Ekampîonrt A tîresome gczmer ta ey mil hili. if Edasat dlidnt oras il lone tie bata. Tsa Mosunt tit1 as I rai acres Wf land ta Sultan it seiti bavean gigantlcaeffact on laud for miles arnsund il, sti Usa raglausi gaverueet lissae ratiy dapauda on seheter tic ni tie jetpart camaes ta Haisun. Tha Provsnciasgavarsmat canant canaidar Use Thranto.Caatrd Raglan raport if Usera ils n clarity ant tise jetpart - n unatter see la santh-caalral Oanai it is lacated, itselll sariannly change tise bluapriat tise province han drswn for futusra davalipunut. Meaashila the spacuintian tisai Sultas seUl ha Usa site grases bisser and stcangar aach day, and rasidensa thUs aotritc tawsesaipi Wf Sultan ara gettissg canceruad. Land specstatian and lraased commearcisl aclivity la Usa uirth Wf Hnltan bava utappad up la ra'eaîseaba, laading us tai haliave Usai sanassie, saunesea, bave saune inside infaounatio. It's about tima Mr. Jansiesan spitiad Usa heass We'ce anausly nseasting ta hec Use naes, hasit gand tir bad. Tis "seastsag gama" lit gettiag caUser titresnuna Edîtorial notesi l. Hate ta ramind tran. but Usera ara Glatd tai sec Usa aawly fanmed Miltan junt savan shappintg days lefi hafara Music Associatioa Chairls Chrcistunas Christmnas. Hast seauku Chsampian seli cancer an soe achs sncca tact seeek. ta caming sut n day ealy au Tuasday, Tisa fas.actag Rotary Club, cassiactar Dec. 22 selUs iens ta help selUs yaac Reg DiCola, ail tha chair uneunhas and lanst-moinsta gi shoppinsg. aUsers seba halpad deserva a standing avatioa fac intradnciag samething . . . franh ta Use musical scaera la Miltas. + + + We WSeds Use chair junt an mach success Premier Jahn Rabarin han baana a nisftreedaos st-ag leader in lo10years aithe hl + + + Wf the Ontaria Pragressiva Actas hnd Use hast vater tarnaut la Canuacvstive Party sud tha Ontario las ,ee' nncpleetanars Gavacauneat. lie laves a bis pair Wf Slta aeksmn cpleetosars situes taoill.wecann ,.n, -icueDr Hlo - aotstanding 46.9 percent Ail ibis spacalatisa collerUse passible locatian Wf Use new fadea jamba jatPortisl gattisg os litotle tiasie.b Trssspart Ministar Dan Jausiesais Îaaunised ta reveal Use prapauedi sites lu earty September. Tisea he came ta *Iltan an Nav. 6 and said Ise'd troakie Use sites public salti twa sacaka. Naw ifs Use mlddie tif Decamber sud se'ea utili thUe dark aver saheteer s Haitan site bas beau chosan ar tnt The tiuly cleuet suggestionau tats utim1etimne acuind the and of theyear as asuameameut seulb hauade. Mfter ail tisa earliar delsys tisera ara no assusrances Use nmister seuil kaap bois sasrd Uses, etUser. Mauwsila tha uncartaunty avec Usa jatpart lacation is helpiug delny dacisiaus as isea athaer rathaer impoirtani estivas UsaI sial affect tise Halan aras - Usa tssae Wf ragia gavamment and tisa passiblilties Wf iunplaunsting tba dasign ftir develtipunut ta the Tarauta.Cenlrad Raglan plus. Cartalnly if n big nae aoirpart is tai ha Plssked domet an 50,000 of- ' a tise eligible cant balltis. That sarI Cosoilos ald-age paaamaers mop ast