joyce Bestas anti Gaose tahusg part vera Kathy Powvai, Lyone Marris asti Mugit Marris. O Weinostiay Mardi 10 Goe Aflernoon A.C.W. of St. George's met aI île home ai Florence asti Cefsarine Corne, lise meeting opesmi viG the hpssi, "tehal a Prienti ve have in Jenus", Goe memiters' prayor, prayor portner prayer anti a Lenlen devolianal iram Goe Living Message. rTe Scriplsre vas givas hy Mes. M. Kisg andtihG 'llsosgt for the Day" hy hies. Wtt Poell. lThe roll caSl vas atHinîs as Gardrnisg"l. Nase delegate Plans vere mode ta attentheG ansusl is Hamiton on Apfil 15 and Mes. M. Kisg vas nominatati us a valuig tielegale. Il vos pisninedtlahave a auchre as Aprdl 20 andtlholti a haaaar on Oct. 27. Me. Will Povell gave a hasarous reatiing anti Mcs. Nog. Tvs rond as article on a play presanlei hy St. George's Chardi qsile as oashor ai years ago. Rev. Jefiares closei lthe mteetisg asti Me. King aarfioned aif lthe misceitoneous aIe. Luscht vus enîayoti anti Mes. Reg. Tivss Ghaohotithe huslasms lise lunch commitlee ami al seit bati costibtetl the meeting. MIç W.M.S. lThe anssegasitorti dioonee vitl ha serveti at 12.30 folioveti hy a pregean o i anti athoe enlerlaitnment and soany tudiy tieavn. cTe vendis day of Frayer Service vas fofloveti itit Mes. HM* McCaon, Mc.. C. Jarvis, M. H. Peacocit, Mes. M. Tucner aid lise peesitisst as leaders. lThe spedial aireas vas reati iy Mes. R. Brovnriige. Aftoe lthe lenedifon, a stoeof goodienvwas hltt iy hics. Turner. Mas. J. C. Marstait vas itoutoun and serveti a dataty lunch vitit a ocial tati taar. lTe Apfil meeting ta ta ho hal tthe home of ides. S. Finle Sr. liirthtiay greetiogs ao 10 Sharon Jases, frevor Riehol, Lintie Le Riche, Chartes Lawerence, Robert Sargent, Alias McKinnon, Grog Evea, Jo@ Kuhinc, Mes. W. Feailseestos anti George ireoiidge. lThe Girti meeting of Hoeshy sout 4-H Chasse Nihittees vas hld on Saturtay Mar. 13 at Omagit chsrch. Helen Van Dehoo isesdeti a oaieo 0f preii uNvi. ait It vas tiecideti ta have a Nwo weeo holiday. lThe Milt gel-to- getervül bcApai 3altl p. Meetings four anti five vit ho itolt at 1h01 tise. Demanncaiana aid group vaSk involvoti malang a costarti andl a potata collage cheese sat. 'rTe leaders led in a dincussion igolti your mosey's varfo ta nioy ment lThe rslidenas oh Masor vone enierlaiseti on Mna evoming, Jan. 10 hy tiseOitie Symphony Orchestra, condtiat hy Kemoth Moities and ontier thedirecion of Daviti Dust. hic. Serait Cartigly ilanhedtheG dollaors, anti ait to-osent enjoyei refroshmenta. rThe bhdtay parly for the monGhof Jaary vas hald in the auditoriume of Goe monor, Jas. 19. Il vas spamsoroti hy the teomen's inoiluta of Asitgrove, aider Goe leadership of Mes. Percy Con, Mes. Mahol Kissad tanhetitGo ladies of lte tastitata on bhialf of Goe renitienla 0f the Mnor. O Ghe evosiog of Jan. 20 the resitionla enjoyeti a itaa game spomsorai hy toe CivtanCthf Gahalle. Jan. 23 at 2 p.m. the Ot votig annivorsary 0f Mr. and hirs. William Cousn vas Celoicata in ltIhe auditorium. Digailtarien ailentiag iscltieti Jist Sne, M.P.P. anti Mayor Orian itof s Milto* Servico vas codaclet in theG chapol on Jas. 24 hy Goe Nov. lainer. Memiters 0f the Senior Ciflas Cluofilonî onder the ireecion of Wfllam Woada andi Thomaa Biradley, enlerlaineti tho resities of the Matvr inatGo auitorium on Jan. 26. Noeenit- menta vero servat hrioig ta a close, a mont pleasant