Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Dec 1970, p. 13

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School news YuIe concert, party planned Wtitonly one week of sahool =eni g local hlddre are beotgore andmoreeexchoj abou t thte app'oachstg festive season Mny young misses scurry horne from school to heip their moîher bake the Christmas eookics: the Younggentlemsenare ai Le faor of a chilliog watt through the local bh with dad, imbiong for a Christmas tree. Studento at Martie St. Schmol are clmsing off thele firat selmol term, rigitt in swing it te season. A Chisltmas musical concert le the licol project Up their aleeve. fTe concert le lo be held tomorrow evening (Thursdùyî ut the scitoot auitorum. Sololels, choirs aud duels froas ail grades mW ieih J entrtling. Everyone le nvitet la attend. The annal Citmsas party for lte studca ill ouibe hcld ai the scitool os Friday. Thc seitool baud ili Play oumerous uubrs anda gamesrmom laa spcli 1higliglit. Te party lesa st.deot cousdcil Project and will hoe held holmeen 2:30 and 4 pu. Os Tuesday, Dec. 22 studmlt memoers ut the atliletic councii, semupaper staff and student courocil are competing agaleut macl othor le a rouod coble volleYpli tounament. Wlesers mdi couteut lte teaching staff later that afterumun. The gicls asd boys volteyball icam competed le thte Porth Haltos VolieYpll Tournament lirld at POP yesterday (locodaypl 'lie baya' taccer tram ai Holy Rosacy chool laoished cn second place in the Separsie Seitool Soccer League. Teu tesa ditedi .m Clasll s bot imst le tte finil 2-i ta St. Anse's of GOkadlle. A group of students frous ihe scliool entertained Manor renidents at the CWL Christmsas Party beld ai Hoiy Rosry Holl Saturdav. Stodenis of the scbml plao a concert for parents lbe beldi at 2:30 ou Sunday, Dec. 20 at te schml. TheMilton District Higli Schaul gond plans a concert ai lte sehasi on Dec. 21. Aampion VOL11 -Na 23 MILTON, ONTAIO, WEDNESDAY, DECytopyf O6 197 b1-o eto Peppermint patty saile big success A- toalof 1,20 stohkng acltdaftr fial totas came Tho, rsday evestoli and by 4 pMi. aytos Frîiday the calte lot hait crsn *.proec Eauy to udt sald.prtiorhdray One unded dzenboxe ofgreat", oaîd todent Cooncîl Dsperhondtr as e bsetd aI preadeni Sosas Pearce. "They MiltonrDsptrsHg c ol tsrreasy ta sll andsalesmere Mîllant Dîttrci Hertgh Seo so geat, or adeed 5i doses liodsiCascl rf ctsate smore. tu aecm olr blcers in A graopagofrst scnaassd thecfootbllfild and a sr Miltas Thorsday cacnisg and sys1cm in the cafeteria tald masi ai lte cssdy la Apprasîmaîcely $15 wal residens for Christmas. (; . L rNwsfnoOS. D. Isterest is rxemcly itgh ai bridge provided lte hoys mîth s O.S.D. ai this boscotf the yerr eaistic viem of a costrcona Ther stsa mach goisgaon Thc monteras tcoeksg condittios residesces arealdecslcateo becaattit asold and damp. Chritmas oîlh actifictai Ose boy slipped inIa the etolly fireplacscanstcsgsbhagisg saler, Thte appraches la lthe rverytshrre. bridge arr brisg poorrd on Apart tram oc egalar achool cancreletormsola type ated for bein i lm nrmasna exdtrahr (asarr pattoa ibs. eTbcer oale oprojieet oia Coasiomddeama grosps are friesds tacamcaer to viuitous ebarsisg ievrrisbly. The mare ailes. aacatiiaal aecofalthecschtl are IThe saol rr ai O.S.D. wîsh cestmly bosy tau. Wr arc thbe itlthaasltoallaar