Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Dec 1970, p. 7

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ty eTI beot te, Dard aopport on polis for with 587 0 Gordon ,82 votea. port front dardima) the final oblectlor Ward 3 North Dort ratepayern have a neos rer lamne depoity-reeve, utitities commissioner separate ochont board or mnd altBougb officiai res, Bhe Burlington etertion aie avadlabte at presi nie isst apparent positions diî change. Final vote loais 0e REPVF. Swanbornougl GlAlagher Gatlt DEPUTY-REEVE CDomn 1 indop PUBILIC UTILIT COMIMSSION Asbccoft FrAme Morris0 Craig Giraham ibsmn BORf)D OP EDUCATION ISeparate Schaif repsî Priesbner t-ohery Daoîdson CCUNCIIJIJpS Word 1 Kearney day hyrisman Ward t Conter Rogers Woard 3 Mis. EUa Emie accla Ward 4 Biod Carter Word i Jenkosa Ward i Fleming fOnen 7 .M. Pceston Gardne Patience Word 8 O'Connett Mct.aOchlin D)AY Wilson Ward R UARY Sutherand StPAIgATE SCHOOL BD. Ares1 O'BrhOien tog1511 -~1 dit bis atinas lar. In rnis a sde 30 sresults îsgîcn Aresat ve, Bte Mcoay 1 publie QIIinO ostaco, Arra 3 lto of F11ll acotaime cek Apra il not HourîgAn acclamen Arra 5 re as tiîan olu Area f 6,773 Ara 7 4,153 MeDermDt acclaime, HALTON COUNTY 12,838 ROARD tiF EDUCATION 4,007 Ares I Ronson clie Area 2 t0,941 Thorpe clme 10,772 9Sf5 Arra 3 t,601 Pelletterio acclaimed 7 5731 5,316 Arca 4 Coupr 939 Og1deîî 799 Arca 5 0,493 (kinocil acctaimed 1,361 tOit4 Arc" 6 Ihcmitage acctaîmued 1f815 Jobooîoo Acclaimei 1,073 Arca 8 Bîde17 839 f04 Sîcot 074 766 itayfîeld41 239 Smillîc 183 imod Just unde 0 pecen of thse eligiblc cast ballots. Chansonettes sing at Knox T-be congregation of Knox Cborcb, Miltoo Oas treated to a Sprcîal musical programn Sonday by 1the Chansoorttes, a choir spDnsDTed by thle University Women's Club ot Milton andi District. The groop singsu mder Bhe dirctiîon ot Mrs. t. A. Hunter. Follooîng a sermon by Rev. J. M. Murray on"The Advent CryB te congrrfAtion attendesi a coscert givrît by 011e junior schoot. The j .umor schoo choir wasonclethe teadersbop of Mcs. Mac Ettîott. POINSETTIAS The poinsettias wbîcs bave O 11e vo, caretotly potteni and protecord on colder cîmautes, asIi Bhrîve on moist, shady areas of Bhe soBteen U.S., Mexico andi parta of SoutB America. urV et«4c lit ;; * ICO îIL.. ýANNNNRNNn lit30939 OR y Automatic Washers & Diyers î let lit Stplci 1w9083 onsso aID on -,-.icDyE csiîe o nt u 009 ami 90 match Ni Oah osWa 0525 OPTeIR. A1110031O dry Oooîe covîc t!u5 srver of Il yOIeTOcooa encoarTe5c s are - t4c -1ecT Id 1 vA IE I VSl,, Mb0 Y AIl me v el aop 3 Pcclae ti- il o Wa da pr10 10 IIvO3I oe aoroiî n ds reDe walbi i s- ~ ~ ~ ~ lo Ai Oeoe i aerîoeî RG.54 eW lcrieG - 30 Eae e E .290 ~ NOW299o~ $19900 d to, do pa ed ge do co pai the Mass Media report states Weekly press plays signifficant role Citvely the nation's7 l rs repesnt ta OuTAITO out, is COI onIy lhD fact thati l i11 ncOTDOGy tl dl them thTre cootl 11e Istona inttuttiontin C Cot huppr woelrutto s ey aeCDAndian we u OToSpapero emi Indede t 0 iOOODIAI Yai.llý peOrreot G tor PONTT inos peAAtO oi in' roe bo ion31 Goid;Oich old II ba 'o o eo national Uioe 2,00. mproed prodoctioo Bhey,aretraiditionattyI oooed in UlTo il os doobly oio top he oaltty for peol ivoi ~titutiono, dertares tise maso ediarep l .a îaotoek terÎeD Obitrs.geqp~ Dhe cooo ty the serve. One DoDoIy aeo spTa olîog, bi gbî by thse sperial Seisate Committee Don MaSS Media TotDae ail pato - oae rett 00f "O"Îte dC areD e Marboton paper os the tast megalopolis." AithOsight