6 The Cnadon Chamvpion, Wodnesday. Decoooher 9, 1970 'SONGS 0F THE CHRISTMAS SEASON" mas the tille for a choir concert at Huniter, Eteooor Jackson, Morgoret Benton, Mildred Galtoueay, Helen Holy Rosary Chorch Tulesdoy oveniog when Milton Music Association choir Pem'loe, Ruth Stinuson. Bock rom, Mille Rolgrok, Bob Clarke, John Bradley, mode ils tinst publie appearonce. Pictored in lte froot row are Irene McCoy, BiSl Brush, Don Clements, Bill Von Griomven, Bort Porter, Mike Ledwiflu and Ucz Roberts, Helen Powers, Mary Emmerson, Pot Lee, Jools Harris, Joyce Don Stiomon. Abment miten dols photo mon takou ai Sosday's reheorsol weoe Haymoard, Lou Chatlinor, Moy Horking, Jane Copelond, Borbara Tropuor, Moorees Suslth and Jouette Ledwith. Orgnot Boboert Argoil la nitomo at the aod Cormel Eoves. Second rom Morion MocNoh, ohel 'Ihompuon, Judy left side of theusecond rom; conductor Reg. DiClol iue right-<Staff Photo) Choir's first concert success Sog of the Christmas Seusos- rang ouot ai Holv tlosary Church uniTuosday corong as the new MîlItnlusiuc Association choir presentedits first concerrt. Thie croud, the solectîon of sesnl msc and ils protossiosal proooutatîoo adAd up ta a bg surrssad codco Rog DîCola uas enstiîastic, as weeaIl the momhors of the 32- viemised uduit choir. 'Me frsthreavy owuall onthe iseekend wasthorougttly ejoyed hy youog toto aod bosns hot prod rathier treacherouo tor molorioto. Slipprry, slashy roalis resolted in a rash of accidents acosthe procince. In Milton tuo accidentsonoro roporîrd and iooestigatod hy Milton Polico Drpartmest. Fridasi. a car drison hy Joe Bolsedoro of Bell St. oas iscoledîina collison wîth atiother cehIlîcle drivena hy William Halo ot Rohert St. Tho Bleero cehîicle recetord mr otîmatrd fM0 domoago; $20 taSohrHlauto.l Truck. cor coltide Soturday a' the corner ot Base finoeRd. andOntarioSt. a tractor traîder drîcos hy Raymosd Ballaritior of Clarhsos oas iocolvod in a collision wiSo a car Arises ho George Hitchcos of Ijakoîlle, The Hîtrîcos setocle sustained us estîmaled $300 duamage. No damage a reportod to the teactor-tcuîiler. Mdilton Police also mvestigated araccidentîon Wedesda at Brisir St. nrar ictoria, Scar dre ,i Roy Fabian of R.S 3 Formed sn Soptomhor ofthSin ycur ilhe choir uuderlooh to prsrtaChristmas concert, coco brloro il heliA As tîrut rrhear.sal Mo. DîCola, a lloliîuo 00s manager of tho Bank of Novu Scola in Mittou, ba u',olddlhegroup through just thrcc mooths ot weehly rehearss and iltos a nolished fiel forooiuocc thry ga 'e on liîcodaurcccoîg. Tlith Christmau sonoo as lis thome, tho choir opeood mit o rousing 0OCanada thon presented sxpopulor choral oumhoru. Organst-accompanust Rohert urgaîl followod wîlh on orgon solo, Judy Huntor and Bill Bronh sang adueltand MaroouSmith ottrd a solo. Don Clomouts sang one solo and o quartot including Mou. Heurtor, Morgorot Benton, Mr. Bruuh ond Don Milton collîded wîth treo cuord Three minor accidents totlSing rails. Damaoge 000 roportod 0f on oullmated $460 more allia iuiSto thcr and $20ta therails. inoestigatedt Sn mno. !i ira oece Gloria Camphell, d- atin St.; Heleo Pion, 13 %ij 't Iijan Horig,217 Park- ,aýDr Stro Raymond Sylvent, 'u.lroieood Cr.; Leotoa olîr li San St. dihnrof$5lSvouchers more i..i. Cssidy. 