4 The Canadien Champion, Wednsey, Febrasry 10, 1971F rd up e St et vil Merchants blow 2 game Iead win novice tournament Moha By Bab nurtt Sparts Editar Alterplayisig aterrfrbrida horckey nSdiy ni brdY, Milton Merchans arranged i tunaiout and blewnUn 2-0 suad in gaomes agist Bsclîngtos Mohsawks vhen tliey lait 4-3 la Bartisgtse Friday sigta nd 9-4 ia Miltas Sunday aftarsaaa. lThe 1970-71 version of tie Merchants hsngot taiec Une oet inronsistest cren that Avec dlani laidles, fIn Uie mariai upeser Merchans clearly outplayed Mohawks nd la Oie second via thcy wcre slasply outctasumng thc Mohawks club. Eerly finish? Wills gaines sluted for lait uîght t Tuesduy) la Burlingtn nd Fciday la MUltos bath clubs face etienstion and us early spi-ig holiday dtasanai. WiIII Oie selles lied ut 2-2 a tva ganse swcep tlao week coild dcclace a serina wiaour. (Itler teigne uction iis vek MW Newmsaniset lat Toronto 5-4 in verlimetai lcad the eries vli Inn gamin, a lais and une tie. Meinnisile Oubville lost Oie first ganse oft Unir serina agniant Hespeler 6-5 aller defeîling Slreetsville la lia specialtwIo of tbrec secien. Thie serien vas ordered vben thc ONA npmsed a ye-nlesl igniant treelnv .te. Other teigne artia siv Oritlla top. Barrie 7-3. They tend Oie series 3-1. Mill Craî. Une big viager, jnavcd Une vay fer Merchans la the firsl n nl Burliaglan ororing Ilirce goals la Oie 3-1 Mrdhant Rics Slillavay van Oic big amoer of lihe night Tbnrndip as lae guided! Merchantstu la Oiir second nian oflah sericu mi a four goal effort. Tbe 3-2 tend Mercbntn esded lia first pn viOi.' van fairly indicative o i play for inet pcniod but Oie tocato riinpaged se Oie scond slag, onlsbaitiag Mohavks 20-5. Mercbanlo cnded Oic second period vilb n 4-3 esd nd Oie gaine wilb n 7-4 vin. Tbe second asd Ibird periode nere dominaled by Oie Merdhants. Hadt Mie Ccaig bad ny breas i att lie vould bave had seves ga0ts bimsclf. For Inn selid periods Craig poppsd pocha off Une crosbir and gat pont nd vas foiled on a doues occasions isy a persistant Burtinglus ganter. Piayed nelI Addigl Slilloviy's four gat effr vr. sngles by Rasdy Partions, Don Heures nd Mille Seldter Rtobertsptayed wll la set lait didn'l have narlp Une lad le carry UnIt nurlingtos goier Bilt Evans bnd. Friday niglit Merchals plnyed viOionl Dlarme Hny and Keîi Bridgmn andtloin Oie services utf Itici Stlaniy orbes be vus ejeclcd for nraoing vitb a referce. liaying aul flgsl tafllons i Oie uebri-slriped audfits ban caaied Merchinta more Ibis Oieir share of grief mi lia serina se far. Ken Purls nd Bruce Leis, botti defecmen fol Oie gatallnidny forîlaeiilW mnero. Il vin Partonus second earty trip ta Oie shovers n lae lierien. Milton trniled 3-2 alen the firnl peritd Sunday. Mike Craig and Don Henrss bîd fircd singles vhile EttiolI, Lalultippe and Hurgreaven sored Burtinglan goiln.Two of lbc lbree Ourlinglon galas ocre pover play efforts. Out ynn an Bruce Lewis tonis a Inn minute crossn cherbiof peaty at 7.20 ut Oie firnl penid, argued lise peoi and ond up oilh a t0 inute misconducl and ialiy a gane miscondurt. Paritn folionef Levis tai Oie dressing rom early inthe secondI B3OWLING aniedies hig iglae , Judiee %in bus, gond single., asreos leck 212, bose Shanon nS, Hnr as bilergond triple,Mriee Mions 067. Judy Thise as 0, Rose Shannose Lsâerie wonu2sor 73,.aen 5sfo,73, 70 5 osor 7i. Nulle 25e fI 71. U î] fore 5, JudY 2or 69, Mîcn 5 f0,05. Frssrys t ,Ledias' uish sinfle. Leone nimesty Mg.; idee' biai