6 The Conodion Champion, Wedcosday, Decemher 16, 1970 Cons ider welcome baskets for newcomers ta district The Chricsms meetiiig of C.seeyeilcille Woess tue os held aI the hoe ofet 0 presicdes Mes. Roeort Elte n Dacerniser S, ais8 p.r. Amid a laulotsSly deoerated settioigcutb set Christrnas sessie in0te backgresnd tise meetlng iesoepenod i10as artce trese the 1968 Casedise Chsampien edîlarsot titied -Wlal Chistmas isu? and a qeelalses lros Chartes Dickes. The leiîlee Odie cas sang andl 10e Mary Stewaort CeSleci repeaird. Atler the essai businesis reutine thie secrelaey reail as asseoscemeet efthUe Chistmas lea beld ai 10e musem trem Dec. 610regs Dec . and the actsesemosl daytfoe 10e t-H clubi 0111th Sebsel ftee 0ea ore Dec. 5, l970, ol 1.30 p.m. A\note ofsh.es case.ed fiîeî Mcc. Jisi Wallace tee the pleeséssi eaeeseg lise WlI. ladies lielped le creale fer Usem Us the ecaio ftihea' 2510 seeddieg aesiveeeaey eaely inNeober. A lhash-yes louter a receised ee hohaît eftiho residesis et Halles Maner le the Camyhiellaille W.fo tee 0e he day yaety and yregeamt presested en Neeemhee. Il a decideel le ceeUssue le tlbo reiyeeeiility tee 10es mes10's halthday paely ai 10e maser for sneyeaeî. Feor fatal aceident Mes. Jase Andrews eepeeled on the peeseelalses et a piea tee liciter yrovisions tor safty se the mi il nd sethe village cerner. Therceeeîl asd road cmmtee have premised le de semethiet. SfARRSEO IN Grace nbseeli. Milles, Me. and Mns. Hroald Albert Wodham are lig le Aresn. The biride lis Uhe tformer Lysda Scmillir. Wadham Lynda Marie Scîisoli and Harold Albert Wadbec sere marcrd cn Goace Anglican cusrch, Milles, TIse dosble-ring ccreeoy cas candoced hy Use Nec, Fesser sesUs Mes. LedcsUe playisg Uhe ecgn. Yelic andcmauve mni doecrated the chscch. Theohride sthe dasghloeof Mo. mnd Mos. Gorge Soudlle, Milles, andthe groom, asalescmn a Galicger calera. is the ses of Me. and Mrs. Haoeld Waslha, Roses sible The bideo sea loerg chice gecscwithlace jaeiandtram. lIr e i mode hc hec ausi Mes. E. Marshall. ses old h1 a meon hhe arricd redroseasna Dihle gises hy as amI., Mes N. Bekliera. Moires of henoseaa the hoîde' seler Mcc J. Haudsn hoîdoscoîida sere Miss C. Ulors. cousisa Miss J. Ccir and Miss R. Marshall, e 5h the' graem' a irter Miss K. Wedhîci as loeecgirl. Attendant% in puepto The attendans coe fless lesgth gews wcslh pirpelccele bodicrses tiasad sn gai1 end mavepeauoesoie kscla. They wescoal pscplc bce se lhcsc liai,asd cocciedcwhiecella mUsh yelccw assdca ma orria The malts hadt becs code hy tho boideas coelh Mc. Scullse gae hics diaghlcc in moecagcGrccmsaisa frieed,T. Parherandltheeahccrs weeS. Scîltîr, the beideas bo1er, G. Wadhac, Uhe greccas bo1er and J. Feccen Receplies belld The recoplien cm helld in the bnquetrl 0m efthUe Chartes DoeI se Milles. The houle's ma10er care boige Us hog oeilan gatd acesoiesand aecragecof red rases. The grom'ma scUer ioeypn ihred rses. Among the goets coco the grasmis grasilmoeUs Mca. G. Hdenry asd 110hesbrd&s grand- oe1er Mes. M. Scîtîse. The couple lot torac atrip le Niagara Foils and Buffalo and are lrivig on Macn St. Actas. fie bride mare a pcbk panlsui ml10 bros acenerire and roI Detere 10e oieddmng. hrs. G. Henry and Mns M. Iacr, Milton, helil a risellanceas sloioer. A Imncees mai iteM hy mn. c. Hlenry mnd Mrs. tG. Wedgeosd, Drampton. Men. J. Hears andbMssC. Htearnis eld a miscellasmlus ubeser le Mithon. - SmiIIie Mr.R. 5ehkers, Galivillo, cas heclese lorac misaeottaees shoer aI the