Conduct weekly clinic for drivers The CavadisIl Chamvpion, WSdnsclMy, Jasvary 6, 1971 B7 VIilUALviTESsnroadsign andi after signsa las tester Alec Angis. Instruction and permanent Oie Oirsi step homard a fieglasaers drimlng drivers licence testa are flelsi every Taesday license. Stephen Moift ai Moift resuies thse ai «race Anglican Cfiarsf Hst.-<(Siaff signa ta Ontario Depariaies af Transport Photof -itudaits mers bacb ta scfioat os Monday aitler 12 days ai halidays. -Use Chiampion clasOiieds, Oiey'tt mabe yoas phase rlag. FRUSTtATO5 îEACIIER "*Non', my fiay,' said Oie tehrer Zy<u moste't sav. tI ali gin; You sfiold sy,'t1am not gvog; lieis not going; me art sot goîng; Ibe>' ase sot goiog."' Boy: "Wosnt Aint sobody goin' tben T" WRITTN'.TEST for a t1M day or beginneras licence is arittea fi> Stephea Moift af Mofft. Siepfies somplelad a visitai snd arittes hast iar bas fiegianer's licence ami jasi last meefi campleted tise raad hast ta procare fis driver's licence. Tests con ha tsttea ensf Tuesday ai Grass Aaglican tTimrsf Hait mitfi tam Ontario Depariaieni ai Transport officiais sondase- Uine thse pragram.-<(Staff Photo) -ftsst t97t on a sacceosfot mIte, adsertîse youc unanatod items mîtb a Cbampiont ctassified.i Read KLLY AVAILABLE AT IAN'S GARAGE R. R. 2HORNBY, ONT. 826-346 las BsEAK, PMOPMfNTOM IT'S HERE THE 191 and it on/y Th,s v Dat u-ie.;, A svary-loovttq 2dvttrt the voîide but small vs th 7PWAYS TOUGDEN BlEI it vdrries tour adaîf s sas tasi park tl avyobere. Zîr ssaoMs j Tes t Liugar lui. Smasos W11 o "le. nd seviceDA TS 820-3109 j 235 BAME LfNE ROAD S. Wa015 bS Sn sf NsOaVi Driver tes ters hczndle 800 in year Yam nd aid aUketenusie make the sssna ai Grass Anglisan Cisaref Hall every Tiiesday t hsagas ie pear. WbeOier 16 year aid 0F0 tSFhe -ltl< thse asioan la ln fui swing la the test aad are lustamt portions ofthe fiai. The real joy la fîading ai lise nesessary qualifisations have fin completed and lise resait is a iremendoiis sacss. Tise Outario DSparfaint Sf Trns ortblda ibis weeisiy chi pnta ail resîdents of tie ares if pears ai elle 0F aidas. Eash Toesday lisa past Mear and a bauf, Grace Cisarsis Hall bas fleen Cpmn to ail peFrsans eligifile, ta quaiify for an Instruction 0F permanent driveras licence. Onselee Mles Sagas ami Zlggy Jakovis of Oie DOT Bastiagtos Deiasb- ment have sondasled and sapeFvised Oies tests. Aspane of minmum age is tree la write a fiegisser's test, if pasestal mossst fias fin gives; flomeves, ssyoss rsady la attempt as "in Oie car" test for a permanent driver's or cbaaffeur's licence is requised to notify the DOT Oiroagb Millas Licence Bureau and arraneanappoistmest for a road tet=Ajitmest limes are Oies lama theOi tono DOT mnen at «race Hall and tests are gises, accordisg la sebedole. -Aoyone wfio îv soabte la bnep as appomntmsst sbosld sotif y Oie saise office atîseastOihree floors i adesnce," ored Mr. Jafiovico. ,,Failing bo bnp an appoistmest cas ressit an poolponement of Oie test for a period of several wneks." Itead bookkfisi The first foot fosmard toward a fial licence in learnlng att the trasOis laws and rotes of thie road, ai of wbicb are ootlîned 10 "The Drivss's Handbooh" poblîsfisd fly Oie DOT andi avaitafile free of charge ai Oie licence bossas. 