isiPie, Oas Tiodaie 2otaco = ingales., Gi Coiisîo n ra Van eseyb ens, Cisîryl Olieeanise. Lioda Sanie 5il7. Sylvia PeareOSSsi 550, PtVas iisykeo 546, Faye Dredgs 5i6, Gai, Syloswo7fo23 uyy1 ,ynads 5for 21 eaiso, 6, Lane for 15, Mary îlo, ii. Helena île, 2 C.sàdi.. Matir Girls Ladis' liai ias Miry Hese 204: ladjem biis leipis Mary Ilsipei nouer mdu ogle, Lind Couime- sei ira ilru Ile Oie aiser moud seipis, L. Cinin 723, M< Filr neP cÏCien ni1,a CEune Zi. J. lisînest m8. K L Cautionsnnlsl'sons o kDnhcs 2 fer23 ,aluti4 fo 2,i Sot -o vvksm are back In running perit ndlieOrgueila littlelaoo Moaksh bcrd Ina galala in a Barllstascored sed =Td ,y in Brll«ngtand slresnuoatp aout n dinaillaved tumueand a ball, terse ItM utuitld Uslocaua li t li 5iiagieheu nie mn btha MUltons goal. aid CharBie Chsrlchois sud niai period. Thosps, tatltpp 8=csgn.ara i u llndng pont Bananle sgledl ducleg Oie eeond nid iMcJaet eorcil in ie L fon tÙnd ia nlff o Mohawks unI penid. poriud vtail Mn-tp Fonlar snd Mercdianta lhave batdoed nce Tua prvldd U lnnia peaI al bp =ttai nal g MUne Crig blai Une ias la Une teinus. n-Oi Une sorles Ulisu 2-2 lia :gise. OrUn 0ft Une l ap MnilOegevUn gains nidssle une club bia Sllp three gaunsta laag i M- Merchntse li nd second penid eeslieg 0-4. lise gamin a fer lait sdght provetheirnorts. MILTONMEBCLAN'IS cntdn'td aoythiignrng Tlssmdiy lied atin wgarnie encta in tiefirst rondl ci Une OEA Junilor B cogb and couldo't do aoylhing rigbt Sundiy ifttrsen an Oiey playofs. Trevor Robserta gunrds goat i the UnMilton net. - Split home gaiesnth Burlingtn Mohanwks.M to clubs amn (Staff Photo) Snow Jets rap Hes peler club The MultIn Midgel ctub eliminolesl Hespeler lu Inn straigist gamein th Oe Tri-Cntp Misor Hockey Leagneas qiiatifyiag rond l ntar OMIIA ptiy-off s. lise Jias Snun Jeta were led toa 4-2 victory n home irce ou Musday sigist bp Ph11 Colles vbo potad Inn gata for Oie vrinl. Martp Cairns opcued Oie ocoresheet for lise visser. an hie ocored ou panses 0-rn is Mcl5-acs nd Gary Hunt. Hugli Marshsall eacoed n assint n Colien's first goal visie ins Jnbb nd Harold Mcrry helpcd ont on Oie second ose. Harolil Mcrry cloued oul Oie soriag us a retny frm Wade ucisar. lu Hespster n Fedyig Oie Jet e yUi at 5-3 ta-. vis Oie serina nd ean Une OMHA ptay-off iserOi Harold Merny ecered frirn Plat Colles nd Bics Jubstli open Oie saring. Hugi Marshsall teamei npv.i Jubs lu gelthOe second marber, Dive Roberts sntched a Fade Boiser pnge for Une third Miltas gal, Jubs canlai Oie fourts galt irai Colles ind Merrp and Rics McTrnch guI Oie lurasce goal frons Hugi Marnsall. lise Jeta snw avrait verd on Ohir oppouens la Oie OirsI round nid viilbly pla more Tri- Cniy am il Oie laterva. mi single, Jonu Site-mil 2i8; h10- tiais, Joan Desliea M. sig lies. Mars. Ceea nos Jsnsss pacquase NOe li lin Usd. iae MM, Mues Bi.i9 sei,."- Senus ss L. C:o. .. or Uci, oîsncisi fer 2. Paesusetl5sfr1, Casneiiofo 15, Sta5 fssor 1, Reid 3 fore0, J. o. a- 0 fr 5, oit is, 4. Gam & ishNews ByAre Cofla A nord tapa y prtames aI Oie age of us or over. If yan vinb la obtala your t971g fibaponnilnhich filyon geslemen la ires, pon du set have 10 an lu Hespeler ta obtaia il. JouI drop pour old licne or peaif nf iela ine mal lt Depaimot ut LAdo nd ForesIs la Hespoler, enclose a itimpcd cyclope lic h ane lettar nd you vilt bave peur t97t licence. lise t97t fisii assonsve hees ausoned nd Uncre are Som ofthe dates you'l fnd ialerenling: Rainban 15-ut April 24 ta Sept. 15; Brook and liron Trut April 24 tea Sept.