Oi, " m0Ch Opace to, UNt the 0dqace f tihe pacet B. -frýigyoog pol'that oitue th1e reader is 3m30re ot the old IDeeles on Metro 011e oooooîtee also called daiie an te iflenc teY edl aros te outry, th in0 3the busineso, reteotion of tarnifîar wîth those obo are Torollo's fringe to bie more ood better pelatio Dlotsae ia br fe i OnDt tise nations sta and iOTreaRiDg stage providîog hîo inomtin nepnBtl w aod more beteen th1e CWNA and and ReDstIefrstseonioaî0et weekly trado. c1 CAnmr readîty malle a important, îodepesdeoty French CanadiaD coCoterpa or8 is th irs o tho osdoclth Mof Canadiapj e mediumn Iegional weekîy Dewspapers critîcal aRseOsmeot ot that oferated. "Tbere are Gimeo wheo Les Hebdos. Tbo regrettaI Or urdedsof houand ofCandias. ere the tîrst to adopt the mosi intormation. Bot, thT report CT teel 1111e a mooseoourrooodeJ beCause the Freoch Caoadi '¶lEeidekY Press comppepfl3 ait Doter media and in so modero composition aod priotîog ooroo. 0ii great traditioo la bY hoogr cAs oaiOg to poooce orgmnizato appars t0liemoi oing piays a Signifirant, Comity iepoaibyndie teCeDiqes. beginoîog to erode and l0 Dn doo md gobbie os," the briet otsîaedoaopd aPabiiitY O asy otfier medum Wtie t the past eace weeky danger ot disappearmng. slateo bot Ccodieo olthth e arr 011e Englîob oseekli Posoessed 300000n prbIting shop, iapaig rslet ke gon spîte ot ffl The proneDce given isy tise daily stewspapers to tihe today 01113 C no longer trGe. One pprars eo otal race s go aogh bot groops are dealb Mass Media report of tise Speciat Senate Comittee on Mass gwiDg 30 the tact higber SA e to tohe oes 011e pLsAIrae or ih eýtaytes Mediand he cario cal teling ediaownacqtooinetmend are seeded to ttsirrîg olre se r dhemPos sevce Peamîong Gage problen.' ieia assdOv tiseir aindoi railat anlit mediat Donssersin of amrv lare rsmeotsts an escalatîog Qoebec, witb tewer daî PMt ufruael elce a icuetescio nPesa poptere 3as bttset of regiooal weeklies oî00io tîve to prToduction costo. torospapepo than otb he seekly -s-wpapier btusiness. satoral cocentration aod en0ear o'ebs erig e y ot Th *e thiobtte kiod ot sp ot 01 GtO we tnsi order reaetisat ot oneadeterspodo ont rosoftrliztie tiseininreportsterehfvibenfmegir sftceotralîoatht kidooosoritprovncegadoorks2.8 eor vitis tisose of the seekiv Dewsoapers, tis nespaper bas Bot basic composition a od thrce oeeklies in certaio pcedomiOateo intewel 1he0to' eki aepreda snsOar ofteiatiseeut Cossdgge sid bo t ng 003 taOesae oats The comosîttee Dotes Baom neo faer mndostry "Adthr ad weekly ciBîs bv 7rcetint repa rommoniy eof a te imporat Coîfnie ît i p a o u rOa >0 coame oat neve filae Bere is a trend 10 corporate spirit, aloit the0 imp odratc Fc h o adîm IDekl CIrvolati th omiry rssadtei motn Dyste pin the Cmathes se a eethe Dooersbîp and the use of co- toi tIs country of a vibrant bnie h lGDîg faoeeeabne cimuation. ts a eser 0the operabive pnrodortios tacilities, Deebly press, cooooooity IIIeed cmlibe00e aWnd tavored a fae The nat cmmicteoisedb 0on eii Davem soiher Be pro pna t h nvtocb in tors creates a CiOOAte and operated, deserors Oor greater concr about pre Th Snae omite vra eaedbyth onKethDae hghr hePoprtonlcost. tor tortber concentratin. support.' concentratin h epr aid iolded 14 other members. ObjerO 0f tise Committee wa h vrg ekysrvne Tecnmonttee rrgistered Propose 00ereprt oc ronsider and report DpoD tise ownersidp ansd ront-oi 0f the accordmng toi Canadiao Weely surprise tha0 t ilnake ecrstiols ont u fu s at najor means 0f maso poblir rommousication