8 The Camadian Champion, Wedoesdap, Oecýe'he 16, 1970 Student choir to Iead Christmias carol singing Cure te joint in saine pre- teemiis welcoeta jiHright Cheieteeas carat iging? in A etedeet chire ot about 80 The eeeelilltfaie placeat te vceenull lead a deweteieearol coin parbettte at the cerner et soegfest net Moedap aed Maie aed Charles Ola., aret Tuesday merelege, lec. 21 and freaite tt all. 22,at9.30a m.* The studeele are Erre Chrietiae carel sheets alt reeeMartineSt. SertPublic oui b1e dîserîbute ta leveryoee Scheel. atleedîeg. Dee Smoith, aloa Eereteeinethe deieeleeearea busiesseane made th1e is Inviter] te joue in the yuletide arrangemeets neith the ce- sngaliietl 'heppeen. store epeeatîee et Maclin St. Orbeel dlerke. teete hall staft and principal Thomas Gilaee aed evrose ahe wuets le gel ente Milton Parbe Board. 70 more Iucky winners in Chamber's yule draw Tee muere looby choppere o $1 ercbaedise voucherrein the Cheistmas bocnena drae oecduclrd bv MiltoneChambrof Commeercc MAoedap. Vochrs ee out in th1e mail la 1the oIohiîg. Mrc. Cleaner Seuntield, I. R, 2 Milton' Joeehl Helvrderr 195 Orîl St . F. Heuter e-o 090. E. Anlecucci, 221 Bell St.: Audrey Orocb. 322 Claieood Ci esc. F rank Richard. N. N. 6; Ma-p Robetson, Rt) . 5;Ms W. 'Taylot-. 211 Ontlario St. Mt-e J. CoeeOE, .R . 1ad Mrn. C. Moelton. 155 Rotweood Ct-etc. Eacbîvoucher iseuortbî$10at am; ofther84storesanîdsricres wÉihîc are sponsorieg the C'abaer'n tree Christmtas bue for shoppere. mielt er 1l persane wone a total of $100 en the Omest dirais. The thîrd drao euîll be beld eet Monda5 torlmwof$25evuchers and [ive more aI $10. MIltickets tureedminbyeeeeeeo llrî'î iicluding ticbetseeedein Oic lirt-e tht-m Moeday dreaiti ouI g in et1he big druai for the tinal drae that alteremen ai0 one grand pt-tee et $100 and 10 finalowinere at $10each. Order installation Intiiallatiotn o) auoînîtîc lami î3nd onthe protection' vonsintieg il te'0 miîthofil.el 14. short art galen eîlh Olashing lights. signal and brîl Sas bece i'onadîae Nati orîlcred hi the ('acadia n euiitlallthe pr Treannport C'ommission foe 1h tionths a le, onthe Foth Lines outh of CHURCH 0F CHRIST No. 5 Sîderead anud 401 Uie Traf algar AI. DA'l DLI. 20th, 1970 10.00 am-Bible Saceeol Clases for ai ages. 11.00 a.m.-Moining Wotehîp. 8.00 p.ai-Pochieg of the Gospel. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH of THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Main St.a Jaes St. Mientet- Rev' C. A. Hoin, H.A., B.D. Ot'garint and Choir Leaer: Mn. Harold Magee SUNDAi '>DEC. 2OîIt 1970 Chri,îcco Sundiii 11,00 .m-M,,ingu Woorhip Seric. Sroi titl Th, Iîî, lc God". 730 pic mil Carol Seri Choir,. CHIRCH ACHOOL Q3() am Sucdîîi Sohijol toi childccc 9 e-, and and N'Dpiitmr 1100 m-inKdgate, ncd Prcmin-' Depoirtmit age AIl Welcooe EMMANUEL SAPTIST CHURCH Commer-cial Stree, Milton Pastor Rte% C*aton Cales 870.473 878-3542 Th, I cýd' Day SI N11A r lIEC Mt 1970 945 a 4h1 -Bbl cheen. 21;04 3,-Opn Hioii 6.50pa m.SongService. th, iei, Chic lrdndav. 