Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Dec 1970, p. 11

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North Halton committee Co-ordinate Tise Caridîs Cha pion, Wedvesdoy, Decenber 16, 1970 chîldren services townshipo ff 'er'mrl ni,.., lait) ta 11 enta Cia - iseough tfi tisai ma ONE 0F THE PROJWI'S of tise HaIton rp Tante Cotity Thisercuosis and itesporatocy Diease fenerosi Asancinton came taaMiltonoistrict isnpitalmi Ose Corna of an anaesthettc ventilator. Tise macine, vainien nI $1,5Dt0m pond for throogis ca-ni Bote Use eof Christmas Senas me association i i garrtandej id a ta.o [OoIiaf ye atu - .t curntiy rannmng a eilot projeet mn Actan on Ose use oif Ptulmonary fonction testa. Presenting tise machine ta C. L. McFadiden, prenident ai tise association andi mit him are Stan Edgor representig Use hospitai bsoard andi Dr. Ivan Hunter.-<ýStaff Photo) Approval as given hy represeottie ai . voirley ai social service agencies, ta fortaa ChildreoServices Ca- .rdioo Cositte for sorts Haltos, dan" n etit o Milton Distre tf h Ocýhoo'l.ast wees. Objective of the organioation soil hoe ta provide tomne co- ordination isetwen exsting norv ices such an education hoalts, correction, commanity weifare, and family mourt. Concern fat Tise ecoup wao an outgrowth of concers toit by memisers in tise varios areao, for tomne co- ordination which could tead ta mare effective and officient services. A ntoering committee f ormed lit an earlier meeting, recooutended estabslisisment of a poticy consnittee mils cepcesenlativms from tise narious acean 'of service and an operaisg coomuùttee sous a o ocdmnator that moulU confer ta moto aof joint intecest. Vaile tise poicY committee Manorites see Iights here tonight Homeomners on Milaon are ashed to maise suce thetr Christmas ligisaore tornedi on early tonigist (Weotaesdavî. About 20 memisers ai tise Miton Rotacy Clubs plao ta toise reuideota of Hatan Centeniriat Manor on a car tour of tise otreeta on Miltaon, se tisey can see tise local Christmas ligistissg dioplays. moold ioctode norts Raison Ose osaller groups miehi ie centced oround thse tbeeotrbaoncentres of Miltan, Actas and Georgetswn. Reprsentatioo on tise poticy cm itee misich miii ie cesponsisie foc funding, ncludco Ose Superintandent of Specisi Edtucation tac Ose Haitan Couety Bord, Ose Superintandent ai aepacate acistota, Ose Meslicat OffIcer of Heast, tise 1Dicector of Rornig fro. Ose Ha tan Unit, a representutive tram Ose Social mnd Faotity Services of Hatan, Ose Cloilcen's Aid Society, Ose tadge of tise Juvenile and Faosily Court, a Coooty Councii cepre- sentative and a nesos media roprmsentative. Repor thOe updating of Ose tanhip's oficiai Plan were presentedhmeniher; 0'Ote asaaeaPiamine. Boord dormeg a Year-end mceting tant meeti. Board menitar Jolin Kitcising cepocted foc tise laod une commutter, on efforts ta compile the lateot tnformation front ageocies concened in tise tatis uchs an conservation AOotesand Deportment of iihmoays. The L.and capaiity study has iseen completad, ho cepocted and Ose updating of muncipalmtalsaunderway. Tise commcitten report indicatad it tntended ta compile tise iforsnation and combsine tl in - ~~1~ - - - - .wu~.. cecosonmendbea paing a i decetopment poiscies. Cisairmas Gardon Agneor tald menmhers Ose hp-taw cononttee zoOtng isy-lam, awaittng oiormation fromn Ose lad use committre. Memisers agreed in numcmy isocussiao tisey mauld continue Osear eciffrtn on Ose propoed isydro fine mises Ose report ai Ose tanh force study caotdering placmng Ose Une In a utiiidoc aithOe nioOs ai Ose ceuoty, ta completed Counctillor A. Achman suggeoted tise Planning Board foutise uSed more oiiectively y Os ccunicil and called ise studies on pollution and Protection ta Ose encironient in Ose enea Ter. Pli, qnarrynsupport Af tac a report isy Reeve Mms A. Macrthsucon discussion mils Ose Minister ai Mimas Ose Boord passeid a cesolution tisai il suppot cetrci in porsui of pit and quarcy ieeîniatias in 1971. A yeac-end fotanciai otatammit os tise Board's apecatians tndîcatad tisece isad iseen 20 gencral meetings and lisree ceninittce meetinfs miOs foco paid ta isoard memisers and staff totauling $3,775. Calis for establishment of fodoral socuritios commission STININDGO POPCORN sons n favorite madie canies, mhe papcarn strings were used Christmoas pastime for pioneer cisildcen ta ta decorate tise tree and the home and eaten Canada. Tey dictait have tise sweet treats of aliear Use ceieisration. Ose modern day and mere nsafet i osl home Warns arona sprinkler systom should flot b. tampored with