6 The CandienChampion, Wensday, Deceesher 16, 1970 MilonMinorHockey jju2eeleaue h By John MeLean Laogridge and Pat Thompon NOVICE drew one assist each. Guy Rebekaus Look a furmer grip on Marshall sporled flhe slrufout bld frst place as flsey dumped Beech by Scott Reed as Marshall repfred 5-0 as MrkeMurray fired apar of forl'oofracson a sooeffort wrfh goals. Ed GaefoCfftHart and fessfbhaufour mnutes remaning Jahn Aselton added surgiles white wn thre gaine. BRcky Aselfos dreso a trio uf Pro Wee assrsts. AlfonouCrisci picked up Brad Gillis srured luise in flue sluoutout for flue urmosers. learlrag Fay Plumbwng tu a 5l-1 Carl Capufu made o miolulue urr ocr Figg Plumbiug. Malheur on hio lreakauray and bits goal Berry, Richrard Norflrcofe and gave Fremes a 1-t srcfory oser Mrlle Stfford added une goal Domrrsion Hardware. Scott aprece whrle DannyZazratta sel Waflus hiadt as easy tuse ino p rlrrer of flue goals. Mark regrsîerurg hir shutouf whitre Kendrck scored aChrarles Kerr Mike Slsepherd ru rhe Hardware pales lui accotan for thre Figg goal. goal 'as orucu luorer us hrts fears Doo Rrddell and Scott Earfy urus outsuof 14-3. each scred fuurce wn leadiug Huld second spot Porter Marloe lu a 5-1 vlcfury Mowbr'y's kepr hold ofecond ocr McCuarg fusurauce. David spot o'srh rller 5-f drubbiog of Arbîr. coorrled thre other Porter Poolsaco. Norur Flemrugfou led goal whrte assrsls reuf lui RiddeUl threFuelers wrlha Pa rrofgoals furrue, Early, Doug Herpel aod usd an usorul. Single markers Doug Waters. The McCoarg goal corne fror Slepberr Cule,' Brad was scordby Brad Keean from, Nadaliu aod Davrd Flewrrrglos Wayoe Day. Mueras McPlsail, Mark Heu Hurt urus flue one mus Novice B's win two big games y. L. Robertson Novrce B Loepech,fBlsllGoscu, andDoug hoc ,y club worslwo gamesflrîs l.orscy. oeek, eomrcwng Adtos 6-2 and Ausisîs edgwg Georgetorwu 2-1 wn a Glco Young, Bilf Goucz asd closcly coul esled gare. Dao Nadoîru aIl umsisled. Brer Acpa scoeed lwrce for lu the Georgetown game Blar Milton ru flue firo gume orîlu ad Lorperic uere lIse scorers. Dwuyue Stark assisfrug busm on Mike Veehulleo usd Mark Curîrs oah tual Othe Milo hore dgouieudung dus esor flue w m e sure See Blar, Ed luto mes Merchants upset Burlington 4-2 Mrlton Merechaufs Je. B's scorcd the recoud perrod oullruslled Burlrugrou lu the lune couufters for Mrlton whbite Mite of14-2 Friday urghl wn Barîruglos Sadler and Gerry Nashr comfled Ilruiasrthe frrstrcrory for Mlon once eachrunlhe fial period. ocr Burlrugloo and urus To turd perod goals offset mfterpeed us a signof u tere closh hrr hreur u flurugs ru corne for the luocal club. Pars Huegrses Chrleif rai Mecuus lulle rrl statua Burluugrou lu a scoreles ie ru tretfresfpeeîodmadftheu punmped 'fes Roberts lururd uuray 33 ru f uo goals urrîlso 1f seconds of sholo for Mrlton urlile Peter eucluollueronfhe secoud peerodlto Crobre baurdet 29 oluota