730 p.m.Pipyer Meeting tid Bible Studv "Let us eter-icio the Houce Ofth4e Liord witA thanksgivilg and int, His Courts witb, 44484 OC' MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. 878-2022 Christiaet gatheored in te na f tire Leord Jomie Christ. Lot-d' Dey SUNDAY, DEC. 201h, 1970 10.30 . Hi'oakting ai Breoad 12.15 p.m.e.Saieday Scuitol. 7.00 pet --Gtepe Service. Wedoeesday. H pet. - Prayer atnd Bible reading. AIt ae wecom ta thoso servicest. Exeptt a ab hooeu ag- aie, ho iiannt sec the King. domt of led. Jethe 3: 3. Pîft L,îee, just oeal Naîlaiayn 'otectîeeeuitlae lier freai the ALUMINUM ALUMINUM Windows & Doors GLASS aed REFAIRS MOBILE PAINTS W. J. KOSKI LIMITED It Futon SI. 878-9412 Belnd Brian Best Reaty. île-tf DWECTOR ~ ARCH ITECT DONALD E. SKINNER S.Arcb. - M.RA.S.C. 2H Stavebaek Rd., Port Crodit (416) 274-3428 Realdeeno (519) 927-5538. A L UM1N U M BEAUTY SALON Sidieg Seffits. Fania Beard & Eveteegbieg Fer Frete Etite CALS. B EAULIIEU'S 878-2405 21eu39 CUSTOM BUILT ALUMIN3JM WINDOWS AND DOORS aiade by WEATHERIGHT ALUMINIUM CO. AIne ceaiatiee slidieg deere. Speeializieg ie French domr. FOR FREE ESTIMATES ClI Bruno Casarin 878-2223 21e4H ACCOUNTANTS EARL G. BLACK H. Con., RIA., C.A. Cherterod Aeuetatt 143 Maie St., Milten Phoe 878-542 Oniison Informae!eequeting Cocl Monay AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE ASHGROVE SHEIL tlOC 10111 SiOernaO & 7th Lino Set SPECIALIZING IN: Eungiee Reheildieg Valve Grieding KNOX Braire Repaie, FRERRYTERIAN CMURCH Teae-epn Mitdster: Teîcing Frme Ettimaer Rec. John M. Murray, Miltee. Prt-m Pick-up4 and Delicery Orgaeni.t Min. . Vlashleet SENAS - Grant Purvis 877-9039 S DADEC. 2Sih, 19170 2teu-tf 9.45 ci .St' Charetu Seuheel. ____________ 0.50 a.ci-Jr. Chat-Oh Sebeel. 1.00 a.ci E,îmilî Chr-istmas Corî,p. Pairt 1, Chrict- ciii Fîgoani. Pari II, Meiiii.i ssoagc. 11.00 a.m-Nrey. 6.00 pciSet-oc Schel Lunchn acd Film. 7.30 p.ci.-Candlclighi Ser- ic Ca cale. HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH Alocal asembilyof The Fenerotal Atteteblies oft Canada %\'.,klild Rd. aed Hwy. 25 Piiiii M.iCh-ittoenoe TcI 878-2064 THE LORD'S DAY SE NIAY DEC. 2Oih. 1970 9.45 a.m,-Sacduy Sebeel.* 1100 aai.-Mnlg Weolahp. 1, oi ',m-File teaye-. 7.00 pai. - Eeeitg Reangel- îiîoi Service. Pooidii Biblei SiaOy, 7.30 pet. Oh iat ci ,,c mothat t ho Lorcd i, gied. Pmalm 34, vs S. GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Milton, Oetario. Fertor: Rot. R. W. Poster Nseitît Canee F. H. Mase SI NDSY, DEC. 201h. 19,70 Sdi oci IV 900 ci .Holv Coaauie 930 icni Oc Chartu Scheel. '0IIi. iic&utmoc Iii 4c ..m -iSt- Cherch Scheel 11(aini uc Ill Echarini & 7ifl pcm-Ct-I Service. Si'î.îDe. 17, 10,00 aai.- Iiîîlî Communion. BOSTON ANS OMAGH F88SBYTERIAN CHURCHIS Mieletor' Mrý W. R. Leuai, B.A. 878-4428 SEINDAY. DEC. lOth. 1970 Chcîilmu SueOay Cîîcio Wiit-hip GoO for the Cîli ofi Hi, Son, thc Frince .f Fraie. 10.00 a ci Wernbip Servico. Il I5 Ia ic.Cherîh Scheel. Aitll Bible SleOy. 1130 a.m.-Wetship Service. 10.15 a.et -CIherln Soel. Adeit Bible Stedy. 7.30 p.m.