Touring puppets entertain Manorites, Iibrary children IflUING POJPPETEEB.S 0F TUE Bouth Central Regional Mrs. Doses Bryden, Qakvile and Miss Ida Reddy, assistant fabrory Systam staged poppet shows cf Hal ton Cestennial directar cf the S.C.R.L.S. At hock left to rigbt are Mrs. Jo ManorlThursdoy and Mitan Pubie Library onsBaturday. The Johostan 0f Milton, Mrs Judy MeAnunamna ofHamilton and group isclude front row left o riglit Mcs. Leon Bell, Hamiton; Mes. Anne Anderson cf Borbonglon.-<(Staff Photo) Wlnter cornes to- Kelso Muole molociost gceeted Use meeliesd's somîcîl mîlli felilet tretr and Uses litied ofl te tise gacage 10 Ousve everdue so ties pus on, the someilces, oliesec asnd miteespocts esduxsiasts accepsed Use mOule stuff as a biessiog f romt ahoce Acocof tliooe delighted midi tise oefail is Alec Duocan, oupeestisce cf GienEden tiki Area aid Kelso Coservation Aeea. Open ibis meek The area's oemly atqciee soosalif eosipmess cas put loto action Mosday addisgti l satucal sofaîl ester lise weekend, andUthe aesohoudie open Ifus oeelieod This winer promise o e ne cf Use gceatast ai Keise. Me. Duocan resealed pIans te ffîer skating, ice liockiey, isopeoseti skuing as meli ao snowmobilisH aid 'tohegassîcti. Opecial ra wîitale osed forskmgeoîy and Prosions wuf lie made foe ecuieaceas foc toliogasniog aid snowssobilisg. Ski toms wsll ho is operation eceey day escept Mooday Uhso yeae and Use mus ait Ui hol b completeiy liglited foc niglil duiofg. Belser chalet Thse sem împrosted sliuing chalet nul make hIfe happer fer Patrons. Tise nese chalet mîlI lie eeady smnandmitl featuce a lacge assemlily rocom, - cosmoicdatios foe tise ski pateel By G. L. Day Memiesecocf tise Ladieoi Ausîlîaey iseld thiseî ansuai Christamas Party and dance vn Use Usied f laie bail os Oatccdac estesiof Dec 5. There mac a geeti crowd peenetad themusiceof Use Miller Dance Band max apprecîased hy ail. SICK CALL ois Us te oîcli hoard ut tac peese t tlime are tisese "f Comeades Daic P attertîn. Chsarles Kennedy. Rioy N'sssScI1 aid Bois Titus We wuesha of î tisemuaspeeds recùvter., SPORTS iSandiogs on the Industeîai Dart League as of Mondac Dec. 7 meee Blases 54, Jehoons 48. Ucenmogo 41 asti Nielsens 37. Les Appleton osi hoida the indicîduai higi score witis180 and Use igsîgt lmisee ta dameIl Berme Sos with 123. ta Use ruesday siglit ecise leugue Zasoiermai's lead the field mîlli 8t pointa f ollomet isy Killiride 76tand SooUs's 75, Boîta and Nuls 68, Bromoos if, Bnombmgs 66 and Mohsawso 59. Thse Legiai shuffleboard teami bad a league gassie agast Use Chartes Uctal os Thuroday last. Thse fume mtaîsh mai ptayed ut Use hotat mai mon hy Use hsome Oeam mîUs a score cf t-t. Themassers of tse recest deao betd ly the shuflehoard wr Mes. R. Bohorle cf Killiride flifaot psnzef and Mc. Sam Nadaho cof MUltan fseeondf. ENTERTIANMENT Tickets are nom acadlable feom the steward foe Use annuel Newe Year's Este BaS. Mecohors ae adeised ta pick Usem up as earty blpoihe asibUis affale sa alan eil-out. Admission Usis years lat per couple. Music for =aaires. be prnvidedhby T'se Tinsse mas a aomnembat amalter Oursaat Bhus an aith wmeebly Esal evening last Sataeday - dae ns doubt. ta Use bati meather andstki estasoastmelliastickiet Snacks bac lacîlîlses suli he igger aod iseltee ta lasI yeue as wcli. New anti impeoced maslieunm lacîlîhies are also part ef the additieon tioes militac aisle te match telis malie Useie deoceol feent tlie main hlI leem a eual:iste alco. eMrc Dufcanciaimo a seliti effteel ufti made te keep a stieetfice cleaeedlforsiating aed a stecosnd stieet tee ice hockey once lise laie ice es foeeeeo ulîd. He esprestsed adeoireeforgeeater leocai participaticon Puleofliead tias Pauli ciii iseat tise ski yateei clalleex tis yeun and KacI l.aicfmaosmwiliretu s uhead of the stkiiog peegeuco. A cemplele pegeamn et oki isrc ion is eisg effeced Ubs >,car. Milles Hecceatcon Cemisitîce il ofelîeisg a ski yeogran o r te juniers and hounemistes. ,neîiuniee pregeam miii cao for cîglil coosteculise tiatuedays hoiegisi Jan. O. Tise pcegram offeco ose isece of insteuction cadi mccli mita free tie for Use cccl of tise day. Paelio and Heceeatîeon Ceomîittee Chaîrmas Jim Diii o said tise coaoittae hepeil tise pcegeamt mculd sUult i îlet nskog foc Yetietitees isetwseee Use ages of rareand i6 mise are enterested i cenditios. Heee esteryone tisece cees ced te, esjoy thessseii es. instruction