tue pull allead. Burlrsgîoo. Meechuors are Scurers travellng to RPIand Corel for Hou Shepluerd mnd Don Hearos exhrbirion games ibis reelueod. Welders on hot streak wvin three, tie one AI1-l ie uîlu Guelph ou Smnday au assool uguwnsf Georgetown ru ruîerrupred ohul wuod hase lue 4-2 urru. been a loue ame urmursu streuir Hevro Hourden, Pele Rota, Tim foe Milton Hd's Weldrng Per Peurson and Stepluas Me- Wers. Caîcluron ussrsted. Erie Hilisun The Weldees clspped scooed lue only Milton goal in lue ('lurguassoos: 1-t mnd Preston f-0 Guelphu gome. last ueek and Ilueu topped Georgerown 4-2 Feîday hofore lue irwt- Guelph.Aeol Hope to avoid Rod Gloding crdieo goal front Perc: Capuo ogamol . luhulgaouwte 0ra ilo MB delays goteshuot lu au eft to lu peed OP Hoas suaoat appescas îeom Ontario COu'ss Movro earsed a shulool Municipal Board, Hsqoeurog agaist îPeeo o 'das ller oUncriI bas decrded 10 uBour Stose M cCuVohurv scseed toIse clerk-loeoaoee Dulonar Frenchu pl. Day hahhu anrd Dose to ele applicatioso uhle Tucsrrs onurter singles. b haord office ru Toronto Asssoas vinfoHEricHlliouand porsonlly rmltead of mailing IOod Gssdrog tus euh hitOe Ohem. single ossrsts oeul 10 Du> Disslubedaouotllueomousl ot .MoGîis. Dere Il rifhl. Kes'm tr laîcslincontcorojecu Houder avnd Peter Hotu. os accourt of deiuys lu OMO Ovoro ts uppeools. depoly-eeeve Tom hoodos Dav uos er soed Hill suggested Me. Frenchlu e tsurce %viloes r, llsoovand Rod scasedithesme and espeuueslto Golrding each sced a oaI oald delîser applications. Milton boys star at RPI Sf Milfon buoys areut seltrurg the sseld ou lire w Milton, the> ae dougssodljofillmwTroy N. Y. Dout Heaess and Tom vear flure accsrdiug lu a 1u Copals. au assoco ate ot Reuseluer Pololeclunîcstulte hockey clubh In a tome turs urcrk Dsrrg ffeurs scosed tee goals andma amols mnd Gmdug prched opa goal and au assfs leadmng lue club toi a t-.3 wwn ovoe Merryeuuck Cailege. Maue beadlses Accordingtol Capufo lue Troy pape-s carry lueudlueo "Milton beys irad Rpf" on mn amost s-eglar basrs. Hears scos-ed six goals in the lasi four games. T7hep're cousuf ou flue gang bustiers," says Capuoo Miltfou Marchants are slated Il play RFI Freshmes Dec. 19.' Thre Mes-chanta wll leuve Milton fus-a t- the foo'sshîp's peoposed fire hall has hecun delayed luecause ohjectosuee o dsly Identified Refer letter to county A lelter lo Luseuse public school princrpl Raipu McKeown requcsfwng Hoqueswng Couscis cosderuiron oftuprocemrnslo t-o shouldersof s22 Srderoad na lue schoml, orill te referred ta counuy coucril 'Meurideeoadlus taider lire iurisdicthon ufthle couly. Me. McKeouu lud requeufod lue usaposemeufo at a preclous cocil meeing The Cottage hmn Steak Huse Es-, n ta. uen , usaW Tri-County 'Or'-Couor Minrru oeye ne point '. ts r uOack a luespakndin's fon goals &0e gro on- guiChnua.s os goa apleuld ay 010 spoilk Aan Cieppceu Opfour gols sulrt 1 