aftefon. Dall t of Fehruary chardi service vas halti in the chopaI, contisclti hy île Nov. Levis Blongtio of lthe Peslicootal Chardi, visiting from Nova Scolie. Drumquin Hedi Nowak on s tudent vocation By Mes Ceci] Paffersos. The ragular meeting of Drsmqasn Wssten's Institale van holti aI the. itama ai Mes. J. Picholl, Sr. os Tuasday, March 9, vifs eight mamiters alleotisg. Rail cali vas vatl ansvered hy naioig a usfl hutches gadggt. A paper preparadhby Mrs. W. Wylia vas raad ity Miss G. Featitarston os Eaton's of Casada 186 9 -1969. Titis in eecstîing histocy told hos Ticolty Eaîan staclei itis f irst store aI île corser ai Queos and Yaige Street Toronto vith fo doertsand lats merchantise vas siectly dry gootis. lise meetig vas taitoveti viG a tieligititt lunch serveti hy Goe hostesnand a social haffhm. Me. anti Mca. W. Wylie have soin Inoe home on lTrafalgar Noati ai Wyldevsod and are moinguspl t. lisey aflihen ui iaet b G Omagh Cheese Nibblers busy girls aye.C ellulermo vont la Mes. a Wa, hie s sint liolda of asti, bonna, haea sount foit Four (atiitfolastveeh) tisad leHse lg, sot Wilicd asti a MMaleptagt giela imlSesnn ut Hldsot Reeti. Misa Lucy Robertson of Oakvlllo caleho as o4es 0ue f The Boyne Recreallon Norman Lawrence, a forer We Renti siseer systpatty tabrenod, or 17 Il. at roun hof communeoohetia mont sttmessiol rosegi tis are p asdway the fantly, the geaddlen ani iR. Yagutsc madie ira fresit sudtr and soialtho foet the la Maltaon etat Mano ou great grandetffltrn Il liot thsasisd o ed astort Ceotre on Felisay hiarch 5. Friday Marcit O àfler a Iesglhy hareavest. B REsIaddpiionltRtE Tveoly-one tahles vero ta play itinoas.' He la sueviveti hy las Dot vot visites la Misa Biande khbe, a ih Il haa hast wîit peines far higit noce ta tiaughters Amy (Mrs. A. Sithtapatient inMltosn istrite . tatnvoe i cas Mm. Clare Wlsotn, Mes. F. Peacitk), Ruth (hirs. W. Hospitl astar a fait aI hier hao ha unet in ay wnyB stit 'a Peacoci, ROY Wison,Gorge Belley) anti Miss Autirey ecetly. . GMn for volgt vcia Brovoriige. Lacky taitytiiaws Lawente, who la a teacher in ltse Felentis are sery ta toesr Ihal Titreeiflavou Fretismme ta a patient ta Milles litres flavors we os dtaplay KiIbrideHosptital asti hape hae ta feeling ta Iesle andti iy, Blaci Cheen _______bete soon. asti Strawherry Itavaire wore Itlta peesusoeti an elecie Shati hy stany. The laisn a Red Cross fund i b'-ùea' r.D"eiiLawrec tosn o 0f Me. ant Ms. Dni Laesino pat oncut i k anti I fo I L h~~y smoSeleanivse Mâtas Sktam mlk poviee, a esaoniesece u p o v e r lO st v e a r FlceDepaetaamearelrvedqalelay foudteasyutosta-eeosytas,- RyMes. WtUuainBlm Paonlttavelvweretin chargae oi tite aid ouvo the taaidisg i ieapeoulve, has goud flavar, asti Twenty-ttee, ladies allenie Faith Missios Moile Unit tehidi hosto auttati. hs s ss a lte Woetti Day of prayer service wa ta Kilitride daelog lte pasl Riait Nova sand a frenti frm tis t: unss in tUitbrite Unlt Charch, ta venta. fthe Scuha Dlvlsg Cluh vont lar a FrdyMec ie Fed setvnait lte Sassiie teinier dip ta Ceaviord Laite Teat Tho Mmees peparoti a hot Ahitoil f esrvce pe5. oo ai I' lie ear for hdrem, fie wek The wer in th w for Cnes citowdter, tites vo Karen nitt itrt Wice soit l te easat ni it ie about hall an haur. etgnaAns Osalee, Nancy nils-sno e5ngfeom 1:30ta 7:30p.m.the Citese aitees Ltrtc.A tielietaus ngg nog te rdeb rlsn