OUR RIAbURS WRITE: il SOW FFSTIAL '71 'Dear i: W. have alao" dows a btl afler Bhe lsrtibe ahove, houtofaileait heconea 01]olormayt1, obhalf of hlisiMaoui cammunlty Service Ctabs Committee, Bush11111ai yas vosy muls ladood for Bhe fastalle coveragn prouldod te Tise Wereednany cmais, h ot nltilmai ostaidors, on what a fine jois y00 bond duns. t cas tlli yas, Mo Bhe Caiuilleo aa a uhoto approclated Il antd mercbaus, andinafacl, Behofe tn ila and district conte ot hope for hotter ce- qiraln fraisoyonse. Aeeho, oor stacoro Jho5eager, Chairmas, Milton Conaty Service Clubs onclon Persoa fellants ntttaget slay. Bu dmd Biach, i Bhey fui Rdocallî am go! haay hlshway - noaner or teter Bhe uandr d- gt ht S.bail protecion las ho nboot sa fnirangeodosaain heep plsas s' ifl hohboa dogsodlhnshep yon hv.%M-If chual tc t h e shoip ho utill ho ne, te colohon yen are auay. Akoae who hoas esn vaeop aidy lghtty cul hy a does tleBh, whon Bhe hlfectlin ias net te about Bu dayn tater, uttt have syophy fore ee raBoer Bas Bhe dog. ufortate Bait Bhe loal shejshord hou te acd as as an-pald dagealciser for hNe nelgis- horhood,hni btosal ivealaci ounorn ho loBte mout voînerahte and liserefore firsl attached. Enjoy yostr Ranlorf honi, il la Worth every cenl Il coul 700. lShephord DISCRIMIATION AT MILION TOWN RAIL Honing aionotBe ousairlsofdMillos ta STUDENT AGAJINST y ear, t Brous fat Ilouis disiintion" CtOef NO0F SCi50L onao.For exampte, 1. Walo and oouver fin pessed aur :properly Bhe botter part id aus years hnt wore nt avaltable aI tihoo hy lamper- in te CsE youartces al Bey saoa coancelae, Bhe rate hls 2%1 10 3 sie ctoaiss Cainsiholvite ilciootI Bau louis rate siy t foolt1h11 Il uhosidnsI. 2. Osidross aithsded Milon arSasta1, 191110e nsasl hm Pr5d5UM fi athougosiso httax apaitduOinit, but anSdItIal orodaco mitre I coistell I hotiove matn 205 compelsatod hy laine raaasrhs4 goofjaeta inthBe arraneentAlli amy bsinss OnI0U555O551 ami~ ~ ~~ msd a o Bs e l ansd my commoclt aaeaart 590 tif mstlosctoaed,uwhy nolteair li dirocly te Bhe louis hut wo woro ahod te nd hoff a itwou 000 Tho otdor pay a higisor rate than louifs fufor hockeoy. wtl te I ami fud t' sort id 3. Having a businssn a Mate R. te Milton, forliser lss prevail. Whise nsy wto h e fine toambonsuwho taugts assoassisntcane be por runt from Mrs. Mitchell, Mc. Watseon, Mrs realdosllat te commeorcila, t mid tua &r. Wright asd Mr. Omis? I02 unO nsnnhrs of coucl hoidcmmrcl tend- lBthshoins5ttd rmua. If ise itssesaed aI f18 por foot and one0 aI $10 y ue con Bghl Bhe Boa d rf to lethonhinle (more ortlesnt. 1 atao as, u B tls plisk op oor weap1500 Ctleve thre ta one 3ofoot ltlasnoseda nt 10 pefZ.Mor three years t malaiss t gol My aPeom daun te $44 par fool. <Rqsallaa- Rlies Gadd, lion would ho apprecinted.) Camplailville. 4. Planning honing lison placo te the south end of Bhe lowa of Milaon, Bhe Toms I PACKS OFDOGE - a 'rWORRY SHEEPFARSMER houilo ce he I Dear Fdilor; Cosochav, B hoie Hou ahou ol s co ltais for Rester uho av p dinnor--Osarlo spinlamhob svlth ced Ibs ot i carrant JeDly, peou and nou pointus Do olisead ot et hoe thecos giv you pae t in - ahout mykboasda he dogs? malter ofc hos Saulieris Ontaclo la weil sied 10 sa Oni Mond Dy forma of livestocis. Thse relallvoty lit secretecy ai l'o awnoail meansi t Ihl heep, active and tu e o roug couldiner- anlims, co ho exercchod date on o auside =aiy ouail lhey iamht dous te md- ts. as ses is ulolr for lihe sprig hossh cop placeoWed e Hulnfip bceda of -dos (alfisoogl tueonqsirmdif et ahoop a doos are lise uame) aoldoin hotteor i 1- aheep. Thse wo"n offendora sors Caile ad llermanoheptsrd or Alsallan, devetopedl hy irertty loi a atractive te lheo breedle. mourcil chs Ms 0< Vary - S00M oeeh carrion tu hodt certain et hoalance' theïr dieta. Olhors tuiho fl , a~ttend. r dislsrhing nsoing hirda, and chasing My ulfe !d rahis tisrougtsou