tocersmest. titther esceasas are mn sight. sremesdaan inflion la 1973. McKecosgi, BuDavs,Rot wih We hacha U s e eisd ui Wf n ctry fau havesa samngmg Christmas, bal tisey casent Do as realize UsaI the gavarnment is rai Patyleadean toding v e saie O talivie test Oahvlte's 45.19 par cet arun Uemselaes sssth Use thoht ai ahat a ta reaon tha cast-al-liring escaltor foreula vaa'd omast thiah t baid sanse kin ofdynmicyetrelabl le tmOu Wa Poibl th toghecen seeofaime thap',regng ta havea tin 191 p ta o orihag f ai2 par cent a pesa for aisticiagsaoats the oite pper. t dan't. pacy eaeran pavdlg is srna tatiaises asiby irbi in lu hea Osera mîtl arase istanit paapsp; ileatoaersaaaceivig Osa suppiemeant ihat l,'a ahnas os mach ion os reodsag A1icre tdWyanc trubaadershp Canada. nrlin.gtnhadtjust uudern a U4tehbascldoapensiaaont b aised framý cmnoa t ilaao tOss aha gel only the Wandei.ad. Yo'dohaost thmh hereaere' Usai John Roberts bas givea. Thera par catit tartinai. Geargetaseas $79n5n a masth lua osmanhiag $80. naleessl ald-aga hasefti.> anelectias camssg op, as ane nos ibas Mr. shasid ha sauna local lutarasin uhUe PC erntg alOtoascoy4,3ofKing isteadacet the hahy banus. leaersip ac wih te osÉüi Uste taws e gibles hathared to ast a Cat yiou see ail tOse mole alil-aga This maasstatssasnifthe aanuaasst tiugati utnon haorWe seo balt. pesasns hasthapgt thefr ffrstsi new o-ilvingsncaaecashes downtena meao Oaaynthe gncaamet sa't trontta Uai Htas tias G rg Knue Wf aIe cheqoea ohe Oend nf Jasoaay' Sta.sut to par cent, Ihase peaple ailI gel Ihair 2 par aitotsianeic htaenlyns candidates for that pot Ose pubhand hiis Ose ehala 42 rst o n as cent sacrease It's iceredibla. Tha dasssmg u rn tetc ta nmpomn + + + aagy. Tssn drootht tars andl a tip for tha ni a nais, golden oge an Canaoiena sacialis'm ssasgtepo.i h ro erass moiter. Say itisn't s, Pierce. + + + Ofeitaedysaba ta-If aou isere go and tord ta ha 75, ynar ddpaîgih ayhssIos Ofte thse dyswe ear f a ibTis i peodace a moral dasoadahaon stondard ai liig mîgbt drap hy astp 30 par Adsaeyagofsotenbabybs. iset1 cidentson the sighwaeysswe inaju are ee eqoallrd sasc the ilsys af Dichens, centalUsUsai maaiucesntescalatoaeclase iOom osOsai.Natheo'rawaaîsio'b ront We hapa Usat eat next year's people bave lais fac praciaus minutes ishen ginsooctesppan caald nt high ina but sn 8amnh o hyr ot 1.Txbe Miltaon municipal absetin s l catiad, tise mille dseuns Wf matarinta driva by a penny, stoard for ais-pence, andl dead Bnt t'a aina isartb aimant ta'a cases ai ber canait seill go facr atine-year tmm ta seiteant ctapping. ta ana case n man dasah foa o shilling. o manth, par chîild 'bis is gaog ta mess o Tbeisbolacauntry îs goîng ta Ill tlUiag sn oret den atfailloesisain'ocnpt the ha is mithealectises acruns Use canty. stappad tai heip an isjurad un and Cat pan sas aIl those olil-tasers ly'ng losoay; Oseras no question abaut tl. Dîd pin bb toto s i as nde as tar aloses'Sîs kids. Ail caunada axcept Mbiltoni apted fac lriad unsccessfsllp for M0 minutes ta aoond in the