$8 The Canadien Champion, Tuesdsp. December 29, 1970 t Dormig teie final meeting et 1970, held Mosday Dec. i1, semsbes ofMilton Councfi -Approced as entra ospenditure et $1,470 os Halton Regioe Conservation Autueity's flsed control repoet tee Miltes, for morb dose in planning biture needs for se ere meut et toms; homeerecouvrt hatbed and eused te pey ils sbere et a $700 estre for te estebshment et e *"lite". The Autoeity report mUl gire te toms e ftood bore lesîde aSl reebu, se mbicb se derelopseent miibi osesibleand te mhic te toms is ageeehe. But the til] lise mas an snecessery extre, reclees -Autocied tisai peysest 10 Ceahmuoii Construction os te holubans toc tst yeee's meio leunk scor projeet, ihe essosut of314,750. -Set sperd lesete of M0 moiles per tour os Higbmay 25 trois Bae tine Rd. to Highmey 401 and [rome Drry Rd. to a point 1,00 tort sertb. -Decided to boid trtr tirst meeting of île ors yer us Jan. -Aukeii île Wocte Committer and tour erliseers to serestigate a crotaret lrom Bell Scos. Garege to rert a sign for anautimtic carash os Martin St. The sigs would sitone furiefromteroad, 160 fret sout of Rase Lise Rd. unr meuld le 27 trot bigb. Conrclr et thSe sigro sbould ho hliiborbatileest 10 leetlromS the -Agreed isith Milton Pling Bourde crcosemendatios tat nucrry schseole caiomed inf3 or R14 resdeotiel mures, mîth racb tu lie cossideed on ira ows -Decideil te prepere e hp-tom te rose the present Milton Grehouses propertytrom C3 to CI Commercial, to alIom offices and stores. The peoperty te lemng pscased hy Mes. Peuline OSles. -Agred te resene the site of tiso 14-storey epeetmests tetaise me0 suites os Miillside Dr. tei R7 te permsit bîgh density iievriopmeo. The lard is vtireetiy inaiievrepmetmzon. -Arreptedeanoler ofWofond Construction, Gurlph, te ter doms a Mary St. boise aiea coul of $1,000. The pceperty mas purcbesed by the toms for parking lots. Worb se tu lie cmpietod by Jas. 31. -Decided te suggest a meeting et Haltes Cosely Sourd ot Eduretios te iiiscose the police cbiel's proposai tee a circuler deremay et J. M. Desyru publie erbool. Chiot Ray Andrese suggesteii the drive mouid olissoate e traffic boaad ishes parets drop chîldoos off toc schsei os Thomas St. -Receired a requrot trois Miilton Chamlec ut Commeceo hase direchiosal sigss toc te piaoa anii dowetown business section erced os mais mais 015o Milton. The morbs sueristesiient mer lu lie asbnd tf temressacyisordisg couId le iscorPocaed in urm "truck route' signsstule ereted alusg igbmay 25, -Learond Haltes East MPP Jine Sos s attrmpting tu have 'foodi and fuel" signseroecind seer Miiton os Higbmay 401. -Auked te crk anii bilinig ispecter te check te lot lises ai te Feilimgbrmokr Perk mure soe heckyard tesees have bren errcted onpark popeiy. -Accepnd te ccoigoatîonofi E. B. Clomenlo trois the perbe andr er raos commitre ai te Fay's (OECTet C SOl.RVICF INDUSTRtAL MAINTENANCE ELEClIlICAL CONTRACTING ELECFRIC HEATING WATER HEATER REP4TALs 878-2048 FREE ESTIMATES ý Briefs esndoftbis yeae. "Isinereymisb repaoed letseeo Martin aod ta thaeb tbe rsent for te Bown Sts. in197. Coeilo Syd eppeeteoîtp et servig tbe Ctilds said a resoctariog job a rsommeoty on pais years," bie notthe ansmer- "It bas be ba tote. majoe eebildiog job."' Coeil -Rereived a reqeest teen plans topeepaetheegineering MiltonoChemboeofçCsmmerce to in 1971andcraeyot teob on have Main St. resurfared and 1072. Hornby Christmas is trne for friendly vis its By Mrs Jimfamiton wcrm on byMr. andiMcs. Ernest 'lie' Northl TIrafalgar Eochre Marin. Clatibr hedheir urrkly erche Me. seil Mes. Leslie Ruilrdgr paety on atuniiey nigbt, Dec. 20, and tassly spont Chreistmsas mit ai the North Trafalgar Me. and Mes. rie Wallace of Reccoaties Centre. Thoce more Biyth. stables ofeture ie play mit Me. and Mes. Arthur Plant te peines goetg te thetettemwieg wnes - Mes. Ralpb Featherstes, Mrs. Feanks Peecorb, Mes. Tisb Beceel, Harvey Dese, Harold Reed and Beck Brtos. The iecby drame k. r1ii5A h 'i5J mes eut over 'brr arr sevocat nom yer'e cold cbolly meetiser lest Memley Oroning mbos sorcs plsenned se Miltes ibis alarge croud of childes asd adulte gatheed rock. ut rucc Si. Scbeel te joie le singing cuceis. -Nrl rock's Champion mill Msic maes piuyeii free ieo sebsel by tape br publîshed on Weniesday, ceecrer and tho singers enjoyod theie senge werer bock onschredule oncr te setsidr in the cool clous air.