in Canada andi la Neonspapers Association dirertor e eooc Weeklies osere iooloded on the Plt 0 ssat osmine and report spols thseextent and nsature 0f iler impart A. Y. Macteanm e 72.5 pr seose for central otfset priotiog conviotee's proposai tor a press and influenre on the Canadian puici. cent trom advertîsîog even plns30 sev w kY Doersbîp revîew board to ~~Dl + +seveoper centtromofcrcultaSon Oewspapers osiBlo a 150-oote Implement means ta timît Th ij 4 + + +15.5 par cent fromprioîing anj radios. Already Torono Star concentraton of oeeklies tu tbose res f adlera comprebieDO. tîve per cent froin muiscettasn Co Sa las 11, tOland Poblisig Instaces ol Illich the publiech B l e IsCo Toronto Telegramî bas iDeet oold bet seervei. Threar cos ti 00wekl For aSl these reaisni every soarces. SGggoog national, ad- *e and Thomson ons 14 mneaongnooemaywhe ol sspapers; la Canada with on sneeily edilar faces a continuing vertîsing revenue os one othe nnekl paprs The reot]os 1eBadrdtrmlgon i verall circulonjaaund tisree chailenge talae boBh individojal mont critical problemn taced by wa eek n aatSod Dooel dYDmSb ion. "Andi eavn soss ose and ioraliied siBout becoip the oeekly pOblisber. Catsade g toi c rsev now if The coteek anrede morellli aoy readers, theareport Btate. paroclaal "the repart says. "Tne Raps weekiies oencopapers" fromt Bhe giants. Ibmn a tbird ofthBe comtry's ohen yoo complete Th1e rommittee offered simple tart is tlat G g00d1Y fine conittee rappedl the Tbere 0s an admisson Englîsb speakiog ocelîs do ot y-pryg-fr lUncismns and some suggestions numbor don't moite tl." oeeklîes tor flot sboomng greater bowever, Obat concert about belong to Bhe CGandian Weekly YDrplygms.i r the weekiies, relaI-Pod tc, as 1The coDlnIttee soggests liat sales effecbiveness obro tbey fen-er oeekly voîces is a to- NeCopAper Asoociation. tt otes otith a bG1r fashion ecmuiypesintethe weebly mesae o aesc od sales story t. edged mlord sonce trequentoy with1 concern tbat declioiog from. sgthy report. survive ooly if i0 bas enough tell. Ilaly veospaper poblisbrrs bave membeesbîp is prooarily Bhe Th1e pronourced emplasiD oD adverbising bol ita Doroival reatly Crculation data of tbe weeblies the reoorces ID opgrade a fallîvg away of nmalter e moai sCene iD mnderîtaodaby 003' very important if its pOPsOit la a confosed and conboolaf papernsovvpall qoalîoy. DTspapers ot abl1e tomeet Bhe 3 L . D . rieedo by a merp marked of aifvertlsing becoDneD an end in pîctce, Bhe repart states and il NeId for! i endesc Asoociationos tees and called tor Fa h o B e~ oef dividuatismn on Bhe itarIf. must 11e Sorted out la Bhe tiest fo 711oat h usde frii ido rt of boB obhsbers ad Cosi-prie sqneeEe terests of ail. Tneo borndred asd 13ecmmîe On on 011e toodeeo Oî îdo rt Of publsher and Cost-ricesqueze C A enecoîlo e ooprisîogty membersh P. Id ung itDrs. At th1e risk of Unlîbe the daîlîeo obere fortv-se'en wclaes lalong to mnartîcojate" obro I carme O Bhe Noted AC a s' tbe growt of seratiîl g, Cnada's oseeklies ownershîp oao cnmpored aimait Bhe Audn Boreau of Circcolations problem of increased ooboclao orelîo "Wît out repreDent the more laBte saineashaving a lcence to obich meams mont la national concentration oiBtb te oeetay L u g tservative end offBe mmutrYs pront poor oon money Bhe repart advertîsers, bot l0s critîco paint pobliolang field. Neoertbeleos Bhe >rtrom and roral wosebtes l cmncedes the nation's wreihes ot 0i measores neospaper committee sboeed th1e concern tcolar tend lai renles Bhe are caugla in