Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Dec 1970, p. 16

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84 The Canadian Chamopion, Wednesdsy, Decemer 16, 1970 ~W BY LEOR OLE z TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR MEN 1. Thou saat now sit up like a graven Image ini lhy hoose, por refrain from speech hecaooe Qhu hast only friesot mifte 1 tath to, for verity she hasts been alone ast day and panteth for conversation as the heart for the aterroos. 2. Thou shalt flot wîttiholsi froso hier tise oit tath acd the jotlyisg thaet are her doe, nor satat tisoo gohhte doms, mithoot rendering hec praise tiserefor, tise diocer tisat she has spent twc hoors prepariog for tise. 3. Thou shaît sot interfere on tise matters that tsertalsseth la thY wide alose. Neither ohaît ttsoo dictate to her ahout the tength cf hiec chics, nor bier hase, tac sehether nsce shaüt ose rooge or lipstich, or sot. 4.Ttsouoshalt not spend tsy evenings gloed tothe TV, cor lhv hotidays and Sundays chasitg a golf hall, or playicg at curling; Wor thy sesle did sol marry ttsee to bie wsdoed before lerlbnme and ta have no more of ttsy sccîely than ifstsooweretliving onasothfer paet. 5. Ttsou ohaît sot boast ahoot sehat a chesis thou art amnsog tise ladies, soc exploit the heaoty and tise nsnscesc cf tby hlonde scenographer, or pert tsoosemaid, tacts of whom cee 2st yearn yocsgec acd 50 peando ligttr thas thy mife. 6. Thousatsnotaccoootstacutostsy wde for acrismethat enttets ttsee tufoctaietser for a stopper, tsecaosenshetsas got fat adsiddle- asted,forlIo, tsotsyselfisas acqaiced ahay wicdowoand ttsv haic hats depacted froco tbee. 7. Thiou alt ts petent cîtts ttsy mile's stsortcomicgn, remembecmng fisat, sucts an che lu, ohe manst tice oms choice and thougtsdids cottsave tcsoonselir. f. Thsou nalt sot csatse a mere tsoucehold concenience cf thy sede, seither chais ttsou regard hier as a seti-slartisg automnalic cooh and vacuum cleaner svtose sole ase iu ta malle tsee cocifortable, for brhold. se was a seomas before she wsea a mile and wsea given cno Ibre for ttsy compassion ccd soohnate, andcclt asa Isitchen alesi. 9. Thsoustsahlsot espect lby mile t a aceeorher wincan feed afamly upac air,anddnpread adimscovee thenspaceof ae dollar bill. Nor saat tissa smalle tie firsi cf the mocts wtsen lhe htills corne in, au terrible as tise day cf judgssect soblir. Rather allat thou render unilo ber the oigs ttsat are tser due and give bier free)> tise alloscance mhicts stse hasts earsed tsy ttse laine cf tser tscdc ccd tise sweat cf bier hec w. 10. Remember filat lby wifc baths sot bec gifled weits lin power cf a suisd-ceader, ccd Iberetoce nse ccc ccl divine Ibat lino stiti loveot lirrmtseolhou arlascold asan iciclc and asnduasa clam. Tbecelsre, tl bier daîl>, of lby affection for bier, sdi fsait 1ho cosideresl ber more inautifl tisso ocy cf the maidens fltia Montc fileur good lochs i publie. This mas asoîber gemi 1 fosed inthe Pics-cea Coohinots wtie out West. Just dcclt laugis toc bearty or long, girls, ther'll in ose for un inter. Eaely in lin ycae I meole tolthe HaltoacCoccly Roads Comcsillcc cf my coscerc esardgtebtafficcsignaltTwiss Ruad andNo. 10 llideroad. Thiey acsweced my lester coueleously asd caïd ltsey woold Study thinatersection in question. 