--4Siull Photo) oiuday seasen s ier. You'vs soon if on TV Fantastik Brush ' g If's availablo at ... M ckIM HARDWARE Wsa clte cýIh p0sirr Moki lOhM dpHARDWARE Tiýn01an fisnrE asvoo n 200 MI T.y MITk 1-92 eur ams into frfflo Wmd A tîgbt snostail eaely Wed- sday moenisg made roads slpçseey and driciog conditions bossedous. Ossly ne accident mns isceotigeted by Mfitos Polie durisg tbe bed meatbee conditions. A rar delcos by Nancy Massip et R. R. i Luretta, sbidded eut of costeol mnd stescs the teaffir isiasd et tbe cosner of Maie and Ostitot Ste. Ant estimatod $30 damege mas repoeted te, tbeca and $»0 peoporty daemage. A pessenger ie tbo car Louise G'aig, Se, of Misoisseoga mas ados.ufed te Miltos District Hospital mitb e beaser jam. She is laer reieased. Miltes Police aise incestigated one ether accident oer the boliday meebosd. A car delcos by James Oies et Kingsten cellided it a cae dricen by Marilyn CIeise et 34 Miles St. Damage te tbe Olse rer mas estesated et $230; se damege mes eeperted te tbe Croee colorie. *PRRINUIFIILD AVAILABLE AT IAN 3S GARAGE sui LINE SOUTH OF Oties RD. ER. 2 ORNBY, ONT. 826-346 tAN BREAK. POePRIETOR visited eeetly wltb tihe Misses Me. and Mrs. K77 Jepso. tu Me. and Mes. BI11 Cooley and teobel and Asse Stost asd Mos. Kecin, Susan and s el of famliy of te HosbyjStore, osu th Uies Hasmilton of Guelphs. Georgetowen, more dlsn et ssddmie dests et Me. Coeysp Miss Mildred McMillan of wllh M. and Mes. Jbn Ha t:on falser who dled i s haut stseis Pari * ied wellElier parents Me. and Mes. Ronsld Plsnt, monCrmslgt. Bll'paets Me. md Mrs. Esel McMllts David and Tommny mere dinser htîs ps blts ii s dsigtbe Christmas holldays., guests on Christmas Day mith amnd tsiymd mn ltoer Mr. ssd Mes. Roy Sof t Me. snd Mes. Donsld Arnold. mey borne le Toesnto msen be Soamptos, visîted milE Me. aod I sspitsl suffeed a seveee beset sEtack Me. Garry Hamilton on Friends in Ibis disteict teere neae Traflgar Road. Christsmas Eve. oory ta heur that Mrs. Lloyd Birthday grretings are Christsmas sisits May os a patientino the Milton exlrndnii to Dora MrCarron and Mr. and Mrs. Wihmrir Masos District Hospital. Her ooany Jackie Robertson sebo ssii; weedioser gorsts on Christmoas Irieods wîsh lier a speedy celebeete tbeir bictbday os Der. night ofMr. ndMes Ted Walter reroveey. 30, to Mes BiobRosson Dec. 31, mnd lamiiy ot Cisebsen. Sterere sympatby is extesded mnd Laeey Hall os Jan. 2. elQ 0< 0D ;oail vit ectstvoes ... NIav happiitess, hrulth anîd gooil fortuneie our is and sotie fatila 's in the Nesw Yeue. And fvr thec terust und sppori you hav ien is, voir thatiks! 201 MAIN ST. E. MILTON s J a fo a tanj Mar quie dors bore raite But Ar islin bor yeeer retie teas os Di toc 33 user. Att denly treasu in M engagi in tbe bodget cosety and et fnde, mii bo tise M it e b Haton i Asked about h couidnot perticeli replird. cosoty's greet bei thet she r specialter 100k os 1 iras light the job, lest 33 y It mes ocrer exl tors bore rn the tom foc a one course. Si Fosedry a onerdeyir isas Huitot rigbbor, i lu rose ha for bsea S for botb Hutchen A Weebing Hutcheos' Pett mis sOir toîthe beresee ill. mosoSt, th jOicti told tIl Should epp loougbt te, heymsould hoe seud, bu une, 1937te sd has hel, te tbo 103 se Fruitse bout $12,