a os-price squeeze ciculation not qoalîty. pot toroard in a brîet by Bhe oeos conservative leaingo of ot entirely ofBteir ownmailing. Onr ot 011e great vîrtoeo of edîton of th1e Marbbam ~ " - - ir readership. Net retrn to theaverage weekly Canadi an eelieo Bhe repart Economsî and Sunobîcb states- -Ailtorials seiom taite a ononer ns les on m e B er Pi Ma n Sf uu: #~:-~ yzeM -i -' NELOS atALFONSO'S FRUIT MARKET NISNS"SUPER SWiIL" GRANN GOOSE r viu uur LARGE ICE CREAN fLL.:,«.SahfioMacaroniP 9. ONE QAOT 7 (PLASTIC) REG BRAVO 1 .79EA. REG. FOR39 TOMAT 7P99 BUT OIE CET TM O ASTE T 7T99 OIE FREE RAVO2 P. PoI.d TOMATOESoo N 99C MAXWELL RAOAR ZTN NOUE OFEE Carnation MiI BRAVO DRINKS HOS U r E REG. 2 TAL T TRI UC POGE PO LMI iITINS , GRAPE DR ORANGE - PON K.TO A CUSTOMER 2S U Z I E 330 99 REC D ,IZ TINSSM EG Z JAVEXBLAC 69,c IVORyFO DSME Mze 75C GAEAMediumEggs 3 o 990 rR,A Creamery Buffer 66LIS QUALETY RED 0R ULUE BRAND BEE5 FQa YOQ#qiJOYMhhifr FE LA RSFULCGT COLEMAN'S CRYDVAC PREND LEAN MEATY Stoewing5 Oc Round 89c Cottage tic Spairo 2 c Befg La. Steaký IqqLbRoIS -L. Ri LE FRS ENLOIN CANADA PACKERSPFRESR PREND Pork LEAN RACE LB odhge MAL EFASRE C o p 5 5 e C P e a m oa l PISsa o h ss L hELEA hos LE- acon a-LD q Moats c FRESO A PETER MAPLE ECE MAPLE LEAP CDIL L CHICKES WIEN PAC 1 PoIish ausago 9 MA PLE LEAPSILICED MAPLE LEAF -.DE. I N.PL STYLE)I L. Sid e Bacon v c 3 FRESH PRODUCE AND VEEOTARLES lO ADD ZfV TO D** ALS NO. ONTARIO ARGE FRESDP FRM CRSP FENRFRM IMEOCANI FENO1 SASZ 2S Cooking NO. 1 UAA NO OUS.A. Onios LElTUCE TOMAIGES CELERY BA 2 DD3O 25 L 2DCE 39c FR0010 CANADArPANCT MACINTOSH FLORtDTOM VIE ETCDGRTLAND GAPEFRUIT 10 65ç JAPPLES 5I345 B AAS5L Acye S@,I, lope , S3IT 300D WeerehR t O OOtm , Itfl Rt lan Bie for lis nt île ng ty ot s [J bonik tlon charge. - Rioiog costa are a problem for The Cavadia ChovpovI Wedvesday, Decemher 16, 7970 iCanada i ce soîl 1e oisb 10 keep Be Sonce 1964 tenrate of grow of oneeklîesmtfbe bandooQas aiQý^ dvefrbtsîoreeitofaweekiles French spalmg majnrity. laho ouarp a a of any Olleatto daailes ciBer types of newsopaperi or la amBter tacet of Bhe report parindicats, the greatest part Be. committee n0000 Buait daiiy attribotabe ta loal retait ad- nesispaper publisbers bave oerbisig. Four fartors are listed nobced Obat weekly papars are Olacb ceritribote la 0the retaît mnd mn many cases bave Beý oteengBhofBte wekbies poteontiat lt become, very t. A groncing preterence of profitable enterprises. Weeklieo Corne retaît advertîsers for Bhe partîcolarîy in the targe seectivity ofcoverage provided metropotîtan areas arr by ocebties. beginning to pose a Bceat t. fie 2.Gotincruao.'M retail advertisiog receîpts of ocircu lation.gotho he daity oeospapars mnd al Ocoir atienoo e g retrta circultion. as ro ben eoe eaerti Bmg This bas renotted in 1te g3ot ov clietog. cs d v l p e t o a e t l y o e o r e d o c în g c e t r a î n a t o n o f fort oftgroop ownersip were conPsg and prînîlof pobtîsbers of large daiSles atso Operationo. prodoce oeeblies mnd the to typas of papers compete for Bhe 4. The applicaion oft e advertising dollar. Poar dailies tecbnotogy to redore cuisis -the Kitchener Weaterto prliîîacilth e offset process. Rtecrd The Toronto Tetegram 'Me devetopmneit of offset Toronto Star mnd Montreat's laý prolog, tise repart States, las Presse are nvolvedin bhs typeof g en renrned fril e teamly group ownership newspaper uty s 03vewo poblis, a tact leb the Coomittee cotdot Final Burlington

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