boido's maUseris home. Il resaislo e asheeshowmsch and whether il sesU cernte in loue to acesd lese offle. Soemes 1igs are pst eff and soreseaey asprecemeslsstsmadeenti semeeone pays i0 t0oir lises tee lrlay and bseh-pemleng. The sebeelebildes celleeled $25. fer UNICEF es Helsise'en. Mes. Shirley Smih os ouhed Is estargeon es 11deaot aineleeme bashet fer sessesmers 10 the aires. Sho hasihgmplas frter10 and the meetisg endosed 10e idesa md are sellig toi belli in osy esay le seo that the me oin he0 village and arremrdleg country gel acqsassled c10h services and groupa. Tho cheer cesssslllee wr giron a lit ofnolUe le 1 rememhered and osked le s elado aey che are se Ontario Hospital. 'Me roll call wesmasered i0 caysetf displeyieg sur Christmas carde. Mmny soel ways wr gloaed. The pregrase cas preîenled hy Mes. Geerge Bilanlk and Mes. William Malien. Csrresl ereescere glsesby Mes. Geerge Inglis. Mes. Ueoyd Crawterd led mn 110 slsgig et sereral Chirlisas caoss sehile Mes. Blacki gase 10e gresy 10e hslry er erîgîs et somre carets. Mes. William Maillon gase ou escellont payer anmte mlterestieg sahîecl et Chrisas cards asd how they corne le 10 the mllion dollar îsdsly eftoday. Me N. C. Dobson madeoeo te b rilleý 1UO0 and Mc. Hersley le I1863. Firnt Chrinsas caed Thehcirtcarl made tee sole sas ceealrel 5y Me. Edgely i 1875 se the U.S.A. and tealsred helly and misîlee. Mes. Malies bail sone sery sneeslleg eld cardstfremsaie olleclers and Uhe musem le show the grup. Mes. O. Nichelmon asd Mes. Fonesc gare a demeslaien Us the mahisg et heoscos casdles and aie hadl a collection et boaslslslly melded candles o diîsylay. This wsea rory aslercslseg and mach esjoed. Oecccal ladies gavsonnme ideai for nesel deceraheos c110 ceadore digreles, ceal-hasgers, The Christmai meetingîis alssays one efthe boslm inte year and Usîs oeo cas se escepthen. Aller the smngssg efth1e ReyaI Atelesanmd the ilsilele groce ce oejeyod a loely timeofe orsghhsrrng and cedel-ttiowshie ovrceps eft1ea or coftee, tmncy sandwiiches and Christrnas ceebles. Invstiraient up Newa capital inreninnt 1n Ontarioin 196 l ti otallad ig,sm,tm.toe0, a alle per cent gai mer tise pranios yar, stltes the animal reporl t ofthe Ontarle Departrnent of Trade ansd Deselsprnenl. Major increase os i renidential costrulction. THE SINGINO CSLRSSONErrES Isabel Dotugone, Joon EttmùSerig Dams estertamse et Koe Cborcb Soudoy. Tise Dredon, Elizabeth Frone, Dile Marnsall ansd greop s alit oe sererol eppearances headlsg WinNemell. Bock Rose Montiys tissus, Anne sip hi 110fr sprisg conct. Frait nom Ptolessy, ElasorJackso, Lysu Brow, June members tire dsnecter Jtidy Hacher, Isabel Fisb, Frac Rester, Barbara tsnoi asnd Bobie flerosono r Poiles, Juse McCtiaig, iwsy.-<Staff Phote) Festive decorations set a special mood Gleseseg candios, tontine deceroies mnd carets sol 10e Useme ftee 1Decomber mneeting eftIhe Rebertsen Assiliary W.M.U. et Kses Charcb wbich metal the berne et Mes. S. Lockie onDec. t. Sesenleos members mnd lise risîlers mssered tise RoeU CaSi What I Sie abot Chrisas" flic essaI busness oas deail mUsh and the new dolte et etticers road, and adepled. Sing duel Mhlrgarel and Helen Bill sang duel heoslitotiy, teffisg efth1e Babe et Bethlehem. The etteeleg cms rccossd and dodscaled. Mes. Floeoce BeSl wes le charge efthe Chrismas prsgrarn readnglthe scrsplur and leading se prayor. Mes. BeoS Ihos gare a Meit ssloreslisg and compcrenirecrewo ethe Stfe et Mes. Lilias Diebses, le iser re as