Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Feb 1971, p. 19

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Nalton 4-H Sh..p Club meetings ci BpI9IOi sert nux monitors oud tvre 1eogaIaonmeeting of leaders in atteadance. theHolon a Ssso Cusaw The meeing opeoed witt Janet lIn the Hanter leuig thOoU in Asicllraofic HltnThere tociting lie4Hp Tht Peel, Halton pork producers merge BBHtuy5aley Feit. 17, folauing s port disnet. Tht ana Meein of te The memiters aapproved the Halton PeiPdrk r us iteld amagamtian aiof t ton and at tht Hilton Inseon Wednesday toetCstsormtheHBoton and "Greatest year"' Holstein Assoc. TEM= DRAM>. TROPSIES uere presenteci thleleft in hast acht Allen Norton et Paltreso Saharday nigitt at liflon Junio Farmers' ulit lte J. E. WitSok trop1ly and at ight la drama datival, held inh St. Paul's Csurcin h the evening's hast actrese, Kare Campbtell ci àNi Mmt, Evejyt O8tes, centre dusplays Palermolubt titit the Margaret Alice EfiIott titeW. 1. Dicit itophy presentid ha Palermo troplsy.-<Staff Photo> Junior Farfm for the play site djxuced. on Palermo play wins lui 1 Jr. drama festival BRfughCstit The RioIta Junior Farmner Orsets Festival us e ho on Satarday, Fait. 2, in St. PasIss United Chouceh, Miton. Tue clus la the causty pst on plasn titis pear. The Aclon teeZtph y Of Wite te Plem Club eacted the play 1ijenys MaSl. Ordet Wife». Bote ploya uore cialsdies. Rozztll us te direclor. Thoe lkisng pert la tee Palermo play BoblMetry,. R.N5, MiltIon, uan electet choirmat Mf tee Haiton Faris Ouf olp Concil teite Alfredi Fard, Milton os treseer and Mms. Grace Webbt, R. R. 1, Cssnpitalvile an socretatp. Tht anneol meeting us held on Tsesday, Fait. 10 ix tht Agricaltaral office, Milton. Oscar Onydet Mf tee Ontario Farmn Safely Council la Gelpht dincsssed Weritmens Compenation. lTispear tee rate for goeteal furming bas heen redated frtem $.50 ta $3.35 pet $101 of payrall. This indicatea a sfitmpravemonl la te eu- ateonferros. espite tela imo e th te 27,0t0 lorens = =oleduder Wortmen's Cepna in 1970 hod u total M ,tO am for u coul Mf anme hao milliont daoars. Usesields Ht. Onyder stresîed lte hprtance Mf siog the petee take-off Sitields ptnpetly. In a survoy ho canducted. 40 pet cent Mf teme stolda wete off os tee Alan Norton, Bill Sinclair, Barry Motites, Ese Canwhl, Eatity NeSel ad lùit- Je lThe ditectet oras Mrs. Evelyn Ostos. lThe adjsdicator, tort. Veto MacDonald frem tee Georgeown Làttis Theatre, gave an excellent adjudication, peittting ont te geod andboidpeins Mf eacitplay and of eacit monitet of tee tua cats. BenluWin tropib Th1e Margaret EllSott Tropitp for the hentsetresnuest ta Karen Camspbell for lier tale s liety Smith in tee Palermo play HaynMail Order Wife". lThe J. E. Whtoicit Troplty orent ta Allast Norton for l tal rosea Aho tenithots la H11enry's Mailordet Wife". TheoW.I. Dict Trephy for tee test play slso teent ta te Palerme Juniors for tee play "Hetry's Hail-Ordet Wife." liste clubs did an excellent jobt and are ta o cangtatoloted for theit performances. There uan a goodsattendanc as sual, aet the lutch aftetusrds us exjayed ity au. Dasg liesfield entertained ulte lits guitar and Dere Harrep and Janet Honter ied te apdiotce in a ins sang. troctors, 29 pet cent remoede oe Prise moneys a o avalohle for mouets, and 23 pet cent sn all entries. Safety dispias are masure spreadete.Runtning also ta bo fonared at tee Hilton machinsuiteont theuet aoie- Fol Fair. tussr cmpeitios ae i ho Supplies of bord hais, lite Iod faumcidini etl eittinguiuiters, firet aid itits. schooland fut4Hcsi ohn gagglen and roupitaoas ua ta h These pestern an the tspic mode ovaiiaitto teanose "Protection of the o m"e, are te uishin ths, ersh le ho on 15e . 