4 Th. Caiedion Clseecpies. Woednèy, Feinecar McKenzie triggers three Bantams thump Tillsonburg blUtagi l Bastama hove mlgles esI le fine OIdgm **%dmam, Peie O*cl ad! m wecs Oie firet round Mf Oie OMMt Tey Sanad Paai &weve. Dmc nlUrtanaruide cofdBoid playeffe ulth a re.soesllng 15-t ]zesi ced Paul RSwi uO be aM. victery ageleat TIlIibc-g. lb, amleted tire, Oines uhile SHm (-aig Jah la>o gol fer second game o el Oie ares le Twlls arialod twlce aid Rini Milhoa mil 056 Oe chtuten alaedereeght; <Wedsenday> in Sea; McKeriile set Oie patters uhe hoepceed the neaigt Oie 56 econd mairk ïIoie lirut iserled. Lea thos tuie, minutes leter ho made the score 2-Il. By Oie ed ai the fiest etaueMle fusi ahomi 4-0. GETIING A PEP TALK dcniag Fiidayes gamne agaicat won Oie game 4-28. Top sacrera weca Grahamn Bredshau uith perdue, titese Une, playera llstea avidl te coach Dace 17 peints, Andy Hall wltii 13 and Scott itiKenie wiOi 7. Tise milceai. Playera lait tei riglit are MUte Keiainick, Andy Il midgets nase silvalce tu play Nelson Higli Sclicol, aid Don CeetlIch. Tise Milton Dish-ict High Seheol Midgete Burlingtoa.-<(Staff Phocto) Welders whip Tillsonburg 5-0O Ater esdlgpuitlialdin and laeted theie gueas-M le Ttlucehnurg ce wednsday night decap Oic TiOtonlirg re,, auto in uhot has hea deecrihed ai Oie Oic cidelicea, Milles eau seails "s a iree Oiey have played ail fci their sent eppenent in Waeus', the Kils Weldieg Pc, O.M.H.A. qarter-linale. Wee cleblam tus hck le thicer Radil GdingtfiredOihreeioicth houm re ai Satarday attececce geais i tcd guse and drese an U ae&Fs News Ail aie Mf Oie muset revest meetings ai Oie Halles Spartameces Associaion 1 hod a chnc,, te tant tu eue ai the mont papelar unlilea uriterseofa large ceuspaper. Ailtal prcgreaeed Oie age-ed quetion camneop, "Heudemsa hunier juliy hieageing out and ehoalingea deck cardaeeeuh. iusrehin auccd ai pbmtyM' lTse uriter leehed at me aid said "Arnold, it tl'iiry lime Oit Oie hunler dida't have te jeelify uhot he dose," hut e gced amuwer le Oiat yespreserce liy te aine meOds sed hy mecy meenhere o aicr clubhandasursneghhoras haiehlandueireat. At Oie hoctur's ecpesse magtlimeas hoe regularly recleeke and plants caver in Oie counh-y in uldch ues shoot. lie Preductive As a reut private hunting hindi are miur ach mare productive le ulide thon Oiey uer, uhen the organisalion leel aver the land. Bruce Weat miller meuepaper celaseciat pale it Oi uay, "Marly formaer hantere eteppeil hceliag and I imagise 0wey have Oieir eus ressorts fer dig as. Alioe I Oiinh itlah qaite apperentl thot ler aimne lisan mui fer mare tidga have hein dame i a practicai ucy le peeuiateuiülie coservationmhyhanteraand former hatera iusol, other argaslnalien." If yce daeht Oi itateint I reler yce lei Daclo Uclimited, made ius maWny ai hunitrs and larmer luiers ulie have sasidnd ie made lucediegcandnstaicg grounsafor mnilios oI deeho. Yce cest incao ucy relate Oises portsen uli Oie mureis uhe go cliut cer counh-y aboetirag at acythicg acd eceryclicg niat moires. Supportse uSd11, Ibrngli Oie liahurmnc licene tees and mucl aclicillea as thoe o. h Ccnadian Natioaal Sprlsieni ehou uhicli ase bas rainai aid dlch-lhoted ave tueo aid a lin millice dollars le caria.s uOldlR fu eecsltey conh-lte largeisan leconservaioecl ymar.I Ohilch itisnailylfirOtu