ûampet Iws a Tueada nallepisat the itic msiIl as s eld Jas. 4. A POND ON HESLOP ROAI) aI Use corner of Bronge St 10 snom and Use yoaongsters are using Use ire , surface to test seoing plentp of use darbsg Use Chsristmnas isnlideys. There are adivantage. It bas always been a popular spot wtth te yoang Youtigstors tere ti-ying ont Usfr nem figture skates or playing 9-p in isinher-too bad snne lo isousen are piaoned for tse a ganteof h ockey o-ts n0w sisinpade, pocha and hockey sticks site 10 Use near fiure.-<(Staff Phsoto) each day, Msilton Parks Board is keeping tise pond cleareit of VOL. t11 - Nu.35 MILTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, DECEMBtl 29, 1970 Seonud Semî.u Gethim off PEEKING INTO MILTONS PAST Tise U.S. Advertisîng Courîti and flt-ouI participation to make Use Februacy Winter Carnival Use succeso Usat cao corne only froon tiernendons coPecation, often Overloldng Use umalonessen ol colliers. Foc Use Minister of Transport - An early aonoonicement andl resolution of Use airiport site soUshat ail planning may ot ho stifflein 1 a hast of speculative For Use Board of Education -A few meetings held aroni Use cmmity, as oas done in tise inaugural year, Usat gives citizens in Usose ameas an opportunity top sit in on meetings without travelling to Oakitle. For the County Council - Designation of memisers as delegates raUser Usan reeve or deputy reeve. TOO often Use deputy reeves seem tsi ho utlorated lo somne inlerior rote, Perhaps qsuite iusinlentionally. For tise Province - Clarification on Use Torost>rentred Region report usiicis, misile not adopted, is hoing coissidereil as policy hy a onmhor 0f governesent branches. For employees and management ai P.L's-Asearly settiement in courrent coistract negotiations. For domotomis businessmen - Entussiastic support for tise Norichs Ptan an restoration, wiUs Use mork done in time for a Jidy t celeboration. For developers asd couocillors - An earlY agreement on Use ternis 0f the sbdividers' agreement lis permit a sPring Start on housing construction in Milton. For Milton coonicillors - A decision for u ose year terni tn gel tise ton 10 step wiUs Use Board 0f Education electionS. Education interent has been sad since the town andl board elections don't coincidie. Agais for Milton coanicillors - Less moyen s Uste comrnittee mont for receipt of reports ami discussions wiUs engineers. For Use meaUserman -ots Mf snnm for Use iseeof February 7 10 t14 10 Provido Use cuis muterial for Use town's firsI monter carnivat. For tise entrepreneurs - Devetopmest Mu camping park in Use area and construction Mf a motet Perhaps pou can udd yoor oms and tout year ueo bois Use score reads. Over your shoulder As ise enter t97t do you feel UsaI tise Big BroUser is breatling more heavily rompanies require wuivers tai obtain service campalgn ta reduceu ti danger ai tise drunk driver. Ose full Page ad bas this capion ander a piclure ai a group of maursers in a cemetery: "Drunk drivers bring families logeliser. In baspital raoms and ai fumerais. Because tisais obere tise drunk driver's victieus olnd ap. DrueS drivers are involved sn aI least 25,000 deatbs and 800,000 crashes every vear. "And isiat can you do? Remember, tise drans driver, tise abusive drinker, ibhe prublem drinker may ho sick and nemi pour belp. Thseiirst tbisg isiaoget him ait tise road, Far bois saSe and ours. Do sameibing, Wrile tise National Satety Cauncil, And pour voire oi ho beard. Scream Bloodp Murder." On alcoholics the~~ob Valpel inora.o Secrtar ai n uvor your sisoulder? mises undermriting pur tife. State made a .S gondp aint aot The provincial goverrnent 10 laying Employrnent records and p 1rons t ae mdeagn potabu Use grosndmork for a computer credit reodProeiagsormrsonne, aicobaiics sn a recent Interviewa: storage Systemt Usat miii, for a $2 fee pechaps reporting suris Usings as ". .Teac oicnrapts unlo pou ta gel information on tardinens ami absences. Tehd de e a nhlc tdenty Rts mnybody's credit record, It miii store We're recorded, cornputed, on somebady's bonS, eltier as a facis on peopte's credit records mises anutyzed and st died by people 5000 patient, a. bad empinyment risis, a tbey apply 10 conditionat sales and anseen. Our