C6 Thte Caeadion Champion, Wedeesday, Deceniber 16, 1970 Drumquin Bethel U.C.W. members elect new executîve liy Mes. Ceeu Patiersan Thte Decemher meetingi Baithe U.C.W. cas hetd on Dec. at aie home aI Mms. Ratp Featiteriton niai 17 adaîts an sxcildeen gatiteemg for a o mealat 12.30 p.m. sevedy Mrs c. BaI aod Mrs. L. Chamiterîmi Mes. W. Haris peesident na in charge for lthe meetmng chie fltomed. The Sheme "Cheal camne to us On our henaiers" a shoneil han ditterent peopl celeheate Christmas, Frs rendr mas Mes. R0. Featheenlas aie story St. Nîcit Oies the as tlare troul. This mai follocesi b, snigcar ni Anay sin Manger. Rail cati Mes, c. Bail,' gave a readm1q Fidn Eldoreado. Mes J. Pict canteihatei a eeading Harem ta Haehoavs and St. Anthony. Mers L. Lister read.-Christmas aîaii Union Station. Carats mers enjoyed heiceen each eeadcng Rail caîl i A Cheisinas thaaghi oaa meli anscered. A lettr ai aianitncas read from Rev. ansi Mes. Keith Haches for aie gifi peesenledon theie leavingandae lester Iran Mes. R . R. Fard fas flomees. cards and tindnessni hee recent passîng aI hes hushand. Handle bisss A halentf mes claahicg and aie otite gîlîs neye la b taites ta Fred Victor Mission,Toronto. A donation of$25. manltahenentiao A.R.CHaenhn andaihe feiendstip cmite eeta look aîlee seeing carda and gifîn ai Christmas. Mes. Wood anA Mes. Lister weeeaamed toi okafler lunch foe S.S. concert Dec. 13 15 mas decidei Sa apply foe meanteeshîp foe flt Steips foe mse in Sunday School ansd U C.W. meetings. Mesatees hasy The teeasaeesereportlshomed thermemteesthaveteenhasyaid they are la, caSer foe meddingn cn Fetaey andI March. It mas mîlh regret the resîgnalian oI Mes. W. Hareis, president foe te pont yeae mas accepted. New esecotive fo e7 Si cIndes pasi peesîdent Mes. Harris. peesîdenî Mes. les L ister, Seeassrer Mes. R. Featheenlan, Asrelaey Mrs S. Mebisien, peagran secreaey Mes. C. Featheeson. feiendship Mes. c. Bail. Mes, t. Chanbeelain, Selephone consenee Minn G. Feathersan, craille rall Mes. R. Stewart, manne cammîllee ceantees are Mes. S. Ralpit andi Mes. C. Feaaieestan. Repeesenlalsees la officiai oard are Men.A. Bai aid Mes. W. Harris, Semcng andi supplies cammillee inelades Mes. W. Haris and Mes. T. A. Leslie, aaiees ave Christias mîisnîanary educatîn Mes. P. Meeey,' Stewardsip and acaions Mes. A. Bail. The meeting clasesi mth aie tenedcîsan. .lanoaey meeting Stet e eldaaie home of Mes G. Bail. A gîfi aI crystal hasi teen poechased and presenled la Me. andi Mes. Wayne Pîcitî. (haret mavstîp ansi white gili mevc as helsi as elethel an Dec. l3i10 Ianm. Lie Donaldaof Onts-ille, mas lise guent minînlee. Iallasing aie servsce ail ad- laaenedlal he hasemen. For te annuai Christmas concert ii each clans connribtng one or mare nontees, childeen parents andicangeegation meveseelcomesi ho Rocs Waeii. assistant supeuenden a 11.15p.m Ste icdergarlen clans mite Wintry driving accidents Driving combioSns weren'tte test ocer thse neekend andîteree separaîe aiccidients ini Sown resalles inc a toSai cf 13.30 poepeety damage. Os Frsday a car deseen Sp Devis Burke aI Danias careenesi off the oad, seoclsa guide pont aid roilesi ocer in a Ilch. The dier cas sol itjue ansi damagelaotecarvoaestnatei ai $1,00t0; pIon $10 S the guide ponit. Milton Police Depaeîment inenligalesi. Maaislaeed Twnccars weeaisamcavlvedin a ctoliional tecorneeof Branle St. ansi Base Lice Rd. an Surday. Cars drives ity Paul Jit, 143 Town Lne and Ricard Morley of 10.10. 