1 am pleaucd 10 report fihat tise corner hasnsow income lesu hazardos s tiscre uaa stop sign on tise Twss oad ssin cococg sorts infore crosoing or tucoiog onlo tise sîdesoad. TIse Toms of Blebgton han had ligtss tsalled on Cedar Slprbngs Ilcada lin h request cf somne cf lin residents, mailing il easy 10 sec the many lus on tint road. If yoo have au nss complint l la a gocd idea tu go rigbt lu tise source seit it. Tisese Imo cason provc filtycu can gel rcsullc. Il us gractying Wo leurs cf the increancd mnteen and movolveotent intadlcation. Duricg therecent elcctiocmwhenlIread inlbrecity daime ccd our cousl>, wehies ahout tise sumine cf people ncsoog Wor lise coardu cf Eduratios, t rrcasted lin days only a chort lime ago mises hard>, ccyocemwouldtlathlie job for love or ... mdl, for lin love cf il. Ticsmy, a precorsoun lad of four, mcc ents'emely fond cf hocha and came regularly to thc tsbrary mits bis moIner. Sl Ic tim hrig tus oms books o theli densk for the chck-out. Ose nigbl mlms a large group cf usine btide setaîrd aeoucd lise dess in as ordeel>, tseup, Ticnmy pLsucdltohefrontlofhetsne, murmsurotgpetsscely, "Excuse me." A fcm neconds later bis moIner shamesi op andi lsomicg bie basisIt hadl te ta mail i bur ace s coldcd, "Tinuny, ycu shauldc'l have peubcdtinbhrhfiai. Youomustlalmaysmwaitscneforycurlfora." t . aid 'excuse me, ' " bie enplaiscd, as iflîhal settleJ il. Tise orsI btie hey casse, th itbary maes sol bus>, and Ticus> again as bis moher la lise desis She came and stood beside bina and ccbcd if lie bad loocd somne micc books. He glacced steny aI bier, peistei brihisi bio asd fro t he corer of bul moults, gasgslcr.lbe, mutterd, 'Getin hne." Nassagoweya W. Poems and songs highîight meeting Thsc Chisultas meestg of ch served tsy lin iostots ccd lunch Naucagameya Womnes's osistule comoiullter so Ias hl ihe home of Mes. B. Mes. McLaresncourtesy Youngi os Wrdoesday aflenots, cocorser. thiaoed Mes. Young Dec. 9. Tfsere ws a gooi cuotier for bier ispitabt, a"s Mes. ofoceinees andi several gucols in Freeman asnd Mes. Clegg 1cr intendance and almer plasei thir progeam and expretard Wo have our presidect, Mes. apprersaîson for lise gocd Pyal,withius agaot. allodancccof mcmbeesand Tise metinbg mas spenesi mih guestu. a pueo -.Lft up your inarts, 0O Tise group dîspersei aller Womanbmnd", reasi b, lise brarttiy sotging, 'Wemwish ycu a prenident ansi follomed b>, thc Mer>, Chsristmas" led b>, Mes. Istilale Ode and Mary Stewmart Peurce. Coilec. Sonne bsinecssas deait- seith, otclsdisg lin smnding cf a In 1926, the U.S. Deparltesl of donsation ccd food bociper thc thc Icleriur offscially dcsigoaled lialvalios Aesny. a 'National Christmas Trer' -a Mes. Young reotindcd tise gsart Sequola locaîrd in Ktag's lsesnirslhlthienesltmeeting is Canyoc National Pars, onl resolalioss andi racs membr Calsîcesia. tala ohontl a ucittes reoluliot for discssion. Mhesmsageo hitegcc POLLOCK wiha readotg, "The Message cfAN Ohsinas" byMes. Preeman CAMPBELL asd Mes. McLaren read a peoo ".Tse First Chrishtas." Mes. mosulmuso.c Clegg cnduclrd lin nging cf l u.a esci scceral carclaodhec pesented -- Hmsre,. M -1.si pendils and paper for a otest, M ý. n-n tse prises ibsgW wcs b> Mes. Toheicco Moues ami hIes. &nderscu. 62 .755s0 Following the slssghog cf Go AL>, ____ Savse the Quers and lin Issfistîstie6 ana .Sie. cices geins, a bosliso lunch mus Merritt rink wins turkey spiel On ridy, cc Il teis c1,f. lîsCrig Club inld hei annuel Torhry Bnpiel nilissix risks participaltag. 'Top bocors urss ta a team olappril by Glosi Merritt asts laso Hughes as ic àio accs.co Noble as secondi ad Dol Kuehoiam an second. Prises WHAT KIND 0F ROCKS are tise' The>, ce at lin Milton rcrs iard turiscys, frotes souci, mics skip annulai hache>, Olasi Meresît, vice Jane Hughes, second Photo) Bersusce Noble ccd leasi Dot sehoisauso mon Christmas meetings Campbellville group For thir Chritsloc meetinsc thc occoctrs of thc Aflercocc Auxilîay oftheW.M.S. ansi thc Womro's Associsation oI SI. Davîis cisurcs Campbrllville mt ai the borne af Mes. Lloyd Crawford os Wedcrsday, Deceochor 9 aI 2 pot. eith 2i ladies presesl. Mes. James Robtslon, presîdenl of lin W. A. presisird tor thi part of the meetingt usisti the Chistmibas prograci tram the Glasi Tîdîcgs foe devolsoot. Aller coduclicg ornerai tsusiness itemns thermeetg cas gives avec la heW.M.S. Pesîdecl Mes. A. T. Moore usîsg lise paem 220 MA