4 nWchristol board. Agnict,, oteceg Huas Agriculture shifted again At tee Fehrxatp meeting of Pertoining teaogriculture utre Couxty Ceuxcil test ueeit, deait teite ut tee Agriculture ami memiters ogreed lt shift EMO metng ast yeat te respessihiilies of lte ugiatote mttatn tee shilted ogriesîturel cemxdllee fron ta topet dnnsaai property ta lisante. Moiosfit holler balance Until tant yesr molters uotddhe acaeved W. goof.d atA story in iast weehs issue taont Mrs. Joyce Loch. Il should aout eau flag for tee have iteen Miss Joyce Loch uhe Esqsesîng tawnshtip offices tetete mhe itttet coesplsislag of rted a louter teos receivet tee llag's condition. CHAIMAN 0F HALTON 55h03' Quncl Mrs.' DeElsuor. Th aoalra10 a Sa ntee St. demnstrats tue cf tr held Tuesday st teDPrieto elnguishets to members Unt. IL is sndl A.griculture office in Um-(a Po) ha hie report ho tee annual meigMtee Halatein-Frienian Ascainof Canada held in Toronta lat uttit, prealdeat Bruce M. Treoholns of Grand Pt., Hoa Scella, said: "Bp stamdard Mf measatemeal, 1970 hostlehoethosea y= inr te totof Mthe Asoition. We ntigitly sotpssed set pttvions tagit level Mf regisataions, uhite sut expert nsmhers teachod a solgi.More sigsificantly, te dltloin ofeut esports la utt teorte mting. "Darieg ibis past yeat Canadien Halatelos moved ta, Il cntriea nter dms tee U.S.A. teite appraximately 15,000 bad for 48 pet cent of total experla. Tht U.S. veiume us 17,500 fut 52 pet cent. Tis la la centrast tt otprevioss higit expet year 1908 uhen H8 pet ent of cotte med ta tee U.S.A. and only ture pet cent ta otet coutie. Gar largeat markets, othot tees te U.S.A. are Csbe, Hexica, Koros and ttaly. The torgeat salo ta a coutry in Estern Esrope us 336head toHungarywhiteotwo first-lime estemers wee Belgispe and Hondsras. Eas lnptant "This uide spoctrues of marktes dea math te, mohgsinn competition ameng tee hoyers and lsa smajor factot la te satisfactaty price laete onjayed itp est ireedoe. Expert bussiness la most imoetant to as ait as Holstein breetors. It has te desitatie effort of lolecting a censideraitte amoont of meney jeta thte uhoît eoaomy ix gonerat. set tee daitp sectut in porticular, teithout tee prohlerm isitereat ix markeoting dairy 10045511. Os tee contrary, il tends e oe tee situation in lis regard." Socreory-Manager G. M. Clemons, Birantford added: "Ttansf ors Mf ouxetship itrohe ail previoss records teitit o total Mf 72,440. This retauseatsaon iacrouse of 1,940 or 2.75 pet cext oee tee luevios higit pear of 1969. Credit fat tee loctoase must go ta tee enceptioually heavy expert tradte. A total Mf 32,404 ansmala ee expetted, 20 pet centesor titan linS6, and 14 pet cent ahovo tee provis higit ai 28,5X4 head estahiisited la 1948. Buyets froso 37 statos n ote U.S.A. accoontad for 17,541 hoad, oee 12 pet cent more thon in 1969. No Ion thon 21 otet cousnres mode parchases in Canada tatalling 14,922 tead. Ibi ia 31per cent inctease ovet tee psevios ogit Mf 11,425 hoad petchoset in 1969.' -Not a cslprt President Trenitoles said: .Tis Iar, 1970, la oe utacit has entahhohiied s fair mese of sishility in tee diaty isdsstry. Althongit stiii uiith us, sutatitoton and sntetics are sot mehiag tee impect test had heos fearod. Hocet research peins tt the tact (ADVERTISLENENT) Durning Rectal lh Relieved In Minutes Estîsltr Hoaling Ssit ous 51,.1leesrridn. If poil sont sntfelctoey relief trot litéhing droPrln'Ite,rol,,rylews Teund à soîiq- t etli,,o s,,l,îlo,, tnat prs,,,ptiy reijie thei bu,,iig tit anedpn,-&'îtlt,,, îreee it. Ti bt, e r e.ljg. l ,0, ht-ilen uprrLies iteo lip pree rt In cmt fter euse "ver%- triint mprovemest" ws n ,,tod, -ens nset of tots stsandingo. A,îd laetpoeoetitawu si,,tioet o nraperidof,îettl Ttis wu &rn"oslIditnno