isnoishoab roray time theîr isnm Ihat o sangla penînar con get Op ta tisele s'oses. taris Wf vscying letigtba ta caiscida gai asiller car or truck ta stsp an ha panson chequar srions' M0 o maOst on soppiement ne up to $135 a witbUshe CaantpeBoaf Edaias .cmald anktlsetscu ca ieandoan moaOswh isbasi caoldage pesionsis Haiseve.aitis thtomeaofceortoitL etectisas la 1570-Miltan figaced amunatce. Wa con nndecstand anme Ajnd ishot abaut the momes' Thep'tt be aneladrd? carao jao tan andl t da sn. lsclaing al reglaa gavecamasi semald ha is farce people daulsewant ta gel "isvalvad" bui marna, S'as hsaa hais isomen suandr tOse paae draîls isba mohe $to,00o o ea tYtiase-làitseasd't bc ncessry t ssrelyteeysesihabeîstpîc masa. 'ra'eist aapt asnnttagaosot TheahrcisnadUte s ea "cos But if tor ,nd tohe hame $7300i ises son't aesd Il c bletostp fr ad hloss the ishote 42centso o plastie dnity sa daciden ta mime o Iris extra bochs thaîr his ta coltege becoose thc ids oin't suld anY faUster elactians. Nase tisai mament tai sec if any help 15 reqairedL ne a asupta of rotins ai pish IodIe papar. Ooellîsr moiha or totoag ss isoing, same get a lin tecoase their parens arr matoag regianal gavecnmet i 18Stniled anitil ni Perhsps tisa hn refana ta stop and 'ltera'It te no holding tilea. eagie-atird socuat isoahea mtl ha Johnny-n- se nact manro. rani 197 sud paasibiy Inter, Miton iseip waiild feal diffecetitly if Usey mare tha-spot, and the sopplemeal mili bc cnt, Datmci sisaild ha mnking plans tai celc lying tisera injurel and nseaiiing mhain ont ose ni the iooits an Ose wshite dolriadolre asta uýins forncin yu glu itn I cnncin l 1971 fac Use year 1972 anly. madical ai..... papea îstrodaced bp s hanenîniant bn aUsea mords, ponoare pagged ot $1,62t o sosaeoelne'i table, for >eass àce.'lpuîioits>0g~5 Dow [] i tisCornerj wiîls roy dlownsJ i' ai lrevar grtttng inIa trouble oser 'allingseomeahpOsteisseag te - seems ittapre a mss 1 cail theri "Mes." mril if lep're marsild i rail ap atllsg Iheai 'Missi." Partapa mIts partip aip habitaif lastaag at raptes ringn (a habit sehich, sa daat, eista my late taassgad paes sea a pi p sizei top a girl sis the tigureanmi tir hsingar Ir ieai). Noadayn, iL uis, airei soesmn otos ga rtagiess, rbdae tee taenagers ara sparting large 'isser " rinsuand it's gatting bardlL ta tl flasch lu seh saiti a qniak glance. Anid il alsenys sees liba t'in pung a kg biser wea i goaL an s wosan:s marital saisu. Usualîp s Mms Ive "miss "ai dens lrrlf ap Lo ber full baiaht andl assamrs os al soice test sha's happiîp arrird s if i mas lrpisg ta akea npasa aaiethag. Asnd Wf course tisa ana pan ca5l 'Mm." asnd tomaaout oir a Mis" la satlp qaich ta poli ast Osat sa lai quise ongleaondl darsail happp ta ta a. What l'ai lrndisg np to is as nId ides at Une setch I sac saunasse tas finltly rasgbi ast is tae apen. A Nae Yack augresamasn, Joseph B. Sisghai, hant onall anid in publiretat I've nt irking n priant, foa pars - Ltns oeil theai ail Ms" ipronaouncai Misai, and alake il ail Cep simiple. Ailter ail, Sf '*Mr." la toaa tara tisas btter arier n ua, mhp mat a ramasn tasean simple titta to sait bath occasions ton? 