# th. Canadien Champion, Wadonsday, Febrosry 24, 17 Fight counci ... <Cssiised bais Pose J) ntbea lise nyma wo hal ldabjadi tla contact la. Ontlario Mun=ipa solv tcard i caban Lior demlty zssbg oras fr(lien 10 lacedonmheïlads. I1 dao'tmee bauthi laia prcedaenl for oter Chain ilavelapain He revlcorcd b. bue oules spestsi eyerai yaare oais lai ni tueba maney on getie is lanai rosolved rezasica assa I cerlsaly one of the reslg is becaus yon are osanc.i icllag nie 10 eige." onld g "'m o icllafg yon, I sos asier. sau anlngostin chat la orbal I Coosi aa Ifioceme," repliai ebaaimi dhialn Pesace. ilacinlos Mr. Rgosaidb.e onlainot say laoroani ny mare - if ynn orisit osy lb. dev ContnuedfrmPage1 cillle~ dinices cno-raiieafe serviese. Firsf obanli bsntilosofb.encoaapaw rlb boardil toto presasurc off nvrbrini Wc tocilifies of Maflan. Il onia reicarei banale air cargo, cbarter iligbts Cooscil anai sme long distance arbeinleai fllgbs. M The Star etnry claims cml Uaompnrt afisister Jamsonl cbdaE noor prepoclng toplasei le are alo proposoi beinre tbe Ontario board, Oovecsaent. If tue province oaid 10 b.' municipaltiies ogree, expro- Udis pristion proceedinga ose staat Ie ablonnai iamciisaly. Tb. cel vta icfport coulie b.nl service by lacn s 1975. on lof sic Sparely popuacid nose. If tue foveamirients decide on servingi Orsopoville oreo as the site, an Ma.n lb. Star ntocy cillsos, lben tue stnuation location oroulai panbably b.e pin- von dans polafea in Ansarantb tonsip. If lb. devel laasparsety populaladollah land of bail sers Uitile ogricisiinaf vaine oaid lndsai satini pricms ara relafively loor. Aind if boardaie iceli nppear 10l conilict altu board or th. province's officiel plan. applicol Tisera la ose serions dawoback, .lnsary icowver. Af tue monet tueraisa ceni bic ro bigb spanai accao l tue ares concil oadit is hmuonrearaniolarom isilandis Maeten tu ond 1mins Nam.a innt Port gaaeya townshbip, for intance. Cbaiac Tiser. iaoisno a sno prcblemi la seery il tue Orangeville ares oricb lac motin bl Btar sinay dome cet mention. sncbi la nafl la mach abave avcrage proiniec oaid lais olofer bos ci asilcay la futurce illnstratei lh actc tbaf masiner, comniecatins la tuot ares of devsosn the prnvince clin b.e licnte pa ilai oi by lac lige amnounla ni sna. Tbe federal government, Depssty appsrentiy esnerea by chargan dit ram lbey aid nof enseait orila local "Thi ontuorities wban tuey doclicai os tuaongb, tue site inr tb. e lItraional D oy airpoat ai Ste. Scbolastiqne, sor th sarla ni Montreal. bue ebamen toi Il tir disacuse ail alternatives olla the pmc a prnvincial goverement, local nlaer do canellea and tua public tlag Rat tBora is'a psobi vl palaa poblic discusion - the probable the. on sie oi b.e fiven ooay ond and c01 orrectp spocalators coulai drive np picms tuan Il pf bevosalmillion. 10 conneil Newrs tisa tue tederos if I eran0 fnvernaeef oos cnsidering sasid, Ifit ladiforthe oconairport in tis cOonibi area conne as o reol sncprise. oany.' Officiais oaid pnblic oea. avare goversenent surveyors orere bosy Wban L tb. Iw o yr Wevylng boardap I aZ y d tabn grna oaid dise samsefr iao laage prooiet membeas orieb, putia to oaid to oba bat togetb.r, came out Airport. plasnng Tbe poneibility duit word Maynor specolafios bon b.an aiircctoa Hayoaai coald Orngeville !10 diveat to aesigni attention fron tue Oergetoseo- cao b. loi Acton-Miln distaict bas ot Tiiem mscapoai oy la fils ares. Tb.re meetingI i.nabbodynofnpinionfcatbaaios woncappr lais area onta b. tue ideai site nie ose for the neo jeipoat anai coulai end1 osebees up oltu If. qUiimsgi qustions scusersdW mylaora.ilaeicdliaa mg ined clism ilads en Puremsis dmit.e â gicli Blî uewko