IDr. Russ Furness voted good guy Byflillaînu tu, Dr. F'ums o won 62rac e For the second atraiglol year a and $120,'642 ta pursen an the Miltn retamanr hos hem votaid Golden Morsefoue Circuil'. Gond Guy nf the yrar os the thri-lrack tour of Grennmond, Golden Horneue Circuit. lTre Mohamk and Gardesn i Homrs of Millesn copped te Hornernenus Association annuel Gond Gsy prise ta 1909. disserolanre sckoduled lanlghl groop nIsnlmiesai(Wedoesday) allthe Skyline Motel, raooofcute volod the amard ta Olexdale. DR. RUOS FUR7OESS Game & Fish News Nom that lin tmo mont ofienuos meehu of the year (wklch we iosist on call0ng the holodayol are gone, me cani gel doms t ome cmal serions thoughta of hunting and ies fiohing. Don Keacoey, Len Naylor, Gord Tuch and some of tse hoys have sot heen idir over the tant couple of meehu. flrey report gond jark huotlog and fair huntnlg for cotfnntail. Bruce Coulun spent the holiday al htodad's cottagemith his family and reporfs a fem nice loke Watrh solt Ire Just o note ofmwacoing for yenumho go to Lake Bimcoetqflo Mîtasilti il han heeo helom zero op there for quite a0c nigrf a 0 bes as nof ton sale yet. Snom Oeil on 00in ice prevonlting a gond surfare 10 forca. Check mth local people hefoce gning on ie wi00 somokiles oc There have taon mome sire kerds cf beer diocovecesl ta Norilh Burhingtnn and Nansagameya store they have yorded op toc the mmnter Tis ta a heautiful sigle, ta e these heauliful untasals in a lmrd of smx or neren mith a heaotlfsl anilered hock lonhing at yen. Please do not goeeacîtom on ynurmomsnehbile. Gond lime Tloey sure sook the mnom off the coof uith0e Hallon Spnclsmns Association clsub ommne yearos eve as 050 cluh memhrrs and wdron enjoyed one of the heol parties yet. The lire ta the losge flton place houned! highily asorow yerrs mas nshrred ta edth Millerus Orchestra. The enfectatament comositter did il again 401h hogo plallers of rasi lsrhry and ail the trinmingo. Nredflcence Sportsmen among the mor thon 100,000 chd age penoloners 405l n eed tuohain anoannulaifishing licence even th5gwittlafIres. lOy Uhe may, have yo gel yoar 1971 lirenre yel? Remember il la dur heforr yns go on tha1 ice fishing trip. Milton Council briefsj Dnctag finir firot incolooT of the nrm year Moodoy, menstars of Milton Conrito * Learned the rtrrk waspolling * doonfoon sorohonto this merlo tomse if ftaere arr ooy eojections loeclsing Main Sf, helsoren Martin and James Uta. on Uhe flecnoos and eorntag of Felo. Il for a nshopping maSi ta coonection ish Milton Wittr CarminaI. -Clave final readingo le o loy- toohosoniigriparing oninhe scui sid od f Mill Sf. traon Jame s le Elizaethl Sta.; mnd on Mary St. on lin soullo aide frein Bel le Breefe Sîs. -Appooltei J. S. Edgar of S Otario Sfteel Poodocta tau flB o vacant seat on Milton Industrel Commoission for 1971. .Nord William Geherty le Milton Armna Board fer 1971, le replare Colin Sinillir wo reoigord. l'Procîlaened the wrek of Feti. 7li 4asMilon Wier Carival wee, andtheoweerofFeh. 