* 15; Piciserel, SnOiten Ontarinsay 8taNov. 30; Lake Nippissng Puclarel May 15laoAe-ll 14; Laise Tronînie 1ltOct. 10. Roiabov 15-nul are apen la sonne districts Uper.nitsaof possessiosarethOineua lechi bt pou shonld eci or mup befure golag lalo strnge taccllerp. Finaual The tinst amuaI unards aigil vias bli aI Oie Hulton Sportames'. Club linturdap. Anards folloned a pot taris dlaunr. Paul Collsin vran MIC lac Oie evmiumg nd FraisklCladerly preseutad Une avard lut Jis Smnithsfor Oie lacaent Raiaban. Jim presestndOthe Bob Reid trophp fer the lacgest fiainna iou waters toacques Pquetteof Lonvile lacsa 105 pound taise Troul. Rasers op vere Dus Keicscy and Joe Marshall. Jim Mounn caugbl Oie largest Piciserel, Dus Marshall gtthli largent Speciste or Bron in Halbou wuars. Tue languit Whilefib grs cingla bp Steve Kesse. Duve Tuch wn Oie Roberts and Cnnlon tnap shstiag trnphy. Tue uvurd van presestad hy is fuUner Glord. Paul Cauteos ens prisned wiOi n pont presidesîds pin. Meissirs beard n speech oniltampep hy nntdnor nrie Jis McDontd. Tue ladies' auiiry prnvidcd fond. Dancing nd candi folinned the negulnr prugnis. Fln acuses Millions of dollars ocre tait in forent tires tant peur. Seme ufthOe aunes une lightisig 202; ssmoking 212; camp fines 139; matches 27; e-unsh hursiaf bp cottage oners (monl wlinut a permsit) 65; diesel lcomntive 34; fireocl os May 24 un July 1 rnused 18; overbonted bruSe shoes on locomotives 34; raitruud tria crens cnnsed 63; huntars cuuscd 15 and fishermes 110. Does une lacoming vecy isonvp viOi fin Oii lime nf peur so diesse besp ) our bound lied us eves a shsort rn could peove fatal for lond fn. lb. u remer le% os aMlIe Wal~Forth nok end nerk Novice Trl-Courity quallfyleg rpmeid nits a 4-3 win Ibis wiab. Fords it twlce la tie main thrd garni of du erlus for u Taaomyaimnplun Forndullunoghiergy lailt ne Nenesarlat touuinimnma Ri Boirmariville tafi nie U laocmaint. 0111 Lyons ecretd tnice nd amied on a tllird goal leadiag Miltoni ahU 4-3 vlatary aver Streatsvlle. Joi Pearsan ad Kten Blck lngednileK. Smth SidncliirLooprdah fles nd Glencrosa slegled for Streetaville. S5eeefavlie played pnat Unth gaine withnat Flics, one af tiseir laig sacrera. Gaaltunder Dive Taletzka ite go obats for Un Milton Thse Navices tbclled fue le osais of Uneir tirese conteata in Nenmarket Saterday. At Une ad on. gals by Jus Pearman. Welders win series* OMNA playoffs now Bicsed Mp hOe ssperb goallesdiag ut Krns Monro, Oie Ed's Feldiat Pcc Wec club clisiaed, Hespeler la Heepeler n Friday nigisl, taig Oie gisne 4-0 nd Oie serina la tvo ulcaigt gamn. lise Incias hadl daed Une Hespeler cccv 0-t iani fui ganse ofOie scriin aI lame Oie previnus Salncday au Duve TurnercledltheWeldersn.ia trio uf maciseru. Stave McCulcisais aidai Inn and Eric Eltin fired a singletos. Rod leds sle nul on In occisos ehcPcr Capuoa Peter Rota nd Eric Eltisnsadded single auila tOich scucesheit. ta Hespeler, Oic Inn clubs =,,,a,=lu everyssot Hpc=er fird bits vay thiyotla Oe loca la ine opcsing stance. Erie Ellisos npoaed np Oie soriat midnay la Oie secnd irise an Milton esploded for liee goaa. Secnid goal Dave Turner nd Rbd Gonding ilsu, scured heorcir lia pcriod esdcd. Goodiat accreditis secoai gat ufthOe gamde in Oie tird COLT RO5ARY Laie î e, icre Wr fuSs'bais itafi. lJaniee nec as idisi sig e. i, Jeos nmet n a e' lit..ics ripesise Belv;duns' biaist icii lh 010e, gond esiges, carmiye eai 250. Frank Psduii. 