'Ifose feeling tbey fiscs "ýmastsrsd" thie book, fiaaw Oie lams and bow la bandle any "slippsry" nitsations, are free ta, qoatîfy for thieinstruction licence. An instruction licence ivlves a les of f2, a vision, sigo recognîtios and band mriftme test. *Most imnoran .don'tb nervous stsssee r.- Ja tv'cs, 'N eevossnsss may resît in forgettong snswess or misisterpretmng quesions." A total of Off people in Milton and orea trîed foc, snd msny sccesosly compteted eitber of the two tests last yeas. ut's seeaait Afler an instruction permit bas lasso isnsd the applicanti s entitled la drivesa motos velacte for a period of l2t days, provided he vs sccompaslisd fiy a ticenced diritver. Ail tSf-day fieginner prmito cari te reoswed within a six montb perîod. Thei final tcst comnes aller monOis of otodyîng and prac- tising on country roado and town streets. After as appvîntisot bas heen made for thes coad test, s f5 test fe s payable bo the DOT. Wfiee askrd if be tboogbt Oie $5 tes mas a lttî stssp, rnpecîstty if the applîcant dîdnot pass the test, Mr. .tsfivicoostated. "The $5 fes va ee tesp te somc, bot that fre iv onty a f raction of ochat Oie c'st vold brifthe driver mas gîven a licence, coold raot drive prvperly andivas ovotvcd in an accident. The mivbap cootd cost anyîcbcrcfrom $ $,00,- fis noted. Applîvanto tabîngthOeîr finoat coad testîsn Mdlton are shed to driveconof tbce test routes bers mn tawn. Tbe fial test woald inr ode safety precaations, stssting the car, parbise (parallef1 andson abdtf, fase, stop, park, start os g rade, gsseral dsivigandbsadag ai Oie car, mntersections and tarss. Ai applîcsnts mast BairsuSppiy Oieîs oan cars for Oie saad test. Itarf applicasi is aaked b>' etier Mr. Aogms or Mr. tabovis on Oie above tactiss and if ac- ceptable la Oie DOT standards, Is given s permanent driver's biene Fers for ficeves depesd on tha fiistbdsys of lis ticescees and range asysvbsrs from 80 cents la $6.6. AUl larOidaya and lîcence fees are compaterined asd sarfi yeas licence fees per applîcant change. Older drivers "Mmy applîcants aflo app>' lorsa licence are over 79 peara of age,' added Ms. Aogos. "Most cao stîlt drive camîiderabl' astt, bot by DOT standards are ceqused to repeat tbsir driver'n lest evsry year."* He aIso poisted out Oiot tests for opeestor and chatiffeur licences do not differ. "Thes tests are faisscatty tbe saine, coeststtsg of an oral sys test, 20 questions on thle rotes of Oie roadl anddf0on road signs and signais. Evsobhandtcapped persans haing tsstsd for a bieace are gîven Oie sietype of esmiùnation." Bas driveritsss llatb men noted the special trots bas drivers are given. doyone qoatlytng for a licence to drive a bus is tested b>' s sopersisor ofOiheDOT.AilDOT ofcas are also tested psrîodîcatty by sopssvisors. 'Ibere is ns set tinoît on bout iany lues as applicaot con apply for edther a begianer's or permanent driver's fisesse. Ia perssn was tested bers and lailed Oie test mie moaid urge hlm to stsdy the blook asd isaprave an las misiakes far ai least amOiher meefi lafore attemptlag Oie test agamn." said Mr. Jaboviss. sne acsidens Pio5nedoig tbsougit a stop sign s as atomatis tailure, afies haisg tested for a permanent licence. totb DOT teslaîs said Oiey bail been mnvolved la ac- cidents aflule applicants mers attsmptmng a permanent licence. Wbrn asked if any of Oie collisions resoltd in tbe appbicant faîlîog bis or ber