- I S ow2» b uitvcpiv The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, l'ebruary 24, 19713 Predict growth ln Scout movement dm =ielan f M=ingra= boniliecitlameof lbetuaaeass Rather than tb. leader a campng trp. Five niera mnade Scoute le lia ppciloria re t i.a lb. cre of bays alranded ai alaitng radia repair heUH brlng but plans for nani are ta malie course of amido wil be idaced on tie Oie Jambore at Ketan Ore. a radio repalrian la Oie group aire. more and oeil Ona tb lobe fira allng organisation la the yearte ago. Ocauting nufl goalniad and aieou, questionsanmd ananiera revive Oie "bllly". Resourcea Ambulant LWihiIn Oie nazi fan year in leapuand bauna, be predie- on tbe oubeI. Thia niay aie niere drainedltobby maleriala f« niglil e. puttotal cf 2m0 baya led. leader domant apend ai bla time the caonm. "Tbis la a tvead lab V irenl, tera or t.rate sabeotera. Leaderhiprorses are l il damCulnllrlelffcr ia we l Scout and Guide roeRnm.avioi aOe vers la wile Mr. Mil] blYO.ne.k d hibelngcaieialed Needileaders they spend 10 nieieads o ymar ai frlae iaeillOlle.aninibhi m iociiy.Sundy a iairb sevice Lalei licl bna1byah camp and e. courae. "Thia La a oeed c riiinoflbhebhouje romile. mbi ddulgIen. Venlurere, 15 in Rovers, 84 la wonderfal tbing and great .q~oo aiiianniba boSeclnivd Smavi ata ec o ut Ouand 130 in Cub graupea, trainingflor lb. commonily training Scautlag over a noumbler of dinnmm bing beld la honmr Scout idsa total of 2l leaders. Leaders ieadela, af lomaunn",. aoal rs, tld Tbe Cbamnpion We.ii. are tbe blggest mald ai aituh ae ieayiaea voai nlaml tOng bas ge Oiraugb a0101 Srauiing bas cbaoged cUrrent ine, laysan mdhe eiabmovemmlt playa e.lgraw ti nias nn experienclng mn considerably avec the petit feun Oaa ai lb. blggml prejecea the o large raie in mncaaraglag elag mdl be i coidident the yeari. Rallier thon the leader Ravera and fe Marre have botherbmd. "Baya are neyer Éiug icili continue. aaolaiiiug aie raie cf a Iece be wb.e on___h otya i etha:n ins hyae MleP dilo hi a gmod SOutiaig n rancentratm er ewokdaoe ieptyrh i onnda aime tb. ar Mile i Mr ileskspervision the constrction of five caom. trugl hil eb grmup in the apou a, r ilomd ecolig and ecciroag leadership. test ymr cman ererneeded for Cala," Mr. Mille note.. earoimenl 742 Guides, Urownies, Rangers honor founder ln spécial week Oiinday, Feb. Si mcrbed Oie b.gining of Sce.EGulde Week airmgbe. lbworid, i be.oer cf imdr od and Lady Badon- Powell. Mcst cf Millans M6 Brouenles, 30 Guidms mnd eigbc Rangera jied lb. Cube and Scouts oc Smnday aflroen i c od fmon Oie Hoiy Roaary club Han la Oie cliorcli, wbere aiey rened tb.ir piedgms. At 1:30 on Sunday, Feb. 28 aI Oie Leglan Hall Ovre. girls wiO cecelrnathebigbmltanord agud con oblahi, Oie "Goid C" naey are tendle Wlndmiler, oge 17 Katby Mulil If, mnd Debbie muiner, là. Scout week serv Milton Centrai Dlirict Commiuaioner Mca. Ray Auidreii eaiiedaihe award la cniy give. 10 girls wbo bave glvec rarepliomil dcly. Sb. acplaied Oial i rder la recelve th. "Goid Ccrd", a Guide nie. = telel glveaileaolaihre. mcntlbcservice ta tbe ccmmunlly, nucli ai b.lpig ai Oie Cenlenniol Menor or nichai.e SI. Job. Ambaulance. Aise aiey lave la norli on Ibree roiecli for lb. trcop, bmsidms e.aigaieir picmeer and ramper badges, and give a 20 minute baik oc a focelgo country. Scm. of the idividuali t aimae aire. gicla bavr icvolved nilli icide lb. "Don't seUl your product short" "Ymu bove a onderfui prndant 10 oeil, dentl oeil il shiort, " Rev. Faier J. J. Mocpby lcld an audience of 150 e.lfcriced Brane., Guides, Rangera, Cube mnd Scouta anueinlla ai Hoiy Rmsary Cbucl onSunday aflermon. Fatber Mocpby non spaker daring lb. annue diurcb service rarnmemorallag Scoot-Guide nauli in Mille. mnd l wu the firstdsteaservice bas b.enbheld in Hoiy Roary. Aiyostructure depmnda e. lis fmandatiocmad ge.dritien gron icim a gond ioadalie. lac, lie tld lb. ycng people. Tb.ir