Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Dec 1970, p. 4

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...2ne Lvorîan ap,l esday, 1970 1971 By BoitHatt Sports Editar To tep ta earompaaa aill te vartoas acievemeato of tenams or mndividuaia in Miltonan osd a durnglte laat year wouiitte an eaercse on fotiiity. While me don't mntend te fiee play by play accouousoofeBach conieat, me do hopeioabrmng bactmenteriesof soome of thte more major itappeaog dariof itre prar. Titr mioler of 1970 mas more cranl thaa touai te Milon Merchorta, mito ait hat time operotedoaJuniorC franchisemi itre Soitorban Jr. C. Leagar. Rest on paper Iitoas ooeotlthoae cases mhere your riait ta itrtmîieiy the brai on paper but a ialotre oft lionga (net1 teirost fiariaosa ack of dere ramithem cruraitirinthe second rounofopoyotts againai Strertsilie. ta the tirai rouod Merchatuol met Thorahili Lions toit te seriesamoute t oomorerihon a light inoritoat for te Milon park chasera. Bp lte tte ihey g01 te Sireisanille mn the aecond rotuit il mot apparent itey hat! bren subjected la a very milt inorktainiteed, December 29, 1970 champilonships were few prospects seem brighter litreettuille oas eliminatet aller boracing Oie Mereitania. Wîi that aneroof ai experienre st int mmnd this taSt, Merdeant eneeutirea imitri for a coach Oiey tnt coaldt r1ibir message Barrs ait be toagiter perhapa Oiao Joe Auger had heen. Mitr rheelong ot ailthOe posaihîlities lte enecafire annotoceit Cari Hymners oas their man. Thte fiesi fev montha of Oie neason bove proren fte e brerbe for Oie nom rotait. Once again Oieitornes are Oiere bat Oie nstnitings mon't serre as eviienre of Oie tlent on the riait Fane hrighl Il batts aien mont of Septembr, Ortber and Norember for Oie ciaite 10 d tlis may. Whtite itey have pichet an momenlot ta lte bast few gamea, ithey are sth11 tîghlmng for liait place ic h division. If a preition la i o rier me mati ter ntapect lthe Merritanîs te come on lite gang busier in Oie bosse stecit ant eari th1ei petit of profiriency jtantlime for Oie playoffa. Edas Weling Pre Wers tallomei tructe 1 forte in 1970 itnortong ail torts of rompelition otite tut ibey got 10te temni- Curling bonspiel concludes here Curling entatsiat mil boitte insrougit cosspetitionJan. 9 t Jan. 16 soit lte ritomeinsie rounits dll 10e derlitoi ai Milles clbgrub Jan. 16tfoilomed bya ai 110 local club. 256 earlees Prites mutle atterrdith Oe toarlth anstal Halton-Peel laompîi e foite Kennedy Cnet Tltpity. Thte lotesamen il iii ove 256 cariera froso 10 claubs înriaitîng Adtos, Bolton, Brampton, Ern, Georgetown, iilitticg, Milta, Minaissauga, Oaketile andt Orangerille. Of lthe 64t riaIt enierrit 16 miii arration in lthe grand finale in Milton. fimals agamast Oioneybronit anit thenil waa "gooditye Cisartie" far Oie idera. 91011e the Mitgein itattîrd Hespeler la ose ai Oie mont eseitia f aihOe Tri-Counlp sertes Oiey itidn'l gel fac ami PnOtai glnrY wias lefi ment te Oie PBe Wees. The tonnuai javettit toarnomteni once agate itroagit fas min lte riait tor ose ai the iteat exhiitiolna of juveaile horkey in Casada. In the tisai analytta lthe accolades ment t0 Windsor, Dorset Parktand Satn, in A, O and C divisios. 