test. ,Mr. Sags replied tbat inson instances nt bsd Sot bees Oie applicant's fauli, and il be wisbed la csntmnue the test il as pssfectly permissîble; il not s aeek's restwvsseged to steady Oie evs No-onesOiher ton tbe applîcant anedthetDOT tester is atowed in the cas durîog s test. "Att applîcanîn aresnervoss enoogb tsst triSeforOt icece wiOiout hscolf othsr people îo the asto to hmndes Ifeis tiokmg Ths mors Oic opplîcsiit ceuaxes, Oie fisites is tfiînkîng aod refleses," concloded thiemn -Aprovincialtgrant of $3,59 bas tees grantsd Haltes fiegion Consecvationî AstOisty, to cocos sddîtionsl costs for completmng the M arrîson -Wedgemood diversion ciamnef prolec in Oak- ville. grant to HFi A fiy-lam an Esalassise th tomnsfip's bioks astborizingr aiansdlaumake ayearty grantst , Halton Fedesatmon ai Agricsatuire ha ay come uifier close ssrsiay bu from maslocillars, ai baudget lime Ouas yrar. Cossdi fis gises Oie fedieration an aasaai grai Mof aI inthe pask. br A latter frost thse iederatimn reqaeshang a grant for t97t ted Depaty-resve Rassitl Muter ta questin las soltoagaen aboat Oie assia grant. The depty-sneveslid ha maatd Ila o om Oie Caory bhlnd it snd perfiapa bave a member ai Oie federatian appeas halare coscid la esptaia Oie lastory of Oie orgniaim. Cterk-treasarer Delma Frencb lalarmed ceassci thOere Br a fiy-lam aatOrizng tise grant os SThe North Halton Association I for the Mentally RetardedI would I ke ta thank ail the North Halton! NI Merchant and Businesses whn dnnatedi i *Z gond no the anctin sale. The help yen have extended for a new wnrkshop is mach appreciated.i - A special thanka ta the anctinneer I -Z Mr. C. Schouten and staff. yfor the road THE ALL NEW SUN 12DD TH END B. P. MILTON with no-extra-cost extras costs e vv l de. top9S MPH COMPLEIL$197.5.00 perfotmance vp tv35milestfrom a gallvn os anai the soiras ara stavdard eqotymeot. New Datsov 1200 ijastgtvesyoa more for yoor mosso than as>' <tSar smafl car. lits a lact. drive Datsun at ITH END B. P. UIN SALIS £ SERVICE MILTONI 878-2d71. s tomnship boos, promptiog aeve Tom Hil t rsmasfi "If vint sb tu cefase Oie grmnt yoa'l vs to reacmnd Oie by-taa at idget tiais." Mr. Firencbwas imtrocted to ae a note of thiemotter and ing it formard aI budget time. I - Nel sGoldnsGade MaMiano Peo -1 z TiRe g 1s.25 Chrste' BufraeStl 10E CREAN EPRESSO COFFEE a2oz Tin 890 SUGCEI WNITE B:eSS2 Tôi6IàT v 9 BREAD Meg G.19 OU SPAGHETTI SAUGE 3-s"1791 5. F S9t AVYLMER MIX 'N MATCH CUT GREEN BEANS CREAM STYLE CORN CUT MAX BEANS GREEN PEAS la îaa 1111111U. 99 cuPins.,,.. Garbago Sas 3irs 790 F4 Industriel Stresis Ne 5ML... J o Laiqui D OWa. DRANO DAISY IBLEACH DARI OWTNY DRAIN OPENER DETERGENTFARCSTER S69* 55<75* 59c Reg 99ç F hAs PlOuC PORK SHOULDER 390. , LS CHIOKENS Freshe SAUSAGE 35 L3 PORK SHOULDER ROASI 290L. BREASAST 85 Ra, WIENERS 39CM. iiûifos SIRLOIN TIP 990L. 45 L. Fres Chiken reshMaPlS LsaiO VacP0 FLICS LOIN PORK CHOPS 55CLB Slce BACON 45c. LEAN STEWING BEEF W9L. 590 Pk Caiemans Fesr - Reg. 2 Sar 49CGaS PURE LARD Ïàuc Suze Eggs 3 o 990 Fancy Canaida Cu' alt Sa MaTO H OR TANGERINES ORANGES RED SRAPES 372oz99c 3-990 2 La.49c APLES45 POTATGES GREEN ONIONS RADISHES Sas 1MU Lb. SjaO Mosoies io ___________3_25_3 _______ 23 YELLOW RIPE BANANAS 5St, Na. 1U.S.A. CELERY 2sBuche 490o Miller questions MWbuffatProotMt Oas -PrcsA£ov?