'rail pan the troUs, Inae bras wisnsg smnewhat atosg tint formuaso Inarm. Whesevaa 5'sa beas stoch ta oddaessao seamas hy ber paspar tttle po map hove bearil me moashîr, rathar qasafp. "Miss Jones." The "Mina" a close esngb ta bUsh "Miss" mil "Mrs,.",to ge con bp ina50 m "Ms" ina ose and a eonld ha mach sapler. Tasb teinlp toa avilla ocoopte of scebs ago tanscle the Dabsilla Jopees Santa Osas Parade. Thyap olmapav asao excellentCheistn5asparadleandmebardc lee muas ut. Butmae camie amaasttleu m d is sUs wt the haman race. Nant to oss err an. stand aisauipaiofteeamen, tmo omaandîfour chiddressetase maisaobjastmsas ta gitar Op as mast' tra cal> os passible. lssp eea ta psy blla atteation ta Usa paroile - ttap speat ail ttair tissa scaapisg op canies sehisb mare tansadhi saimn lenm te pasisg tiaas, or terswa nraai hy mnachsng clowens. Tma ai tee mas la Osa grop sers tae marst nfiasders. sehesaser saunssne cana slang mite a banfudof candiies ties tisa pushail tair shiidrai out isa tee iseandi shtaai "hre, tare"., Lt tee candies mare tasilai out àse adults bail thae hans otetetchel tan; if the candies wr teaonsttrp scaarientseooindpasbisg tte adlaita and citdrs ont ai thaîr isay an thaîr aasaa.esiug compoiga ta galber op as masy tonthachen as tbep cold. Anl ta top tl ait off, tbey esded roch cosdp siantnsb iiO glanail stoatsof aion a nd ouionrto onhais manp candies Osco tod gotherd Op that tisse. Aiter osa ai tbe mes abmost steppail as ssp sis'ceaa.atd's bonds as abe bant dossa ta pîah op ose condp. I insteoctail tour girts ta iortaottee eato and cncrsrateaon Osa parade. Thora isasa't mach sema taymng oa campete ssdh tbat îrradparasa. aitbaagb I bail as ir urge ta pnsh Use sehala marks at mem nrager Une terst Oeasy tisot mrait came atosg. Wile thercilrassacxttoo msent toma tram the parade iiO pacheto hraaing oea ilOgodiOgrla s e edtp isth YaaeisOsatisrre pressedto teia bondi bp passtsg ctlowns. ath Use gtilnwr Oie parade, Osey hase mentbseil han grrailpand ruderthme nOsar people anr. t Otnh tbep terma gasl lesson Luit marnîng. And bythemwap,I isthcisnsldn'.îîon conîrstmparode fltats in the fient place. ttsdasagb ognrnan. Daaing test sonne parada t ssatcbed a foana-otld anme oîUsîn ose inab ot geltisg lois righs ini an avc bp s tract wera Hie bail stappeil isto Ose tr-si tla relcieva a lasse aandp. la Georgetown,. lisp bava banneil the dlistributisoa ofanilp dam6n the annuet Sata Clans parade, sblptpfo tahUe salelp aI Osa cbtîdran. I lhisb il s an ides Osai Oah- ailla contil fallase. Childen are seeli ssngh esteaisel it a gasil parade, Osep das't seaU iras caady ta gel ints Use sairit ai Chsristamas. Philosobits Bn Filitb Sharp' S'onmoui nacr reas second basa if oua trcp anc foat an harst base. OuîrînîîndsarOe tîe compoters Oc pcagroa aarseises for the a'ay ose tan asn'tatarssieperisca. O19 Peuple talh abaut ideots, average p-apte taiS abaut tbiags, bot amati people