10107e mnat Milton caches mii bore bilter Oiingn 10 orrapy Oieir inics, meSI seai a minate on haseitali. The tatama carrei ilton 1010he Ontario semi-finain, tariher Oian aap other teani gol thiapyear. The antama tant a leagit tories 10 Etoex. Sutferotg fromt a long layoff, injuries, andt rold weaOier during one gantein Essex lthe Bantama finaily homeit in a thriller ai Rotary Part. Lanaville atllinagi le softhail Lomailir roattaund lete Oie heaent, t bratinl Haiton Couty. Thoy mon fient place for Oie third yrar ia a row and Oies won lthe inleelociting Halton Riteai-Barunglen cbampionsitip, dropping Nnrtos's in the tisai tories. Lonvlleltook defeat atsse bonds ofthOe lnnerip Cluith Oe ORSA finals oten Jarqtes Paqaelle andt Lee Conlson were ralei eligîie for ORBA action. Wîitaalt jatine, seninr ne inleemeitall in l Milton a lot ni Oie Milton talent mare tei Campteniille and teijiri lii tomne ga iaf hales ta lthe Meritant ineap. Rosi dressa WiOi ott of yoasg telp fesm, Milles andta pite of sapport fenen Camptelaillo retersas and a bontfnl ofronaie, Oie Merebonin ment ail the way ta the finaln andt oves ltes il 100h Caotsa 16 inninga if itispese mith Oie Compteilville riait. 'Metfinal game proredo tese real dtrama asnd brileit doms t0 ose ni Oie leagitest, mont lento gamtes evr itlted on Camnpteiaille soit. Tesnis esthssiason le 110 way of fiena, Milles Tennis Clubt gai aaitermay with iremnendota support tait enthasiasm, tramt in membrs at Oie nom locaion ai Rotary Part. Wr ip one hallea Carl Smsith and leitt andtofeelires for a job moul dose la rentoring a ose activelu riaitl a real going Onitarin Scnnol mer 110 Deaf rame att with aonifier lirai of their Oms tis saimuler otes they bosted the Oiral Internatinal Damnes fnr the Dent in Mito. Ropresneatives frmnt Belleville, Fint Miehigan, Rome Rosse, New VontsiMle compellei. Individuel seievemeala Titere have horsen any pernai andt indiridaal arecemensta srmmplishedin l Milles itaring lthe yeae 1970. Bill Carnie mad hin moleagums ai Sheridan mii rememrbr 1970 as Oie pear hoe on 110 Most Vaisatte AthIle assard aI Oie Onelag 1970 Jne Wilson mas retarnet toc itsn second year, bradmng Millesn Minne Hocktey Assarciion. Murray Witler rotarse ta Milles juniar hosskey in Oie caparity af manager. MI Parlest movetu te e generat manager asi ta lenoplete Oie sitaffie Ciel Hymers mas samel Fine hockey en To of itochey's mnsl deiîateit mes passei aoay ittrssg 197f. obi Cnilen sait Jùn Mutrray 1010 uit andt caceiet mli Oiom, respect as fine hockhey Tempests defeat Hamilton ta rcrra action Milton Juvende Tesspess smre a 5-3 naovec Hamiltonin exibiion Play. Osditp Thtomst led Oie attack miith 110 goals. Richard Murrty, Higet Cergasos ast Jasi Bales ail manIet ton Milles otile assita ment le Raye Erans (2), Bint Doodîng, Jack Durante, John Arnoldt, Rimit Murrap, Asdp Treams and Stewart Robrtsn. HamiltonsSmnrs mere Marcel Raueti, Paul Derveto ast Bts Buli. Miltas Merritanin arr ongageit in tan ail-oat boitte le laite ar second place in lte MidýOstaro Jauno B. hocey leagar. asitl ig amtene nm the scanedule Oie Mercitantsla bot Oie place ity ose point bol haro plaprit ose more gaine ibos fourOi place lileeisle. bage ec uers brr Sandtp mi t 9-S airtory ha ltt acucial gosse ta Barbointi Weitnenioy. Barânglen mon h Set sDUfl. siate gante 8-4. Ton agal Milesn Miere Hockey Loague Harris as Leditîha 7.10 Bitta an Coach Carl Hymers han font riais esl rar iota lte nrm peur Kaîgita, t.0S Pigment va 10t Ina galeteers in the tant mi ation as Jan. 2 mites etght Scahies. wo contests Randp Simpson sas of 10 clubs ser radtios, The fnilootag ta a scitedule of initere hockey coniesin for 110 mosOi aof Jaur.SAT. JAN.2 i e p s s w n t 8.30, Puy an Local. 