IN STRE ET EASa yg3, e1 Chisîtmas Sovg as the call lu isarsiip Newmoficrs Mrs. W. Geocîes gave lise treasurer's rort ansi Mec. O. Iggin thc ciser report. Mes. L. Ceasotoril, cacvrorr os toc soasontîcg ssosouttll gave tise lîsI of otticers for 1971. Homes sere subocîtird f or secS ycar'n mtings. Rolal seau ocumoswresi iy quasiog aCsristmasuveres. Mcc. Moore reasi a cbapler ahout thc Saviour's birh. A isyci, a prayer tsy Mes. Moore ansi grace concuded the oteeting, ansi a damS>, lunch cas servesi wih tea. rose branriiVýcwàÇoscý B; AMONDS CHINA GIFTS ePAISc MILTON. ONTARIO PHONEc878-634 >1 l il àîî;' Ill, ,, Id '; J.,i s, s,., h/l-, i/suý iS,.i/il,,' /sv. Ili.iîss lJ'iw l lta ,,./l J,5 -'l, el a ,,s/I sss u sih.,1 SINl ,TAj FO or ureys. Slecond place brasn mac ubîppei hy Jean MeDuffe milh Win Nemell an vice, Mah Stokes au Secod and Grace Duncan as l'al. Priios acco cicis. risird place seau ivas skipyrîl is> Ollîr Sargentl uîts Floence Mailonas ice, Hanl Steart as Yule recipes exchanged * af W.l. Christmas meeting The Occember meeting cf Chrstmoas article mas rotdy hy f Hcrnhy Womens Inctilule, mas cacb membr The meeting beld a the home of Mec. L. liacpsos milhsnin membrs feont. Mec. Nemtoc asd six 6s. cosvalecrmg ladies ucder ber caecuere gucctsalhismeetig. President Mec. William Mac-. Ptscrson opeord thc meeting mih 0f a Chrustotas pocot, follomcd tsy aIl presecl siogisg "SilesI Nsghl". Tises thc tottilte Ode * ccd Mary Stewart Collect mccc f . " repeated cnpisn Thesrollceal "maysmwomec cac belli brtag peace ccd gocd ssill towards men"was anmcred by laies peesecl - "Love ycur neightsoc" seeotcd the mont Oorting Club ladies divcuion's appropesale otsmec. fle ic utesa honspiel on Fridoy. --(Staf cf lin ls meting mccc read b>, oeccetaey-tresurer Mers. Sacopson. Coccespondecce cossisiesi cf a lettr froot hie Cbtacsr adopîrd chtid -ansi or TRADITION froot the stalvalion Aeoty in . tIn llmîserland, inll rtaging ta a TrcoI aarei$s iIi Chreisbmas tradition andi cacb socs 50oot hic wSalvabgrosdArmyiThe cocuoity prîdes isucf on tihe howln banquet loine caleed 10 hroofct lls. Thsechurts i oUnionsHall Milto on Dc h1 brles of Zurichs bave eung in mcc discunurd. haemocy for issodeds of ycars, Christlmas recîpes mccc each~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Chita aligtet'h-ecagdan hita fuIte bourri services. decocalsos mcc shows. ce a TheSalonCapri ifs2/~, is pleasesi tc ancoucce tisat T e 1 Sylvia Padu lia 224MAI is back and octi hie pleasei tc EASY ocelcomne ber frîcosis ansi GIFT CERi custcceers-bots cîsi ansi scon Phnce Fr An Apponmen FI T 133 MAI N ST. 878-2131 GIFT Wl : _A ceconsi ani Jo Charlo ns leod. Prizes mccc pairs cf Coruluh ins. A dclicious luchbas servcd by sacialcaonvoooro Adele Lcslie and Eloîsoor Braoch ansi hibr clases itlf "O Canasta" aller sbicsth lin ltihala fleure mas cepeated. An oebane, of gifla instomei. Mes. H. R psiani Mes. H. Breadley seed lunch cf sandwiches, ced ansi grees jelly mth mlappcd eceaot and coies ansi a social hoUf hour follomes. e>~'~*5 0,ss ccl g Ill., tce sceep IRf STYL NEW PROFESSIONAL HOCKEY FOLDING GOAL NET NET 118810 IIISPE ~Is III Il 44 x22 SEE ITN/ ti cLsy CUSTOM GEMINI J SWoEEPS ALL FLOOR SURFACES, TII,! -WOOD - SLATE - CORK - TERRAZO - CEMENT - BRICK NEYER ....*î EED SERVIC 8188111 allun l 8î OPALIt CLIP bITE CHANelle FO HEIF, lIste, SPRY-SEA IFi imB 22.88 6.95 P5aCiallyiondetsrostcabl SlOW SIOVELS FOR JUNIORS "HILL-N-DALE" oco tsatCh fade Or escal i ao',Lons 498 u",a ton te'4lo IssusBicl 94- FIBERGLASSTVTRAYS na,,ssivnvs tUbuIor traues,198 10 20 I GRAI PRE 10' 20 L GRAI SWIFT Co SN ri SIDI BAC Qil CHOICI BUJ RO CHOICE CHU STEI MINE CHU BEEF HYOAAC( ME&~ PIES nHoOSI SLICI SALI SIENAS8 Genil Salai MALPEC cool SHRI 1~ SNOW SAUICERS FOR WINTEI TMIILLS 27" ALUMINUM 4.97 STEEL 3.97

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