1IMilton neye inles in th ae arcisient. Me. Morley cas slighlly cjared hut cas cal laiten la laspital., Total damages neye eslimated aI $1,250. anlther tws car collision mas eeported Baiday at Octavia Si. aid Campbsell Ave. A car deinen hy Ken Elsley oI Campbtell Ane. saitainie $10 damage citen il masi mecîvesi i a collision miita veice drives ty Mern B nf Hornty. Na injuries cere reported. For ainar accidents neye alo reporte ibais cenis. teir tracter Mes. Des Wilsnn if sang. Radalpi tee Resi Nasesi S Rende ansi Happy Biday la hl Jesus ansi Jingle MIlls. Wayne i Balny mas lthe red nosesi n renndeer, Joanne McMdllan mas s.Sanacina sedand ailnoe anllnrniae epesent eîndeee. sThe Janiorpanary claso led tl hy Mes.Harris andiMary Lou ilBaiiey,Steaciters sang "Tmas aie si mate telore Chrismas." r The Senior pranary eachters t Mes. N. Flemunglon Mes, il. n Miltan led anci chîldeen cn t playîng Jingle Beils as a rhtam batnd. Thsnsenioe ciass taugt iy Mes. c. Bail ansi Del Woodi gave seeal readcngs; aie Chreistmnas slary by Deeit5in Melaug ana sansea Wood, nitile Michael Flernicgton ansi Douglas Rainat reasi the Shepherd's teoughts aI Christmas.I ithe closing scnne ab cared scandlnn and sang"It came upon aie nsinile cleae." Many carmin cern enjoyesi teeasgiotateprogeam. tante areicrd and disrite aie gifla. A social lana mas oteercei mite ail nnjayinig ht siogs, ie ream coffee and fruit juce.Nearly one hunsied mere prensenit for te festivities. Gel cr11 Gel metl nîshes Sa Darlene Woodi uta s in Part Ceedil Rospital lollawng a car accident andi Sa tee sintr Denine Wood a patientinc Brampton itospîtal. Cavolys Bonar celinited tee sent iteday eecently ity entrsaining atout ta yaang fiends al a irthday lancitronai non ansi laIe ail hasi fus ai te bowling allny as illreelsvîlle plana. W. 1. meingi The regular meeting aI Deunguin WlI. cas iteldsi i th- tome oI Mes. Wyllîn an Tunsday, Dec. t mite nin nemitees presenit. Mes. Ralpit Fealtherston residnlmnlcomei ail andi peesisrd. Tie rail cail cas annores iy OPht Chitmas mrans la me. Cash donations cern gîcen la lte Canadian Menal eaithAssociaionsandiSo tee Gaksilîn Citristmnan teazar la ui n ringing citeer Sa te neesiy. Carsis are la te sent la aIl post nemteen cita are no in ibis distict ansi la aie sîcit. Mes. Wiliams Aldersen ansi Mes. Tom Aldesan centrs mita ave eesiding near Brantfor ee oriennei gusti fo ne his speesal meeting -Christmas cavaIs cern enjayesi ansi raci g ave a psem oe eadsng mîit te Chitmîas tene. A deliciaa lnlchitof alitinssof foodien mas second h, lthe itosîrss. Thte .lanuaey mengi nill te ielsi aS lthe home of te preusident tympalhy rsteadrd Synpathy is eslendesi la Miss I Gladys Feathrnîn an te possing of tee anly.btee Wisîtes ai Tarante Mer Feaihrrsîan farnrsionîtherSsit i f.inebefoe goingto the ity. He is surei ity fils aile ansi sistires.Mes.GeoegrGssn.and i Mes. Beelce Healley of Kitcchener. Iniernent mas in Bethel cernetery. Sympathy is esSne oS Sione s wotmoars lte passic g of Ernest W-of a Gakitusle, tie is sarnies iy tîs mile aid lthee daogters Mes. Ralpt Fratteeston, Mes. Margaret