lise nprlsg and entamer. liste, te pro e Onrs teave tison locale weekends whes nolrecognii 10 Bhey depart fer tise cottage. lise dos aunt lise ga r orandors off and starta troublte. At lisis polo r 0f tes lgilty fied, Bhey chse higser isworsisip 1 , faine. Boas tomho are mach th. ase id t hotenmeeth ilt rahis amidnmore eaaily cauglo. Evenlsaily hoving a d Èmsisee and calvos may hoe tacled. Il la by pacha id uild dogo. To a shopherd a dog'n harn th e milddle B ~ ~~~ ~ of ungtma s o.Adguiirn t la necenoarlly, tendent la a Block-auner, oves dm thobe hjola a 2hour dey,nseven days a s uok, ulh onty Bhe tocis ownor Bhe tos.r of steop,aitd nseep. lise Block ousor la atso Bhe reaipiont of frosfration and killornos irons lotes nisihor deprived of Bhe cotnpany id a r dg Bait was at homo as soldons as is s Goodiprotecionifor a ftck of heep sa Space heater causes alarmi A Boudedt spae iseater la - umed Un caase ofa fire etthe home id Brlats Brus id R.R. 1 Mtffal. sooB idf Hlgtsay 401 ais NEWEST IDEi Picotl Lase Nasaasaweya Sunday e venmng. Milton Firo Dopternt nanauered Bhe alarno. 7 Reuldonln id Bhe hause S c( ozllangaahold Bhe blae hoforo fîromen arrlvod and mînor DUC alaire damsage waa reporlodl ho [ILOR th bhouse. 1 thsehunsala ouodby Rev B AIR REFRESH 1 Ratis. - qaulte beauty Gi -Oelocat ceaIdent reporled nrrgemnt 0 iEn ieong eigt rotemlan inser hock amazingltto yard Monday mncms Oenovce1 fid . rnfrenhes air. hoip UsIn living roors don, or office Wo 'Te i orshtIs Salivation Army PICK-UPTRUCKt 1. MILTOIN . AIEA l EVERY TUESDAY Computer Se 877-8522 m 181 Fioneer Enciosed pie. MILTON loaso mail sitriclio Ber A-a maishor id -amnsier onFtaPlaig Boucd 'operly lnaBise ares. So uhy uas g fon u t mediums deoslly m asdoms te 10 Sldoroad, opplas short as Bhe norBoa ido ry lie? If for mBtig etae, a osrlony and togical reasosios. tay id toal ueek t cosloclod Bie the planning boardaet tems hall SI o date, us brongisl opteu falhobutcoascil had overrssted sie us. A nseliis uas talons smay sighl. I lsosodlaety Bhis 2000 an open or ctosed e nsgesled t chseck ish Be Utis I daid and uai coferred Bhe mayor. Thsis I dld hy phone Drsnod luaootmlte te .hors. t teonnu hi wri lamues aboat s em, amwould and 1 attendadt the meeteng te a asdcosof Bis ame, hot uore soas hetef there fram Bhe chair vol saasdaed te damu discussion. tI may have rsdaly terrupted te Bhrou my 1590 conte uorlhten, la artias fromB te chair uas liho ]or stasosed la oseos tara. Staaley Gibhons, Bronte St.. Miton. OFF TO DL.... N . Aime Runnaia, marketing f or Disney Music, last week aged 10) id R.91.31 Maion isas won horself and presented tise plaine tickels ami information hor fomily an att-expeone paid trip te onBth six-day "trip of a lifetime" te Anne, ier Disneyland la Coliformia, tiscougi a Watt parante Mr. andl Mrs. Rasa Runats ami Disney Music id canada Lld. competitlun brotisera Craig 5, ami tan 8, at lise FirsI Line ceceatty fealureil on 'Ssreddes" cereal home sauth id tous. packages. Jins Raytsac, cigist, direcloir id LICEN5R TO KtLL Desr air: A châiliving lna villtage te Ontario has a poppy, keepsa , testa afler il, loves Il - Bhe dag grous op, a memhor id Bhe faly, and ase nit hes Bedag la lt out for a Buta ru hoor he-m hoatdora off ilaMx l2091.toot and ANYONE MAY KILL TIIAT D00. Thtadnea't morisahoot il hocuesaoI la dong asyhonni;llmeans KtL tT, hy us i mupty hecaame il la uathing dama apulc isghuay, madl or streel afltr dans. Thsis coutdalt heo in l Canada? isaIs uhot Yeu Blonk! InetBe mail on Toesday we were cnslsded hy Bhe Tounship Office of Nassagaweya Bhat ue were esttlted hy Bhe Dog Tas asd lvmsteck and Pouttry Protection Act. revlsed Stalotes of Ostario, 1900, Ckpl. 10. tuokWtasy dao=tddous asyrmad orina pubtlicplocofe dak Everyooe cas asdecslasd a lou alloig a farmer te, kill a dog matestg hla livestocs, but la sol licese te lotI a dog siptyheos ilisaon a puhlicrmaidor place aflo r nsalittte drastlc oves for sas- aoimal loyers? tindashtedty Bhe low makers wuld desy Bhal socis a craet act wuid ever hoe cosated-holtif Bhat las., uhythieu da 200 nemi a lau te grant permission for socis as art? Maoy people complais about tise slaughter of hol sieas; plleaet us a copai hy onery gres te oor power R. M. Roisonsa, 91.9. 