1 anBdddananis OoOl sho tthe filibfr a in Hs oal 497mpe NOVIE urBS 'O'- Mdlou Polrce Asuocruf Serice 1-1 w 0u usy 0012 oPutfr Hriiuuee mnd u fam eorfossBraponoo 1 1 o ol eseryn meoal ric utle Garm Milonr r 4 1 O Logveed w olue soelu. SRgbe o-ingo r r goals cme tonm Ruody Mteruyt Gortown s Esol a t rou e Sv shuol iauun GueclhsO Ruudy m Healu,, Dur Scff 1îk 1~uo Miltoe Pce Assciedati , -1in EOF.S"O" 21iý themdesRdayMugh cnestyi The oMilto 612! wiufroeucluusd urls atem or usî, ..ous roue0 Breuduu Memerf thd Heufl u rington 1 2 O r fiud i he sior F Srileu sruosoul 2 4 r o Gesle r ru s r bIsli sandu sp rie rlruRo As s oooror s Pere gvc oRu uihadmerefiay 0sruo ov oE rE "85111 Kridr Je s cee fad ur îceh a 1 Chr ecl hiands l es -l r oer osurinoso o o Broes' Bomluees. Wuiy Heath 0 uio r1 aMuke We Wilon Fardl Joait Baptos 3 006 Nohr red ruieou wuieîGoueoh 2 01 am s ueofut o ble , Abn uss Georgo wn 1 Duc nuurdFeauDanuJensed .ileelos o IlIll Jo de ynscored he c goulA f"A"rs~îe Bromurie oncelu le i teom ed Hrct 10 1 O 20 CHrllee'ins htode a Beust oer Bra apt 9 0 i lu w ieBmber s «ler tru su us lue lon 9,uo0o Noib lle cre urlume luelet ('i., ..eoo so assist Roluerf Farre us a lue ile s uncand r an galk trom. KesrdHýcc Wulouudeiluyue.Nom ,OsOlO 2 4 2 Moycheu lced lue Hgerualu o -. lue ures camh el rom Brce 0100n b 0 Os Il Lambd Ruudy Mueeuy l Srul as cOo the 1 uReastsis u reul 10 uouy, te tue11l "0" o Jensen, Mîlue leslie, Jrm Beise md Bobu Bye. MIDGET Srolures' Tre Service edged Hareris Stafrooery 2-i au lue 'iemeu opotled flue Hurrscceu " goal ieud and lluen fred lluom on "goal hy Bobu Bell urit lubelpi Ieow Raudy Houdro and Alan Aryr. David Fisher scoredluhewiuuiut goal ou a puos trom Pete Mubnelu. 'The Harris goal o as scored luy Jack Roberton Ieom Marc Hyul f mnd Mers Bull. Kmugll'u oulused Pigment 6-4 m Sleve Kuoures sowed theeuviy wrlu a por of gouls and au asst. Bb Hnomes, Hddiue Ford, Lee Fuoler mnd Sfoce Clarkue sced lue oluer Hoîgut goals milu amios g0oigto1 Douo Mauuu luee fuses, Lawrrence Cargil twIse , and Milke opes. Pigment couuleos came teses Lucruso stuerorato, Ray Mays, Steve oakson and Bb Slruger. Sngle assîss lavent toMazzorulo, Sîrruger and Laoey Johnoson. Bilo' Auto Body deuluhed luo Sper Savers 7-3 as Hugeue Miler ied a tro ofgoals and addeduaparofasist. Grahuam Riddeii scoeed lurrce and singletons came foom Dou Leoie mnd Geue Holdrdge. Helpees lue lue urruros urere Ben Nyhoil t-rer luses, Frd VuoDerFliel, Herno Murtim., Dieu Mureuy' Hlarold Soles and Tom Hîfrol. Super bave snrpeos more Mark Rrddell, Gary MacDougal, und boire Wilson. Assiols foe lue loseeo oeut lu Beîuro iyous and Van McFluuîl tmrce oucu and singles fonm George DurcIr and luephen McCam. Cons ider incr for election %A Au rocrease ru mages for dcpoiy oetromsg otîrcers and pol cleehs and thue pomilurily of huiluug un advuuce poil ursll prolualy reeise