starkîsgaeryclascly otit lthe art Miltas seîghbarî. deparimesi ta moite scrscry, decarate trer ec. The baya bavc -Via Heaps, Pays' Gescral bren painting bridges and ce- Vacatiasal ('bssî vitaliîîsg as aid calter la moite as attractive dîsplayî far aoc auditorium layer. Tite coller î FORWARD2tBACK oald staie Sasta Claos praad 'Cracher 'Whyae ous and lthe sicigit hello rcally mark"1 laie- r yot Betides aoc assoal1 Chrîtimas ob:Itsowndouie cancerts, the stodenstan saol bbeey "lia ta tsdy uie millstrettinlhe adtoim carry ifrarae1lslîd bc twm." starsîsg toc a hall-boue o aiol 'cce:"tta ae o singing00 yo et here ai ail"' Rspair tlyl Habby: -t fiially gare OP Dlheaavcaliasal preat eiîg lryisg andloursrd aead ta ao compleird isclode minter bird batar"- feedrs, a play-baasc lac lte Hesveraaf ioragielt'extdecsc -Chamspionsclasîlieds wiii aad masy ofhe bolacsjunior makecyaar phonerrigAdertise scbstlltoys are beîsgerepaîedfor boeaamssled itesasd sec hast therNew Yr'stee fst ithryitrisg etha A unique praîc is tahie ostructian ofa bridge over lthe Mitr searly 20 ycaet oa crerit betesn lte Cestesmial Trafalgar asd Daitcillr planning Maaac and the 0.S.. camput. boards, Addits Waadley la 'Thi caîcrele fostings lac lthe eliring tram the board. PEPPERMINT PATTY HIJT sorrounds pretty Psrn Thsoms of 76i John lit. Pao n d otrer members of thcelihadent Coutaci t s Millen Dilii Higb Scbonl old lIli doses houes Of pepperminot patties ho lomu last ment hai raine moony for thc Student Cooneil. The group canvasse the town sud aold the candy donc 10 donc, but ras sout of candies before sil bomsto more rescbed. They'l bie ont setiing ugain titis Week ith a sew batch of patties.- (Staff Photo) M.M. Robinson Bp Dama -Jane upr Release cast for new play Ho, Ho!l'mo p tamysnavel in Prias Czajer sud Dos Blair - sAnossals. Titey a snow!Pichard Giles. Anederhe Cathb A Witore latiteMayor? (Proabily Tite dtreclacs ai lis year's Hedre-Cit C ithim snas samemPere) bon praductin are Mc. Laughton, Caralce Cooperitin released ihis yeac's casi aud Mr. Nsmetitandaoeouseaour D uist SoeeL citarus. Katie Campitell, thte musical direclar Mc. Chabtto. G=rgs PRiebsta mayar's deleetahie uitIle Mes. H arrisas and eamposy miii Roberts, Sandy Staley teccetaey miii hie Laurie Taille, boite charge af lte cotumes Wade. Somastita Dppenhteimer-Sue maatld yau holteve, ice-cream Miss Kînlit and and Gsdgos lte titree ladies af the haati hoping ta match th mayar's casuecil m l ho Suznnes Heit! Thal osiie phalagraplier perfarmance os hasit Pritchtard, Denise Draper sud really eataJd lahte pictares. 'lThe maite il bo ehampiai Dosa Byes, plus lac yao gua calor abatts ithee aines mccc on ram. as lte tage creir. thece are lise sale Wednsday, Thucsday and BOY CALENDAR tee citeers-Jase Masolli, P cîday af last meoit. The iighitlg, 1, Tuesday, Osa. 15,. Lindsay Taille and Julie calar, everythng mas noper, il a lai place Roainsoan Hendersos. mas jont lte express as oc itysooste heckey mate Aller a close inapectian af lte lacet mites lthe pictuce mas laites 2. Trasqstlîîy Hast maie dressig man aae cast- lbaieasiledusaof. Dss. 2.