21 to 28 ae Boy Scout-Cil Guide Week. -Promoîrd Cenot. Robert, Moreau ofMilton Police to first * -Recivrd a sole of inanho fre Mc. ami Mrs. R. J. L.aking for Iloor received on ineir M40 moddtag onniversary. -Approved an agreementl mlUs Elle ami Jottn Nijholt for an Banent over lande aI Use co neo Roert ami Bel] Sta. ohere o creeklo t bi ta prtty enrcoed. ..Drcided te oeh mecil inepectar WiUf Pensos ifl he monta Goldenrod hanned au o oieo meed taider Uhe Wred Cunfrol Acf. MotIon Couoly Couocil fcied onsscresstaily ta have il haesed ocrons Uhe ceuny and nom sehan monîcipotitieo arr taing anlord tu hon il individuaity. -Auhed Uhe clerS le permue Uhe ponsîiisty of uotag Milton Brick Ca. tondu for a garhoge disposai site, noting o action hod loren tahen on an erdier suggestion Milton, Euquesing and Nossogamoya mse il togeilrer. -Recrived nutice hydre ratesoareagup lu IotIlper cool ta Milton, on ail kilts insued on and aftar Marco t. -Eorsd a hon service for mndustciol empînyres aI Maltas, tati, operafeot hy David Lewis of 95 HelopRd. Mayor Oreon Brut 000 aulhoried tu attrend o Migh- wey Traneport Board hering mnd support the toaa mun is las hid ta eotata a licrmce. -Receivrd anote of Uronku froin Il toms morta depaclinent rinployeoo for their Choristmas bons, a 1971 rais and an enfla doy's holiday in Doceroker. Contrary tu popular conception, kusling au a rrlalively sale recreallosal pursuil mken rornpared ta ac- cidents mkile boating mnd skilng. The Canadion Champion, Wenesdlay, January 6, 1971 5 Milton Minor Hockey Bantams battUe Lsswle _____A maBest containg $W00n replorlrdl tuot loy a concernaid Hous legue happenings for single point Yong Milt ont koems, piouar Uhe enart vicinily of mince il mas ofst~ ~ cei&sgol adcOidpmlhoeoUeec eKnol sore sufilckeking into is Milton Legien Oantains shu t o ie dying minutofn th hetreahouls. By John MeLea Jimsmy Farroll, Peter GeGraaf aseisîrd once. Crai[g Brown ont Acton 3-0 in Acon ilofurday ganse. Momray's carne Iroin b-h~li o3tmnoedeui.Mie Seko MCn od a feloing day tudeSBrampton 1-1 goal fer Milton in the Brampton siglen ta lin gaine agoinot twc ugain a 2-2 doam 4000 Bourem~ asoistad foire and o goals and added ose asis ol l re soantB mpn.I s aiteoe' 1-kahis ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cln ihrlin an me- poieoyeeh urSvest -3tepwrplyga hihhml gne. Ecidie Gaetntand Rlch Aseltsoco fired a gonl ami drem an asolat for Rekekaho white Tony Rinsi ami Richard Griffith$ aIeu assisîrd once. Normont Fleminglon arored the tylng gonl for Momtaay'u an meIt as druming an amit on lin licol goal hy Paul Rninon. Mark Langridge kelped est onre. Richard Shauinsocored tree goals ta puce the Ficeinen In a 4-0 verdict over Berch Brothers. Carl Caputo added ose gond and aauistolmticemlolle Murray Mont mnd Eddie Pearsn drem single helpiers and Scott Walkins stopperd ail seven sholo keaded loin may. Mita Myalt muo mark hosier tathe Bech set au hoe stoppaitanother 13 doives au moUl minte foar tirai unI hy. Brion Serafini scoced the minoiog goal 4000 lino inan Imo cniolns leftin tahli gume as Postiaco edged Dominion Hardware 2-t. Mark York tallied the first Pontiac goal minh help froli Srrafini mklle Jeon Nadalta aise dcem an asuiol. Ricky Vaughsan scred the lune Hardware goal os a