~~1 0MB approves CcimpbeIviIIe quarry rezoning imp I a six page decision, tise Oistario Municipal Board FMEL- approved Use application of Cloverleaf Quai-ries for rezoig 141I~ of0 land miNassagaweya from isuarry holding toquarry. 1111 V II IlIl 1 1111 IlTise decîsion, received Tuesday by township officiais, WI.E k, W IR . M RU M ERU. M. oted thsetownship should now pass a by-tais implementing tise HPAIKSDAYr spinfosal ar ntmtiefo h oa rdsirlastnioll wswon VOL. 111 - No.46 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1971 Twenty Pages - Fifteen Cents Titsreaieriilfoetebartsfilrswod '3~Acesfrointracs Tise 15o acre siteffaffectea is o tise Guelph Line approximately across lise roadt from Mohawek Raceseay. Cw 1q W ý IGHLAND LASSIE38, part et Scoliund's additio ta "'Corne Hood, Kelly Cann. Cryptal C3sucismucl, Lana EKOison and Fly Wilis Us". tise second part of Saurday's skutlssg carminai. Ciseryt FitupatriciL Tise local plpers, Harvey sud Kirk Bronsh are sisoon wdish taad duncer Merci Giswold. Lot ta riglit asd Elmer Blaciocis. accompanied tisei. Sme pisoto-featuce arsod tise sarcle are Kathy Blucklock, Soson Similh id4 and stary on Page BI.-<(Staff Phole) Wants town, concessions for Iow-rental housing i Milton ta anse gotag le gsi lais-cantal issin n ils litIt isy Ontario Hastg Corporutin, Oie conicti oUI byve ta gise seins conessins, a denelapes aued Milton Cainci Monduy. E. Gaju representiso Huadaiay Carporution uppeured tusmir counseti ta cut uita capitalat tanis tn al a0 nd gines ita 1c ppenvulZ tan evnsisal 41 mnils of isairenu issusing ta prupoes on land onsib il Robert St., aient Of Mlesn Fuie Grounds. Cnci maude ns décision but uagred le diocans tise reqasst lu a caimmittas meeting riait osais. Wantil developed Cisiara Construction onm Oie land and liaud surlier pcnpsda msedisum densily denelapinent iiiclndisg a uOitrey, 011-unit fporsn tiidn thOe laind. =aicie OMMbe tuarably on ti prujeci ss Oie ste ta part nf Oie mce" aiein t olader part of tao Oey aSinsdlite ta sas delepd. Hsudouy in plunning tu parcisase uassuIt bull Oie land and bas sumttld n propsai of GHC lforio-rentul hostag mnils, bu1 the land oles pIns esola af mnclnstag u cesai Oirags Oie pr'spariy bans upped Oie ensIlae aser toits0 par mnit Me. Ganla leld cncti. He maid if Oie ton eut ils $1,040 par unit capital lat Meis insal ascs e ns OHC proect) und guveinim Oieirmuo bl essin tr atfuture toal of<41 fori Wînter, niee lemale duos aiese ktied linting otas ttay plnnged ases u 50 lest tenes. cuif nar Milon niarsduy. nie Oser aies., twa cacrysso tit fa-is distinse andt ose 00i a ningle taon, Chase appeared ta te rasstag teom dogo vs dago. Tise tacident occueeed os tise sst propecîy osed isy Datteris probisa Quey ashOe escaremL tisse ai Ftid WUldlfeOspaty aitOie Ohi i Hespeler Division ut tise tbluy Oepurlnsentnf Landet ndForst,. cust H&M Gigricbsait!the aciden brouht he ttaldee deah "nie4 sincspseb.st1 ioin teo cunliee cars servait f rossin epeler. Gingnis l hledsy dogb Ointm Ofthle 5déosilOMW, 15lest sfiess ta r ues iso fruas dogs os enlisis f ihtn w00 them. OOioss oece kle ycmars ruecs, illégal Mr. Lilsita in isuildings, ase lait OH- C aiasdd upprane lia prapoal. Only 1aoneeded A recent OHC survey indlculed Oie se-ed tas lins 14 o-rentul mnils ta Milton, nie densisper eaiis t10 teaupply Oie land and cresis repaie castu ta beit 14 mnils. it oas ast à profituble enture. Me. Gaula ssld li a u Oie ondy propsai