-l's an open oitahoralar Saily Sas-Smo bau Theasnly 1110le catcht here la trot ISANGIN' LOIBE Icît lte loiiomisg lust Of ibis close ta Chiristmas, vry fin, i. Mahe poot- lam'fi citaracters, Leray walker - Keilth -af us hase esaugt iît in oc ut. batket thte bîigest ast dosirse, thte Mayar - Jahn Nichalas poaets ta sh, .iat - baasketRoisos 1 1 1 1 1 1 1lable) Plan, Tam Hail PISH & CHIPS 158è MILL STREET MILTON 878-3921 OPENS MONDA Y,5 DECEMBER 21 STORE HOURS MON., TUES., WED. - 'TIL 7 THURS., FR1., TILL 9 - SAT. 'TIL 7 SPECIAL FREE CHIPS WITH ORDER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24. 'Y afit a arsere. Mam ... cas Moite bomeasets Chi I itarram $0?" happenisg! 'lTe juniar aaîîeyhaul toasts 2. Hace a lookt-out coach, Miss (atîi Kimb hban Oece gansa bacc o Pasîrd hec 1970-71 lesas of junioc cherlesdcers Milton District igh School Bp John F. Mrlllmrallh le. Osr sahasi itockey toast, tri "Macadamu Miles Mustans' are inscoand placeîinte legue standings. Os Tocs. Dcc. 1, mitr Bud Thaomas mnd Kîeby Munra af- lîcîabsng, aur tcam made il a trîrd-îs-o-raa aliaepr, mlesîsg S- 3againstO.T.H.S. Scoring masoas G A on Chuebmach i 3 Peler McCuaig 1 2 BabMcKee 1 1 DasyrEas t 0 Jahn Witcelîhas 0 1 im Marsall t 1 Theitcoesaaaateemwasmitr Whte Daits on Taetday Dec. 8. Miltan latibhis gameity lthe smalt margîso-5. Astfor pointa: G A MihecFame 1 2 Peler MeCoaig i 2 liobMcKee I I JohnoSpra 1 I DonsCiuchmach i i DassyrEans 0 2 Jim Marshall 0 1 John Wherlîhast 0 I Alir a qaîcit recarcry the Mustags esl playcd the Plaiteloci 'k thbies, mas 7-1 and agaîs trc mes t0 mention arc: G A John Spcoat 2 2 DasycEvans 2 t Peter McCuato i Mihe rane i 2 Bob McKee i 1 HaitMeGee i 2 Au af Dec. 14 White Dais la le lmrst place wltr aix wlns and no lasses. Mliltn trait a clase seosd wllh four wlns and lwo lasses. O.T.H.S. occupiea ltird spot le leagae sandings. Nom for lte pimens andings for our home eain: Palets Peler McQuaig 18 Mitle Frame 14 Danns rans il DonCituebmach Il JohoOSproat i0 Thie saso'ssraitaaeeyet! Musical treats Music Woreitosc s sn full aperaltas leotucitg Melasie's alitam "Candiet in tre Pain" as Dcc2, mnd "Led Zeppelin 111 an Dec i. Pefreshmenls mccc ce, Jean aty. Linda acruthcrt, 1 Diase -ys Maras, tl, Shansa and Carole etc sasah cibaîl asd Lard Elgin Raiders i Concert, dance!! mod bskt tl prettrest 'istmas a tram of liold on second place aared îoreyaofu -re old itrto ta eroaafo reent aind"ohable otdest lb patroage 'laite Notice!' Tis ment te BEWRE - Tars. aigit Oea. Briesping fine Tree Christas trets mc fient îîateaoced tu France la 1837, mites Prîtîceas Helen ai Mrchlesbacg muccîna the Daite af Orleanas and broagt mIith bec ta Parts the Yole catttialfher ativercaun t'y. Ie sptte ai this and masy ar effortas ta ailoasce lthe cute s-f thfe Chritstmas tee Parisaus stil1 Peler the cor- lier tradition, -bich says tht gittx'cbange tiaiefrtrech sponsoring a "Penny Prise"e OKAY SCROOGE, tris is YOUP chance ta gîre Cralcit s coite!! Support yaur saitasl!! Baud concert Musc ept. TasigitialH8p.m. tre Dakitalle Citisent' concert hasd castes la M.D.H.H. Tickets arr adollu $l, 75 cents lac studenss Caste one! Caîse ail' for a mandeciol nîgitt of lthe fînst in musical ratcrlainsmrset. Rrmcmhee ltais tasîgit ai 8 pst. Despîle tre meaiher tre Folit besial mas a great sac- cens. andaon bitait ai lthe clit, t 22u 'loto caîsîag Turaday the toms af Milton miii rcki ta the souand ai 'Major Hoapleas Hoadîsg Hase." Stoci yaour Chrisbtas holidayas i ull swing or lues. Dc 22. (P.S. -Lal day ai achoal tits cerc"1 Petteemisi polies ocet' papular