paao froin Andy Evans. Mike Shepherd kad tatac the husis marionr ic* a the glontî for Dominion Hard- mare mas pelled with 25 abeois and tae ny lel Imo go ta. PER WEE Danny Zannaf ta ffred tree goals and Richard N'orincolr addçd o pair le givc Fay Ptumhmng a50 shutaul over Local 4970. en Smith picked op the shuiosl for the minners mhile asosls ment le Norincote loice, Milie Stafford loice, Stophen Moffirld mnd Map Perroll. Frgg Plucohinil noved itao shoce of second place an Uey thuinped Porter Marine 10-2. Joff Lyn led Uhe altaco wiUe a trio otate John Anderson and Sleve S0. Jota eack ocored Poire ami singlens mrre garnrred loy Atmx S -suflo, Slephen Hart mnd Daoid Erantz. Smith had thmee assista ohlee single kelpers mece frein Sf. John, Mark Kendrirlo, Genri Juchon, Paul Cifoni, Charles Kerr and Gong Vaughoan. Scott Early ami Comero Golt coplood for Perler 4000 boelpi frein Clorta Burton, Gong Watero and George Walna. Evans. Jes Clafridgr rplîed for McCcaig's on a solo effort. BANTAM Frank Hume ocored toice ta leading Hod's tai a 5-1t riscap ever Police on Wodoroday niolol. Don Pope, Watt Malosho and At Duncan added singles for Uhe min otate assistaoent tu Don Wilcofî foire, Tes Pearson , Boh Nelson, Watt Mohohe and At Duncan. Gmn Jensen frein Tom Ello 000 the nrtng play for Police. BoIt Broîhers orre led tu0 ahig 4-0Omtaovec Brownie's hy Brian Placide oho cosotod Imo goals andoaddrd oe osoluf. Terry Nova mnd Govid Aoderrtak popprd ta mne rock mhilr assista menf le Deug Anderson Imice, Gave Anderchek mnd Wyatt Evans. Marry Dodd pichedopinhe shufoul for the miners. DonMgtordfromRuss frr Penice but inat oas Uhe oeny goal inry gel an Hittmer came on strong aillr tha ta 94ec flocen a & 1 drshhtag. Bruce Boiley furOu to goals foc the vctors white singlens wen1 te Sîrve Wollaston, Rmndy Murray, 3400, Leulor and iota Sauve. Kims Jensen, Brendan Mecritt, Rondy Murray, Beob Bye, John Sauve, andt Richard Secofini drew omsiss. MID42ET WiUe onty 12 seconds shemtag on Uhe dodo, 01cr, Csokson ocreptad o pans frein Barry ienoanmd KentIlsrnond mhîck tae turkrd underneath o spcooted Marris ortininder te give Pigment a M- droo iti Uhe Stofieners. Kevta Homd Uee hock op gealfender fer Uhe Legien Bantamu pînyed goal fer Uhe Morris crm and tucrd tna overy creditohie performance. Diner Pigment scerere orre Brent Dane and Sîrve Mendersen mhrle onsislo ment te John Chaîlner lobce. Marris mocheco came Irons Jack Roerrtson foire and Keilti Chambearlain. Bottes humped Scohie's 5-1 ou Don Leslie ted the ottaco oiin o pair cf goals and singlr rtirers came frein Orne Motdrîdge, G. Rîddrll and Eugene Motter. lochie, Holdridge mnd Motter atmo frouncuf g cf Kmight's. Singltons mer, couoitad hy Les Wilson, Gary McDougatt, Rmndy Hannon, and Van McPloail. Gary Mc, tiougoil and Rmndy Hannon hein ososfsed 100cr misite single talpers came frein Les Wilson. George t3sech and Rochy Barber. Boh Knomîrs, Lamrence Cargill and Lae Fuller countod for Koight's mith asoisîs goinilt Eddie Ford ami Deug Mahon levie Bach mnd one le Boh Knowîro. oeil enough to toat theso Ouir pomer play 000 fonctioning meSl hut previdrd rvecythisg