Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Jan 1971, p. 8

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8 Te Canadian Chamnion, Wedneiday, Janary 6, 1971 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE FOR ALL VOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Phone. GUY and BARBARA BUSSEIL 878-3551 MAURICE BEATY 878-6418 Represanting CANADA TRUST REALTOR HALTON and PEEL DIVISION 17e-tO CHRISTIE & WOODS REAL ESTATE LIMITED Rali Estete Brokors 189 Main Street Milton, Ontario TOWN $5,000. Clown Payment Spaccaca moins accecat tisc cisaras tatan e ha ondanly in thia aldor 4 hadcaaas isome, ireplace adda cosy cltarm ao tlan diffng crasas, sliding doa disaloguisti thc- livnag moa. Cali ow ou lcan appatinealýt io. Yaarnay hav-e h- asediato p"saessian. COU NTRY New Listing Handynan's aperial, dais 4 isedroana, 2 alarey laome, nal camp- Irird. stulatc-d an 20 ar-c- of paa-ily asnadrd iand. Aalueo $25,000. C AILL 878-2095 - 878-6057 17r36 Best Realty & Insurance Limited 310 MAIN STREET MILTON "THE MAYFA1R AFARTMENTS" -205 Onario Sa. N., MilIon. Wc- cc-c pioascd ta annasro aisat ua fore bec-n appoinird Rentai Agonts fac- thse Mac-fair Aparitasa by MayOnie Construcin Ca. Sec- pa00 8 for fuather deteils. "ALLIANCE INDUSTRIAL MALL" - Sitald an the Base Lie Raad atMilton. Cootcatcing af 24,000 s. fa., availehîr fan rent IstFebruary in sits of2,000ts. fi. oramore. 10per rot iaitbc- offiar c--, 2 aahreana, apr-inlr apatant, truck laading dco-n paring. Excollent anai ra. 4,000 aq. Et. c-a-aid ta date. $21.000 FULL FRICE hu Sart 2 hcdrona hangalows, centaliy Ian- aird in Milton apacioat liing mnt, kitlse 4 pic-ce hais- c-anas F-A gas la-ang, fcull baseasoat Opa-a la offr. NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL -Coanfortable haomc aituated mn a 660 ici c-nta-caiy ltrac-d ie Milton. Idmil homec for ra-tiremnts or asa sitarr Pciccd la scll at $12.000. "NOW IS THiE TIMis' - Ta cat ynac- paprty foc- the tpring Mac-kot. Wbhc-c- ct s a ai.ý Oaa-n ar horne, cali Besa Be- alty fcr Servairce and Saisftactian. Members of the Oakviîîe Real Estafe Board Art Peacock 878-64471 Bob Cross 878-4892 Stan Thompson 878-24551 Mike Ledwith 878-4873 Bob McCuaig 878-28941 17c36 A.ELEPAGE 57 YEARS' CONTINUOUS SERVICE Meashea ai tise Toroato, Ontaria and OalanilR - Trafalgar eal Bsaae Bards CAMPBELL VILLE 3-4 hedronan bunaow, lac-gc livngt monta, diaisg area, bc-autifui lac-go hctchaa uccb lats of cphoarda hall hacorneet caca- ploely ficacalad. Ncce homan cacshou, is a quietircaaaivil- lage on a gond lac. Prca $20.500. Oucr r antfecred. M.L.S. ESQUESING FIRST LINE Jaat 2 otiles uc-ni ai Milton, chic 3 iodmonr brinS bungalow ust ha sen tompprc-ialo ail tisa a-oicas inc ibis haome. Doable garagec. nacir lacclrooa. 3 pieco bath on suisa, 4 pircr colis, hooctifol Siior uccla ualS aut glaaa dlora. Ccii fOu at c-aa-y appounont. Atsiag $30.500. BURLINGTON 10 SIDEROAD 5 msiles uc-t o Milton, 3-4 isdc-oaa ail elctir, brik bangalowa an P2 acra- lot (msore land acailahiel. This cs na-nl plat. ard ad racic-Ocily docootcd. Fiaathed cc-c. cans On aid barn boar-dt, liashor matael oaa-h a nire irplacr, ait- cachc-d garage. Theo hacar ai yaar dreae in -thn ceenta-y. Lited at $51,900. 