sn Miltos ast menktIhe ttsuitcauscîlaalcsstesad 150 trocs pacitages and ocren't able to ea I ai carry home ta toms honore lthe sopply Oas exitausird. Gond sews, ltounit hry'ae got mnalter 50 dates mnd plan ta cîsît White Oaks Secondarye Schoo1 Assembly features play Up Pat Ford we Vxamosacas almays tell ie easccmini; classes hogle ta ookm awally caspty asd tre absenice tsIt lram toc offiee gela langer mnd losger, etpecisiiy mtr Grade ls. Bot mîtr lire pears' esperiesce aI ratioaaiing me 'ce qici tla point out trat oc're maeing on the Ghristoas assemitly. Wlecit, af And we lays case traug Tis pear, onder the aitle direction ai AI Koiitfleiteh, me brougit haci tre aid laîtrlota, Santa, mîth a ceai itastý-is goons s osglued hbsack hourd, and bit sachItti of presents for ail lte gond teaciters (as Alouette Peasant lac aur oms 'li-Cat, Mc. soug Mîtitel and the Sogu Plum Pairies (Whte oah s mosecitrtenolshai Ballet). Bul top macho go ta the Theatre Acta dlam for treir play. Fise play Il was a pantomimse, a sflesi moie dose tire as stage, Complele mîtr teroise and agl« grandasotrer; aiaisous iandsrd threatcsisg 10 fareelose the snactgage, and strong handsome liera. Onecof tho students mho mas alas musically isehoned supplied thc piano backgrond, and some af aur prclty girls cioed lthe audienceîsmîwtr eueccardt:(Y.u iesd', Sstccer Ssier:. Paies and baurds la tem ail. Thc hockey lcast mode tas stage deitot in o satire os ttc future NIE1, expansion lean in Oshs'tllc but thc ceai drama mas os thc tee in Miltas Aien wsmies trcy squaatd ot a 6-5 mis ovr the Mustangs. For theirsî and port of lthe tecond periad, if lmitcd lite il was .11 oc ganse; micit, casdcrîsg thc strengtr' af lthe Miltas terts mas tontI ijOd tahie uAtone pointmcstcere leoditg 4-1, mithoaur -second and trird lstetecoeisg rîft and rîgit. Put lthe trîrd peîad mos a mitole nwgsste, and if the pis>, mas eaugh heore, lthere mas n omparîsos toai mtas gamng as mmw. Toc Mustangs hadn'l itees repoîrd to be gentlemen, and 1 trisit il miii hoe far lram Witite ots la disagrcee Pcnfeelnrecord Maralîly aîde, ttc pressure was osad ai the twmmîstc markci of the penid thore was a 5-5 tension, mitr tonte dispute about lthe lyîng Miltas goal. The Productiou Le sed ttc day mhos Hon Harris tooh a pots MI lcast Grec Holide asd shal il through as impossible mess af Milton orms and legs. Ail af wincht giars us a perleat record is sixgmes and a pcclly god hald as the somiter ose position lac Mosttof thesraasn Otiter goals mccc by Pool iachomics, lais lufth of the ncaon; Jobs Demeyo lacits trîrd; Jas Clase, totallînli lms; asd lîrsî msrhrrs for tea Gaaîgas and Mite Athlestn. Haut mîsser mode sios acih. Andseititcctitoldmclafrget trat a gstd paria om oe îvctonies is Horiey Pichertsg's gaaltesdmag. Extra 'Roaund Tlhe Edgcs: Necer lt il ite sai tral lthe lihrory stafflîsaîa onthe hal.. tris ment titey pcesested a rery taccestlai Bookt Fair, tellsg eacry.tisg from the paponhocho as lthe Grade 13 Esghsh course la hot rOd Mags. Smx dollars goco tn Val OsWîîî lac hitmsntsng poster inthe castest adeertîsleg ttc ecesi. . .ttonsarealoing up for flic Senior basbelhaUi toast nom witr a 59-23 oic arer Ancaster le =stiis p'ay- Big question of treeaos mhmilhobetop sconr ... CraigCarer or Becole Bartz? YOUTH

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