hut gcals," manager Bell Rooney LooS gond -.Our hidos ohked gond eut there mnd contrelrd the play unfilthe tout fro mntso f Ohe ganse, hen Brampton raily pot Uhe preosure on," he soîd. Brampton alcostof th e lie otan Ueey lt the rsshar on one Fun turns A tobogganing trip endrd ta lrogrdy fer a group of children aI the sMCA camp sear Norvat Wrdoesdoy of letoulmek mhen one menstar cf Uhe group mas struck mnd hilîrd hy a car. Dead oa Stuart E. Pedermon, 9, cf t05 Larose A'se., Wrston. The cor Oas driven hy Marie Thomesen cf Georgetown. to tragedy Milles OPP uaid the hoy mas ore of a gronp of yosngoteru saying aI Uhe Y camp mkn mere taheggmning on Uhe soin sido of ighmay 7 that aflernion. An theycreturned 10 the camp Podorson mnd anettar boy more af Oie rmar of a gronp, with a Y leader. The boy apparontty dortad into ttapaloof the car., FRED MILLS IS QUITTING BUSINESS LANDLORD US FORCING ME OUT BY FEB. 1sf EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD juuIu,' SALE STARTS Thursday, January 7 DOORS OPEN 10.00 a. me. Here Are A Few 0f The Specials MEN'S UNDERWEAR BRIEFS BOY'S JEAN Jackets BOY'S MNSALL.WOOL JEANS SÇUITS $25 AIL KINDS $3.18 WORK BOY'S S 0 9 Sport Shirts 3 for $2. a DRESS BOYIS PANTS SO0 X 38 REG. $9088l ALL KINOS 3 for $1.00 17.950 19.95 FRED MILLS CLOTHIN MILTON ONTARIO OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAV UN~ UNTIL BUSINESS CLOS LADIES' PENMAN BRIEFS 881 LADIES' JEANS $1.00 GIRL'S SOX 19Ç ALL KINOS 6 for 1.00 CHI LDREN'S Sleepers I *3 2 for 2.0 G STORE TIL 6 P. M. SED * lie oc oiini Sinreste o.sOinlo pOor UotoO by Nfonuil Ainto *9 DODGE SWINGER 2 DR_ HT, 30 Oi*B oekVaise engine, 4 speed trans. positcuck rear edoe 9 2 oener. 19,000 miles, radin. Lise nem. Under 2 sem car warrasty. Lirense L2637 M.keor aooffee 69 JAVELIN "«SOT" V-il auto. cosoe BI.;k Book Value knckets, power steering & lorahes. B=ueit hlack vinyl rol. Low mitleage. Ose omneir. 1 -8 Liceose K 97052Moeoffc 1 M METER RIDEAU 5N 2 donr .T. V-fia, OiseokvioO auoa. radio. peimer steeriog & iakes.l Beautiful bitle finis. Jaot trde $1 io 755 origanal omner. Licenne 703834. nokocso offe 6SDODGE POLAASU4-dr.oeda. V_ ,at 1*Olook Bkvaoe pomer steeriog & braken, radio. Osie onocer0 Spotieso original met. green finisho License 19290 K99913 ookoosao efe, M TOYOTA CROWN 4door sedan, 6cyt. OHC J* Bl ooko Value esgioe, auto., radio. Beautifoot ced finish lack inlerior, hochet seafs. Perfect f amil; 01240 car. License L 2947. Makeuoao off or SOVOLKSWAGEN DELUXE bug, radio. Tho is r0k oe is a oe omner car in exceptional condition. 1a Thse marolon finsish is loke new. Uicense K 9937. M ake us a offr 67 BEBEL "1SOT" 2 door H.T., V-8 auto., cBlack Book Value power, huchet seais, console, radio, original * gold finish, black vinyl top, one owner. $1320E License K99M5. Moke uso offr 66 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 4.olc. H.T. V-S *Blaek B..k Volue auto. prower oteering andt hraoeo Radoo. 02 Beautiful hlacki inter tuoc Complelely 12 cefiniohed like new. Uiconse K89474 Make0 use of0e, <Pleose aiiowv som. for sof.ty-eck and profits> PARK TOYOTA Hfwy. 7 West Georgetown 877-9439