el ouvse Just eefltAvshoti. The second meeting of lise vas prel>are ity Annelle Mes. A. Titopat Mca Joe 'iapsl ou' at services Hoesity Soauth Chaesse Nhtiners Vantievatk, Rosie Laitey, H enry ani Me t e oe hatti fron i p.st. tas9 pst., was hatt int mgt st Danielle Mjo, Janice ETiao. ttaatiteringtoo. his.R.it.z etr FIIiay, hiarcit 12 holog lihe lent Seio" room ntoSseia lunc~ wth crckr nd pnerv o oslte 6 vitit 14 masitori altendlsg. acosatipIl tesliee the*meago Peopen t smoesi :fr sepeta vitit a Meeting apoetid vitt 4-H Pietige, chps- fromthevee"A e Pol gondiattendanoe. th peesitient Hotu Novakit ta liayaeeig gotJe Fotlovlng lise service a shr Nov. Hugi Jamieo vas ta charge Nazi meoeting ta ho Vandevait, =tVi ves, c. Je. binss meeting va ielti an attontiance anti sitoei a Mardi 13 asti thon a bresak for Wilstt, Betit Maesitall, Alfed ptans vere matie f oe a retigloas flm. two venta hecaose mout oi tise Ford, Henry Peacoct, hic.. M. Wsogabordi mppee ta hietti hies. Boai Schilling of Cetiar memitees have plans for lte Pevleess, Mes. A. Peacoct, Fday, Mrcit t9, as a specla Springs Nat ta a patient aI violer holiday. Il vaa tiecitie ta Dehitie Raysee, Mes. F. Qpaftees projeet, ta te Suiday arhoat Milton Distict Hospital. dosit ithe harn of one of tise ant Jody Cain. reost. A committee vas nassot anti memiters are Mc.. Ahitotl, Miss Nota liurns, Mes. Wihoert Ford and Mes. Eie hicAclhar. spiestitttalit During Goe social hall tour, Mes. Austin Hiscocit prenenleti hics. Zvidier vith a amati laites of apprediai ai lahaif of Goe ladies foe hier splendid tait, hies. Henry Gortor oeioti ,a vola 0f ilas 10te . Zvidier, asti la aiton vho taoit pocteservce andti a Mes. k nocandihi. Jackfillis for the rofreshmoolas and ta Goe diliors GhaI von in attontiance. At theSuoday morning service, hiarcit 7 aI Kilbiite Unileti thiardi, theAppieity« Junoir antier Goe dioto f hies. Wite Kliermans peovitiot spedoal muie. Nov. R. Marvaiti haseti lits sermson os "Hoaves anti Earts,. RediCran fusd lThe studentsat Kiheide Pubhlic sdionl ralsii *5W.a7 for the Reti Crso titis yoar: GMi vas $M.ti sure thon Tant yeae. Sperlal projedos von putlan hy fue classen in viid ail Goe sstioenlu of the scitool pacticipalei. Mes. Meateringlan cosdtil haSe sale, Miss Fil..o, g:amet a lunch tinte for ailthGe chiticen, Mes. Moc.isg, loaltoer gootis, wrisI bantis, tiocoraledti hings asti Mr. Movilaon's statienta von aoc lionsti off 1e, eadi otor for slaves for Goe day. lThe statienla ai Mes. Lysn Meateriogon venl hy has lest veit thG lias Safart. Men. Chif Frotz a shase altor leing a patient aI Miltas Dinh-icI Hospital. Mliss Pal Mehioites anti Miss A supply stutient mloistae for Goe Prshteiso citardies ai Gos anti Gagit, condtiat Goe service in Goe chapol of the itanor Feit. 14. Special enietlamest lThe hirtittay party for Goe anGh of Feuary, haltin tahG auditorium of the Maasr, vas spameroti hy the Order 0f Goe Eastern Star, oo Goe th. lise group) aider Goe leatiership of tics. Marie Mchillan, provitiotia suejaahe prsgram, mode Up Of the hMilasn Girls' Pipe Batnd and solos hy hics. Juse moQuaig occouspasiot os Goe piano hy hirs. George Novoil. Karen tichello asti Susao Martin favoredti he rosidans vit an acetiont performsance of Goe Nword Daim. A lovely landion eas servoti, hy the ladies vita presosetid favocsI ta resitienla sriogtg ta a dlose a Most .