worti be Oie norkldopdeadson Oie puai of Mie we li-ead-Oioce are mo delaura ami aimre are au ooccol," warned aie pi'lci. l'Dabit ail bocb" He arged the yae.gstirs la mainlain Ibeir ivoineacpl tela Oieir a*qmpit y andaieir countr. a1Yot nui gel an mnit ii scfBa yen put inla ILI" he aaid-"-de.'l oitbarl wihyoar liande iailalietrlied mnd aspct veronete illthe fr aiteircmanefforts." Pahr Murpyis cmmended th. Sciait iand Guide meniberu foc joiningoagraupnliece diaripline la ugla. Yourmuti.earnla obey 00w sotballater in Mie ycunill b. ablelaogiveoutathe ocder, lie aocliaied. Due la lb. nealiar, nc parade nus slaged. The crlr-gcers assemledaai oy Roary Halund murcb.d e. groupu loto lb. Mactio S. rhiircli Heart Fund blitz turns in $1,485 To date $1,485 bus bran sent te N. Johimlon, Mca. M. Emmocuon, th. Canadian Heacl Fond Mcc. A. Cburlirar, Mrit E. Association by Milton HearI iremn, Mca. S. Secafici, Mca. M. Found blitu organfiner Mca. D. Boyd, Mca. A. Grubam, Mca. F. O'Co.nr. Aiaiongb the celorns Versinacla. Mrs. J. Lewn, Mcc. iram aie, indu«i compaiga are W. Wright und Mca. S. Kean,. J. utll 10 rom. in, Mci. O'Connor Bragia raptained the yoocg repcrla she la "quit. ple.sed" peopi ne wo racvaaud lia, niai aie resalas cf the.l1mai aparlcet bidingo in tam. caoiagn. Mc. Cao emirse ber Tha. CWL cf Hcly Rary airee tambo le a il Oe nbo Claarrl ocgaciied th. rînpaiga ialped nilli lb. compuigo mnd mnd marieros residealo front mspecially la lth. yoe.g people cf lave ranvoased on Felaiary 14. Milton nbo voie.le.ced tiair Aitisngli mome doations are ctil i ae ami raergy le lb. bltz. leraned "la great acrar". Namecaptâtas Blita raptimo nce Mcc. T. Merritt. Mcs. B. Hocd, Mca. J. bicCona. Mca. J. Bradley, Mra. -ilon Chamber oi Camance'saunnual meeting la looliht Svedeiiady) aI the Legie. Hall. planning ami organizallon cf ecursions la Centre Island mnd Oie ira Folliea, mclber mnd dauglilar banquetho beare and day ouings. Joyce DeKocyer wllli organise therceremonyonllacday asone cf beraihree prolecti ludg, earin Oie award,mad Karen Gotro nul give ber 20 minat. speechi. Ralsonnduai n.e giuidms are ieif-aupporing, niai maria cf the me.ey beiag ia'cvided by Oie buazai ud halte ales. nhey are nmt cbarged for Oie farditims nbere lbey boid Oleir me.eigs. n.e gicla go cn macy cutigu, mctal rermOty le Oie mmseam Oc Kelec. In ai. cummer, aime a hia comp aboct 85 mile. cccainmlt of Milton wbirb lb. giclsaure e.aouraged la attend. nhe mclt main evmlt miii b. aroe.d lb. b.gining of May, nian ai. Girl Guide. nUl go boutaid de.r la de.r muliog malkec. Pension plan coôsts Authority $7,500 Ai a rccs of rouglily $7,5W a year, Haiton Region Conservation Aalbcrily ban aimant umcimouoiy upprcved a pension pie. toc preseot ami fuure mployeca. Foilowicg more aie. an lie.r and a balfosdicoussiona rerarded vola was lolien and only Ouliville raieiiloc Robert Hooper uas cppoied la tb. pension pion suggestion. "We're juai using th. loopayeros money and 1 pericay don't believe in adding rapeoditoce. t0 Oie budget" lie i'eiaclied. Eleven cf the 29 precent aulhitly empicymas were in laver cf th. pension plan, ami oi the il lb. majority nere mndr 55 yeurs of age. Member obiecla ht waî final suggested la, th. board Ibul preamlt empioyees nb. did cnu la te in lb. plan ib.idd net b. forced ile signe.g, butlamy leture ampicymas la joi Oie HRCA staff %b.bal to rcinribola la lb. plan. Kelly New cf Oabville objoclad "lao lb. rampule.ry aspert of th. pion" ami nus firmly barlied liy other aatb.rily mmbern. William Spall ai Mutuel Lif. Assuance Ca. ipoe la lb. giroup and e.ilined th. deloile cf Oie plan. n.e plan nu cool membero fine per rant of Oieir total eroings leu 1.8 per rani foc Canda Pensicon. Mr. Hooper anlied for a r.rorded vol, ami ramis bamie siawed b. wan Oie oniy on. opposed. aornma=ptIn hi Oieir Mchhg iayai aid fron St. Job.t . Oiey Mpxn ahel 10 a ieaa courue. Il nonderbui. Tb.y are aie