debîs are open to trouble-maker or a poor Insurance runiraclu for $300 or more for publie srtisy, ur address is on every rish. Most heavy drisSers are consumer gonds, isctsding cars, jutil mail tint as me are codified and aiready Snoean lai iarnii cous- cisattel mortgages or assigaiment of cutegorized on Use basis of oasis and seiars, meltare agescies. locai bok deiss seeds, incnzîle and family and an trahfir courts asd tiseir long- endtens lint of other advantages or sViterisg seigihbors. At Use federat tevel a bil 10 under disudivustuges."a bnvrams srs stad ta hane Us nae 0fthe In ait tiiese areas misere me are virteui toc drunk drivlsg, bis estire Dominion Bureau Mf Statstirs ami gîve isted and comssitted ta easy public background shauld ho isvesligated il vider research pomers, TisaI troarts scrstiny me gel concernied UsaI Usose heore be is sesienred. Tise judge Use bureas moWud have access tit reporting are doing so accarately. shsuid determine mbether tise inrome and corporate tati refluons blemisises imagined map ho murlsed ottender bas ever teen arrested correstiy restricted onder Use Income on our records, credit rationgs may t e hore for drunkessess - an or oitf Tan Act. jrn eparized by tiigs osmoses to as, tise bigboa, Tises be ras rosiront 0f course mo're all stimberet nom ti Mnay moUl bs UsaI tmiay's bin wltb tisa options - eiber gel LIVINGSTON'S PAl mIsh a Social Insorance number and aI salutation of "Hom are pou!" may bc trealment asd dry ot, or stop Centemdiat Park and itU more registered. Thraugtt scisont. UsPtmertssgsvruoemyur Na ienienrp, no spot urouod Use isiro, scol th id ftin eerlnw exicuses, no eulenuatisg tir. piclares mere taren sere rcnded aalpedamistdie. esce me'll haive to ssk a computer as rurnslanres. Tbe taugis approarb Pbotogrupber E.C Heat records are bilt top on on and me amake in the rnuring, lise "Hom bas paid ait sn cousties as diverse roortesy Larry Psitt isedical records abound. Insurance amu I today?" as Siseden and Great Britain." "1, ollowingterms and Usei secorrert deliollouns Itemeoiser aoay samis ohen osty Heai'eu as ali to tase viso masi to talb about cud prolemt tise oring girl? Today il Pollution on ls proper language: tubes a union' group issurauce, medimal plan. ispital plan, pension plan, notety A Dow n [s] in this Corner EOILOGY-buooics. ut regions utd thmpensaiîon. BIOPHREth ttaityofreios mfomeseati tieosnb.en w îh r o y d o w n s se ea r t t a osu p o r ts e lfu o nin in g uand + + + selregstatssg em6oogical synleos. Pour Grundpa! He saved tise tirst dollar àý lie everrmeearneduuadhusg iîunîthemwaîîin a tIOTA-tse anoiaad plant lite uta tcentrame. Today the trame smurth a SomeUsing isene hemn oderig sonce une su Me. particular reglos comidered as a tot1allradledoarsuUshen. ise beard Fidl Castra has delayed tise Seemu ohmn ie t îrst called Tise emotogimal eutity.+ + Cuinn' ceteiseabon oftChristmas antit alter Chsampion ultice bie tut awrusg nanîter. He BtOTIC POTENTtAI. Use tî5rlihooud utof Use eropo are isarvested: DsesUshat signal asked Use mus isis ansmeed Use pisone il ssrvivautofanspmiimuegainis na speiim Former Dakismlle Reeve Hers Merry, a Usn endaofChristmas, orUsheend ofCatro? Mr Dosswas thererasjtseman said "no, ens'-ier, eupemiatty ans mfamorabte toantinaster -par exmellence" and ose ut + + + Uhs so Milton Jait.' rumsmumoesl. thin mountry's greatest stury-lellers, oas Thanlis 10 the powers UsaI te in thse "iseil, ise sisoutd bse," came iîmed OtOTOPE-a lamnted emologimat regios mhirman ai Use Wtarden's Dosner in Ouak. Canada PstI Office for tbe deriin to re Wlysipm rl or nimbe sin isi.istUe ennuosnment oa mille. upes ~. Saturdap mnrnin isicise sevie,.. slite le m ertain toros ot Ile. opn aura mmngwcktsevce + +BIOCIDE-a substîance, sorti as a Heris ucmi a sime gsy Usas starting Jan.a. Tinî's ose little stop tumard Chsristmssau un al ose bouse this year. Pestimide, mapaisle of destroying ivisng es bits uppunents on pans etertions remain Funviding Casadiano wiUs Use service Usey ise dîdu't isuy shr chîldies any toys UsaI organSî;So. friendu, nu matter isom bard Usey filgisi 9-rd, Use service Usey deserve, and the liad lui te asseoisted-isies shoppong me BOt Et a mummunily ut living eamis