100 ACRES le East Flarnisare 40 ar-c- ci bath, c-tc-c floaing saa sojah cpccngc hahiag oac of thc- haliaide, 30 ar-a- c-f gcond gardon socal, balance cd-ai for ncccsnoiinag. Tise condar trill 'c a-c. if poc-acc ccc lac-a Acsiro $75.03. Wa.-ccacl have coune gact lots prccd foc- hprng building. Facr Prompt, coarteaca attention, Cali DENZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543176 18 TENDERS 17 REAL ESTATE JAMES MIZZONI REALTOR 'MeeOr Toronto RecO Estale Board 94 acres fiai land, all nora- able, fraelaeg Hwy. 10, a-ail- ,-aad acrous mcar. no bailding. Aclalea $45.000 asitis $15,000 doue payena. Oaa open easrtgage for balance ai 9%. LONG BRANCH Beaurtiful large rane 2 - sarey home, 3 bedeaoms, extra large kiachre, exceptiaally large loi close 10 101cr, pri- c-aie drive, double garage. Asking $26,500 wic-h 15,000 docte payanol One open moragago 0cr balance for 10 yeara. For Oureher informnation, pleaae call FRANK TENSEE 259?8112 Days Escaiega 278-1465 "Se Voielo Cmceprara 0i Von- doere Uta Casa Chiamnalo" Frank Tonsee Manager Labo Shoro Branch Nans Toronto 17c36 Meeabee af the Oaknille Real Rsaae Board 401 and 25 Highway location Frae bangalowa aitb aic-ached garage' close ta loua. This pc-cpcrty ha, aa future val- ue.Noihsa2 bdrocins but rani an ado into a 3 ez- ornhoe. Full isigi baae- mnt. Try yoar doue pay- mnt. Cali Mr. Noal 878-9511. Countrv Living .Ai ils bc-t 5 rcom fcametousea on 10aýre of land, nv bare ccici, coton: loor and boy loft, excellent ataer aup- ply. Pricod ta soel], only $30,000. Cali Marg Adams 878- 9511 878-2278. Store and Home For a-ho faaily wOco la looising for carra incoaso poioolial. largo loi wilb frucit trocs, largo kiciton arc-a, full base- ment, liv-ing quauira plat a salgeneral stcre ciscration. For anore delails, cail KaY uc-l] 878-9511. Low Down Payment Oldor bomo, dic-idcd inia 3 cep- aralo aparimooac. Excollent incarne praporly. Ooiy sic-pt auay Ooatshobpping. Vc-ndor ull bald ficçt marigage aI 8ai inicret. For nicavnn, caOl Mc-. Rots Ceccrn 078-9511, 878- 2755. 17c36 19 LEGAL Oakville Planning Board PUBLIC HEARING The Oakniile Planning Board, ai its Janaary 7th, 1971, mena- ia.g, wbich wali cornrn-nea ai 8:00 p.rn. in the- Touat Hall., 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oaicvilîe, asili cns-idcr an application for a c-aaing excemrption by ubiris a cric-air park rnay lac eclablici,- rd on Pari oi Lai 15, Cancc-s- sica 1, New ua-ocy, Oakviloe (Nac-tb ai CPR, Souaih ai Sacc-io Avenue). lnîe-c-naed owes are invtcld tocexprett lhiac support ar oppostiion ai thc- renOg. O. W. Vickery, Sccretary -T-cacarer. 