spot nb.n lt comm 'r camp," Mille maid. hempbasolmd lb. ed '.Ha dlaims pen'acaa roI ncrry about cm. He mid ail sortsofi for leaders niai He mlicipoace leaders e frcm Rayers wbo Se grcsp. WIO boom editi lbal niai aie a af Milton lb. in lb. varions groupe b. meeded and o bmsdqcarler in or nar Mille. wiii b. neramsary la rie. the Noctb Hoilan Acma. Cairrmltly part of Nocth Hallan hi ie.ped la nilb Oabvlle and parI niai Guelph and Bairllcglac. Mille sns a liane wb.cn Nocth Halle. nul pravide ila an b.adqmrtern. "I baye lb. cborccb.ade.'l lobe over individual groupa," be ncled, pcicling cal possible friction belneen groupe Ibal noaldalt mxil if Oiay ail cperaie undor a rcimmon roof. Mmny oi Oic Mle.n grcap'a aclivilies c r raIe from aie Scout Hall al Oie fairgromnds. Mir. Mille mndbebcp e la e aie bail avadtabie for senior citizeco ta play dbcffleiaard. Nen camp nhe bull se ued for Oie fal loir mnd Steain-Era in aie fall acd olboc argacizatioca mse il oc- caiieolly. Perhapa lb. grealacl mcv, fcr Sccclicg iocoiy in lb. lalt iew ymarc la Oie Sailih Lice Numsgaweya camp ervig th. Whate Uaia grcaip. n.e camp bas adeqoalarun la do motel anyllacg baya raaiid wnt. Campa are heid an e. overcaglil or weebecd bonis ccw mare Oioc befcre wbec Oie camp was in Nortbein Ontario. nhe mcclt recral prcject Ibere ia plancing for a siicig pool. Il =alochta pool al lb. camp may beaeaalia ine cmlt year WANTED TO BUY Johnsonrs Furniture ah iai pet, asci ie lacciamaaad îeelianm. ncSeý, ,asiffira0, min ao..nul, etc, Phase tient MILTON 878-3781. 1s0 MAIN ST. openmitsee. NEWLY ELECTED DIRECrORS of MalIce noman are Joan Scott, Sandra Sbrier and nd Peel Association for the Rearlag Poulin Cse. Dr. Rumbuil oce. ch. guest Haiclicapped chat nilli Mev. Dr. Robert speaker for lb. eveniig-<Staff Pliola) licmbail aI thue annuel meeting. The lhree Highland dancing competitions here Laie Iagbiand danrhing? Marte. Si. Schelefo h a llalay noere's a free lireol in clore for progrant amdituc ire. la aie yaa e. Sucday, Morrb wn aie ceerol public. Millan Branbch lb.th Weclern Ontario Higland Dncera' Preseaianiords Ausciaion gagea it;anmcmi About 16 la 20 local rbildrmn rampelition in Mille.. n.e grcap md teenagocs nu b. rampeting boas boolimi th. auditorium of aie in Oie rompetitie. ami tropblms for aie noeri of varioca age groupo are beig de.ald by 1mcai merebants. report Milcon ocgmlizocc Mci. W. K. Clerkoon, Mci. Noce. Bronnd Mci. Dave birNeili. Danreri or. biseo ecperled lrom aie Londoc, Waodnlck, Guelphi, Kitcbener mnd Brmntford aries. Compelilie. gela mnderway ut 10.30 .m. mnd gora rigla airougi mctl 4.30 or 5 p.m. in lb. ai- terne.n. Officials e.id visiteora con drap ilet vi.w lb. malaclt aI mny tiace during the dey. i As ndm bea and tw HERE. .a NOW...0 "»CIRCA 701" A sterect 10 yeU rs a head of its ti me. Circa 701 hy EBlectrohome. years ahea in v old design and yeara ahead Ilv sterea performance. -Circa 701" acorporafea the hanricrattei 125 watt acolid state" Mlastro Chocss c.dual 12019 turrotahie witia cerac cartridge. air suspeasion speaker system. Deilcroît cabinet in naturai wa lout or olled teak .63 inches wide, 24 inchec deep, 251/4 Inches h gh. COME SEE... COME HEAR ... COME FALL IN LOVE with "Circa 701" SEE THIS SALEM HI-FI :c;:vvaîs.TOWN pushbuttn cotroland corpe.wvhS ý COUNTRY SPICIALT 829W-R. R. 3 -MILTON campe houa ninaers 878-463 SAVE 140.OOPU UTEGPrpiti . .. for the carefree beauty of if Enhne eany yho e, oId o n, stucco, wood frave or brick, *NEVER NEEOS PAINTING *20 VEAR GUARANTEE *CHOICE OF COLOURS AND FINISHES LOW FACTORY PRICES ON OTHER ALUMINUN PRODUCIS *Alumînum Doors *Combination Windows AVIAIE *Car Ports *AI.minum Awnings FEDERAL INDUSTRIES 0F CANADA FOOT 0F FORSYTHE ST. OAKVILLE 845-0318 ýuEPo aMENT STORE m iuID M G R_ý 200 Main St. Miltonu 878-9261 Open to 6 P.M. Daily, Thursday and Frmday tP9 P.M. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ae Ai A.-