2 Thse Canasd:seChampion, Wedeesdsay. Feisiaery 24, i971 H rfinal argument in Toronto Reseryàverà decis ion on quarry A final deritian us reairvl Tisursday ulien nalicîtoi repreaniing Oie opplicant se tua elstieente presontnd tin nansmaiena linera Oie Ootar Monicipal B or n 10 Cloe eiaQarapplication ti renening eflatnds neî Campbllvilte tremn Qaart Hoelding (Qtf( te Qoarry (Q). Surmnstions unce beard 1 Torontoet ahe O0MB cisamser Tise sisren-doy loariog ai BronI ville Hall tent Septemser roui tl on Oie Oiird day and Oie sollicits ditd net liane nonfIs linon I prescrnt tiseir sammarino e evidence. Cisairman H. E Roets and memiser W. Oirois tîstennd te for isore e solcitocs' sesesasaries irem th thcen tawners ai Oie Torent tearang Tisarsday. Zaond toisold Campiselinilte Sand an Gravel, suners of a gravel pliea Fine Sideread naît e Campisnllville, applied te th OMB te alleu renoning efthOi nearisy 120-acre Clevertea Quarry site te allese Oie tireth t qearry s. The land, en tise eas aide ot Guelphs Line epponit, Mohsawk Raceuay, lied lieni dosignalod Quorry Holding in On oantsip's eonino isy-iau oie ofticial plan and cannet li anrsed untAl 0MB apprevat k Tise tewnshsip conlcil, Meisaul Racnaay. HalIen Regier Censervation Aetiserity ans several township citheena lux elijerted te the oening oft Ou quarry doring lin Septeinie ineing. Only solicitors F. David Thempsn represented tisa townnship and P.S.A. Laisai ceresenline lise Jocksey Clubs aawecs et Moisawk) eetered Insinulions Tiiertday. HRCA solicitor William S. Sisarpe has since ineau noneil a provncial tode asd Ceen langer proctisieg la. Neee et tise towensip residenti aas cepceeentnd isy letal consel. May liave lcclose As the netaset lin isemmaing Campisellville Sand and Gravelos solicitor D. J. Wrighst attemplod te intreduceco neeide lat his cempany as in paer fieancial straigis and is need tor Oie quarry proerty uas aveu more serieon neu Oian il uas in Oniltesoier. Campiseltillets major poncisaser oenti las qeit iseyîng tisece isecase et variations i tise oier ofthOe produo and as sanduwas 70par cens t li th irm's otput. it uas tecced le resert te a nsalvage eperalien". -The oerstîee ail go eut et busain"h acned, ifthelim aienot abile te open thse Cloverînat Qnacry lands - "il is absnlulely crucial as a rasot et thesnnrecent developosents." Solicitao Tlompsen ond Lasel eisîected te introduction ofthOe nea evîdence as tlsey aere in ne position te off er consradintery evidence. Tise OMB cisairman agrenil Oie day's inaring siseuld lie lieotned te seematiens and ne One edeeceawould iealleaed. Renne "iased' lna s evîea trot teoted neorly smo iseuts, Mr. Werights enplaied the qaarry sa i conterinance mi Oie teashiip's otticiel plan] Oie prosest ofthOe conrcil tseeuld not lie gîven auch meiglit incause et Oiecesltlict et seterest ef Depesy Renne Gordon Agnea aise aIse owseo o stene quarry nean thse village) and aise porticipoted a in e Scil and planning isoard decisione; andl cisanted an "obiseons isias" isy Renne An MacArOiur "aise. îndicaled sise aeeld net lie prepored te treat the cempasy fairly at ony sison." The applicanlos evsdencn et seed seas unrisallented and Oie need ofmore quarries eintis area mith schcligis qaity stone mas Oie crus of tise hearosg. Mr. Wcîigisl suggestnd. I aas sienificons, lie said, that Oie Jockey Cluoisijecled maldy en Oie groundls Oie qary operation meulA attect iti mater sopply and enlecei no oejctens te ilastieg despite "aIl Oie glass tiny've gel in tise front efthOeic grondotand"; ynl area renidents' main concernatthe earirsearing mrn overOiheislastiog isoc close proximity. Qnarry trattie an ne