238 Bell St.; H. Rlii h . 6 Miltou; AI Rlîlii R, y 2 Milton; Erie Mi iton;i Don Chuch- "n f1 1: Wiilias Ave., lIte cÀ-K Stillcin, Bonita Camn, CG!l' i K grNowah. 54 Doory l'ci Fgiiletc 1W0 Branto MrIc T 'iillo, 17 Mill St. i'., ira iuir yart of the i I-'rutoss yromotion 1 '.'.udt the tree shopporu' i ahîich starts this Ji, a rioLaa o,hThii'.cyiOkLf Mayor Brais Bout told '1t iJiampion the staff salariesý wert ihcunoel nii a hll tor lu meeting of the coonici priso tO Monday'u regola meeting. Tise eight per cent icroooe 0000 ac- coptedl hecaluse t parotlels the Town staff gets 8%/ pay increase ielioii tnlliricntrâct rtth 'ofiir Pl"iu Liept.nont for prulono 'ýTioT trio cse îîaght faiorate-'ii.hO hisaid t.Ormy inierneoo meetingE injuosoil appossel a Christmas txnris tor ah 1001 staff and abso Arruded Wi cisc ltti Maiidoy, lu",e2 Sasuapaud liàddy inlieu of Bisoîsi Day, etuch Ulin on a saturday Sois ynar "IM FOI Stinon roondod oit thol section of theo progrom. 'The choir rotorned for six more sumhero wlth Pot Lee taking o solo, port toîco, and endod the concert with ahooutiul chorl. Miltou Music Association mou foonded hy tho Rotory Cluh of Milton and licol plais mors laid tout Jone. Although the initial emptouis mas ou o choral group more avenues ot muicat ontortaîumout are heiuf osplored. Other Rotorînu mhu hase oorhod on the music association project unclude presadrnt Dave Thompson, Miho Leditîl. DirA Copley and Nod Glover. Keop goiog Roheorsoîn ii continue in .lauuoryanuturoconcertsoare ta ioclude claussual choral music, contemporary music and muic Milton Music Asuociolion's Christmos concer.-.-(Stoff Photo) iriim the Broadway shows. If 'ruosday' s coocert ls auy indication the croup oppoors to have ant escollont nuicleis for iihol could hocomo on att- iincompossmng music procram for Miltou. Soipraos lu the choir include Eleonor Jackson, M 000000 Smith, Isobol Thompson, Lis Rloherts, Janis Harris, Mary h:mmerson, Jndy Hanter, Pot te roue McCoy, Holon Pomors and Maoioo MocNah. Altos are Ruth Stîno, Helen Pottrico, Cairmel Eoves, Jane Copoland, Jusotto l.odmith, Mildred lialloooy, Borharo Traynor, Joyce Hoymord, Margorot Benlon, May Harhi and LIýo Challîoor. Tonors are Bill Bronh, John Bradley,' Mihle Roigroh ond Boh larko. Bosses ore Don Stinun Dons Clomoentu, Bert Porter, sBiS Van Gruscon ond Milhe Ledwith. Rlohert ActaIt mas ortamul oand Riohert Troyoor hondlod the hghtiog FAY'S ELECTRIC COMPLET E ELECTRIC SERVICE *INDUSTRIAL. MAINTENANCE *ELECTRICAL CG NT RACT I N E LECT OIC HEATING WATER HEATER RENTALS 818-204 FREE ESTIMATES LAN CLEMENTS & SON VE AMERICAN MOTOR CARS R IMMEDIATE DELIVERY -SUBCOMPACTS COMPACTS INIERMEDIATES OREILIN HORNET MATADOR F ROM 121 95* F R0M2473* F Rom$321 9* WE'RE SPELLING SPORTY GARS LUXURY CARS OUT PRICES OIAVELII/AMX AMBASSADOI F ROM33SS* FR0M3825 ALLAN CLEMENTS &SON DRONTE STREET I. MILTON 878-2328 VOICES RAISED IN SONG, membersofM the evenlng. A large coowd otteuded the gronapo nom Milton choir sing out n favorite Chrustonas finst concert.