7.20, Mc- Cuigva MiltoenAnswering; 81, Ftgg vs Porter Marine; ai00thr e c o e v Besosses as Oeils; 9.50, HOimer vs Police; 10l4t, Mooitrsp va$ M inn Tempents nsali sied crero kt bruite otite open tait Rehettts ; 11.30 Pitresses vs Othnnsle ar th n o sehar lits Oie Tempesua riped four fast Berit; 12.20, Panitas vs Snday as îhey itaîtei gota ot tetore Oie Lindtsap Dlominion Hardwoare. remarlsableod aid atcame oul intense rooli aijusi ta lthe WED. JAN. i mi Oie rbampionsip trophp autant. 5.30, Hotita va Oeuvr Lumiter iesm Oie owmanritie Juvenile Miltinns mss la the amatid 6.20larrisnvs Bils; 7.10Pigmeti Hocktey Tsartains. gante rame on mach Oie sasse as ftgiinOitLoiiOi an Millt cne rambriînl 10type of invelnement. Temponin vsabis; .0Ldih s Mlo aefotbhn i coriled Brooklin 3-1going btethe Scobies. thefies gane toscore fourgols tatri porîi ted startledthOe t.tT. JANS in Oie lasi Otan minutes of Oie Oroablîn club oîOi thmme gal 6.30 Police as Braver; 7.20 gante la mus 4-2 ogtîmit Lindsay. borrafe laie la die gaine. Beamiien vs tiilmer: O.Il Beerit Trait 1-0 Cips dn v om. Hardmare: 9.00 Lindsay bot namei o 2-0 Irai When thecipsomerrtdomsandt Moobrayn an Fîre men ; 9350 Oiraaghthe firntimao perlis ondthie perssue mas an, te Soitekoa an Ponaiars; 10.80 innnemed as fno n on epss lydhas Atsering as Porter; 11.30 Pop le cacki ahne wims gosi hocket yet bheraits frpn as MrCuaig; 12.30 t»aa an Fîi e m rtpdrein biehnafu WED. JAN. 13 5.30 Oeils an Hoats. &20 fongitn vn limbint 7.10 Honnis Tr-Co n y s a s vs Pigmnent; 0.00 Bilas as Tr C un y Ja s i mis. BAT. JAN. 1ta g is N rhY r 0.30 Roebokha vs Dam Hartd- ~ is N rh Y r ware; 7.20 Firessens nPanitara. Tnî-Conty migrI sait javenite aillstar bruma f muet 8. 10 Moohetys vs Senrit; 9.00 Loaa as Porter; 9.50 MeCuaig vst 101r points ot ofia passible fuin ashOe anuai tetas gamos Ctgg: 10.00 Capv an Ssmeriaf ufouinst tise Non-lb Ynrk beagne, n the mecesed. 11.30 Oeils as Saae;. 12.20, Juretilo ail-stars ovonget lant peur's 8-7 tans, pinin o 7-2 thimer as Hos. frai n lte Non-li Ynrkr le Doublerinka, Baintay aI- WED. JAN. as benoin. Devma 4-2 sesth fOve inutes toIt la tise fasse, itidget 5.30 Oronieîs as Police; 6.20 uSl-stars bailldaik at lele Non-fh Ynrk 4-t ia Bramnalea, BitIn as ilcoblea; 7, 10 Pigmentavs Suutty tigitt. Nontit York mon tant yeor'n gate -2. Ledittht; 8.00 H arrisavs Kigita Jases tahe charge OAT. JAN. 23 Aller a acorelean Benst perant, juvenijes laint charge, rttng 6.30 Cap as Figg, 7.20 Ltcal ainree secondt periot fgo0als atding fmir more la tise vs Antorlaf; i.1O McCuaig an Sii-t. Craig Festley 0f Cttingutcossy ast Dore Beatty 0f Purter; 9.00 Seamaîns an Hanin; Ourlirogin firedoa pair of goals opiece for Tri-Cosuîp. Benny 9.50 Onlia an Police; 10.40 HepPes 0f Georgetowen, Eric Duncan 0f Bartingion undt Tom Momiteapa an Pantiara; 11.20 Charters 0f Bramppn aret singles. Tnp plupinokers more Rehekaits va Benrit, 12.20 Dune th tin-reasss n e r fBapo ihto Fr mE sDo. Jardwre Jerry Heletaman 0f Aurora' scaret both goala for fNrth York 530 . Hailmr anSoe;3 Fnoming Oie gaine Brat Tumbera 0f Antan occepteit tise 5.3 Hilme vsBeaer .20 Pnpsi-Cnlatlrsphy frsmn O.M.H.A. 3n-i