S prinkler systamas are sot ta hoe Itittpered mitis, Miltas Pire Clanf A. ECemet wanin a eLetta lMsilton Arena oard. The f ire ciefs letter and the soarstag abotut Ose armna spritaller nystem carne falamwing a tisaroogs "Iprctian ise made at Ose mrena 0ev Ï6, and n copp ai bis letter sn sent la Milton CouncOl tact Seeis. Persans hsave tees sees tamtpermng miOs Ose sprinkler Ystaem, irping ta set off a sinklher ismd mitis a cigarette, and swing usg as the mater feede hores, ise sotad. "If ao ai those sPemhklerisnadamwero ta hoe set aiff, ibus wauid aise set off tise alarmn inOshe armna and could resait ta sine persans hoing tajoret iIf a ti sintation sonit nccnc,' bie Maid. Exitl ocei Tise lire chîei bil attesded a hockey game at the aresa earlier Ohs mintar ami moticed eeraj tire saiety refitiatiams mre ot bisctg fatiloed. He insmediataip Otefrnmi Ose mrena boord af fis istdiig n and pramisedl ta traite a nimplete inspection ai Ose mrena asoasposibsle. rseciaie saïci lochrU exnt damrs, isacricaded cirridien, taris of exitl Oghs and tna smoking" signa more a bâtard tooccupanta. Te mrena bord toid mont ai tise chief's lecurmmendatom more carrieti lut oeire Ose f ire cisiet's latter innni pubie. His overnOl inspection, hesîdes Paîntîng up tise dangern ai tamperisg miti snprinklter n Y St emo , i n cloud ed recommendatiouns Osat: -Ail fire exit doars hoe equipped mîtis pantic isardmare; -Allexits mustiave exit tiglta -Ai m alio egreso mont hoe anohatracted Uucing occupascy; -Au electrir caisie in Ose mactane rmom oa ta hoe ropaired and a caver placed os a junctios tan. Neet ire door -A mandas partition ta Ose macime rm i tcvered miOs lire reoiniive materil andailire dnor miOhsemO-dloser shoota hoe insialid: -A fire dmllr aisa ie installed an the fuonace rmom; R o Smeisng- sîgn lis le poled i tse c.atigrea ; _Exit Cags hr pootcd isoive domrs ta Ose collce. sip Estiguisiscrs lie instali m Ose ice fomding miachine ro and ulo Ose manager's office. An eurly diaiy, mnitten ut Port Deurtare, Ii., in IoN, relaten Ose practîce ai trîmmîng tise Chistmasntree with ornaments. A, Mdltan inveotment specialint tatd a joint Oesate-Commoms Coomoittce os Ose conitution taon wieis Osere sbaaid tae a reederai securitien commission estaislîised, misetiser tise Provinces ai Canada want it o Stcorge E. C. Jacson o aqacee t. Milton presentod ose ai severat bisi la Ose Oenate- Cammoon Committre at a iseoring field in Hamiltan an Dec. 8. Tise committee appeaccd mnterested in isis nubision and sked ior iariser information ta hie iarsoarded ta tisem, Mc. Jackson satd. Tise commutter is holdiîng meetings acconu Canada te gatisci ideas os praponed consitutiona ceform. Maltiplîcîty ai provincial secortis isss and provincial secucities commissions, couped miOs Ose influence accorded ta variaus "self-regolatary" boadies soci s onstock escisanges, mnvestmesl deniers and broisers' associations, puis Ose Conadien secucitien inveutar in a taugs npot, Jacksson tald lise Commiuttee. Tise invesor. .. enjapn bituc isetter thon chances ai a crap- ssootar," bie nuggcoted, and Ose exsting structure nerves Osc mntecmsts ai neitiser Ose Canadîmn publtie nor tise scooteors. First Christmas Sltcplieeds wotched, ottotti sangO and mise men tsaveled ft te iseiseid tise miracl e> otie feus 5îîîee thot ttey iiglita multitude of tegeedi ted coetetmi, bh recigitous ted tm.ier hae deetped ai pait of te hotidmy. focs legeitd mii onte tol, ecd cuitoni once oisseeeed foi tise fiii toile,,and t hougis ostaîtîs of Marif traditionsi me noee loit it test, oties Chistmas fietti hae h eett recored for poitestty. WHEE, TIS IS FUJN. Wintiy weatiser hroaght a iseavy snoef au ta Miltonnand district on tise meekeod. maldng it a great weehend for outdonr faniily fon. KAISER ALUMINU SiING ..for the carefree beauty of it * tEVER NEEDuFPAINTING *20 VIAR GUARANTEE -CHOICE OF COLOURS AND FINtSHEO LOW FACTGRY PRICES ON GINER ALUMINUM PRODUCTS " Aluminum boors TfOM " Combination Windows "VI.AL Car Ports " Alummnum Awnings FEDERAL INDUSTRIES 0F CANADA FOOT 0F FORSYTHE ST. OAK VILLE 84s-0318 THE FIRST STORM of the season causei chaos on Oflgtsay 401 Flriday morcnn. Several vehicles Iost controi on that isigs- muy and ailiers in the urea. Tis iractor ti-ailer went off thse road jaut half a mile froin the scene af a second crash.-<(Staff Photo) CLEARANCE SALE of SOFAS, LOVE SEATS & CHAIRS 20% DISCOUNT Floor Samples Treat yourself to a new suite for Christmas. Many good values. Morofto's Furnituro Mllshurgh, Ont. Phono 855-4003 -M

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