Hsqueslng .'oncil' s covsideealrou neot Ai Monday's reguluo cosuri meeting, depsly-reeve Tom Hi poiuled ouI depufy retuerng olfîcees and pol cleolus couid bie urohou for leso ithon tlue usnimum uruge. Poils are open from inuthemorninumil erght aioighluandoe coufrng oflen tates up as addritiooai furo lu lure urss. Deputy resooîsg officers sn lasI Mouday'o townshrp electros mere pardua fiat rate of $20. Poil cleeks eecerved f17. Cieeh-ireaouoee Doimar Frenchu suggested lue advauce J. FR.Curnle 0-.. OPTOMETRIST_ BUffLINGTON MALI TELEPHONE 6,32-7788 Standings Noart h OakviIIe bocks Day Burlin ton JUVENILE12 24 Il Min. 8 3 il Brann tu. 1 1 1 7 lý1 11-11MIr Atla TOP9CORERS G R, Evans, M 12 .Iý silo., Ge 8 E. Duncan, BU 10 D. Irons, GE 10 B. Heppes, GE 8 ,Anderson wins mayoralty Final figures shou oeh Ouk- mandate 10 continue as mryoc. llosy Baseetî. Burreil hea colle oîcco would have prefeed Fusoe Glies, Dem-Buuke Dceu-Boo inesecy lreou auoew oioyoe wsleu luey meuf lu l the reese's ruse flue north mllu especraiiy srogsupport luemols lswelu Allait Day urarduras splifbutfavored Bl Word Four. polled 382 votes cumpa-ed toi 20 Gdllres luy tour votes. Glifflen Richard Day led the pois fo ou tueur ut Mayor McLean polled 463comparedlad 59 for 0111 cosumlcllor lu Ward Ose suffl 5f Anderon and 248 for Lurie Missin. Mamaon won thse rare voles. Innooluent Duon Go-do Musueil, in lue Ward One Bas urben votes fs-or lue urbale ruer uras re-eirrtedl elil 5M votes meluh ut Higuuay 5. urere maufoed. Ken Odes reeived support tei T'rerest fuf0avile dido't qaltte Ward One Ibreur leavy nappos-t 295 peuple mnd Jacku Hardnsa oerlurings tauray tuugh. 'Me brblud GemB Dreur-Brmlu wilu faulied 189 votes lu tbe tirs fous guse Anderson a strupa tif votes compared rui 327 for mnalysis. C.W.L., Knights of Columbus provide tour, Iunci For lue if lu year Oaluviile Hlughfo ut Colambrus and lue Caluolic Womeu's Leaue ut Milfon and Distriot bave juinel efforts fa provrde a grand ut. teomon foe resrdeuls ot Huifon Ceuteuruil 510000. Hooglufo of Coilumu soora sceofic bus ride for lue senior crtroems sulurh termilsatu Huiy Booaey Hall. baforday aftemn urles lue grup arrirel uf lue Hall luey sues-e greted by lue Caluollo Wumeu's Leagor and loeuted ru a figullindu and au ulteruos reeralumeuf. 0MB will hold fire hall hearing Outarro Municrpal Board urli flue fours ut Georgetourn advssbg defrurtely heur oljectios lut the lhem 0MB approval bas bers proposed construction ut doiayed uy flue obujections and tf Esquesrug towushsp's urur trre uppeosal isuof; granted uritlulua bail. Only imo obujections base reusouaule leugfh uftfime ueon recorsrd. Esquesiup repeeseufufiors wuld Ai Mouduy'o eeguauecouuril lrheftoblerusrfedtofthe meetiug ut meetiug , clerk-freasarer Deirurr urfoc Georgelourus f1970tu Furench urus rust uced fumewrie buudgerrisdruw up. Successful sales fromn "actiont' ads 11f0 