prolio, in contendeil, ajOs a nea service rond neorisyt isskeptrockof eStO villate streets. Obijections treo Mss. Soi Austen, a neiglilar efthOe Campilville tirm, isall iseen overroled isy a supreme court justice aise ditndnsed lier civil suit agaieot Oie tisas test year, lie aildeil. Tn larauay Wile villaters eisjected, lie calînl it "oivousty seme 6rganei tomentntg" aod suggenîed the v'ilage wao Ise far awaviLuie affecedliyilasing. Me nnted lise proprietor et Meohawk Inn, tocateil sens door te Oie raceaay, iad ot inotered te eliject. Altisags 60 residents bil signnd a petitien againot the qsas- opeieg Oie remaindoretf the 2,30e renidenta et Natnagaaeya did sot elijeet. Mr. Wrights saggeoted lie auwntldp'o lt base s isasd on the quorryîng indantry. Evidonce isdowe there 1a032,5(11,000 tous et geod rock seailalile at the solijeet site aind tise aunan byae Cri bln e iler operaien fr 23 ort th Oe Guselphs Unse. Il seonld in sorrooeded on dico sides isy dense teit. do tor appearance, lie ooggested Moawkui Racoeay wsea "inrdly a great arnaient te lin tend- omape." Tin tracs creatnd a tegger trelle proein eansuel, uiOi police necettary te directoup te 3,000 cont a olgil. Qurresaoreded "Any prolilents ot seator tsiltrafiic and noie con in ealydeslt *i sut resdlly avercamne." eanmed up tise csenpaty asliior. "I naismit Ohit qosrrn in consistent ults Oie ru ilic internas - qoarrina tonal n esailiashed uliere tise niaterlal la seailale." onlicitor Lames trom tise Jockey Clubi argond the apprcan i oneeodll tirm, tise evidence did net enlishi any particulier aeed et Ohit qaarry liy nayene encept Oie esenera. Tise (company amisitions lCarnet ride reugsod amer ail aller conideratien,' Mr. Lames cisarged. Owenesconcened Ise Jockey lubs 'laotee concernaid" absotprtcen t i10 $4,750,t0 racing plant ai Campisellellle seiicis covans 400 acres, ins a grandotsnd maiig 8,0s0 people and attraco over a quartier et a million people per yese. Tise track nilee 175,000 "WHITE CHORAL BULS' andi "The Canule Sog seul b preseeted tey grade four antd five tusdente of Compbellv1lle Puici SciSol at thse Pertormsnog Arls concert to, b bld set Aclai Migo SchSol auditorium on Tlonntdoy. Cisoractent la tin musical protductien are frent rase Kelly Stomeueod, dom SIcLean, GartloEssery, lion Wendeland Jm PeantooL Atisacli are PioyIlis Freoman, Margiret totl, Autemm Watson, Esrl Eissecy, Roer Nichlason, Mormon Taccant and Randy McLkio-<4Stsf Phioto) Pupils of 10 arec schools take part in program A varsoty nignît invatving lsesueen 350 eut 400 pertorinent tramt 10 ares teisote aill in isld temerrea (Tisursdoy) evoning, in ArIen District Higs Scisoot auditorium. Tise enecutive efthOe North Hslten Asteciation for tise Perforsnîng and Cmealivo Arts i tormnrly Oie Music Festival Associain is arranging the new type et progromn. Tise prograco and displaye ull te et mers atecis originatod in clansronmo of Ares Ne. lo tNorths Haison -Acon District Higs Sciseol. Ereelville, Campielvîlle, Speyside, Limniseuse. Gn Williams, Nerval. Steaarttoan, M.Z. Beonett andl Roert Litile Pubslic Sclools. Repeaeqnce Stodexta aI Brseiseille Schuol plae te stage an act tren Oneir Chirismas play "A Ciât ld Sera". Tise see incloded a specia. douce seqne tor King Herod's reset, aiOi nomersus stage prepo and misie. "White Cisoral Bella" out "Tise Canoe Songwi lie presomted by gradefouseandl tie tdentafroin Campbllville Scisot. Aller econa Tisece i ne amlion charge and lise pulii cdially invited te attend. If tis event la supported and enjeyed Oie Ares t esecolive plans le prenant adieuw agais nst near. aeoniisly putting iteo n tireedifterent locations