en bu P a m sald b b tuc figbf iais evary lacs ay Il pej;eseveMlts hab.d publlelty am Iis clUna Wanda sid tbe M of tihIe 0MB, lna islie on the towres sois b- 1W officiel pla ra laid Hns elnpern 10 apply la lb. 82,1 for ranslg wban mowr tr s o in s ah res tocmse l' te ioa bigber denally pire, scy. Meseber Colla Jssaa called tb.t an osiodbanate all ai oras and sald th"y Pub have case la pilanbi lisa l, and Plann b. me5f if la aoncli rapled cm orWnoai. the 'Scsutticd twlce" lare er Cbarles Cnpeland tina iepnty 110ev. Percy naRI a i encillor Syd Chalas, ebo ya membersof the p or ailoorieg lacheca Mm kade 5f cooscl i ellont H e oitu tue boarai. "You againef tbe planlal oral b.e euargea. 'We b.ve alan filai fwnce eow - once Bisal o, and nnwbits. Tisera la b.e la volosicer icpplolaica Inde on flan board." fil Uigo sali lb. Torprop aid orbhere lb. areoesait. InL neai seneceasary, givsg Fu loper os extra live oaid a Pu , oras osotuer "scuila oril n." He reminaica tbe isa wansfotamemb.r nofa te ban bie iirnt made is Su ion ifor reznnin~ leaag of 1969 . nicai if las Pour s$2,see fu date andsait tilt reinsei Inlansn ail broit foramedilusndensty - and ni if. P adnP bau ri eore sd tb. board minnice. Me Jss iail sucb aiceinins orill, b.e done la lb. prnper "toarlaf la minai tue os ni flse ora bave la Objecta Reeve Bora obiecaai 1u srk. is travanfy if lio goan "said vice-cbalrossn osail. Heai lie b.ore oard bcdl avant su se faying tu mab.e tue ecisios oaid ciai to eflom tans0 tout In massla é.it rs bald fns iirengb lac macss -firai la asoscil, eaiso board,. than bacs I. fI oola bave donc if nl thecooscinao no' b.e is1to ladi I ors os lac Lit1 oolai bave dose If lly tsquit if waî ingfesei tue seat tn aoscil la meel the la cnlso, oli weae la agreemnt. I1 e In see any mesibe ni boardi acsige, saili Best. vice-clisirman said if onlaie "slly" avec sncb an isaue, if If gbf oritu sonme oncama. lion tn ab coosdcil ior a tie wceb ni Mardi 15 oveai by sevan ofth abers prescef, oritb Bsg o oaid Woos ab- rom votl Law yrs honr - te new s1t RMMaMa jÎe ares lawys slag, rab. il tlg and bfituory Fra toddlinaner pil n plei. 1 ad bea cob Z:OH ilimsl octld sellntl lic Scbol n College e gradua lati b is piating sebllet iaseily bon 1edrangp biemarriedM nen Jose Ley lived la nd wra fors laya of P. aiculng Cc. bd bon lai b.e inssed by neb Liber amand love -pondant Or< Ws, St. PasIs 1 lbe RoyalCa Wo. enal services sa United Clan Rev. C. A. tIng. Intern 'ving are las Ys) snd non o.H. was p naRob.rf and Genagins. Ilbeareas w ey, Rnber dna; Gli s ade, m si os condayt dinnar la Thomas A. nkIF at historian la 2. Mir. Hiadley, se tu bcd jiast ieo deatb oaa born cl at rnce Si. and Canada la Hamilton, ladi as ailver yar. Uen hoe rature t nsntaad and re-brad caila [aboi Wilson la 1, 1921. Ma. Milton inr 5M nsny yeura'0 L. Robartsn tercet la ororld lis riands A ai, ardent o f ail sports, der of Odd- Unied Cbnrcs indien Legin vas beldi ai St. con Feb. 15 linear ni- oent les in ry, Milton. cadef Mabel, (Mrs. Harold ordon ni edeceased by .nistersMary ere Gordon t Hadlay, se Wilson, 'A, frandne t2evoe of Barlst dDd E. Pan c shllaacava thc embu'dlna Tlm tras cu be reaïvedi bnnrsrrnsnbrbinOlaa Iadley friands. Honraryplbeer acre Colin Bleatty, AHWldtc James Cunningham, Fanki and Alan Wason. A. WI*srl Jase W. onm MAPP funato EuI, Ia, Rt Wblting, UP ier Hltln. Mfr. Jaohn N. Tuorner. Ie ratura, Mr. Wbilla Ijrsntact th. sseb. ,tld "StaSmaafHWoryad= Jh Iof D htaa, n l a i Ma. Turner. McWOlinneswad Aioccbfbnnmnr wu lacvlded ulsan ean.onwn MWora Pate MrWulisema ai Oshyia . asr = eDtdy Dgit oi hais cfavais i maign ansd criticlsses ai W. Fa im iklc bunda icigar by A DiaOto=aut sel