aice-president 0il1 Cougairsç Brel Citaciteaci stars Smnay igit in Bramuleo Northt Yack maitgeta grothet as lose 3-1 early 2-0 lad, iefore Grog Chuchotoci 0f Milton suromeithSe lose -7 cunt t 2-1on aprelty ptay. Dnug Risthrmsgh o uelph tlied i Otilnger Fer Wer o's lontaupn ai 2.450of Oie second, but tihe Non-Su Ynntters retoliatet mith tougb 3-2 tecisin ta Bramplen a pairof oal a malle i42ai eend of th seond Stsday. Caugans plapet oeil bai WiOi offly Suret minutes ani 16 semants Imil in Oie garne, minset gant ncorîng Cbactmoeh convertet passS Irons Maitle McCtuley of oppactatities mitile the Bramptn Brlingbon tînt BiinBamn fGogtw omlc h sqaad capitalisent on thei ,nne-. rs eas fDogl amt u chances. Steve H no cret tcr 43an Wlkie 0f Hespeter tisen SCoredth O iig goal on a wie for Millt. shol frn mataite Sue blueline ai 18.5. Teamesate Guy Trott __ assinteil. -Nom thal ererpose sa usen ta 10 omies KeiSuMlso avl adTryMsieo writing 1970, il's nearlp tisse luMta0aavitmalTtreMnie0 smileh tle 1971. Chiagacoty more bath mitstanding for Sue TiCosste stars. O.MPLA, 2isi vime-presitent im Kintdey mate o doublte -Thre are ane brautifai presestatin 0f Sue Tri-Caosty trnphy ec MeCautty andI Gary calestars oat tac 1971. Mart 0f North York folloming tht gante. mont ofthOe action rarlin thOe season tait osiy recesily Tere ROoberts ban helpeit oat on Oie goaiiendmng dattes. Milton mîBl boni Strlngon lan a rery imporlant fasse Nom Yeara' Day. Fans ahoatit labo soin that Oie game lune for Oiai contrat la st for 7 p.m. rathor ibos Oie tcaditissal 8.30 p.m. atari. Amwis againni Barbingioa moult bring Merchanin olihs 11ee points of second place. WiOi Hospeler if pointa abrait af secnd place Onebogtos ami Ottville aise points bhinit toeS place Slreenvtilre, il mati serin certin, Hespoler, Milles, Oireisvillr tsi Saeiinsto miS br in 10e firsi rosant of Oie plapotta. Mert olasera Tino minner of luis serira minl rnoff againsi 110 oisrrnti lte alter division hetore a erenenlabare la choses le ment 010cr league cepeesenatlire. Milton miii Irarel ta Newaconot Ssoitay asi thOes t0 iltreetsville as Taesita ami oli braI Hespoler iere Jas. t. ta nOir rettîaitaog gaines Milles, mill mort Barbainso wire, Ouit- aile 110cr andithOes go againal Hesper aitdilreetsville on ose Another bti teink Don Hearns mas Oie tig adorer bene Suntsy as 10e recded ose >u rney core ibis pear. Thte hart monking foemard bon led Oie club ~rie s Harold Mery, HuMag sal Bowanvllete in he ropy.asiDneg ChuaItsch ore up Baottsnaitlrle mi Oie topity tshe Midgot sqai, repltmlag Tnrry Cale tpiayefd snmatoai negalars mho noce absent orer htockey ta lt tisai fasse, Oie Ittiapa. hlorttng erer9.thinf tt casse Mtnns sent gantemin ton hat may le Brm fils shutost. them go agaînsi Surlingtos Oudity Thomas, tachar Murray lianiay ta mhai moutl te andtNgelCFerguson ailascared i consîdeed a hale toc second Oie final game. -The boys haro place, liasse binte in 7 p.m. bet plyigrealiy gmtd hockey tos e m monts," manafer Voe Dsoiig ssld. -Tere more ltes itarlag Oie learnament mhft me bant ourM fin al fa e e ru tro le t he p layI and teern fr11 b rhito," e in. i I L T O N J , ti* ARENA 's best rniORSISAT, D".m3 Fords whlp Hespeler The Trattlgar Curdts tepi 1008- otona stemt abrve an Dec. 21 miethe y domsed Oie Hespelen leam 6-t. iteme Blaie pal Millt abeai ai 10.'37 ufthOe firaI penint scocing