other doeong tise erectn mampaigss. service Usey pay for. made nure enerything ae poareiasedl mas Ognsso igemjreooia + + + aleeady set usp. Santa did liheisise. rgmsn ute af ogemlu ctgîa e otlsneoisoppused Herisserryîfor Anotter bouquet tue Use P.O.: 9e lised Boy, it sure tuaS a luad off oy mnd , gos seatuon Oakvmdle Cousiti was Alas Day, lise thsse eoluriut Christmas stampn teaturina bnouog ti coutdl tace Chistsmas muring ECOSYSTEM..as eeulogmal mumimunity mas lue oisom Heris a bring Frsday's tise art designs ni rhilodrm fronnthUe 10 wiUsout asy fue or six ur amsembly jobs Logetiser witUs 1s physiea enimieument, douner. Deopite Use tamt Day oisomped Provncses. Net yearWald like tasSeneo awiaînogme. conssdrredasa unit. Merry atthepolins e two have emaine designs draisi sy tederal memhers ut + + + SNCLG - td of he goodtfriends overthe yeus. Partiament tramn Canada's t0 provnces~ Modrs mas la geadaally pim5ing up a e5YrnmentlOG iný-atintudy o g tbe sbstcnrbuint Fia User sauld te eontributing momeUsing extra woee neis hemp of "pollution tanguage", cm fitmetao olr'ranissi amasg eri sowseu s litîs 10 Fidy n o h In return for Ususe lune-figuire satanies Usey UsusSs tomte rampant pubtieity os Use topie n mmm an of poluinoa. a itl dosr, u10osea maees tus detiiuss u tie drais, ut pollutios durisg the last roupie ut peara. daubd pea u Ipoulant goas a tilde u atîiotsa malis. e du ie:mesfd1 + + + Musy newnpapr editors are using the dsnlueiseds luv is eait uves s musîipa thiie.Tsy td ilsliamsirkedisp" ieeCabobiseUl oed "emutugy" as a synuispi for conlusionîu that Use isesl meoti ai Thefiteutf a rhonoeeron, tise memuey ut Johnon, Use isard of rtauagaweya woue "ennsrusment", shimb tl 10 nat--eougy 10 destropong niti tankersaisandoned at sea in an elephant, the perseverance otf beacer, lettrs isave appeared oStes 10 Use rnîumns Use oîter-eelatiombip ut organisons mit le isors t. Use friesillinesa a t a mngret pup, Ushe heurt oftibs nseospaper, caltt up mhe nsmer day 10 Usermeniroisumeul, says AIdes S. isood, btsfniwolsuelarophe falotesomcofnotihte dascui nar nunerage of a recent meeting. direetur ni commiunications tue Newis blmo h ate Pfollution su eapte ab ut a us Use a tma ol an aatbSnei tuen llurig the conversation te imparteil a cote Englasd Lite magazine. Mer. Woodi gives th te ar putio stpatiwu euta au ianyule.roi s sesaten naa tK IN ILTON, nom the Mill Pond, tous a pretty of tise century mises Usese toc local postrards by FeaUserstan. Photon 'ps. Unlîmited resolutions < , Perhaps il's tise holiday upirit but in Frts iitrn gcutr ornet n whinsy ao havng een Some Progress on Uhe long-proposed trateil on making isei yearls Agcicultuca Museumrn a h baitt on an doutions foc muselves, we compied acceage udjoining the Keto St for otheco in a vaciety nf areas Conservation Acea. make uop Usis community. le 'or he ndivdua - ess alkand Fac new countY counceiltoro - A Cor~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~b tieidvda Ls asai evetation UsaI northsoUtsaplita un Use ' oaction on pollution, ntarting hy couonty are more a ligment Mof9 ~ nempty cigarette Packages and imaginations that ceality andl Use w rappers in gachage containers. hurYing of Use norUs-sonUs hatchet 'or se crnninit - Eslmaasm shonlil ceduce purochial Usiking. 50 Years Ago Tubesn rios uTisfTeCasnadias Chsampionî, Thursdun. Dememser 30, 1920. Miss Dawsons, who as resigunedfrom tise ing snisoul teaiog staff leIt lue iser hsome at Guelps us Tisusday. Os Use previoos alteormi Use teacisers and pupits of Use idgs scismi gatiseed on ber deparient mnd preseisted bier isits a writing taisel and a ioustain pes. Mes. Robieet Cuates isas muilemtedl lrom memisees ni Knoux Cisorc and lnroarded $125 to Use Ciîese lamine 1usd. isanls 10 Use estremety entd neatter Usese tant Iris days, tisere ia mis a gnud sisertuofiein Use ris and if temperatares do nut rise h cring seaon iupen nex Saturday, wiUs tise animal mates of president vs. vice-president. 