Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Jan 1971, p. 2

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2 Thea Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Jaeoery 6, 1971 koaOOsM15RgsisoeNsEr01 SCouncil rovlows old by-Iaw Snowy sidewalks ai stick y problem Co-operotion of reoidents inOy said Police Chef t Andra. lsey-o soya sidematisa ma One cooriillor noted mollt of liane b lie tise IeyotePd a0 O "We dont wat tall Y A oc cleaned by l^ a... or titn thie woltiare onltowmapropertyso Isisio rote MtIn oie, epet entsl aia-i tmo houro oller tthe nof il wtoutdlietsard to force people t Mne= o COUe.CII and tlie motle a hiordMhp for sortne of saowfall. I hiast never been cteoo tliem. dAsottier oaîd tisose pedastrions of Milton are faciati oor etderly reaideata". Some repeoled liot il fois flot been not an lowo projserty are on ogaio tbis master. arent pfsysically alte ta do the eaforced in recent yeara. prinate lands and the toma Thse probltem is 5000 remonOl worlitseseloes, oant mony coolt couida't legafly toucli tisem. tramn sidewaflis. No-ose oppeors afford ta pay sameone ta ils tise Ifesiftass ta force tai have the onswer. joli.Th on asiufcet Police and memliers of counicil 93710e ms of thse cmptlats Tln okaloka h qipetm as inoafen g Cas n a 1hO ahd a se eqoupieat ad inop ail te have received several compoonsO concero the resideatiot areas. prolteaM ona n sid oosdtm n enat tram citizens aouat sidewlm n st tsere liave a"s heen gripes aout praperty and adinistration sstewalis. coanicittors ograad. lisa shovelled aller lieony sidemaflia un Mois St. and ia comesitteen ta revieis tlie liy-ia sowa Some people, ospeciatly shopiping areossnat lieing cteaaed mith tise thooglil of sanne new Sa Iliece the prolilens remsa ii elderly people, are lianing of shom. legislation in roud. Cauncit lias Untdlcoaicti cames op w110 nomr troulile gettioti around hecase Miltan lias an arcliair blto power ander the munipal oct ta nom tegotlatas ifil dardes t same liioeners are ide tony ta on it.- booksa passedl in 1878 - farce laadowners to cleor their dosa -1te sotation la remnonlng get rid of the show. which forcea ladowsers no1 ratp maths af mnow lias meinhers snow tiramr sidewaihs in Mdlo A liardshlp ta cteoo off their mollis buat alsa seemned hesilant aout remomos o motter of mndiniua --il sa stichy proli for us", keep roofs free of 000w and sca. unplementiof saci colon. co-operation. f~ Wood, Pries tner seeking to, head At leant Ina men miii amis electias an chairsoon of Haltass Ciounty Board of Educatian ai110e inauguralimeeting this Thursdayý Jas. 7 aI the Oanille board ot- ficso. Carrent Cliairsoan Gong Wood of Oanille msll seeli ce- etectson and 1970 vice-chairman Bull Priestner mili also cm in010e cestest. Former Cisairman Fred Acositage lias ohjected teao separate %chmol reprenontatine holding the rhasrman'a office. Priesiser la one of Smo seporate Scheli eenetatines os the Hoitaoard Mr. Arsoitage, la a letter circolotad ta pressanmd trustaes salit hy tom, the separata achoat represeatatines are allamed 10 nota aaiy oninattersaof secondocy onhanl intereat liut no isomîtry maltera. MA3ORIED 59 YEsIRS on Dec 30, Mr. aud Mcs. Harry Ricliardson of Lomvitte were lioored i ta fsscobp donner portp aI st. Georges Anglican Churdli Wednesdap enemot cof last weeti The Weil loso coopte fat-nord for 40 peurs near ia9mvilie and retsred 19 yeacs ago.