-Candlelight Set- A cordial inuvitatien le exetded Io ail, Yesteryear's CustomsLive At Yuletide Ctedlm and carats.erre and treets, giftnd gree - nd Santa Clausofrourse. ciherene- Christman isle- bratod. tlmeee symboînsen te appere Ie th1e modieru ere et repid comauieecation, there le griigeuniformllyuin th netys theut people eeeychere rheoee te ark the holIday. Yonlrryer'cuseeîeee, hem- ecer. cill have Ihoîr pltre ie moern elehottlene. îles case of 'the more utmemg c-hane, uhe more hep euay the camne." asuntis on menîtirs aeO indîeîdeulm senek tcmerish and premere nhoir on opecial holiday tee- Borne et three utraditietns, as trerat-irnin meaiey Or kept uluve ie heîlOay elleal, are ceteplrd en the tellee'- inu paragrephs accordief 40 inmtioetm tt-heCO nditeon of Eucyclopedia Inteonation- I'e a Myafery Myuteriue thief c hoppre ou Chrms Enr, es coue- try Irgeedm ef emleeerluud. Young people muy foreteIl the ftee le uhey driuk troie rue dlttrrent lentain white thte mîdeîghu chuoch bolli chime. TAe, tf thrr hueitenute the cherch ntrps. their ftuer mantes mîl aeaim them tltere. Somewhatu Ina rementicul- Iy. eIder folk sere te poedlîu mhe erer for thr cemleg prar, esn nutfoulu pcrlc fillîrd w110 malt, W'rapping Gijfi Whe Oeea utdiuion te fnllomed, uneteapplef Christmas tmtt ian bo eue auanete complloauedi One gif mey hae any caetrcutlso euepptngs , eeeb ith a ditlereet naeueoan it aed te Seual apping may reveel netuagft,hsbueaued tttltig weeo tbe gtt shtd- d1en. Otbor uurde ln etber bîdief placet Ioad lte a reaue hruit, eedlag te Dho dteeer- ooy efthUe gilt. DAY NURSERIES FLOOR and WALL Milton Day Nursery 143 BRONTE HT. We effet cometst dttld caro fer yeoar teddîer te eteet - ae cttild, Meeday te Prtday, 6 amn. te 6 pet. Lteed. 878-2931 APTER HOURS 878-311 lb->tf DRIViNG INSTRUCTION LEARN TO DRIVE Saito - Suro - Easy Way COMPETENT INSTRUCTORS Treieed en Driver Edecatiue aner Onterie Safoty Leage CALS Devenish Driving School 845-5853 2le-tf Broadloom - Tiles Sheet Vinyle Ceramic Wall Tlles Visit ear Steereec aet Rear of 123 Thomas St. Milton orCati for Free Home Appointment and EBtimate R. W. CLEMENT & HON PHONE 878-2194 Mltait FUNERAL DIRECTORS Paira Home 114 aint St., Oer loch yer et holphil, 870-4452 2Ie-tf ELECTRICAL SERVICE Il INSURANCE Vogue Beauty Salon A NEW COIFFURE Dottgced Jast Peur Yeu COMPLETE BEAUTY SERVICE Cl 878-2461 192 Maie Street 28e-tf Pam'e Beauty Lounge t60A Mill SHt Miltee, Ont. Ne eppeletet etaeacy. Caîl 878-4581 Mee. Tues. Wd. 8a.e.te6p.et. Tbur. & Fr1. H tet. te 9 po.. Sut. H e.et. te 4 pe.. Ceaiplete euty Servce Oceec Mre. Jacb McDeegalt. FLENTY OF FR00 PARRING FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE 2Wi-f BRICKWORK and MASONRY P RIE S IMASONRY CONSTRUCTION R.R I. Caeupell'ile, Oet. Tel. 854-2672 21c-tf BRICK and BLOCK WORK G. SMITH 634-0186 BURLINGTON 21 c-t t 800KKEEPING H)LL'S BOOKKEEPING SYSTEMS 420 Fiee Stroet MILTON, Oet. AIl types et Incarne Tac enpertly prepured. Call Anytime 878-9762 21e If CARPET CLEANERS MILTON CARPET end UPHOLSTERY CLEANING FOR FR00 ESTIMATEH Please Caîl 878-3074 (9 A.M. TO 6 PM.) 2Ie-lt CARPETS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY BROADLOOM * Resdetial * Comercial Redy -emade Dresnstock.a Peur Custoee Sorvico CALL 878-2067 FOR HOME A.PPOINTMENT SYERS 228 Mate St. 878-2067 CARTAGE & STORAGE CARTAGE AND MO0VI1N G Effiieot Servce Reoaeo Rates CENTRAL CARTAGE Milton 878-3351 2le tf CHIROPRACTORS A. P. KENT, D.C. Dacier ef Chîrepractie 237 Kiaga Court Croeeet Caernor Martia St. PHSONE 878-2031 DY APPOINTMSNT The Mutual Life ROBERT S. HART Agent 341 Ornillo Reed, Actea Bus. 410-451-340 Re. 519-853-1527 CO-OPERATORS INOURANCE ASSOCIATION Homie Protectiee Aate, Accideetal Srath ced Impairtet Sale Dcivieg, Extia Vehicle Rodeetiee PretîomeMost Eaeeaical Cl, : R. S. Heathot-teglea R.R. 2, Miltee, 878-4855 Oer 21 Yrarts Sorce LIBRARY HOURS Monday - Wrdesday i2 Ncoe le 5:30. Toesday - Thursday -Fridey 12 Neee te 5:30. 6:1() te 9:00 pe. Saturdey l:00eaim te 5:00 p.e 21eu-t OPTICIANS FINISH CARPENTRY REMOIOEttING *REC. ROOMS KtTCHFN CABINETS cVANITIES cARBOIfITE COUNTERS CLIFF BARNES 878-9135 2te-t GENERAL CONTRACTORS RAY OLAN Building Contractors Ltd. SNEW HOMES SRENOVATIONS srADDITIONS 854-2263 21e Il ED McMULLEN Cotracter 0Coaiot Pleor. SidemalknSt Stoepe 0Chiait-y St FlatttOtie Ropeire *Otcc. Wohrk a Fîroplucot Phone Acton 853-1818 2h.. t SPACE LUNE CUSTOM HOMES and REMODELLItIG-', Alun Roi. Rt-unria CALI, MI Ira', 7ý4 Aîucr S nuo ,iuOl H. CLERK MATHER Dispensing Opticians 6W07 TRAFALGAR ROAD Brutoseta Road at Dmumqaie Wmbkdaîn. 6 pot lea 10 p.ai Weeds 1 Oaa. te 6p.i. ct-hp appointaient Tel. 878-3944 Ocelisi", Rx'm ptemptly bîlleil 2lh41 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUOR A. JOHNSON, O.D. MILTON - 184 Matn St. 878-3673 Ttatd sys aed Fridaya ACTON - 54 Mill S. E. 853-2520 Wodetays end Scttrdayt Rottdoce pboe 878-9078 PAINTING & DECORATING GIL VANSOELEN P AIN TI1N G Contaractor NIDa I 510 IA1. t'tiSIU)ENTIAL_ JIOiljt t.XIEHIOR 'i-' J- tio tiatoe. 878-1j#)37 21c-tt 1-IV. /ka.FDED Bcoardîng Cats e e q4 fe e ja ri Fe' t e W r/i aj PET GROOMING BRUCE'S CLI-PPING AND GROOMING Specialitt tin Facdlies, Terriers St Spaeees 632-4033 BRUCE OWEN 21e03 PET STOCK Siegieg Caearies-Buhy Hedgies Peppiet - Rittees Aquarleiu seorait. Gifte fer alt yaar ett. PETS AND GARDIENS HRYWAY PLAZA 637-2872 Burlington 2te34 PHOTOGRAPHERS Larry G. Smith N.F.L.P.A. Geeceut Fhategraphy PHONE 878-9335 By Appitente PIANOS - Tuning and Repairing <lARVILLE PIANO SHOP 305 Cheede St. ut Reynolds <lakvWfe Pleeces ttaied eaid repairod. Specilizing ie goad reeeedit- ieeed piao. Cal PETER LANDER 844-6671 Opee daily uatil 9 pe.. 2teu36 PLASTERING & STUCCO Plastering & Stucco AIl Types of Stumeo Nenw Plaster, Repaire, Cavo Cilittge Aldoreltot Plastering Co. 878-2016 21c-tf PLUMBING TOWING DERRY WEST PLUMBING & HEATING HOME REPAIRS and ALTERATIONS Fut-te aad Servie onal puaip. Noew Werb 878-3627 2IC35 Glen Richardson FLUMBING CONTRACTOR Resientlal aed ledeetrial SpeCiaîizing in NEW INSTALLATIONS, ALTERATIONS and REMODELLING 634-2945 l-tt ROOFING MITCHeS ROOFING end EAVESTROUGHING Speclalizing le rerwebeg ard gonerel repirs. FREE ESTIMATES 853-1009 - R.R. 1, Acton lIt-tf SEWING MACHINES Sewing Machines SALES - SERVICE RENTAI PHONE 878-6561 Milton Fabric Centre 1l Martie Streot, Serces aaid Repatre o all mairesof oewing acuhies. 