'Thr Young Peuple uf St. Gege's Cisurmis, Campisetîville are giviog Use play ~Ferry Hu9e us Feiday evesîng in tise Ousday iSeismi rmom. A varied mnd inteesting prugram ut sungu and tanters slîdes ili ise giors. tt lu repurted Usat inotleggers hsave tees suptYog Mdltusîass iiU alleged wisky w10mb iadt sut usty a kicb, isst a oieious bsite. isiat Use adutterant mas Use imibers didn't bom, buot Usry did bison tisai Usey nere nery nies. isendurs ut suris wisky aboutit te pesalizrd for seUsug poison as oeil as isreaeis ut tise ,T.A. Atter ail or dit sut have a gireen Chistmsias on Milton. Esougs smo fait n Frîday lui cuver Use grud oel, buti sut esug tor steigiug. tt rame mush a iseary fat os Susday igisi. Mixed feelings An Idahou state legislator says tisai wite sise is "ail for" omen's rigisîs, "liberatios" and ait tise resi nfi t, sise bas mioed teelings about Ibis iscreased potitical activlty us tise pari t oftise tair siso. " Womnen,- says sise, "are risking a lut isy becomjsg su sn olived. F or mysel, Iý d on't want la lune tisai Outra luttle bit of tender loviSg care 1 get trum being a sise cotiser tisas a ise." Nuow tisere's a Politicios wos Four cents on the dollar Casadias Manufactureras mld a record 590.6 illion WorUs ut goulu and services laid peu mad aneragedi jusi over tour rens set Profit us eacs dollar ut sales Sueb are tise tindong aI the 'Domsino Bureau oflllistitis 10 its latent report, fia is Use tirst lime erer Usat manufacturera' salen have enceeded Use $M0 billion figure, atougb the Useee-asd-a-haf bsillion 17.5 per ment) inrease ufthUe 1968 sales total1 la f course due on part t0 miin1 osts and prices. At .t cntiss, set Profit us eacs dollar of sales mas use-tests ut a cent aisead ut the tour cents eves ut tise previaus yaae on th basis of revosed D5ll raleidations. In dollar tris, total profit oas $2,087 million as miles Of $W0,642 millis on 1060 versas $1,906 million us sales ut $47,100 million 10 1900. Dividende paid oat lo tte sareisulders af manaiaecturing cumpasies tit pear tela frum $00 million in 1968 to $827 Million minuai 10 40 Per cent ut set profit eaened mumpare it It 46 per ment). A eumparisns bteen last eur's miles Profbts and dividende and Usus of 15 fuse years eaulier - ot eves mure in. teeesbong, sbowitig as il dams UsaI altheugs lotal sales bave elimted 10 value bY $13.5 bilon (mome 36 per cent), set profit la oreater isp unly $27t muillion (15 per cent), ine 1 is y proft un the sales dollar has deelinel feam 4.9 centslo 14.1 cens. As eoiUs disidmnde ($26 million targer in lomil), Use impact Of inflation meano UsaI the psreiasing powser ut lait pearS sel profit figure Of07 millin 10 haedtp any greater tisas Use $1,817 million of 1005 - despite the leaP in sales onor Use pariai. Tise nqaeeze on meSurage eaenoinga la very marhisn1 eeldeoce, MI The rots ut manufacture il oW te nom SWalluo Uop oeaety 96 censo M every Sales dolar, leaving Use eemaiig four cents or Sa tu te divided iselmees Use sureholder mnd Use cumpanys fture neede. Feis Canadians are liiselt lu onider tis an ecuive renome tue nost tahen ami gond maagement; many maYmWelonder attse onallnsa of il. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 20 Years Ago Thisen fromi he issue of ThieCanadian Champion, Thursduy, Deremiser 28, 1950. Tenders lue tise layugo a an and se istetatin. ol, sturewaers umains Oi Fwrereopaeýned ata spcal cundemi nFrday aernoon. Tise tender of ila Geoves, Sewer Contructor of Hamuitn was accepted ut a tender prîce oft$9,743. Onty ose otiser tenider as reueivedfor the job. Tisursduay night isefore tse turgest crnwd ufthUe seas, Georgetown scured u onvmrmig Win user Miton Co-ops mu a dean Wuel lougi gume. As has isees apparent iselure Use Cu-uPs must strengthen their delense. Eutl Fos and Art Metanson mrch scord taire fue Use Coups in Use 94 ounu Miltoun Rotary Clubs cusidered tise formationuof a Tees Ton ut thisis regidar meeting tant mers. Ant Oulivitte %tartans l especird lu tend udvme on Use nubjent. De. A. McAllîster, medicat officier lue tise Cuisadian Natinonal Ruilwuys lise 30 yeurs isas just relied. He wilI te surreeded isy Dr. C. V. Wittiams. Dr. McAtister oas on chaurge ni Use cnmpuny's mediral nons frnm Milton Itse South 10 Tuttesisam and fronm Linurisuse toi Nnrvul. The 1951 ollicers lise Use United Cissris iSunday Seisout are as fltios: superîntendent, N. Langtn, assistant superîntendents, George Coulsun and George Cullîng, serretury-îreusueer, aim frais putt guis