-<(Staff Photo) Fête LowvlIe couple mark 59th anniversary A melI-lasoma couple in the t.omnilie district, Mc. asd Mrs. Horcy Richiardson mece honorait hy their famity on their 5910 meddlag anoinersary Wednentay ermasog of tant neris. The tainiy bsela dmonecandscal enenig la their lionor aI St. George's Anglican Cliarcl, Loanille, ami presented the coopte ws10 a sel of Cina and flolmare. The Rschardss operated a dairy and geanraitarinnoc10 of tomeslle for 40 ycarn aller their soornage ami ccliced 10 yeacn oigo 1010he home thcy sîsîl acopy ai the ssoc10 end ol the village. Tiey mece married ai lier home an the Trafalgar Tome Line on Dec. 30, 191 1. Cliorcisreportr Bath arc active se St. George's clarcis aod olie ha heem the charcli nens correspondeot toc Filmn on child includes talk At their enecroive meeting on Monday theJ. M. Genye Homne and SclioolAssociationefialie plans t0 preoelt a filmo "Ctld Mistsng" ta lie folloo'ed liy a panel disncussioni givno tlie medicat mnd police point of vien. Thse parpono of tao film is ts iniarate. n01 ta Iciglitan, tl mas raported. lise procasa is dcsigs.ol toc pacens tloisa ail about "had people" and the necessily 10 impfresa opon their cthd that the fisenda and reltivses niso arc metmsrned in their homes are ast -goad people". alîhoogli sttihoica shom thal 10is is not lnaocsolly troc. This fltm eoplianizes tlie Impoctance et hosog aient for "liad people. -Iteurges parnt t aleetîlthe hîîd te the posesiifte of 'Tli Champion foc 15 peors. 'Flic ladies of 164 A.C.W. ot St. Geonges nutered toc tise annersaey dînner and pncseoled Mrs Richiardon mit a ionciy isocrli rcted mith tucqoise stooco in botter of hec bsnlhday, nhsnli mas lier. M0. A daoglitar Mes. Rcgmnald Tmiss made and denoealed lise meincroarc aise. Thcy liave nix rliildree, 18 granetldcee and ciglit gceaO- gi'aedntaldccn. Their daugliters one Mrs. Reg Tmisa ( Marie) oI 't. R. 3 Campieilnillc, Mrs. Wilfred Sqtuires l Gline) of Thoratali, Mes. Grantl Heslop sWsnnmteed) as Paiermo, Mes. Harold Mercath jean) of Ourlinglan and Mco. Lloyd Drcyden t Betty) ai Tmnstey. These son John C. Richardson nsi! aperains the home iarm at molesting by panel troble, withousaing thetOhd andaly disîcoatul. 'fli panel. foiloming the film, asi serbode Cie. J. H. Chamblains staton M.G.H. Faline Chief Ray Andress; Prnicpal otJ. M. Genes Snhoot, Wro Clo. and madecalor Mes. Audrey 1,yle, president af J. M. Gcoycs Homec and itnhoal le prepacatian toc the film, nooglil hy the groap for some nJontsil was agcd il soid be made anastalile ta the mhotc mommoily railler 1640 timitail 10 the oce association. Benause af thissthepresentation will bemn1th Martin Street lichoal auditariume oa Mondayeennmg, Jan.18. Progaa conence BilI Mollin aed lis 'eeaittne are maing Total $773000 Issue 61 permits in year Siatp-ana biuilding permits $773,001), a decreaof aiW37,000 lactsoling 26 residestal, il od- trois tast peurs tataS nvae of ilitians, tiscea comissecrai, senen $1,040,000. agricotisai, 10 garages and tour June wosthe lioamiag mants of mlsoettassaoas mare issued la 1970 miOh a totat of 13 parasita Nassagamepo Towsship darlag issueil inrhading aigso 197. Building superitendnt Spd cesideoliot, Smo agricoltarai oad Sate reports tise tatal vaise of tisce atiers; ligissg thie total construction for t0e peur as value aftis montsho a125,05. Halton board Feanalenvoire liorlinglon are Fred Bidmaîl, SHe argaed 1001 the rhoiciao Fred Armilta. George sollioswlocutd off er Feltrtterio, Harold Thorpe, John guidance in ail mottcrs . For the Rna n .W oisn tirst tlase olace the coonty board Rolarolag toc another terani came sno lilg, wmmn muti tramt Galille are Douti Wood, biave a noire an the 1971 board. Gink Gmodla and L. D. Palmoer. ltepreseotinglthe noparote achoal Mrs. Jody Alexandra and Mca. board on the comlty bsoard are Icene Gmhbie milI cepresent Gais- meishers Bill Priesîner and nille mards. G10ec neis mesalers Htugli Clohery, haIs of on Ithe board are Vern Connaît Ooclinflon. and Net Cooper of Briootro inaugural sseting mnd Len Crosser of Gatinille. The inaugural meellti ta slated JohnNobl ofMiltn, Bll toc Tisorsday enening. His Honar JwosNa of Muein, Bril Jodge