28e-tf SMALL MOTORS SERVICE & REPAIR Lot Us Service Your: Snocioaile Chaie Hacu Outhoo rd ýMotet- Melemcycle Lacen Met Sttem Blancer Miotericicd Gardon Eqeipaiot Winterizing & Storing MILTON MARINE & SPORTS 25 Comeaircial St., Miltone 878-6521 21cu35 McPHAIL ELECTRIC LIMITED si INDUSTRIAL si COMMERCIAL e FARMS & HOMES e ELECTRIC HEATINO INSTALLATIONS 66 Charlet Ht. Miltane 878-9513 - 877-3752 lIt-tO FARM SERVICES CUSTOM CORN COMOINING & FLOWING R. M. REID R.R. 2, ROCKWOOD 854-9094 21h39 RURAL MAINTENANCE SERVICE Your JAMESWAY Dealer Foecr Cherîeg Eiqeipaieu for Feelicy - Heg - Beet - floiry Excelleot Vuetilatîeg Syuleain Par complele ltlrial and mechanîcal ictallotiote aed CALL 853-2168 Lac. brieece i7th & 22nd Side- eead an 0Eq. & Neen. temen lie 2 lu-tf I. SNOW PLOWING Snow Plowing 24 Hau erice CALL "SPEEDY' 854-2568 21c33 SNOWMOBILES oDWviombIH, comparr Inc. Drumquin Garage Hornby 878-4807 21e-tf TAILORING - REPAIRS MEN'S TAILORING ALTERATIONS KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR 202 Maie Street PHONE 878-4472 21etH TELEVISION FAIRLINE TV RENTAIS Black and White and Colot WEEK OR MONTH 277-4723 or 877-7621 2Ieu-tf TOWN & COUNTRY T.V. R.R. 3. -Milton ELECTRONOME Sales and Se-vice Fael Ruteldge, Ptep. 878-4633 21eu-t CAHI Cal Dale Wode Fit Vtne DIPE Dite Aen sone, l bOîtait Hec tPy te 'the r uit Ta Deeai child t Mr. a Meithe HUNT one E. 2, Dintrie Deem JENNI gift or cceight LAPIEf Mi L ef Carl daughte Djistrict Il. 1970 MORLE Octarie daugce cceigtt District 12, 1970. MORLE Mrle, t9ny. 25 pleated ef their cueiget 6 District Deece cbiýld Pet BROWN, at er 1070, lee, dear moit Saturday the Kact INEEN, Heepita ce-day, E avRober Chrit-lipb Interna, ct-c, Mîlte FEATHEIF At Tare hi-bord i mdear il Miltet )ll.illey e Foneral Wdcnda3 the McKe 7OLINSRI centeeci, lOcocaher in her .cc Bitter) if Minnienu i1eAub, i Teteeb Moeday ai LAIN, A. a3), t)ecee t-i, Laitg0 ôOt66h ye aie Grae I Mrs Lil, cI th Oc lewitt and roi the ]att amLaing, endeof M, Funetai ti e Eemley Reine, A, 30 pier, te cinDry. There es t-th. Oeatb geeeteîc n cleo i M-%aetPL h 0 24 Hour Towing Service CALL MOFFAT MOTORS IN MOFFAT Phone 854-2553 21c33 TREE SERVICE TREE SERVICE Trimaiing & Reaieal f Trem Ne Job Tee Btg No Joh Tee Siaili North Haltoc Tt-oe Sot-nice Pallyîenaured Phone 853-1010 Actee Ibb-tf UPHOLSTERY MILTON UPHOLSTERING Nom owned and oeratod hi' Lamne At-thar Phono 878-9094 R. R. 3 Milten " Re-epheltory " Aeto triai, " Upholîîery cleaeteg " C-iteet hale farete Fee pick-up and deliery Zieti WELL DRILLING W E LLS BO0RE D si CLEANED * DEEPENBO MILTON WELL BORING Marcel Peltier - 878-9552 2lee WELDING SPEYSIDE Portable Weiding Servic Free Entietatre Commercial - Iedusnriel W. KAMMINGA R.R. Ne. 1, ACTON Phane 853-2438 21 DIAL 878-2341 FOR RATES AND INFORMATION