w bacong aieci a pair of rate" Rrodaito Shiaige nru orW psi oilo w «k ga a Ifladin Onin nerut austla ;off jicand io1*ls aiwm lis 1ellnqlsd hi poirtofa proidecil Oakle IShaw w- with I Muras' . Uaus. Latimer, Worb las a etaon ae*l,4os eiuWwtod i= lte- JacisR. Ellsgsmio .Ih took bam Bon a mdJohne Ford of Otb vitla wau givaS the »aba fmrw. TuEDAY PMI IOSACEANGLICANI PA5l59I HALL I H IGA PROBLIaM' DROP IN. WA REHOU SE 1SALE NielseiWs Clotfiing of Aceo are having a fantastic warehoese sale. Starting to>morow (Thursday) at 9 A&M. items are going ai les thian 44 retail and sane evn at YÏ retaiL, HERE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES Meri' Slaoks I-o« -- 1.98 Ladies' Skhrts "aOd$2To$5MO OARIS S a* 58ld 1â BOTS' SUITS0. Penh15.OOlii MENIS MATS L-~4U *o s * a a a budl on5 incn ax Here'n a perfectly legni way f0 use the Government's own rules to save on income fax. The Government han a law that says in effect "If you save now for your retirement, we'll let you pay as much s$2,500 into a registered retirement savinga plan every year, and we'l lJet you knoek il off your income." So you merely lower taxable income by put ting up to $2,500 in our regis- tered refirement savinga plan and don't pay the fax on if. Say you're married, have two children. and earned fifteen thousand in 1970. Depending on the province you live in, your fax saving could arnounit to about $906, which is a bundle în any man's language. To top if aIl off, the n can make more tx i there are four, waya ca~dtJ You cani have You can v l p * a guar- anteed ratlf ff5erest. You can have us Investt iin income producîng bonda and morfgages. Or you ca a dîvîde your money up using iny comibination of these thrce aiero tves. 'Ïla ar yas for long termn- qf,%wth. And then as you gef dloser f0 refiremenf, you might wanf to swifch 10 a gunralifeed intereit rafe. You can change your combination again and again-This meana your plans are flexible at ail fimea. And you can get your money out when you want it. When you evenfually chooae f0 wifhdraw if, you have to pay taxes on it at thaf t ime, 0f' course. But thin is whnf'n moaf important. You pay fax on your money when you decide f0 pay if. This mecans Infer, when you're likely ia a lower fax brackef. This bas led some to caîl thia plan ai fax ahelter. One fellow we know plana to pay int o if for several years, watch if grove, fhen take if ouf to replace normal in- corne while he lazes an Majorca. j~~let's face if, the real benefif mes frorn le~Et an f111 you refire. -i~4uble becauae we n~U4so aemen ouf mak- ¶ige , therefore yos don't have f0 pay salen commissions. AIl you have f0 do ia caîl un. But don't puf if off. You can't deduct any depoaitn from your 1970 income fax affer Monday, Mareh lnf. So fight fire with fire. Make the mIles work for you. Phone us now! Canaoda Trust H0to & P"o wFus Main fit Charles - 878-2834 CHARLES HOTEL IS EXTENDING LUNONTIME e Now our Dining Room and Smorgasbord wilI be open from 11 i .m. doily fo serve more delicious lunches to busy people 0 Corne in and enjoy deliclous food at CHARLES HOTEL 270 Mai, St. E. MIII.. 878-902 1~ TAXES CETTING z yOU DGWN? RELAX! RELAX! YOU INOMETAX me wEaàCLA A VOUR EXEMPTIONS >/WE SOI VE YOUR TAX PROILEMS U 5O ETAL INCOMES, IfUMMISS ONALEMENI ANDPPERONAL T1SHORTFORMS CALL 878-9762 ANYTMI 4M0 PINE ST. HILTON HILL'YS IKOEMIEEPNSYSTEMS b I cm Ilisor, obiers 1 t:p IV ha, qwa Act anc bac lias bui] eut Ica a da Fest cm para L We ai obv~ frensh speux lacunie i foptin maise pmsaire Re Mary. cowg edifoi ostere oishe Ne isura office servie Oskvi office jabl-, b. enc if obts of la. i go mit are as Whio n bandot alorsys eveay record, bas pli averag Andl