J. . Bliack ailI conduct Lanon f Eqoaiof Erie the derlaralian of fratt of Bodoar trois Georgetao and allegiance and oath of office for Trom Watson represeallati Actan nem meinlers and follomiaf that mnd Nassagameya milI reprenont Discector of Edocation Juan thesc respective districts for Singleton milI conduct the anoliser Ina yeac 10cmir electios ofth1e nisoirmas. Rrtura taoffice The meeting is ototed toc 7.39 Retorninti ta office in and is open ta the polir. Township forced to borrow to puy year-end accounts Nassogameya Cooocil The cleris-reasorer dessed the apcndm t aposition, an meeting mas a closed meeting appiicatia ta th 0ooi althougli no press epresent. Muncipa l Boro ermsin a linon mere notitied it mon lasng taeenccedthe hot on hocrmlag 641d agamt reciaie. Tise action 'Tise townstap mas notied on mcclr i 9I a.m Mondap ot tant apps'oned liy the G.M.O.a 1970 building permits top million dollars A total ai $1,035,232 worth ai building penmt ereissoed in Miltas durmng 1970 liy buiilding soperintandeel Rap Glan. This year's moSI pragressine, hooming mentir peoneil la be Augant mîlli a total af 9210,000 worth issoed, mrboudmg a $14,000 bildig permit te AhIisuoe Building Corparation for an industriat phana an Rase Lioe Rd. jusI casl of Hsghmay 25. Thccc Milttan rmsidents heal the sommurer heat ai 1970 and added a sminmiag pmoola toichir baon yards. Four garages mece ao aildei ta bouffes in tomo. isetai 1969 0u1 mi10 atth1e nen garages, partaiue rlasacanns andl hosines reoatîans, 064 1970 toal mas $1,964,021 sort of lasI year's 932,999,253 issuae. Jame mas lise big moolli ast pear mhcn the proposed aparlisent boilding on Oranle St. raîseil 164 montly total la $1, 337,000. Loohsng hank liscugis île pemis licame a teetertotter aitase, nalues rinino and dacending. Totato thcougli the ycara nene: 19604W39,285, 1961. 406,850, 1962-$560,320, 1903- $80,075, 1964-$698,340 1905- $632,500, 1966-$965,613, 10067- $442,730 ansd 1968-$709,25. Again ibis yeae 10ie grand total bas drapped roasideealy. Milton baby first in Oak Mc. and Mes. Gouglas Roherton of RNR. 5 Milton arc proad parentsofa this year's fine lord, senen and a hall once toliy New Vear, boro aI 12:35 a. m. sen Gakvilbo-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. 'fln yoog lad is lise Noliertro'sscoand ctald. Tliey hare a dugliter Christine, 4, ai homne. ALPINE WORLD - USA O.S.D. MAIN This la another ýn the 1970-71 series of AUDITORIUM. TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE: 'N Tuesday PROGRAMS Jan. 12 8 P.M. SPONSORED BY Rotary Club of Millon SINGLE TICKETS Alpine Worid - USA is a story of AT THE DOOR mao'srelation to natureand wildlife in the Sierras and the R«ky ADULTS 1.50 Mountains through tour seasons of STUDENTS.7 Ur. SU all'i mjoy the animais and the beaUty of nature mforgettably captured. Don't miss it. ..................................................... The municipal statates permtit horcowng ta 70 per cent ai the tanhipos racesoaltes. To pop accounts ibis year il oas occeosary ta cxceed 10iS Ceiling ta the cotent of about $8000 the trcanorcrcceported. The amout ofthleliorromig woold depenonthe taxes paid liy Ilie yeac ed. Treasocer Campbll Tliompson reported more than 80 mcr cent of the lonnisptssesliad been paid 10io year liot no amoont nos includel ithe liudget toc cenerne capital as comncsllocs nooglit t0 maintala an lo a millrateasposile. Tise abisence ot tliereserne reqoired paymsacof a a higli perceotage ot taxes by the year-end tahOep the taonsip nitlim Ilie 70 per ccnl tarrowng lirait. Lowmdeist. 'Cc casocer Thompoon empliasizedlthe toship mas in a good fisanssial position otherse nit0 only a $060 delicoloce deht oototandiog icli noold lic paid off ia 1971. 