aul uatctrou, place youc havcebeeuurorb.lngmriiturormay mressagemwhereeilmwiidothe mos udersers urbo recogulue lue good and peocoke thue mort uriat ad page as a buudy, respoose. ruespensre, luurdururklug Thul usrum, serus lu drucriue salesmus. ('huropros clumîtîred ado, for flues Big response For instunce a luuby pramn ease fees udvrteefd iu luof melus Chuampion urus sold lue sm rsgr flue ad appoerd. Anuluer ~orkers udserfrsee reporfed a good response toa "for suie" ad listing pol Depufy-eee Hill seuid lue a sourreobile and lue bad su lhught sucu a poil sluald lue blei roule urlliug tlue machirne. uithIle townshirp office. This peur's eiecflou cosl lue Cure ru fry a claurifid? CaSl townslurp a fotailu of 60 . 87-2341 and us experienurd ad-. tukerurdlh elpiyou ururdyuur ad. Stve Gervais ibock in nbarbering H' oued ru mvifl Jan Zorolman and mould be happy fa uer ail his ufé costomers and frieods as ref i as ururposes. Drop on andi sou Steve ut Zurolmau's Barber Shop. 158 MAIN ST. MILTON Mono 1, prograi Ente-saloment Amung tbuse perfurmlug urere bap dancer Melui-Lisa Cescon, ruglmd daucer HUe Calons, mnd Dunmus Gaetmn un the ac- cos-drut. Huiy Rusury grades serre and erglut girlo choral grup sang, grade tise yungsters sqpure dauced and grade nix students pot ou a safivify play. Mos. Robert Traynur arnd Seau Briggsurere leacberslun croge uf lue program. BSam Milla sues ail luls eriends a Me-sy Churistmas jand a Happy Resu Vear. In lieuof Chrstmas Cars-d, a donation la belug made 10 flue Cancer Fond Strlctly for the blrds CO-OP WILD BIRD FEED tmllee a tstu 50 enrnulsiCn ien 10 rd LB. n .95 l 6 L B il LB. e 2.39 25 LB. 50 Mill 4.3 o 5re B L Jasntan GEDRGEOWN87-211MITO Milton Chamber of Commerce DECEMBER 1970 MILTON CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HOURI day Tuesdav Wednesdav Thursdav Fridiv S 9 P.M 15 9 P.M 10 9 P.M. 7 9 P.M. la 9 P.M. 21 22 23 24 25 2 9 PM. 9 P.. 9 P.M 6 P.M. CHRISTMAS DAY BO 28 29 30 31 1AUR 1 6 .M, 6P,101 6 P.M 6 PM. 1NEWARS DAY - I. t il in or Il SANTA SPECIAL METEOR 20" PORTABLE T.V. uo Elwtrourt Wilh "Instavu', powrer transformer, t hp-dowu cluass is, uraloot vinyf trier, earphune jack, UHF toer FM soud, dipule antenua, one year warrautp on parts aud labur. O1ILY1 995 TOWN ACOUNTRY TV RI. 3 Milton 378-4833 A P Il 22 1 4 22 Il 21 il 21 13 21 't4zel > tCý - ~ 0 The urusi néibo maup Thue criigi for lb lengf l The lu10- te lac Pasa degre part editur grieri do speelu partielr 5r r Ed f ;t cs partisu Ward >WE aparet Dn uait PRISE lollors: .99 REEVP. 3.99 hOunbor 6.99 Gadiagur DEPT, COMMIS 78-2391 lu urot huame Mori urag BfOARD t-eparat, Priesbnr Clobecy Dasrdmon Cf OUNCI Word I aturday îlyckmu Ward 2 Foufor Rogers Word 3 Mes. EU. Ward 4 Biwd Carter Ward f Jeolumo 9 Was-d FlemIn Patience CLOSED 5t5iaucbtll XING DAY Wilson Ward 9 jJANUARY Sutherlaud llavidscol EPARATE Ares lir 15P. M. O'Brien Engllsh