in Ares t. Gymnaetîct, vocal and instruemental music are on tep and indoustrial arts, art eut home eonmim att] te on dioplay. lise rogistar music testival mompotition attl affala te ised in April. Nurses hold open house Resedenta are comladed efthOe open inse te te iseis at Crodot Valley Minet et Nursing, Fort Ccedit Thsis Oatorday and Fomltiy momisers and studenta uill toor gnsta coogs the bueilding and santre any questions. Open ioss out s are Maturdaytromt, .30lto4.30 and 71to 9 p.m. and 1.30 te 4.30 en Sondoy. Retrestoonta ut»l te served. aeveral local etadonta attend Oie Salvation Armyl PCK-UPTRUCKI M MILTON & AREA E VERY TUESDAY j Phn RETV ' 878-604 FRUTL GROCERY TO E 30% OFF DRUG ITEMS M&PLE LEAF WIEIEIS 471 LB. PK. LEAN PEAMEAL BAGE BACON TO. LB. COIOKEN LENS or IIEAIS 490 LB. MUFLE LEAF SAISASE 48@LIS. PK. gaI E qua] trac Fi met exp de-t Jeci late nevi Oam the: (the (Oie teai cini disse 0e altte rosi Wri iran 2,eo salie reid the ne togg ori Fie poe couc anin He coold aea elsop nom t ~UNII h earing ena ot -eter par day luta osenlsPtaolailywectoiîectto an 140à6galooeilat is ot e quar znna bu on tit k ive 2ser grod particuier ene, Il tests very, very nidence prenanted eartler, ntroegly' lie coacloded. sOgs conflctleg tentlssey la reply Mr. Wrighst argoad afront one expert, indicatad eothe q1e uarri e awa de-waereg proceon at tise tanc Ose m:riet a=d tiextra rs, weould sereooly affect tise lrclin cetuud a crilical l's seator napply. loo.% :j lieJ ck dis liai o clore a tire in a grandtedc righstîepreeop tise se. aaieig 0,060 people - 'lit' e of spptYlnintlores, lie onggsta, cemtert te nay client,' and tise Jockey Clola reala»tanco laoed Mr. Laiai. Onse seater tu tise quarry usa porely on the srt at one point predlctad Ohe atandpoint et li osen nuft- natering weold louer tise internat. Aed t0 dota Ose only :ey Clolis ueR liy 30 tont; lie liser qoarry tarea deacrlised as rpresented montrary availalile ate ma outed liy (once indicatlng tise forsmerDeputy Reeve gseanad edeun weould nover lie mare it s dosaer lo tise village thoan tise 10 toot. Anetiser expert sakd Cleverloat pceperty. Orasedeun eossld lie 20 tort. fy client lt vlrtoally aithei Ntaordprben quorrynt) mercy," nid Ose "Jutifticatian tor tise re- tasonlicitor. lTse rareseay Id net be put in a position eoseniegefthe qnarry li soutticient reitstrelyn the qarry on tise evldence," sommedl op rechrge is wlls.He fr. Wrighst. "Theo only oppooition loded isy asilg tise OMB te 1 la ed on aemmnoalty louard lise io hOe appeal. Camisellville comelany. It sean neyer tise porpone ot tise Tounobtpi caae legislatlen tisat tiso Ontario licilor Tfsompon sid Osat donal u oard tshod e logis oy 65 nantes appeared pdeâg iem.' dn o stbenepoUtle naany naere Csairman Reoberts lloinily ,erned . Me dinputed Mr. adjeorned tIse isearing once tise final arguments bisa bseau glen. titi atattement Oie village secisiee uaî rnanreed btesthOe "qoilo anme distance" auay ollicitant aaid it soeldonlo the qoarry site, pointing ontnubal es enly oe teuwaship lot et long fteiBoardloiaonddclowna feet distant. Asor ac a ui nationt ly Oie conparlyt Mr. Robierts cnncloded Oie case iter tisat anme et tise wsea "1aprotracted and inveleed Lte ule lttltied earlier matter.' "vague", lie naggealnd Fare tise on eise iso ave la withiltand the mansein gle expect evldexoe dose ot." plying te, Mc. Wrigits URGENT tonet of a biasy townshdp Peenef n orn oco e cilînre. Mr. Tisempoon wneien asauneontMisent, etted tise Campisellville Febras ia, 1971 No. a0 illeandO amy inn done littln te eraent a0. /2 selle East0f Gunelph Lia.t Oter 110 enitng eperatian on las al aliao cssu- Sidernad and lasijonnot 10.ealO afu rissece , tie ccila I net lie isiamed ter esîty. "seort"asite POLLOCK netad Oiere are many QH in Oie towenship and il tiseceAN sisortage, et gond aimne it CAMPBELL icse pplind tramm nOier RoBt Oi appicont seanted M.e.aiaansf e thOe "seerit" pro-perty Oie etiers are tarr roe letoi l EadeM.Ils the soll ofet i cilinena and ercial Oniterprites. 