toit abaut escb ather. + ' + îlaoistb rarii iid mode osin one Wr arc ait Codas obildeen, btsck, sste, red andîco y ~ + Ose ms-ils no ntoas"aosary Uson a file steangncatfeurofiingbogt ilcatlrnessis camblned istwentno mote an excellent cbaactea. Mtanwas madein loetyloveadfor lace, hi bis Ceastar. Wbot anc dors, osa hacames, Falt ae tbsch ishera inca ns thin A gond dard ta neyer tant, ha isba ss cortcin eapatasendsip and ha isba ptasts tiadaresi gaUsees love. S'on hnow ne con't contat the length ai oab vss bat wse ae sorneOsag ta say abaut Ose isilO sail iepOs aI i. Do pan aiuse tat sea aou talp n paran etanb a hWl, pan paurseif are tiat mach doasera thOs ton) oî cabet cryronca andntspenl loar al 50linusice 5ithotasrrtotatong la endurscc 'n long saras anthoal I' 00 (I n litRa e at oonacisattong, la Sccp on, a jb til it's tinised, lao siiao ais ocitioisuii andl sot lct il l'o nakb aloike bocioînds> SAn odo noirctanyaaounredtIld, l'tcso thougareu tceai Sin tbohppiocass l'n i'oiisoladnicnts for notorists: t Hall naOsîng in ttc bonds bot the stecrîsg isheri .1 Do sal iaho noarseli the Cad ni 3- Do sot toa Ose centre lise ia cois, 4. Remembr Ose driser biennad ion ondl betp tom pans con, s. Haaor ynrtattcrasndînîîtoeand atl ater iiassaoacrs. i, S'on shahl nat tîli 7. S'ai shaHl ot comia nnnbratcd 8. S'ai stail sot steat ýair nasgtbor's cnrs îtb nasýe adhîgbts biscarnn'stt cana ti r nefils enlo-olent aith yoar ftra Il Y S'ail btot bear taIse itorss sslh Your signais. ni S'on shotl sot moret yoar nesghbbr's eigbt ci mop, + + 4 'The paris ab ah tops ta tbinh tica o asoolp ton tata. PaTSWof 20 Years Ago Tohes r theOsisuecofiTe Cmsstsn Chamnpion, Thorsilop, Dec. 14, 150 High pass ta aanirisg mandas W&illiam VS'nOctlforebuaservices tathe Comntpof Hoiton dnrang the pann pesa anil dilarent oppauntmentn isera leonoreil on the cnnctodung meeting ai Hlton Coontc Conseil beti at Osa Coantp Builings tant Thasdap. For Osa firss tisse in Htton's buntory the onsant Waden's Danser mas hall la Nonsagassepa is Broobvuiae Hait. Wailas VS'tctemoastabot 0gnes The tdNasgoseyo Warae's tastitote serval the meoalugapW. N. Ratinon sss nhe mastoc on ceramonîrs. Jack Pottersos usas elarlail sresilan ni Osa Milton Brancha osath Camaian Legion ot Ose sosmi elechaon ni officiers. Oser ai- icrs choses mare Frank Ohannon, Cecif aasnhmm, R. H. Ptolemc. F. Johnson, R. Iprogna anal C. Keimon. Commintea chournoan arr HarpO miOs,H. Allen, H. E. Carl, R. McDossell, F. Bornas, Tam radley, Otos Wilson, Dict Ctemanto mil Haroldl Mogar. 50 Vears Ago Tatas om Oseusona iiTheCooodos Champion Tbarsdop, December t6,1920t I.st Oondoy nugbn Charles McNnllp mas kullail ty o borne sn Osa stable ni bis emplocer Hul og an, Otan Willias. Ha til appsestn basn leushisg heactp, saiaui t trose'sstat, fl or tyop ma andaordaundea therbnrs'iaaî Ansisueat nos hall andl Ose jury ulecidrl the deatb usas accsilantol. Os Monda> aitornn Ose moal G W.S'.A. gose the poulof oithe local pulic setas a roa tat in Ose Princess Theatre, marias bn spalin