205. Meihe Bseedes 257, Bill Maxwell 24i, 51,Oed plis, remiskrat uni siasaiM Dia uumncaneRasay 635. iMaetin VaRsnemiMteg lu S, ols ORe48. e 5 u ai Csn vnHes sono 5 fr ,t Os. ienRa 0 for.2 jos atac 5 SWEETEST CHOICE NOW eseve ecnseays Ske97 D a Seinatia, bas ccacc beev Icecte, or trade.,v allmnces more )ovecaus Make n beelme foc yen, Ska, o deialas wbeSace thc wicIe, rash .and gct yoauelf y hlesilou the ninvytvvvsyvev ty-oQ. YOliO AUTI400iZED bEALEO Milne's Sunaco NisstoAîM«RStlaciw Guelph Uina N. Càmpbeîlvlla 854-049 p'oilt give Oie Wedr Oic4- tnumi and assst e. r Hailtn ndllteve McCutden. lise Felders bave nw wn Oie rgstarepreseit Oie Tri-Contp HisyLeague Pes n-es 'A' divisin in Une Ontario Miner Hockey Asuociatinuplay-offs. Menie Oiey are utll ptaylsg in regutar Tri«Couslp actos nd travelled ta Oakvllle n Sundap sigst fer o glane. Thse locale camne huonse n e bart endl of a 5-2 coait lanever se nl Revn Ilondin nd Dive Turser nere able ta gelth lpucispait Oie Omis- ville setsinder. lise gaine vran very cangly ptaped an Milton picked np 27 miula in pinalies while Oiivite git caugh for 35 minutes. Lye'Pearsonan d Blair, maniilote fi Une overibs effoe rt. ll maereW d Inla le Unpuiltyiit firbot=lm mlntun flllO ufrte it. U Randy MaDaald, JIas Une 40 nie ef0alemt Neninibet nhile ami ent fi Dom Hmhklrk (2), Bruit Arpa ad Wally MeKay leIn th e aldes an MUl met tbreblie Me-at - aa aamU se in lair laver dmniU mena eddladaen bru mIni Bh Lyses nid Jüs PUMac IT'S NUE lIE 1971 Oui osran l'eemm Wisnte- Stoae Liagar li Soasens 826-300 wIitoa Cchillo Mai. a .eaali-sauiis aimervsa/ raumfft or Aslaydn *9nbld. round OfOpAlu fer Pib1 R- Oieebui LOOKINI FOR THE BEST' Desl on a usad car? Ses Larrie Coulson et the Homeo f Poel County's Flnest Used Cars. COLONY MERCIJRY LINCOLN 300 Guese Sf. E. Bramnpton, 451-4094 drive out of Winter in Springtime Iuxury rh a, ing tobu pour 8ev car? Jac con start You on t - fou in the latosi Oldsmobile. Corne uhich road is for Chevrotait Mont. Carle Thoe nnanos lusury ca a s sChseoet prIe. 116.ichwilse . ail er asite. With issI 1 lkfi ufunalsa of atin buVuv l Ante n ofla aide fros banni daa testnn/e, drv ca sosvn and exit Savis h- a bcel Nsee Standar On7 Saderd ualrr disca es on. m ar -lthe lsUIpo *M OItCLLN JACK RICHARDSON ONEVROLET - OLISMOBILE LTI. Nlghuay 25 Somti Ilitmn 318-2383 Hugger. sl au ou ghe Vi. ald M ni am- Pol lad mii blu c A intein >vni lino i ame Mn, Ai lisr Lihe, =lOi taon Jlis stlagi CORb .2. Eeqh u=o Greyo Uni t ..se lch GIma OFOR THE DEST «~SlOW FESTIVAL SNACK IN TOWN *A HAMBURG FR001 FRESH GROUND BEEFC * GOLDEN FRENCH FRIE69 * SOFT DRINK OR COFF EEW SPECIAL 0000 UNTIL CLOSINO SUNDAY AT Murray Hood Drive-In HOME 0F FLAVOR CRISP KENTUCKY FR110 CIICKEN WHURE P RICES ARE SPECIAL SEVEN OAYS AWEIK PHONE 878-6028 Base Lino Miltion, Ont. mal~IEWNIE3 SPORT SUIF *~CARNIVALR SAVINGS 5%OFF ALL HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Shoulder Pails Goal Fadn Slsin Pads Cooper and D. Si R. IN89Y $TIOKS Top Line Sticks StralI'f's & Cures NOW TWO STICKS FOR THE FRIC! OF ONE CoîRs elu itris.i555, Kitchsener, CCM, Kou SKATES %/ OFF RETAIL SKI SALE 5 OebisiO Loulisr Bonos Rieg 44.00 NOse $29.88 Tyruli 5 Buckle Plsice. 69.00 Noew 038.8 I18 SAVIlIS 0I OUILIEM'S SKI BOOTS LACE & IOCKLE Open Thers.-Fri.- 9-9 SaO. 9-6 198 Main St. Milton 878-4602 See our window for our SSNOW FESTIVAL SPECIALS MCKIM HARDWARE 260 Main St. "If Serves Yoij Rlght 870922 ------ --------------- ring te buy