'Tse StOoliena 2440Quoeensway Dr., Burlington 637-5601 lait off Guelph Lion. South of fia C.E. V ersatile Music of Tho Caste featuriog BOB VARGA Enlnrtaiomeet & Dancing Thers., Fri., Sat., 9 P.M. toi1 A.M. ln the Cartwright Room Nlghtly Ent.rtalnment SONNY & GORD Sax, Goitar and Vocatist 9 P.M. tol A.M. ln The Stable Join us for fine dining - fine ontortainent Pay forat40y discipline dmafl Mdd nt "Tise Aisoaican mue0 asonoieani. Tisaauuti bsave iogtabouto au traffl qia e miev sutatd y r lln ta psy ond, la Ontario ofe tare = t 041Lagis. USED CARS OUR S*LESIMRER Si ELECTEI TRIS BEST BUY inu CREVELLE SOALIDU 2 dîner isardtop, V8 automnatic. Poer Sting, Fouer Braises, Radio. Cousptetely «Wgiald Car. Liec 1 , 7895.00 100 G.M.C. %i TON CUSTON CABE, Wideoide. Radio. Newe leledl lires, wooden tloor. Owner's namoe given on roquent. Uicence 40418E $1,895.w0 110 BEAUMON4T CUwrON 2 door hardtop. Power Braolin, Power Sleering, Radia, Vinyl Top. A rosi ahorp car. $2y395.00 M9 VOLKSWAGEN Rosi buw Mileage. Uceoce 77000 $7#395.00 1lm PLYMOUTH 2 deor Sedan, V8, Radio, AOtomatic. Ail non, tire. Licence L.4840. Rellinao a I l $775.00 jIM PfEIA MEtNT PLAN 80n'f bel a gueuse114 -- go te Siessor M ILTON MOTOR SALES 388 Main St 878-2355 Mîltn 1~ Now 23< Pro î As the uunof S out rgait t oun i the 1 c molo la vent, scoutsamndCua ut tsaasioiso bculglas gene iqsaulag am lie là ssaung seUl Conti "Malton la a 7424 honc Sainday, Fois. 2! iseginnng et Scee t eouoLrd and Pouell. Mest et Brouades, 30 Gui Rangers jeleied t Scouts on Sunday llsey reoeseed thes At 1:30 en Rond the Leglen Hall l recelethe hlglst cas oltil, the lbey are tenale Wl 17 Katiy Molli Il millier, l. Scout w. "»Do. proq "Yen liane a use Fallier J. J. Morp Golden, Rangere, C on Sonday atterene diorci aervice com uatfiit tme tI Aoyastructure del a ged toondation werd "1dependo on liere, are o sliort, lie urgod thse 705 osguodty and lie pustlntolit," ise said eispnct e¶eron t ieng agrotuiswe othatlaterili ej Duc e tis u ota assemlitdaHoly t St. ciorci Heari turens To dote $1,485 l tse Canadien 1 Asoociatien liy 50 Filod iu ergai O'Cennor. Altoleg froin tse, industriel, o»l te ceosne lis, M reports oise 10 "qi seils tse reoIta casopoige. ThseCWL etf Csorcs ergonieed s and onterons cej loue canvaaoedi on Altogs onne deem ticslieg in, tise ci tersoed 'la grent su Blite captaess w Merrit, Mro. B. H McCaenn SIre J. E ..for fi E LOW OTHEII FEDERl FOOT 0F FlrooRSV "RENOVATION" SALE $ $ $ SAVINGS Bedroom Suites *6e niU Chesterfields 2 P 19eSadu Lazy Boy Recliners 61 Dînette Sets 81an Platform Rockers,..n,,*7e TriIight LaMPS 2aulu FOR 33e. BUNK BEDS - 10% OFF COLONIAL BEDROOM FURNITURE At Prices You Won't BELIEVE $HOP LOCALLY - WHERE VOUR SERVICE & PRICE 55 RIGHT RICHARDSON'S FURNITURE 201 Main St. Milton ai8s-amin rise. 25 Fm. 26 so., 27 safsndoy atinée 27 "A rp-snortng he nan oar adenture novie to stand as a i OO T.,o model hereafter _______ Michael Caine :ezClift Robensson Sun. 28, Mon. Mar. 1, Tues. 2, Wed. 3 Beyond The Valley Of-The Dail1s Heafs Off.- Cartoon Thurs. Mar. 4, Fni Mar. 5 The McKenzie Break - Aduit - Color Great Dane Robbery - Cartoon Sot. Mar. à Cougar Country Isp3 PM330P.n 5 E0pa.7:30n.of.&30.e. $269"..d p * 169" ..d.p $6" and up $87" and up $57" 2FOR$33"