u ha caOi oneles sportsencand go hoellg cind lishisg oh"sdula he tarredliyOtheanie hraeh. Againuwehave bardunes for auumilerc. Large h-acta of land i mu ca-lbt are geing le o blaraid le thale maclinces incapt fer trappere, tadiens or uergency cases. WMdhi ance in hovig a erionsc elect ce meece and deer. This iecreaeed Oie icidence af broee houes, euhaestedi and dieergeelced lierda Mf mceee ced deer mspecially moufle. Itla ieilecting the nmbner Mf yeacg horn ecch yesr, Ois reduclcg Oie mees, horde. Cegelaîlin are eecesary. tee lishicg ianuit tee gced aI Simca,. A recint 5-1; liy mushors aI O.e Hclta Spertsen'e Association rmlted ie cauple Mf amena ciel a feu herlcg. tae Nlppinaing, c favorite sport in Oie pait feu yeas le al u local ie liahermea, la mil saile. Tue cceuminlee uient Oiragh heteeactliar Creekreur Callindcr lat u,,h. Iftycegoeice Sicfig, faite a guide. H,'llhcauuliere iti acafe. Paul Ceusas, Jise Mecetein and Jelcin Recdliad allinded Oic uani cenion ai Faierelica ai Aciglere aai Hantera at Lonidon lentuweeh. Tiieir uivesccampaniedOie oite trip. serit ce the leurti eue liy Deeg Streth. Eric EDisen piched epsa pair of anglis while eiegle helpers uer, gainait by Steve McCutcheen, Tim Peareon, Dwayee Hamilton and Dave Terser. Krna Mure tesded goal for Oie guneuwhlchwas a see-aw aflaie Oirceghoet and tlually eded op in au evectime seso wlierc macl cluh accred oce. ilan iai Peter Rola ami Rai Gooedira6 machirnd tuen gali and Ti Pearsias added cee uhile Crias %ison gcarded the net uieil in regnsterisg the airotant. Thie eely geai ai the linit pariai urs ceested hy Cela uiOi help, lrus Duayee Hamiltn. DaveTurnier setp el, oa ler ha second geai ami Ced Gccdlag scecedhia lirut markur aisa pe h-ust Steve McCatdiese tC glve -Tb, mild uekmnd get rid oI saine ai th0w eut lt 1 a pile af uater (uhicih-eue e ei lu inas uake. ThieJim SneuJt idgeta ueut le Tillcnhrg su Wedceaday aight aid uited estil Oie third pani te gel ce Oie acereahoit. Gary. Hcet uan the biig mac fer Oieilocale asl bcacuted ta goale hielaiing tho seincer as ueil au selig ep Oie cther cee fer Bah Rsir au the Jeta cdged T&ilecehrg 3-2 te sein Oie certes in lue ih-cight gamn. Halions pat Tfiashebrg ahoci 1-c in the lieut pariai and aller e scarele aecond Iruse Hunt caceted hinfirat ger aIter cely 48 secands had gene liy in the final raeor uiec b, releyed a Rlck McTrach pan inte the uet. Resk gave Oie Jetsethe land mter c- caplicg passes h-cm, Hait ami Melracli and legs then c mincute later Hunt mimaie Oie eveual seincur ce c play uli McTradi aid Marty Caime. M erenry reunded out the scoring ter=Tllaeuirg ua be scared 30 aurnde hitr Brai Evans ilaydai c trecg gais in -allaI a het? Write the editer ai lice Cliampion aid have year vies airai au the edituriai page. Oie Weldere a 3-0 lad aller tue paiee oCediag eocil his teeigeai late in Oie tlerd frameeona Dave Turner pean &Mi Tînt Pearson ceeeted lthe final geai frontDuayse Hamillen ecly 16 secceds later. lien Ibe bmpI.se. m ATEPClIC5C aRatienM aie. aCOIE Mes, US. OCuenea hellpdoutse tuilces tehmed Oie magnte 6-l Vi Tam Foe Ma M, MU. ai in th secnd perled ami linleled Ldies' ais steal Paseis teliec aadtla esea.l scrdtregasaie join cett.; meclln a'amaieie.cMesc.__________ ii s leur gea hid pefld. 