choses ina Osa pourogatars theatre . u n Ifait lrce, cro sdi g the Wr are sorcytoaoerOstailes Chiooba isba anas bort s0 tadlc us an occident tan caes ago, i ot maill Osa sbseh bns'og camasradua aling of batb. Ha quit wone loin ceor anal us asIc able ta issOs das toisa an rarae occanins. The j ail aa irmoiten aI lbe trginaing ni Ose airah, tisa af Oseai baing Ma. Home tas anstoOred o Poisars t-B Picturasmachine at Osa Prinors, wish mil1 bcanumpriemnt ia tte sbssing aI pic- taras. A vary largrlp ottenilei meetig ai Lbe MuLton Atbietîc Association ssos hall n MandyPrvenn otarrasgeiforth Orsng naasons'nhmoc bhc ilbenmnaofdhb OseAdssocatnas iniws a stcyae totbe satisfaction Offans tIssas dacsile toasnter on O.H A. Intermediate tam mil tint al] ni last yaar'n placera ssonld heavailoble ninag wiOs soune anis prospects. 100 Years Ago Tohes om the issne ai TheCossaho Ctampin, Thaasstoy, Dacember to, tant. MWr are pîcasail toa r Osot Use beolnh ai St.McNaugtos bai îraolc improvel. Wr are pleanel la lero Osot l na the itentinsofterConci structlp to efoya the by-lois relnlusg ta the claang nI sasus and sc aIl the sudeaoih darangîibis inlar. Own'nas acantooitos iltlbeaaorehaverto attend promptly ta Osaur datp. Nest Mondo the lctors llbecOstd apon ta somîsota candîdates for offices aI eecs, deastp racra anal coancillnas. ta the townstipa me telîrca thera is be nsiderable racltement, bt the lons ana alto quiet. In Mîlton W. D. Lyn in respos ta theasollcitations ofoa nnasba ai alectoos asi bc a candidate for the emcraop, san s fano appontent han approared The prricat aoneDr 'aerna anIl praoblo ha r-aleted. Toougbn Ose amuoa of nihOs Actas Brancb ni Ose tipper Canoda Rebigiuos 'Tract andl Boit .Socetyn aiSlb hl i n the Presbta uCbnas7îp.m 'Me Rev. Ma. Eastman, tbe saisi0 oppauntea gent nI the sacietp, anal ntr gentleman are expecei ou adîresa the smeeting. bThe Georgetown Cailla Four cana oRf bter Ibos aaPcon'ed. Namaroas people attandel anal a gaad passe mon gaI for ail tcrslsshk. --n --p.,1 n ___i sO sin oI ad-- ns s O s nn 5n 'i 'n us ~,nn u'.'s niuo. 'a sniOn.'n' nna n -1.1 n- n n' ne, nssn .nan FIRST REAL BLANKET 0F SNOW ta caver tise coanotryside ifiterseet grssy fields. Tis scerie, aboy Acta an g Ibis fait came at week. IL safteneil Use barsb sallines af trees way, catchas samce af tbe serenity as the firsît ni sae and branches wbicb pierce grey skies with patterns. The whbite moathsa caunifarser alsa braspal rail fesces inta vivid relief ns they VOL. 1 -Na33 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1970 THIRD SECION~ year. Thatsa lat of manry. Tlau mach ta ha flaatîag araaad sn the bonds ai lasary- Iavîag, deaîl-may-coee oid timers. S5'lt and os't ise re-mastîtate the a'neh-haasr. with [ < < u ~ a Spi e E cohhage the stadard lare andl meat. hoilrd S ug ar a d Sp i I horeahars, ee îô'ir Stura by bil1 smilay Ahndishat aboaaîtôaae wîdaasiesalf J h disahird, and the dîsabird themselses" ing lsesn'i (ment. mre an VIS la Trai 2d hors, s a set op Rabl f thmS liyn tbltan »Ilni -I