'The lommship's paymcnt ta the hourd of Edocalson nOs not ose of tise ootstsnding accoonto, as reported in anothec nenspaper. Former!d.pMty Mac Sprowl named new cou nty sheriff aie 1, ul, fiai tisa Stiritt of al. cateplaciag Asidy Franks. Mc. Froali retired Dotemiser 31. Tlie aaaaurement of Mc. tipramîns appsolatmaat, mhinis had bemn enpectad, mas ade of- lirialty in the Ontario Gazatta. Tise position lierame ettecine Janary 1, 1971. Mc. Franks iecasse shertit is Octaliar, 1958, and Mc. fiprami mas appaiated deputy-alieritf Mardi 17, 1964. tlepety expectad A neis deputy mIl lie apssalatad lter, Mc. tipraml noys. Tisera are four office emplapeen la the aheriff's office la the caantY administration buailding at Miltan, mi10 14 ort costabiles morig out ofth1e afice. Mr. tiprami nil nom lie la the office mare la lia nom psition. As depioty, lie mas o Cei oui nocnlag melOn af aUMomsnaeo. Henotes the laccastati nolunan of mach milli eacli pear os lie taises oner troan hos predecenoor. Cisanerobies As shecift, lie miii Change lis mort cohen sy addisig sets of haro dama lioti sides ofth1e coolt Bath the shersiff and depoty appear in mort mî10 ceramonlal robes oaid the amord wlich symssolioes shio offisce. Tnie doties of the aliecitt laciode admsssstering cinil Ian. The deparlmientnernes mrits and docaments concerelaf mattara 10 lie dealt msthin l caanty ont sopreme courts. 'flisc shersît in atao cesponsibie toc pers ons charged mitli indictabte offenses once they ceacli the coartracn door, and for jarses darlaf murder trials. Mc. Spcoml in a melI-linomo and popotar memiser of lis cmmansiy. ste tinco on 10e ootsirts of Artao, on part of the Three charges New Yearos ene mas taiciy quiet in tise North Rataon district patrolted hy Milton GPP. Gner the holiday three charges of impaired drininil mere laid and only asie accident mao cepocled dorsig the niglit of cenelcy. 05000 MATIR v.W.." taRe -1. 1 foOp~ lia it Joyce, dagites ian and Maria. Ha mas liar at R. R. 4, Actasn, la 1927, sn of Mc. fidi Mca. Jolis Srw o mis nomv linl Actas. Ha Ha attasded Bannockbsurni pubslic asant aod tho Actais district higli oliol. In 1954 lia sitadied tac a yeor laGrat Brillai.oana. Nnttietd :rlarssip. Actine la orgastiatiossi Ha mas nary actine la the Junior Formera agit sarned o 10 rvIca xectiin. Hem..s on isabar= a ganernors of tisa Onario Faderatias at a'Cattat ndo Itoazrh int Actal a in ai of tiha board 0maaesad lia huenanu eldor for 13 years. Ha's a pat presidant of Actasn "t'0r clali aa was tise praaidest of AýCto AgrIcuituiraI Society ta 1913 For fine yaars, trans 199 ta 1964, hae mas a tra oten 10e Esqusslg tawsip scisso ara. board. POTA -TOECS 2sOZLE.G 89,ç RANGE MEC. SIEE..5 EGGS 3 FOR 9 MAPLE LEAF OR GAY LEA FIRST GRADE BUTTER LB. 69*e TEA BISK 3'..994 MAPLE LEAF RINDLESS SLICED LBe65 SIDE BACON PG6, PORK SPARE RIBS LB- 59Ç F RESN TENDER PLUMP CHICKEN- LEGS BREASTS LE. 49ç MAPLE LEAF -WAX WRAPPEO BOLOGNA 3FOR **0 NASSAC MaSsday Mamflia A. Mao~ Tovm Ifassag radsce planing anmisars alt1er ras delilierat Jolis Kit Conrad cn taleila ranilio iaugura ptacaed Gaputy-1 suggeata la engog of lioth c The depi colleagu masted a argamen and misas tai mseld; ail meeti orderty I mon'the i wacaed.' tait only The r depaltati caocîrel aIs courncil s hatan il samie nig Reee i c ooncil 10 ta dorss depulatii ObitL Forme ceaidlent Mianor tlc William 1 He mas i Srotland ief are Ceotenoni narnbler o nornedoc War 1. Funera MeKersia 28 mits conducli hotarmen Cemeter Coulsan, 1 Kelinan, Graham Mr. h deceased danglitar5 Horriel. Miltns Gray of C Marcli Harriat S Bath Af la. SAVE ON DRAPERIES AND DRESS FABRICS SAVE 1O% OFF DURING JANUARY DOZEN%. OF RIGULAR STOCK PATTERNS TO CHOOSI FROM WE ARE CLEARING W INTER STOCK TO MAKE WAY FOR SPRING BUY EARLY FOR DEST CIIOICE ââg llâa 4 MILTON PLAZA 878-2513

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