19c36 Notice to Creditors ANDS OTHERS In the ElaIe et NORMAN HENSSERSON LAWSON, iota ertihe Toua et Milteu, In aise Caanity et Ha1io, Rettree Former, Dec-eaoed. Cradiiors and aihera laaving cltians againat c-he ahove.earn- c-ddeccaedwhadicdon the 251b day of Dccc-rnb-- 1960 arc- c-,4irdesad patc-iOlarsof tnobclurna tcthe andc-ig-d oc-o befoc-o thc 22nd dcy af coct1971, af1cr oac.h datc lah, a,.t, cal th, ,c,aic oi bac dcstrihocrd, havin regac-d only toclaieis o uhics aise Enecrai or shall îhc- banc- had nalice. Oeied et Milot, Oniaria,ii 4th day ni Janay, 197,1. SOOLDEN, FORD ANDS S4AESLER, Soiitors for thc- Enecafar Wayu ta tind articluesu ahe huaI bapis Lool tbeaug jChampion Faenhly Wait Ado for realeonomy boy.. TENDERS The Halton County Board of Educafion Wiil a-ac-la-c tenders an Supplies for the Eîementary & Secondary Schools Te-ndercs oi rlose ai 4:00 pe. E.t.T., Fehonacy 5, 1971. Tisa foliouing areas ame On- riaded an ibis teoder: Physcal Edoralion Sappisn Ara top-. plirs, Classanc Sapplies, 00- fice an-d Writing Sapplies, za- liraig Supplies and Ouplicai- mog Papr. Oeiailed cendr Eist and aite parairuara foc- tho abatar rassi- liciioas ay bisoaýtaited as; a-be Costral Admninistataion 0f I fic- 100 Southsisrtoc-ae Raad East , Oalcanlle,' Ontaria. j The iouc-cior any tendercsillj rottarrrtsorilv bhaacce-td. j The Halton County Board of Education 20 AUCTION SALES Ward Brownridge 1 Licensed Auolieoor Fa=u - Linootocir Pumlawr Bales Appraisali - Au Trypai Phono 878-6730 20e-tj For Complate Auction Service CHRIS A, SCHOUTENi AUCTIONEER Sales of au types. Sales cnedueid aiywlaere. Tel. 878-2576 R.R. 3, Miltan, Ont. j 20544 j 71 coufli Nassagaascya't 1971-1? Coanril oas afiia:ay toon in Monday wita Ronva Ma-s. A. MacA-thura re-eleicted n tafrmer aIr-S tra-asaa-c-a laaiOeO smo a-c--iated oanaiara. Don Ma-ilas la dc-paly a-cc-ce andt Cal Mclnta-coin taheic ctajicil. He- elecleit ronniliars arc- Jim Watson andt Art Giinon. Rev. Bernard Warren at Oic- aoîercdrtarinatioaal Beaeh Ca-nra, loc-aed on the townsip,j addc--scd coancd cead c-opa-a-tad las appra-roation at iseing inilit ta partciiale as te ide ot tac- mania-ipalty. Manytmplainis He aiiggcatad the tomplations ot aoffa-e are maep but tac-y muet lac- taceit mith laanenty aed apennese. Ho encearaget iltisaers la de mint Oic-p are ceoed ta do mita a laglat heurt aid a gracios spir-it. Clerb-treaaiirer Campbell Thampeos adosiniatereit the oata of attflae ta mambers of Oie asitasa-i in Oie briet Maidep aenu*n aererfteny. $00,M00 ent, altbough eaunicil bu zoas -A V-sbaped channe, ideas on hom tint figure ciii ho mencrete lined, frsmn Woodward blimmed . onieprp.dlcio St. ta the CPR main ln. bridge of the diveroa ulru rieur MW" lDr.,000e M og 2sOogapanduabdivision fret mide and 1096 f =tda, xicam=ll mae aitant tu 041,00;..."y tlntarea due tthe ger Tender Opening No. 43 îconnusd trai Pau. i) nom neetag by-tum a peur ugo il bad Oie taun declar ail creeb- DEPTARTMENT 0F HIGHWAYS, borderlng lande ai a 'D" - Oeneiopment zon - mith no dvlpetaltawed until Oie ONTARIO conservation autbarity ONTARIOestabiabesn ucw fiood plain dimensions. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tha c-'?ar apral CONTRACI - 70-227. Mundapy a meeting coulil DISTICT- Sratorddecided to write the 0MB for DISTRICTER - 2îeto5. aiater bearing ta ronlew tie HWY. LEARNO - 5. IRCA repart and neek final LOCATION - Fanai 0.1 Miles Southl af Acon Norh Usei- appronal o et lioning bp-tam. If its Na:arclo tu Hihayaa Na. 24 ni Oaping- 5.9 Miles. ai timieiate liearieg cannet hae ACRES - 16. grant-d, thentmnurges Oie 0MB ta entend Oie teanporory zaning SEALEIS TENDERS, an formas aapplied hy lise Oc-paiS- approaa uatii Oie inaring seties meant foa Cosiracta wiii be recc-iocd by Manager, Tendrs Section, the tlaod plain lanilaqueonti Raarn 134C, Laisa-ory Building, Oeparmrnc-n of Higisuaya, Down- Engineer Hpde tlIdmnai sic-a, Onario 1off Roc-le St. ai Huy. Na. 4011 antil 12:30 P.M. Mendey Oep caald sane $115,010 E.ST. an tho *035,000 c-roc-b Wedneday, anuar 2Oth 1971ment plan if Oie ca-ceh Wednscly, anury 0th,197 wich unsdain Oie c-ait aide et On aise saute day, c-ha Tenders aniS ha publialy opmaed aid Ontario St. mai dinert-d ta Oie caad in Racnt 135B, an lise afaaentkninc-d Laboaalay Building, Wrndward ca-oh 0e r oc-ar Rase carnsenciag i 10 F.. ES. Une Rd. Hoeonr it weuid cent commnçig a 1:0 PM E..T.nearly tahe toal amoutnt se ianc-d, tpcifiratioaa, Tender Fatas and Ena-elopen enay ha oh- ta straigaten, recbannol and laioa-d an uc-son ne by mail fcrnt Manager, Tenders Section aI imprene Oie exlaling Ontarioi ahao addreaa, and informnation an ahur fre i han District Enu- c-roc-k rth et Main St. ineers.Couac-illera c-ed5-3 la dinert Oie * - Fiant and Profilea arc avoulable aa no cern te, tan Cee- Ontario cre-. tra-to-. Listbnmprononc-ala haproeents ta Oie Wood- A Cc-raific-d Cisoqua and Banda as apecified On Tonderina nard haen-l ltcb entera tewn and Baadiag Reqaieaenl mst ha farnisad hy c-ha Coala-antor ai the CNR by-pasnortbeofBase cisc-ah isCaomet is igned. Lie Rd. and jaine Oie main Tise banc-ca or aay Tendr nat necesaaily accpte&al annho tecenear Main A. T. C. MnNAB, -A secoend acdc-et haneaOi for Oepuay Misier of Stiglimapa, Ont. BOase LUne Rd., eetimateid ai Dowsasaaiou. Ont.. Oc-c. 30. 1970. lOiSO $0,000; NRenacataf taec- -ent fa-en theaidCNRline taWaodmardSL., 18 TENDERS -Rocp year Chrismas liglala asth a ena-k gabian-Siet ebannol a p for tac- Milton Winler Caial Ceaicillor Cbarles Johsion, WhoCnnliWhla Wnd and Art Melansan, marnod mounci the figures quoted are aiip mootructir antit and land parcbaaen aid feneing moald ho raitlp extae H0e clalmed Oie misie of the lamn would Sec-e ta ehaelder Oie mosto but the diversion would onlp benefit Oie develapers in Oie norOi-enst quadrant a statement dase by Maporlirion Betwha adO ie ne-b merb cautemwere movored la Oie capital lut levies Loavo Iights up liglaladowm e o... lenno Oic-m ep ntic- mhec eto Fea. 7 la 14, Milton Conunitp Sea-nice Clubs orgasintation urgod bomeamneru tais Wel. Thegareap ef cmnineit service cluta aid lame organisations' spansors et Miltonus tiret minIer carminal 'Snem Festinai", maela eveore la heep Oieir Chritmlas lighig iays intact for a tee, mare meeka. Liglathont up again ahia-ing Oie carninai meeh ta beli is-amata a gain mec-k of fan and trisaiy, sapi Oie cmimlttee. Camil itplay FSa cetnval" Ses hec- n t the planning stages tor ais mtth nem aid a nimber of avnel hane hoe plaoood tu interest peang aid nid. FuSl dettafeeof the Sumlap-to.