îertaitting evoning. On Fait. 16 the resitioss enjayoti tise movie entilti "lThe King ant V', presoeti in Goe aadtorium os the Masn«. Miss Hedi Nowah os Company vith studeolo from 1 Actas and Mfitoe High itchoots com e p* n 1000 by air on rThsrsday for an 18 day holiday on the Medlterraoeao ares. On arrivai at Ram!e theyg on bosard for a cruse~ cwo m sveg lvlidayisg they vii as have classes of study. Several teachers Th moeyub ,temrey sv nal are in charge of the parfy. Friends wish them a happy Dr. Woerel speato Dr. J. Worreil, assstant chief 0f staff and chief gysocoogist ai Oalivîife Trafalgar haspilal viilF r ub ia t 2M3.ry Hea attrsnti ansver questions ta lte memsie ofSa lnRd-M ts Nait Trafalgar SIlmie itealtit clubt.An invitatila exteaded taPh n S any inleesled ladies ta titis opens meting. Hialley, Wayn e lley. Voluaeerssneeded Kilitritie anti Distict Recreation Association are oseetiing volanleers ta help vit hasohait agata Ghis yoae, ta coacht, umpire, etc. Anyono ittrenteti ta ashodti a atlaten s 1peiameeing, Wetisnay, 17rcî (tanigitt aI 8i:00 p.m. at thon omf Gardon Harris). Kilinido Y.'C.W. is holding a ssogashorti aippor ao a spedial project on Friday Staci 1a aI O pari. in the Sastiay scoal reos Ladiesvil pesotide. ltonr vil ho ansiser sollerfios. memoees oteten Van D5e Bsoom anti valdi cases boa iiei macine anti tishe of i l motion itage refelgeratati vais. lThe nov record booha la gala mloe vere dinleihalei. A nue memitor vas vecomei. RoI cali, nasse a popsine datey fond airveti in yose haste vas costscleti. Leadiers Mes. Patlecson andihtes. Kiornaui ted a iscusasion os milS asti b stany vatus for gond haSltt, po girovtt ast repate taoue anti tissus. MiS ta lag in proleis asti caliumo, neetieti for itealthy .MORE IAMMMI 854-2271 oLmumJ NEILSON'S JERSEY LIODhl ILEASI 64 oz.L ONYKSWH E GALLON a a 10E CREAN JAVEX REG. 57 39- KERNEL CORN I4ALF GALLONS - ~ REG. 2.t3 BOX $l . 10 9 ALL FLAVORS K IING SIZE $ R TISo B LD90 ULII ETEIEIT 1 FOR 'E IN F NEW LIQItD NEW "St25NG" NEte 0-CEDAR FRIS. ORAGE A J LE MON SPRAY RSMASTER EU RE.FOR DISHES G.S A P O MED. SIE 1LARGE SIZE EACH K EACHRG e ,,Os" 35Z EACH O SWIFTS VAC FAC LB PKG SteIFVIS CANADA PACKERS FRESH LEANBACN PIEMIUM FREMIUM EMI WIENERs 490 Gookod Ham 99LO BACONPE.6 0L FR050, LEAN, MEA'rY MAPLE SM KE FREIN, LEAN. MEA'rY PORK A 990 pîcio 4 NOU Go kSw (PORE SIOCULDER RAT,4 L L5 r ib3 L REH"ON ENFRESH FULL CUl FRESH SIRLOIN or 005 LON LANROUND An T-IOE E eork Chops55c STEAK 99~ STEAK'1B-1 .09. FREtS FRE55 FRESII "VENETIAN" ROMP or SIRLOIN TIF VENETIAI O SMALL eue ROAST 99L<' SALAMETTI_ 9 9 LaB MortidillaU OE. SUNSOINE FANCY FRElN FRIES SNSHINE FANCY GREEN PEAS REG. SIC5 K * LB POLY G~ PEPPERID00 F AOM$ Apple Tunvers REGs tt OZ. OF w e CANAD IAN FAlOT APPLES .1. 9 1 0 ..9 BAG4 CANADA NO s LARGE OOKINQ NO 1 ONTARIO Os25 LBa Pot atoe BAGBas CI.arvl.w WINDOW CLEANINO SERVICE Resldentlal only - folly insured - f ree estimrates Booe Now for early Spring Cleanina 878-334 Nextti.yesMItmt- stakdoneastoueoM. PRETI THE nstmber carniva une ai t GUESI carsivi Berecas Daviti 1 Caitadi Champ SEAWE hiltGs hotti Sa Neptss deep se& $570 accident oe steor tvo.oar ma"uiso ivmu nestigaled yMighscu ast tliee tus a i g =nuatve Dr. collidoti Nelliser driver vas tajueint lis accidient vio ourrai ou M ain Si. L D o u . e l Four stlsaccajien Biseabc, ivestlgaftid hy police titis ve. MMOMM