26-ile*' tileUrfl a' uirie Ken Fay ecceed tulce, Ram t&Rfte louit la se sas acenet te, aiTDcilaKLmie is, pote vcdeOmel 11 Taries h-îggered a pair and 2ne l, aa, elle e, n se t a e, for eTO ld la Ii- c tl , M.* Vss deeh meel eh fodl. e IIOLY nOuAEY M cK lnnon rlnk lis Feb jis waiace A ca:elETR GILS sweetheart wlnner a ' de os§uso oe cut 281 Frank Pouin M Milles Cerling Cluh helth Oic rganhaera Dhauds fewley aid Vutcsl 5,ac ahcdr OOiec ausi tlee, Pnt CampellS asnuel Sueetheart Cerinag Cea St. Jeho sccepted ilrnl c a isoas a l5uethaI 1,5OTuoS. Beapileh 13aAM nda rdt ai et lamai cma auay. @21 e..'~c lceaa Oielretreugainttamsrce uuhse Otclets Vadaivl a ad Csa, acq ei5,,5,. @SI' .. coufiaesaforih seurin ai. 2' ced Miceissauga. Bilke Chantesn, Jane Finh ami 4chie McKirmen uer, ce Oie .ilciame rne. Meunt Hope ced Lrfingtoe uon choie respective d eue. Relluno cul Fermer Milton cariera se,, living in Purges Sam ced Norma Harrp ced Ken aid Lois Hemn h-us E.i took part in Oie avent. Snap sad streak beait Hespeler DelcIe's Ceelam Cis anapped as il gamne uicleeî atreeli Saturday, deleatiag Hespaler 7-3, Oiee lied Geelphi 2-2 Sceday. The clib lied lait nine ai Oieie lait il gae heloe, the uekesd aid maaaged a pair of lien i Oie eoier garnes. 1 BobLangridgeuwasOice king pie in Oie Friday cuseiach. He scered Ilee gals uhine Cee Ceuley lirai a pair and Terry Cane and Nerm Maulirav beth etcheil thoir camnes banthei ireriag celeme uii a paie cf cingles. Celpers ad Hof lespdede pa y aI aeiss hil, Tesy Pedae, Clirin Ceai, Crad Smi aid Aedre Wyaemaafplugged fer single lielpers. Cen Ceuley asd Aadre Wycemam leOit ecoed ainghi Oie Geelph game uliil, Wysemac, lired Joyce and SmiOi ail piched sp angais. The clib liai Oirse gamin lait le play in Oie echedai,. Thoy play in Burfiaglen Priday aid Oiu licet Oakville ilaterdey ccd ileeday. Hoe, Caledesis, Clarkass, Southampten, Geergetoun, Sarfiagtce, Torento, Guelph aid pergas. Diser aid dancing lleued Oie curling at tho cluh. As aat hou hein arreeged March 2 ubes ladi.s uin slip. ITIS NERE THE 191 finam M. Gane a ter Stoe, tiolgar mwin Soasons 820-300 inseonChrcille ivaei geai for Oie seimers ceo cese auailueordeon their eppaiectelcor thequaerterfinlD.M.H.A. series. OPTOMETRISTI IeIRLINGTONU MALLI LOOKINO FOR THE BEST Deal ce a ased car? See terrie Ceeisee at the Heme of Peel Cilucty's Ficest Useci Cars. COLONY MERCORT LINCOLN 300 Quen St. E. Brampton 451-4094 A 1~ 1-eI S-SPECIAL- ECONOMI PAK --9 Ploces of Delilou $3 Flavor.Crisp Chiche3. --6 Fresh Roails £Rese -Colle Siace 2$2 DEIER ~AVAf~IMINTON rSPECIAL GO0O UNTIL CLOCINO SUNOAY 'T orMUIRRAT 1001 DIIVE.IN, p, Phono 878-608, Base Lino, MilIton, Ont. Jets stage rally top Tilts onburg Whore is the action on Fniday Nights now? The answer is MILTON MENA Why? Bouse Friday !Il Hockey Niht in liton again!! O.M.N.A. '/ FINALS FRIDAY F15. 26 GIANT DOUBLEHEADER LOO pin. - Trafalgar Ford Nobso Y$ Elmira LOO p... Ponotia.lpiot Javuls.is YS Thorchil COME ON Mi LTON' Let's gelftogethor et Miltcon Arena on Frlday Nlght. Support your local O.M.N.A. Entries on the Playolf Troul. SEASON-END SPECIALS AT MILMI'S SUNOCO BRAND NEW MACHINES. OLYMPIC 335, 20 horsepoceer, Sale Prico List price $825 $657 NORDICS(twotochoosefromn) Salo Prico 339M, 24 h.p., Ilst $1,045 $825 OLYMPIC 399M, 24 h.p. wlth Salo Prîce sliders, Ilst $965 $757 DOUBLE TRAILER, list $184.95, Sal150c 250/ OFF SuaiR oih, bons and aooossors SEl THESE USED MACHINES: 1961 Moto Ski, 1 111 h............ 275 100 Tamaha, 20 ip ............. 