reneissd by OHC lac Oie itones peajeci. Neigisisrs alang BeO ai. ocre recently sbd fta iit opinions ..Sap 1s runninq I" n Oie Cinsera dessîspasent oaid otile seserai caasptuaed Ofiut Oie cesei tat separuten thsie praperties tramt the medium dessity desetapment needo repaies, ssiy one isomeaouiec objecteta theprapaedland use. Ciniera's and Heudouy's plans foc Oie creeis cati for il le tae fultY mncbised tn t oue and 0000l foot csncrele tile ai a cnst af about $40 par foot. Mr. Ganja maid tise 41 mnils outd lliely meus assOies 102 clitiren ut ocbusl uge. nuar lisais. Tisere tasu nod- missionsteete tur the sogur bus tires, and the gaies wi11 ais tae open daily dsrisg mid-term traisi frein Mordis 22-26. Muy entend Il If Oie oeaOiernsan cu-aperutes witk brigisi suiny days and cald frsaig siglils lue Oie sent teai weeks, île Craofard Luise sagas huainsuay ais tae open util Aptil 4. Eyes woen5 as upectuioss ses Oie original metisad aI tupping trees usng spils Ispautîl and large isoodes beÊkeis or Pella ta cotais Oie cao ssp dripptag frain Oie maple trees. cas tea orcei peaistein if Oie pepulation is uat cantra0sed. The departmest and toao spsetssses's clubs boss ad- nocatad tssitad deer busttag to costrolthIe population. Poot Coulsos, pest prssdst ot Haitos Sportsoss's Association, tsao strong supporter of o cantraaled bssting seasas. "I'd saener ses Osein ismtad dma ostajngtedeaO. Id lire te ate sonsu hes« letralistu arosasd ta Oie nsarag and nso Oim s eletosis. Il aiould realOy muai n tisk," lie astad. Ospuelmesi of Lands and Forest ofticiais and Insul sorsmen ugree t iffissnting ta snt uaswd, natuce oUi lts Oie siution ta bond. Whisn Oie duos Cauncillar Chiarles Johnsson sid lie oas reisclent le cui Oie inipesi cherges because il od ait a precedent. He suid if Oie taainttxedOiheBrasle at. creek as plsud, lise creeli presita nisl st lie s badl uitOis pait souOi of Rabert Si. CoascinOs Gordon Krantu suld Oie tons fsceglsmmes wosld mea $,100 as 41 asile aud "$36000 Wein go a lao ouy ioard o $1,000,000 seouge treolesent plant" weni Oie leain 000l suan lie needing. Rai ssp ta Oin pulled by tnasnt Isteiglil ta Oie large seau cauldeos otare il ta 00Used don le mopte syrup as iaple sssgarliy-prndscls, ssis as mapie tutty. Me. Oserie tnite" eseryane te taule Oie mople sup and cainte aut nd esjay n aflernasu outis Oirosgis Oie sagas busis. Il's innigoating for people af att 0155. Crondard Lobe sagas titis t iocatad ai Guelph Lins and Bsrlisgtas-Nassagaoega Base Lins Rad opprauimotly tisses miles sarts of Lovile ami a mite saib ot Campiseanille. populton tassases excessive, sasse subher dis dos ta stuesotisu or diseose as are ititd in ony ose of a numier of ays. Tbis ussoter has becs portscularly barsh. The tack of food ssmore acste wisbhe eisavy so Oin il bas tees sn mosy yses. Camptatats of dae ceeotg as smsuO abisl nd rstatag yaung apple trees bnve lees tOnd. Senscul aires tarisers adsacatad a dees isnnting susoame tisse Zwhonaises Oi ttar oas sp tar nssion. Oes isntlng bus tam illégal ta Hulesn tac senaral peurs. Ofticiais groin sportumeu's Sympatmy, but littie hoUp on roads scimeme Halts Caasiy Casseillars atterel sysspatisy tait nat a lai of héeip la Miltos Cosaii wbes lisey udapted a fins year causty coud plan alunh autias tise miaty's maid progroaner tise sntz Ose Milles asbed tac seneral oncessions tait met aiutl linsited sieceus. Milton tiene los Hareis ssd if the camnty wauld