cite, meUsor, tearber, nurse mnd oussiooury. Firsi obo os in Formosa, asd telloisg tise Japanse occopatios et thel Islead 10ey 1011 and csrnmenced erk in leBrilish Gusmo. Initiate treatuent There she oorhed aong 10e coern asd childeen. she aise ssslsated trealmant fer lise lterestar nativs lig le 10e seeiales, and aise arnsng the lepees le the lepreserisrn. Little ebildes le orphageso and heilor rare tee neo bhre les seere aise amssg ber prose prejeco. Il seemsi scredlble Ibel oe sesmans liftlme mould iseld se msch et meeret leier teSesa- mas, busliber Stfe le cernpletely mrnssltted hi Ged and bier oks leesltfy te 10le. MOSAIC S EIGE VIRN Y, McANTHUR ON DISPLAY AND FOR SALE AT ELSLIY 7,PHARMACY AN D DRUGSAVERS PHARMACY Shows slides oit Christmas meeting KThe Chistmasss meeting et set caeolling os Chistmiasi e Kees Chereli Ereeing oend thon cetorned te Deporîrnet of te W.M.U. was oeliseeoares' homnes to eat. beld at the berne et Mn. Me Nurses frrnt Jobat Hspital, Rebinso, ailli tise preoldest cttddren or original iua, mare Mes. Robeart Mackay pranldng. panad for thesir graduation pie- dOte opnng mits a raadisg, soie. inrisas1 tbe Heard, a nsort Scema frai Newa Ya'a sports bsilnens poriod was tellowed day waee almunsalits es gammas liii lise derstioao, ted by Mn. an tug-ut-mar. Manrket day, Harold Magea. lianet ReRRR tse sarneas -ad fise dittarent aspects of tisa Testament tisses, mamaen mlii Chistmlas ntoey wore supportait facea corared ai markat, isy bief Rible readoisnwt Moisammedan and Chistian sultaste cross. MresM Magesang wedn prcsin 8ee fRw a beautitol seng dien 1 tisaflte in 155di. The~si a idas de promise of Eteenial Lite" and ih a marie scesse in tise MOgi clsed bier darotios silli Prayer Hùalyas (26,11)') takan mlith Beafilakmg photo telapiolo, lensa isy Me. Murray - Mes. Murray obowad slidm. a bealitaslog sigsi. crering ber work in Iodla, Tie Mn. Mianisay hankad Mca. site ofthlie fieit tisorti botit by Murray and ankadMe. Murray 10 John Bochsanan ws sissin mliti risse tsa meeting mliti prayer. the river sabere fie nhippad to let flou deligsifl and inaplring bis borse drink and misere hMo meeting; mai falamai by aclai tient csneert mou bapiioad. fise tise wism deSiau Chrstms ocises l0a .ui PlaYwma embuaes and cae murea ujymd sinwnoandhegrsopn wbswent by ail. Tesand ceokien Mes. BeSl cloied ml10 a prayer and a Christmsas greeting. A pleasesl tirne os spesi erer tea and embuies, and boxes ponked ml10 mollen and gend olishes for shsI-les. Annoinaas Mou foleing Substance: Shrinks Pilas Excliveaoieon sseno rrsoie eo criek reiorseos osed reaoir amosed issme. osAsi eýrd ahisise hm sed snqeena SUansmitha the aiskase ro s i eloca hods ailýyI oseiie lves ii ma isef.i ir inul 1h5d .ctseaSdo tsse.ooaciseesons saln csîelonte i-sessoile aense te iei s pi sn, aa rais sas iiisimpaiormans ol a-silt Nesmaaesllra Wielofany rrecky enosalul iuosred e u n Feraes. Satisaction seor -y Last Minute Shoppers WiII b. Delighted With Our Beautiful Gift S.Iection * FREE GIFTr WRAPPING û FREE OPEN GIFYI ~VEAR DAY a5~iN ÂLN:IJ jsa m LRS FOR THE GIFeTas saU iVE WITH PRUDE LET TOUR JEWELIER BE TO KEY PA pst os sudens tirees, S LADIS i ierned se Macor Sat Urg fax A bliter et Masis1 Mcnday's Csqoesmng fl lobe s toeship's The 1011. arrears sil lias rern etglt yearo hileedet hdlleng sys due dates t imposition s cent par mns assumngbf as hetere Se Use IoDter. Coscille relirnated t proses Il E LE CT 23 loch r doradiE crafled, Oea yeae TOI I.I* 3 i