550 VOUR AUTIIORIZED SKI-D00 DEALER: MILNE'S SUNOCO GUELPH LIME N. - CAMPBELLVILLE (har00 MOHAWN RACRWAY) 854-49 f wo gamet eiitllmp[a mi toppod O.e bais train tom &2. lhe ipqabar geod uliO. gene 5.1 sa-ir lne .end parli. AtOl byO.b smIe qsad O.ea-cng. Keva lCys O.e lals Mf O.e aam adding as Bain. Jha MêKerr eside eta-,ed a gm aid an &sit. Tam deaclesir halle est one. siid Aller a ulou dort, O.Cn ge emm CZ*.betoesteGa Caiga- uli tue geais ami ai est, Mha McKerr boad a goal fui anaccltulth Kevn cCy. Duc.e Lau aid Pend MC =3ae lsd ta =ai (i TamY The Canadicen Cher Wedeesday, Febru lfousa Loalgue i The top Ihre el upendedin la ie ç Save 2-1; Scies cg Pigment 8.. I Oie top enlper et 05 edKnljr lts lired a pir hile i Mite Ford repiie scored fer Harri uhile Los Wilson Saper Sac. gea to 1 Secera a firit perle haveiHarris outplay balane of Oie gain Smlth fer Harrli Herney in the loes ahceng gaines. Bile Aide Skdy h on Scebie'shbutOte hock ch-ceug te hie, umeers. Sain Fletil geads fo- Oie vil =ige wer adde Sre, asAyr, and Duncan Ci Hloldrdehedtueh id DsLsi hl fred one. BANM KOin Jense hit foi Infid Hilhuer Rali lepàeid 7-3 h-lem; Beothars. BrucefBal Leolie euih scered1 victie. Wyatt Evan Belle'. Oire eaaiauered tiret perlod andl enether feur areus. 1. George Cescani garner ler Heed's lhre goelsand alici alded hy Walter M imubes, Wayne Wil Nelso. Maria Fac Oie lese Breuele's e Beaver Hemee ho lead! ea geais Memeorete aad Barcj quit in the secend Pelice came hach fil their ew us lend a daoc.HenryNec lired the tyisg geai. PEE WEI Fsy Plueahlsg denie Merise 4-1 as Bna Richard Neriheet Zaseatta and Brad cees(edeilsingles lie Sertes raised Hal sledeat hld wllh hos meinetes leRt in the g McCuaig Isrance Plemhing 2-leas Mli 1he wuisg geai uit Oic,, minutes reanait Galipese gave McC leed elter ealy 25 sec lirst freus and Stei haetted 1he gaims le, uey in Oie secend ahé the stage for Oie gemn Galipese. Local 49701 dem; Asueriag Serivce 4 Schicht, Jay Nerli Aederchek and Ken H singletons fer Oie 15-pin flred Oie lue geai eerly in Oie sect lahes auey Oie shute; Ceippe. NOVICE Mike Hyatt pi eelslasdag geme il Beechbut the reet el il cet flleu Oireegi as Firemen 2-e. The tees scerelesa liraI pe Firemnea eushceting lait Oies Des Kers ceiy 18leccedsebaldela secend trams. Kerrem lirat of the ceaies, i lie fer il) stood ap 1 ced Merray Hart c isireance marker ai Firemen sqaad estel again cn Oie seceed g Scott WatOim regià sheteet fer lireaies. Meuhray's came a; uia ever Uttle Peal cetalicetiag Oiam 1M- h-use ced ties 7-l in peried. Stephen Cale fhtena guse uhes he finit Meuheay geai et secend Rtame ced Oie Oies tnfne inutes i PDavid Fiemiegtce ce ifmesr geai. tit, HatOield baid a lime iu geieieg his s Meuhrey'a bet Dec shecld aie tee matei =Crieci s shateet ced Rlcly Ae Oie lue geai ai the @ Reliekehe edged Harduare 1-01. The g wiOi cely ece ced a ha lait ie Oie eusne. Mihe enthOe lesere net playe gaine aIse ae ltce fia geai gave Reliekalis e et 111-9. de ALLRY ROlt! Feimacy 8 Lidie.' hip, eans..seo 2Ms Cc fais tr1,(ipe cOis, gond tripes, ce las.el iic . c Beasie, "es c7 fo , u Ned ciscaW.