anassottet, 8-mss Oies os 10e Farts serer imtred bort. la Oie seotai perlitd WalSp MrKop pot Oie Fardn aiteat 2-0, srorimg tonaited ai Oie 3.39 msart. Alan srng 0n1te second perîi more John tooprich wmOi asaistingotngitoilboe Blair ami Jin Cartwright, îles Cartwrigt anîirtd hy Steve Olair tait John treperit. Store Blair scoret bis amaont gtoiai lte might asslent ity Jm Cartwrigt. Oilp Lysas scured the loe goatl intethid perioi mi Raady MeDanalt assisllag. Mite Northt, 110 Hespeler ctptamn tonen theie lunte ailpla ine second periot. Sevns penalties oece mailedithi h ard itittlag ame mith Oie Fards pirblag up three, ose a double ruiner ta Keran Smsith la Oie Ohie pocind. Tise Farts bave entened in Oie Novice ionames aiIntgersal. -Peler Carlin of Mimsissauga os 110 wiosier of a sor sowsnitbile la tte Halles Junior tacssers' anmal tram. Cigare Sktlag 2.30 - 68.00 p.m. FRIDA, Jan. S Junior Dame - 7 p.m. SATURDAY, jan. 2 Publtiltkatag 234 p.m. .25ec l'rt Cotp Hoctep Per Wer 0.45 p. Batam 5.45 pm. Public Sktlag 8.15 - 10.11 - 5o, SUNDAY, Jan, 3 M.M.H.A. - O Dames 3 ta 7 MONDAV, Jan. d Tri Cotp 7 -10 pe. Novice, Javenile & Midget TI7ESDAY, iAN. 5 Cigare Sktlag 4.30 - 7.3f pi. Pro-Amn 9.15 p.m. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 6 Publie Skating 2- 4 p.m. - 25e ami M.M.H Homoe Leagar 5.i5 - 9.00 PuleSkt-m. 3 3 5 ~jj~jîon SNOWMOBILE PACKAGE INSU RANCE th Contee eny-n SueIph Linm MILNE'S SUNoco 84SU OUmpIUIIiII. NET O MOHoAWK RACEAna84-84 As thse olil year closea we want te aay ttsank Yma ta mur many cootomers ohohbave made it possble fornus ta continue mar ever-lncreang sales of presaare-fried, J cy tender Flavorl Crlsp Chicken an a locatly ooned and oeated food andl vending buasinesa. We are gratefusl lin thet tPeople of Milton and district for the confidence ttaey have placein l mie service and qaility over many yeara. At ihis lime we alan masO ta extend in eveeyooe lient wiahes fer a Happy and Penspermis New Year. Murray Hond Marie Humildes, Lin RlddeU Verna Kease I.sueie Chiaitolas Bart Vanstecas Suan ilomnao Judtith tand Catitie Hinin Nancy Nova Carot Nova Datla Day Don Itears Htarnld Wlinson Ethel Presiai MURRAY 11on1 F000 SERVICES LTD. -adastra Caterlaf aad Veadlag -Drive lan -Restaurant ' eAPPY NEW YEAR Merchants set sights on second place siot --------------- t t e WEST Milles Streets Otrillia Neoma Barrie Bltn Toronto De Oie Del Bal Ide Rasitp otasointe tient [erit nitra Ona lenhie Wl Sove Oie on Le toasy ssi anit otl Muliler si Holdrîitg Geteme E Van Der % Hariolds Pigment John Citi Haretin tatBah laîce far t Opail adt the asoist i tItrer 101 heîpeit Koigit go second go tait Lamet lirgo i goals, Oie a ie with Cbîrken t dew an a tait Jim Ht Hiumer lrie tt four ore four lttes -hile0 Jobs tait assis oance sait as Rîihard SE antiste th1 Meerili ha ipaite ast1 fac l0ronie t bolt mio Ken A bttisoralo, Kero Wtl ace as RE iran Oels litre MeNs Wytt Evas frotter la aimnera mi Aadrem p Mtosoraîn h Irataret Mi Point gett aCre Chantie ant a pair buthi ose go tas dit Jeif Andterson hi liîty had a WP lets sitot Local 4970 Pitre ostte Mtain 5.2. 1 leader hoe lit lues wbite si bY Toit Ca Narlami. i.@ Peter Jagi, J lare, Ken 1 murhe porter Lttug Watrs 0ave hrie an bosittei ance. Fop Plain ulbean e leoîing Me( tannatta Boer, goais cosse fi Rintait Nril

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