assume debenigre essis tac recostaructionsofMain at. omi aof Martin ai., as ih oas use af lise esadi lise cnty 0011 assume acssrding le tise repart passaid ut Ttoesduy's meeting. Wite cmude chalrisn Rasse udvisedlthe cssnndtleethse nsasiy seas under ns obligation ta pay. No die Fainag Oint, Reens Marris asbed if Oie mointy wsald tube omer Beinte ai. feues Mess le Steele Ave. Me aie advised Oie roed ddsst mesS Oie Criteria and ouln ie ta easidered. Tise M .Iton represestutiven sstvised Main ai. froas Martin ta Branle ha prngrumimed tac reonistiruction ta 1972. Hurtas aes leld Ose lewis and caiuity old lie le aoise ta essiss- tion on il alias lie agbed ailers Oie leain ond stand if Oiey decided Oiey anled parking melurs.as Oie Mua ai. Pur comsmunications Depaiy Reeve Perey Bare oderedaiby mmicipaltie isud ast tamn képi intarmed auts Oie repart mOtl nio. He ssid Mlesn ouldn'i hsave spent asaney as Main ai. ifthOey laise the counin w05 faing le tutu OssOy ils castrat.' Oulinilte, Georgeton and Barîsngîan repreuen tatines oged tise repart oas smeaitat o surpris aiin il was tuisled. Oulivitte Reeve Alias Massas soid Oie stuff ta Ouisvitle neyer linew nything aot il astit lie taais Oie repart down le Oéie. Burlingias Depaty Reene Dane Casas ssggesled Mlesn sisauld ta represenled an Oie caunty couds Want pool room open on Sundays A 107-susse pétiton apeue befuce Milieu Casuneil ita ieb kinthie uain tscevlae lisby- tai and ailsaia Mule Si. puni rome ressuie open on Sunduys ftenu . pas. le 8 pu. Thse tans pages af eupporttag taesicluded neyerai udulss, ueuny young people and "a-siouple af Mua Si. bsnessueen," suld Reese Ras Hurtas. Thse ton bau lite refssed le uase Suaday "ldlire le try il sut lac e obOs," I satd Oie cesse, "lyau rsaid alouys stop Il laler."1 'li's pceiiy bcrd le stop Oie obeel, suce Il slurls iurntiag," oucned Casariflar Johnuen. Caunels adueinlstration committes unds puice chlel aies le lie usied liseir optatnis etare uny acnis taisen. clatsa nd Oie Depurtmeut of Lands and Fseesls are candue- ing o seresn af meetings 00i cassty cosseits tanOuiissuoe ts disscss tees bustisg. Brant, Hatton, Oxford, Watsrloo, Wsllington and Wentwortb cosstiss are cntrolled liy thss Hespeter division. A meeting oiOi o canassttsa ot Ruaton Caunty Cnril 001 tae hld Saturduy. One of tise alternaives tise Lands and Forest offtielst inO saogest ta a Oiree-day stuggersd isastisg seuan once snn'y tain yeurs. niai outd alosa linters thres daysnce enery tiyerota liant aiesr 001 Oie the dua ould ast tae cosécutive. camnottes as tbey are tise snly mssicipality wilisasi a member. H5e said lie caifd underslasd tissas feeing tisey weee nat geitisa a reoOly tair deai. Ai thissi awn meeting Monday, Miton Cloars bilsadccsad lise cassiy caorcti ot "empie buailding" and "teyisg ta justify lhissiexsistence" outis Oie grand eaad take«oner plan. Haltas wi11 tube oser tises maor nireets is Miton ibrougi tise csssty proposai and Coascillar Chsarles Fay, ans ot the opponents, aiarned the nsmnty oulfd nat gins gasd service. "Tisey migist au lie casepatta in tins years' lime-sisal da tisey oce?" lie soid. -Yau cas sell mis aout osyiising seiti Chaompion classifieds. Tise possiisility if isterterence iis tise Jockey Club water sspply.wa acknowlidge in tise Board' tengtiby decso, liai tiseymaittainedeartier a quarry operotion on tise site hadl enidently sot cosseil Jockey Clus otficiais cancers at tise lime Oie lond