-I(Staff Photo) noonher doring their concert Toesday LET US FILL TOUR NEXT PRESCRIPTION DRUSAVERS PHARMACT EVERY DA Y LOW PRICES MILTON PLAZA 878-4521 Fut seme CHIISTMAS Goîfly cofoood siffo of clofhong kooP ha happy and moom the. onhole year through. T he three sosson ca «in rich ruggod suedo $15.00 Smartly sfyled suede oi fingeotip length wiih Acrilao Borg uip-in lier for wiofer narmth. k"4, Hackiog flop pockets, koitted ooof< guard, 0',0 treeed with sude guard fo prisent liouioog. Ino ebrown aoratflok. 1~ Snowfall not enjoyed by mishap motorists Ind A subteIl [,ne Rd. o traiit sewer làne Esques Milton Coun Monday. Thq 211t030 indui be2i laid toi lla northf Couridl wi Mf the line, earlie Molk to3linhes froien nhen vote. Wldle largue lino IlI servelofi" r foue cnunol the oimaller the nem lai Burl seait I Continu recalled ti Mien lie il position. "El oxperlencei Cono flanc, oaid aile uni olili David worued har Ifenefis," oI Weooell Go oninpaagn w loud coaiducta Tue Mr. t conducled ne lad prescrite nipposed la ko," hoe a, Deieated Gallagher s inconcedibol justogiont odest can oe thon $2,0 oppnnent lu o already L hterature." Mr. Smn votera fnr added hoe 1 respect for 1 col hlm ulart suppuose itos satant doe snld Mr. Smo .-l'il nOve short," hoe nd hoe my laun.' Resul.owe Burlington odlht Mnt redsihoie froonor War, Deoulo in Wi Ward 4 and Af Kotephen Toi Jonhins for N Preston lu O'Connell Wi Sutherland lu Ituwas Robe separate educotn uni Aresou2. For pi edlurution Ara ý oel Coope idmell, Amiî Expei xe suf ohc Idanre po uonday non log hooth owalh in thi Pinot coula xrtnod oi 1 iliton py enu red b bat figureun0 rte for the 1 Milton Toton ohecy 8, Do JOh Noble lclaimei t ontyhboard. oturned la Il iard ou Mill without oppoo Speed limit 50Omies per .Milton Cou ,eek. Thley ladi oa meelin eprment o ggented roi )on 1ha1 niù oh. The Tmttee mi aY Andres ecommende de. Onlario Sdi 90requeile Ichange, tdents nd 1uncit cooco Acton J Otly belld iinity g y use the 1 Meetings. Ilmaital doue quici i'-aejý i4 sh ppin ru(lNIUCTOR REG DiCOLA ns sdlhouetled ci c ,' 1ý4r(«hr.. lice> uguinst the lotng whte comos of choristoru ai First $100 given away A in Chamber yule draw floti 8.00 -8.50 9.00 FROM 3.00 5.00 Pulooer 12.95 -23.00 j CiodiN o9 -a 4500. 9.95-10.95 Kro0000l 1.75-2.0 son 1.u 0 AooOioaoOm 2.25 f Anyonex&cuts 1.50 11.95 -15. Ca 5 nev Jada rob«.§ Cotn 6.00 Po-nn 7.00 7.50 00000e 6.95 -25.0 edo. o 13.95 SCARFS 3.95 -4.95 GLOVES 2.95 -12.95 GIFT PROBLEM? USE A GIFT CERTIFICATS iifa 191 00 OR HAT CERTIFICATS PROM: F.gi, athe a ioi v eutisfroooio 1.00 t 18.00o PPI ON7 3302 FRDAY & In.O. sno oi FRIDYTILpm V222 MAIN STREET MILTON ONT