and wculd like to leaco 10, ski. Homsemives'day The recceatios commnittee cs also ocgaoiig a program for hoasemeces which iscludes eiglil one hocr esoons. Ucucemives wtill salie Useie lesoons os Wednesday alieroons hegissisg Jas. 5. Iisey 'fl bave as cppccîunîiy 10 cnjoy anaftenoon of free timeon Use slopes lollomisg Useir lessens. Geoups ef 20 ae hoped 10 hoe acraogcd ineorlspccgram. Uoder Laichmans direcion Use Ual tac Regios Conservation AuUsoityisalsooffecinga raciof pcofcam. The peogeam is distided cno t o pliases, sne aimaed t0 deselop gomsiersad tulead ioracing and asecond for those mlic are gund skiers and would lîke se salie caciof insteoction. The autrorisy is offering a hoaseoife peogcamt as el Toeuday tacougli Fciday Use tams wiii run fcom 1 to 5p.m. in mhe allecoos and agais froct 6.3ti0 ti 0pm. weeliend hocco are fronti0a.m. tat5p.m. Thearea cîli lie clesed ail day Chrsa day bsut opcn tlieougli the holidays. *PNINOVIRU AVAILABLE AT IAN'S 6ARA6E Osv LIN f SOUTH OF DrEn RY0D E. R. 2 HRNBYONT. 826-346 OAN oBREAK, esOPeiTOe Childhood mefress e bccugist bacs tc le Thursdlay a cesideots et Haltes Ceoteomal Manor applauded loudly ai tse conclusion of tse programt. Wide- eyes residents recalled thegond old days as llsey attentively watclied a Chrissosas puppet show slaged by Use Soutb Central Regional Library Syntem's Toueisig Poppeleers. The progeam wasn't Use basic Punch and Judy style wiUs Omo mais cliaractees and numero props and hach-oleops, but raUsier siories wiUs nuinerous puppet chacaclteco, toud cteac voices and excellent lîghing. Three playn Thee ptays entîtled Plum Pudding foc Christmnas, Loud- mouse and The Litte Drmmer Boy wece shosen Ou, the grossp. AImons 75 cldcen ccamimed loto, Mion Lîhcary eaety Saturday morsiof tuomatchUsheSame plays. Six wornes memhern of Use O Cff L.S. slaged the two progearno in Mion dhis week. A secenUs memher ofthe gcoup was Fresh Turkeys Ducks Chickens Lean Meaf p Reg. 79c lb. SIDE SPARERUBS 5 le Tender Reg. 8tc lb. BABY BEEF LIVER 651b Schneider's Reg. 75c lb. RED HOT c WIENERS 55lb. OPEN MONTUES.,WED. SAT.S ý 6pet .mr THURSDAYANDFRIOAY9aesor Opu ~TOQUE& SSCARF SETS aie fastors facsion Washable jewellery. and oar~Oln oit lîttIe peices favoir Oross500iOn youe budget. Chaise E i n ssac nt ront a gdftad 4.9 12.9 aeray Lnsssssssnasans Beautiftilly Eoxed anaaaanaannassi$2.50aia-ns$4.00 a LIn t. unahle tu attend due le a losocl of iacyntis AIl ppesue matie hy gcoop memheoad he group fricsas a son-profil organisation. Members inelude Miss Ida lteddy, assistant director of Use S.C.R.L.S., Mrs. Anse Anoderson of Burhsngtos Library; Mm. Leom Bell and Mrs. Judy McAnasama of Handîitan lihrary, Mrs. Dams Bryden of Oabville Lihrary, Mes. Jo Johmsos cf Miltas Library asnd Mes. Mycsa Peodei cf [fundas Lsiscacy t who mas uoahie ta attend.)f Mes. Johnslos Oermed the shows as "anoUser great suc, -Aulhorized the morbn departîmeot Oc porchase and instll truck routeasigus os Use mew routa cf Highmay, 25 Usrough tass f(Ontario S1. Ni. and Base Lise ROd.) ~The jSalvation Army PICK-UP TRUCK IfNMILTON & AEA E VE RY WE DN ESDAY F10 WERS Brig Chrita heer eno vous ow shoe or the hom of someoe dear viha lovelygoweg plant orflowe s. * Poinsettia ObMums * Cyclamen *0 Mixed Bouquets e E 43, IAzaleas 0 Roses Mixed Poinsettia Pans Cacti and Dinh Gardons CHOOSE ARRANGEMENTS 'OW FOR BEST SELECTION Mlton Main St. 878-9501 SANTA SPECIALS Ei.ctrohom. AMHERST TV. mai finsh Ir Juoati ii e tfActsatîcttasissg tube wearrprts m WWith trais TOWNECOUNTRY T.V R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 Rnc screLOeOO ULEG Pn 7843 Ski club opens this weekend I Legion Notes Ev G. L. DAY Haliton Educaior Schunl Ch Use eyeglai Ontario fo Secondar collected optometirk Commuffit wece clas (0Use Cars tse morld + Leare Educaion for farm (ounty bri tast relief f +. Appe Use Oeslaric and the Ceuocil. +- Appro tse addiio cestre amc esîsting claseroma OSf $213,5f à in Burhingh4 +Agrt fuhycholog monUssa ai tisas fff Arstrong cf high catit thse four moi fuced. Mr. Pupii Comil In Actas bel lio eleci resullu me officiai resu municipal v tudents r Dluhy and towns elect Mcgenzie as Mcfescte ls sehoolf. liseir vo hemnt the Wi though - te EaoSwmd ta Site adnll i iseceigos lnai Santc choir Following If Kntx Pl Choir, Mr. teBor of On Ose chnir aI Batil was n Ho exchas seloyeli as eeet cf I lasa Claus. Thsnsghsg 1 happys tU 4fng ..5 L