use isy-lao was iseing considered. Tise Boacd manstaised tise Campisealvie residents sba lisad lodged abjections attse isearing were tas far removed ta ise ai- lected by tise qsarry opération sisce tisey isere separoted isy Higisway 401. Personai objections Objections fiusd isy tise township oece tabelled perasota obijections of tise reeve and depuiy reene. Tise report asled lise casse bad oppased tise lond lseiy-taw at ils initial passing and bec cosiusd opposition oas Swim chits Tickets toc tise ointes soim ps'ogeamn npsaed by tise Milton itecrealion Comasiitee are sellisg brisisty. Mare mhas 300 tickets sers std lise tienit day if sales Mosday, toc tise sas boue nwim periods daily nst sesis duriaf the scissol AITEMPTING TO SALVAGE oliat lie cas. Tony Ksrz seades uaund ta Icase-higs sater in bis recentty pastetledl iasement recreatian ream oliere Masday's tisais depasited aimmit tiso feet of arater. He's pictsared lifting a draseerfut of incame tax recarda asta a chsair csnsidecet "asetteciuol". Tise Board sait it tempered is csssiderotian ot tise oisjections ot tise depaty reeve sncs lie liad ocbnawtedged lis oise oained qsorry land nd oas hoaldisg ils ose in aiseyance an lise lispe of a Proisteos of triftlc congestion, it oas rsted, isod lien alieniatet sy constructionf thsesewcouty rad rasnisg esiftram tise Gselph lots sortis ot Highway 401. Reqpilrenienssbsa Tise Bsard ssied tise reprasenloisans toc ond ogoinsi tise appiscation oses ampty dous- mnsed bti tise qusion renstned arosnd tisai af reqairensent. Senerot pages at tise décision sisscassed ibis aspect. Bard vice-cisairsnan H. E. Roberts asd member W. Ilirsi siguet tise décision. seUl fast asater vacation. Ttse prsgeamn a beld ini tise indasr pool ai tise Ontario Scheasl lac tise Deat. Aldmission ta lie pontl is y ticket asty and tickets are onoitoiste anly ot tise Town Htol Municipal Office. tu dry, seile lise piaso bass in o bats of maddy, caid seoter. Halles Cosnty rails departasent creos brougist a punsp ta, dry ouii bis bassinent-a roadsidec s'lvprl sassIt large esosgis ta carry sway lise runoif ostar. -(Staff Phsoto) Ou>~ FLOO WATERS RAMPAGED tlseaugis Ontario St. obere tise water oas backed op Milton on Monday and large cistsa of ica and averftowsg tise rsad. Ose mas ceportsd liampeet passage of tise esnoff iseosigli seeisg a ciunkof ioea foot isick and 12fest coinerts asd bridges. Wayne Itooden digs ont across go floatiag down tise normally plaelid theo cisoiks at, a bridge is Mltoni Plane on stream. -<-Staff Phsoto) Sugar bush open to ail "The ut tise Again pablie. aid baer, taing Oireen 20-21 ut pa. . ouurunnlng", aine tI i edat vary country igiL n agua tae beard Craiard Luise Ailes. tbis yssr Haltn Région vution Aatisarity is rigiapie mugar hus tutiesoapen ta tise tan Cassis and bis 22-year- nsQosai i l once ugua aligist la snsry cid's sys ,raiard Lake sugur lisi. cea ta open ta Oie pallie teebsuda - - Mardis 13-14, nit 27-28 frsm 10 as. le 4 Veelidays n ppaintamin 'madeuatie HRCA oftice sasi grmns ta vsit Oie dogs and some ee cauglit ta tind Oienelnes ai a tdiindvnage ta a dag ane isoasy so. Wle an runacross thecrust of in ta canspeusded ai aits peur os bocks bans shed stiersanduare difesselins. of Oie, feale deer ara g un'su ree IbIsley autu. Z d suber of dsa sie s id tencks ta sbggif05ist Ass". Stu stes Shiaw rsperiy dumage le cars exceodu $W0 ta cur-dees dne ibl Gingrtish euplatad dee- take toit on deer