$aday progrant, mili ho auaaunced mithin Oic- nazt meea or ai, Menmhl don't haOior sorung awap the Christmas iluminations, ane Oim up for ainther mlartai displap in hms tliring cerninal mceb,. Milton Caue mai iabc-d Ois meeh te bec-p Oie specini Christmas etroot iighting en Maain, Martin aid Onitario Ss until Oie festivai murisiten on Dec. 14. Ceaicillece agreoit ta heave thent up tar one meea mie thep Iooka ilt Oie musta innoined, ~~1 "THE MAYFAIR APARTMENTS" The latest in comfort and convenience. comprising a total of 90 suites - the majority being two bedroom suites. Limited number of one bedroomn suites avoulable. This apartment building features:- * lwo High Speed Elevators ta AIl Floors e Individual Storage Units an LowerFloor e Balconies or Patios for Ail Suites as Complete Soft Water System as Colored Admirai Deluxe Applionces - a 111 Parking Spaces Electric Frig and Stove as Sauna Bath a Kitchen Counter and Cupboard Units a Recreotion Roomn n Natural Wood e Hobby Room as Double Stainless Steel Kitchen Sinks e Drapes Supplied * Independent Heat Contrai e Broadloom in Hallwoys si A Vanity in Every Bathroamn e Deluxe Laundry Room Rentai Rates - nciuding Heat - Electricity - Woter - One Parking Space " One Bedroom Suites - *145.00 Monthly " Two Bedroom Suites - 0165.00 Monthiy e Deluxe Two Bedroom - Corner Suites - $170.00 Monthiy Possession - Limlted Number of Suites - Ist February Building Compieteiy Finished - 7st April RESERVE YOUR SUITE NOWII BY CALLING Best Realty & Insurance Ltd. (Ralitors) 310 Main Street, Milton 878-4118 Exclusive Agents aider Oic- 0FR and Mfllde Or., »07,000; -Renhanpelliuîtnn of the a-re freinth Oc 0R la Main St., 1,100toeetlIong lIor 12fat deep aid 27 la, 33 foot mide, $52,0o); -Repaire la Oie ifroarn inlaw Main SL. 3,750 toc-t long, 50 fait mide and ane foot deep, $0200. Culverta ubiy Ezising cidnerla ut the CNR Sie-W. I. Dick sbhool, Woodward St. and Main iL are adequate for Oie einnalad piak floie, Ma-. Hyde old mani0. The diversinof ethOe ntaeain la I e! Glai Hullan' fromi O: Higha made t cohers retirilO fellow a- been s SOsitan 02150 an flnallp igger predirt gavera bre*th gavent "»NOW RENTING"1 285 ONTARIO ST. N., MILTON Champion Ads ReaIIy Pay by Getting Resuits 18 TENDERS Major creek improvemients.. [1- reselutii every lit and dis aenad ha poltiol war in: * easily c The 1 the feet away ce i feet Of i Okay, V part. Bi yoi and tie cesi pffing Il conto etbe Casmeil cnto 0 hiobyg council Counicit passing fit ec:a toulaeep blaw d snd iE resodeni in theg tel nac- i evenoep mahie, recresis alloWod FLsitn inrthe j lmli Tsh heenaeh that 5t -j sppc-s viel-nc 1

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