Mareom, Etlieland Jack ai hoeme aid grandchildree. Choir cnertl lise aissial Chisatmas Caral service as Percy W. Merry slea" waa enjayed hy an onerilew attendanoeaof parensa and frleiids an Ttaesday Dec. 10. Cavoldi and sambers by tise chairs with thse reading of tise -tIcce hy principal Mr. Kobiey. lui siodents paeticipating wr tinated bo pop and a coatie by ths Home and ilehool Associatian. Hiappy biettidays go ta Stusart McMillan, Cathy Course, Gssen Baîley, Kathleen Joneseand Raymond King. FORTHE FIRST TIME on skis Young CameronMcprarlsne of Oatviie did Weil. Bat even aies tie hail hia ups aid doces. Cameron cas among tise early visifars toi Oies Eden Bld Club ai Kelso titis wetkend. The umea plans to te open in foU swinig Dec. 19.--dOafO Phtoe 216 Main St. Milton OPEN TMUeS. Im FI. MUlETS TO O Pj IJNSAFE MOULDMRS a aSSw-covoeed rad ahbouldoea are dereptive, warna the Hmultan Automobile Club Uise extreme caution chen it la for an emergencyta aora maaSn mayid a cuisent, drsea co ather hasard. Best alternative la te, lnak for an apparent turnoff, as a coantry rasit ar a diecay tta cleared. -Loslang fer Chriatmua cash? Yy a Champion "for sale"a ita sell iaswanted articles. MILTON il NSWUINS I ~~SERVIcE Is CONFlOIENTAL I * PERSONALIZD 878-2020. MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS sn puais citecks, or stripes. Short or long siennes. Sites Smal MEr Large adEtaLarge $4.0 8.00 MEN'S BROADCLOTH PYJAMAS le plaie, stripes ar ail oner patterns. Sites B, C, D, E 5.00 U MEN'S CAR Titis Christmasc sweater in the la made by Warr Tommy Knigit L DIGANS give humn a cardigan test style asd colars n est, Pesmans 7.95 UP TOUGNIES STRETCH DRESS SOCKS Yaur chasce ai nylon and cnmbed caftan nr 100 percent 2 plpstretchnylnn. Plainaorpanel designs. Fits sizes 10-13. A perlect gi. 1 .00 PA IR FORS YTH MOCK TURTLENECK PULLOVERS Perma Press no iran, loeg steeves. Camers navy, gnid, brawn andi green. Sizes Sanali, Med. Large and Entra Large. 7.00 GIVE HUM A TUE In the newest patterns and styles. Hani yoarself 1 .50 UP s-n or fie il ME N'S BAN-LON PULLOVER V-Necit Style wîth cantrasting stripe arnand neck, plain colors, navy, green galal and brick. Sîzes Scoali, Med. Large and Entra Large. Long steeves. 6.95 BOYS' FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS FaIlcut heavy napped floral ar paisley patterns. Sites 8 tn 18 yrs. 3.50 PAI R WATSON'S LADIES' TAILORED LINGERIE Tite standard or qualitp. style le panies or briets. Sizai Sesail, tted. Large Onersize or Entra Oversize. FROM 1.19 up r or siz. ILLS UES' WEAR 878-9541 IUNTUL CHRISTMAS GRA? Purpe cas E shows G fa Neei RaIson ty rit mente Oas tel tee Des tannin piogeas Seteell Specr Uc mi Th eq district Sthe 1 Pavii Orange Part peesiis in Cale elecîrd Gecorge 'haeans ira ngni Mecit ai Caleion ilatille A SPECJAL GIF For special fniends. Laura Secord Christmas Candies made with sweet dairy cream and tresh country butter. Christmas Candies from ELSLEY PHARMACI 212 Main St. E. 8784492 Mlo iec<i<amiiiieuxa<u<ueec.usse.ueeqe..einuieu . 1. ,Iffleei SEE OUR RANGE 0F THE NEWEST STYLES AND COLORS IN SPORT COATS, TOP COATS, WIND BREAKERS SUBURBAN COATS, JACKETS, SLACKS, BATH ROBES AND JEANS. ONE 0F OUR GIFT CER when In doubt of colo Is sure to pieu FRED MI MEN'S. BOYS' AND LAD p k v --n il 1 eplan