1, Casnpbelvite. rvices, - Winnipeg 1, Man. ase tind ... ............1$299 each). ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Floral Boisis. VINCE ..................... r. Sales Tax applies add srnie to chaque - cash or money order. DEALER INCIUI RIES INVITED -&hool holiday mort week, -Many of the hockey teamos dive carefuflly Mr. Moloriol. are in10 the playoffs. The Canadien Chamrpion, Wedvosclay, March 17, 1971 1 Henry Gorter Florist Kilbride Fresis tlowers thoughtfully arranged For corsages, weddings, hospital Bouquets, table and tuneral designs When you need f lowers. Ask for ours Phone Milton 878-213 jv oi Ei ORTORHE WHOLE HOUSEn!AI NT,; Guaranteed* Interior Semi Gloss Fork daon r Adg. 18.5 . tullin a for_1 foro 000 Bo mi C My .c.rs.Il25aII usiyithrîoliosss' ici W -00550 fmd o 130 sustor-blended miaours. U 50si0, ,oavnh ioep 3i11 COPELANO LUMBU B ING 1 0 )OT5 PuC1E E E- 2172 Main St. E. Milton 8178 2 GTherls' a new uror1d ofva1ue atyour9Pontiac dealer's. Variable ratio power steering. Wisi drissng on tise isigisway, yousce gut plenty of essud feei. Bot wiscn parkingh variablie fealure grcatiy redores the sterring usheci tu ris reqa mcd for tigisi spare mancuverlng. Standard on sin Pontiars, avaiaisie on ai] otisers. New emission controls. Pontiac is doiog its part to heip rcar lise air by designing engines tisaI cao caner an d miore effircntiy. And tisere's ail Esap- oratîve Fmi ssons Systeni ou a Pontiacs to absous fuel vapors. Power dioc brakes. lPawer front dssr iscakes iselp assure fast, fade-resistani stops under lise toogisest driving rondi- tions. Standarcd on ail igPosîliars; optionai on trim-sioe Pontiars. Biao-belled tires. tteip improse isandiing and trac- tion. tuas-belt design ,iisr Isilpi inrreasr tireliiehsv rsiîng il,,sng, ihus cuiting iseit bild up Standard on ail Pontiars. New open rocker panels. Ridure sait and water Souil up, iselpingto eliminate uisigistly rust and rorrosion. A (rature on full- 'ie ontiars tisat'il pay off .11 tride-in time. Roomnier, quieter interiors. Tisere s more room issîde be ca iial fu lsîce Pontiars ride on longer ssheeiisases for 1971. New douisle roof rosrcini arous tîraily.desîgned to aissoris soundci Draft-free ventilation. Tise sent windows are gone, in fssour of Pontiar's possered flois tirougis sentilaion system. It gises you a constant flow ot fresis air, acd dors it quirtly. A fuil-sîce Pontiar (sciure. New suspension. A new front suspension on ali foullsize i5onliars inîpeoses isan- silîisîsi issumpyrsssds.iissiîssss s 11l The ses uit , ai btsi , de ansdirire prersse rsad hlding, Prose it vois el witis a test d rive. Side-guard beamrs. lsscseasediside imipactiprotc-.tion sis every drior. Origissated 55' Gencrai Motîrs andustandaird on ail 1071 Ponitiac,. Inside hood release. Stops unsusitec isoid lifters. Rr- rease isandie s lsisated sînder tise dinh, Standardisnal ibgusuiiaL. As silabIs con tri i-suz ios îdels. Compiete CM safety package. Ail 1971 Ponias s are equ ipprd sssth (M's romplete package of arr dent-peesentisois orcupant- prostection andasts tiseft features. New seat construction. Tise front seats in aii fuli size Posîlsars featurr usess nio ded foam ronstrurctioni for more rom- fort and dssrabilsit New materiais. Up fronî,îll Psistis tsituresrosi Iel Aid on )Ili i disîder. GYourGPoniac dealer is makkngup for lost time. Cornein and order yor'719¶>ontiacnoWrforfiastdeliver - r -I *STRÀADWICK'Sý *FREE ESTIMATES - 770 RfNO ST. E. HAMILTON 527-3681