cntso muist o lit Dyt base. Nsu BlaDytît ,tsttfed la intment and supioitury foots I aI denputio 1"suu. so for l o-s .Udyo teat hottorfat la prohahly net tht cotlpait test ome wuxld have te peblic hoentv. World mariais and pricea for expert daity preducls are îtronger, and recent evento in Canada lodicate teat maritet-shoing agreomnts itp tee provinces are datser ta a Mailly. "Lsdty ut tecontde tee fart test in the Ontario Milit Marketing Board ut hove s model organisation for mutk matetn baln thot la tpaNetAseia mnemites ete dmte as11 intttduce themnelives and lthe itteed of sittep titey tai-ing. otnli Pool Petit Ptnds Assaciatin. frtm each conty. lThaoie front Halton uete Tom F Deimat Ford, Allas lirnunri To iogton, C letso ma Ese Alexander, H Iaditi ionit and Klaas Ksmie Chattes Hartsi lthe diteco the Hatton Federation Agricutureo, with Merle Goun director ta lte 5falton F Safety Cosseil Ptsmslepoeit Gsost speaiter John Bai Information Ourier for Ontario Hog Ptsdscers' As loties discussed the0 advet of petit. Attractive tiges tecipen are bitelg placet superonarieti. Cloue Riaison catried onuit the foa eior ait the largo papers, teitit recies and advettising id sent ta these edituts in thte ha thst titoy ult ho ssed lo papers. Ht. liadgor stoted advetl is good il it la ttsthfsi, origi and attractive. Ho sggested oay ta gtoattp locreane f11he of petit uoutd ho ta eslial chain of restaurts speciah in petit prodscs, similor ta tl ouspeciatig la poultr. The Canadien Champion, Wedvesday, February 24, 1971 ail re underway -Use Chamption clauOed -Cnuntresdeta ve bats ed lt ionm ta, 1e discssed . se at 1e - ltatOdo. give for the yesr'smeetings wsset au sre th1e second Wednesday in every _EIa Osborne, Roctwood lus 1t1. TitiS m-Y vaY if Certain hotu nsmed a director of th1e first tours teout fit into sote tveiig. Hloistein.Friesis Associaion of Dsuson then toi lce On Canada for 1971. what esch meetn w ostcn"i of and tentative plans were _________ fraun up for the year's progransMITO Record bookshaT The Performsnce Testing Progrsm, offered 117 thte M I Livenocit Braucit s briefly A S U outtined se a ssggeated psoleet for ouy intereated monitors. SEUVIC itotre were f ive members hotereated la putting their flocit ,cONFIDENTA ou a nismilar testiitg prograflL * OURTEOIJS First your members ste reqsiced ZE lat t keep tee Record Roui=o - Steep a olubsad may or msy et 8 82 2 cteei kee performance records L 7 - dt, The eectionof officers was left 1 to the ettmeeting inthte hpe dit- tuc mare membors would 11e te A suggestion came frem the of grosp that lte members moite a as5 short tlti or dononstration at rttO votions meetings ttreagitont the pear. Janet Himiter, Dave MclOnmn d Nancy MeKinson EL th eomethngfar lte nei meeting.*PIUIL cmi and in la oef B AN AVAILABLE AT th Fine Furniture IANS OAA6 Ing AT FACTORY To ail LINE SOUTH4 0F OOOtVY RD. tuti YOU PRICES. R. R. 2HORNSY, ONT. lte a MILTON 826-346 rtoii&i IAN BtEAK, RPREO * Bob Merry 1971 chairman Halton Farm Safety CournciI can bopart of.Ilm. THE HALTON EAST LIBERAL NOMI NATION CONVENTION TUESDAY, MARCH 2nd' 8.30 P.M, - GALAXY CLUB NORTH SERVICE ROAD, OAKVILLE Guesf speaker: ROBERT NIXON, Leader of the Liberal Party in Ontario Here's where if ail starfs: The election of the candidate wI-o wiII carry the Liberal banner in Halton East in the next Ontario General Election. You can help make that choice by joining the Halfon & East Halton Liberal Association BEFORE FEBRUARY 27, close-out date for vofing delegates. Anyone 16 years of age or over is eligible fa join. IN MILTON CONTACT GEORGE JACKSON 174 QUEIN STREET Ouests are aise weiccme as observera ut the Nomination Convention

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