Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Dec 1970, p. 3

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Meet tonight to docIde fait. Georgetown voters Kllbride Hall may have to Close favor fIuoridation By BobBurtt Facing a shorlage of fondis, a slairtage of people aig the tacilîtîrs on a eegsiac bis s oeil as a ocA ee fornsie epaîrs, Kitheide Coamiaity Halasay haetubreclosed Up. 15e hall han servaid the village asoameeting place and dance hall and fias houned hazaars and sperial events f0r the village people sire il mas asoeed thore ahout 75 years agi. The actual date iltas mived isn'tknsenhbut il li brlieved 10 ho abrot 75 years. Prior ho moving il ta lis present localion an a publie hall il mas u.ed an a store hisse. PublSe mneeting Tie Hall Board mii bold a paiSe meeting ai the hall tonighl ai 8.30 10 air the peshîri tliey are confronbrd wili and te decide as the future of te huilding. Hall Board treasorr Jack hsghis said there in a shirtaf e of haids as only Imo groops nue ose the hall andlhe mal rent tey pay doesnltcover the costofethe caeetaber. Sti up interest "Well have 10 stir Up some interest in asing te hall se onseder cloning il," hie sait. "Tie rosf over te hitchen leahe, me have ni washroom, and oter nmajor repaies are necessary," The hoard missed sut on revenue lhey nsight gel il tey were allomed ho, have a har. Sol te lae penihifat a pubhic bar witout a mashroom and te huilding resîs oe rock, eliminating the poility if lnlttng in amashroom. Sadshape Snrlingtsn Hecreatise Superviser Art Turner said il eould hoe lihe Ibroming giod money fêter bad if te neoessary fonds were sent to f le the hall. lDIn in pcetty liadt shape", hie noted. Tuorner cecalird the lime pulting eieclric heatig in te huilding lbree yrars agit bat inted the repaire requirrd are toi grea and te issihor if prsosn osng the hall omi't lostit' te rependiiere. Gond tibes Althoogh rcoeoams may îaeah vlosmng op looh lihe a logîcot seive, long tisse resîdeels of Nort Bariinghoe, Milton aid te tomnships miii hoe moved hy emition aid a nontalgia rrcaling gond limes hadi in the hall yrars agi. At ose lie te hall mas a brehîve of activiiy hot more recentlysnneofthteniats have movrd to Eithcîdr ScheSi and oters if course arr spreding teisure lime in domîîtome Sorhlino. Srveeal chices fOhen te puhblic aiehs hoight ho dicose te foture lhry'bi have severa aitereair routes 10 ciesider. Thry aiay choose 10 tri' tosticup ierest andimpove teir fianciai position, or thrv may chmisr 10 close the hall. If iderd thry close te hall, they mîght approach the reccealie commoission in an effort ho have the commission act mi hohaff if te people of Kdhbrîdr nsaking anagreermetwitthe Haiton Coonti' Board ot Edoca- lion ho ose Eiihridr Sohari tic thr two groopsnow maiag thehall EstaSiab lalegesagala Another peehaps mire imagieative ides has hies icked aod bt has noî yrî touod hos may hoi the dramuog board. Several horse breedees, hoIrse owners mnd asaicialions w1th interests ho shneing bonse have eepesaed interes in es.inLnhag a fale gounds aI te arhIasd bhotling the schont property. Wfite lis la SUUI ait te peetimlinary levet and hoi ni eay cisnecteditlhn s e Srte hall board, il mold evenlonlly pesvde a meeting monm, er area ho ac, . cmnnodale te gresps uning te hall moe. Emtotioni îles t te colis and amuIs and te Gond Neighhor Euchre Club use te hall on a regular hasin. Mary' if te memfmrs in te card club arr senier vitizeon and have strong emolional lies 10 the otd hall. Aller heing ho the evilage for o long tehall has hecome as moeh a part if te life in Eilhride as mai' if the people eho popolale tevillage. Th llBoard wit te befp if the people of Elteide, mill bave ho mahe te decision mencerrnsg the hallsi future on te tisius if te informaion avaitabte aI homfgbl's meeting. paaac meeting toi 0151255 tne <Wednesday) at te hall. --Sf (OUR RIADERS WRITE J NO CISTO5OERS? SURE, NO SERVICE! Dear Sic: As a resideot of Nassagaweya Township t ams concersed over the Unheatened tereosalion of the C.P.R. passenger service ior omonity. White passeeger accommodation of ii nture may not le heaviIy patro,.jed aithe present time, the rightof way extends it :j the vert, heart of a rapidly expanding area of the Pýrovince and offers the only practical alternative li as already svercrswded bigh- way synteas. The present speratieg schedale of existing service na inappropriate for regular commsîlng porposes bst a resised tîmetable cosld prsduce ssbst.anlîal revenue frsmhiis chasof raffhc Througb apparent indifference to sassesger ac- commodatise asd oxieinea noliceable deterioration of rail services and facilities witfin recen years cao also be blamed for lack of patronage. Wbile the reflected resit of fis busines ? attitude may lie shsmn as supporling rvidence for the leresination of servicei affordssno jstification fortie deprivalion of transportation facillifes mhich are the inlierent public privilege. Shouid abasidoaient of passenger rail accommsodation on Ihis slrategic rigel of way ever bie alled hy the Canadian Transport Comnlissioi, a service Ihatla citai 10 tie interest of tItis devetopiog community may bie lost for aS lime. Yoors saicerey, Mary McPhail G eorgelome vitrs favoced florîdation if thoîr mater hy a Meiîday. In laver et fleecîde: 2h10. opposcd 1700. Williaai Smiith mas rircied mayor by a omail majority: Sth 2258 ; Son Dedilsin 2175. reeve Hasier mas ousld mth Kitchener man dies in crash A Kitchener busbasd and fater if trer vhîtdrrn mas killrd Fridai' morning in a High- may 401 accidet ta folied the minIer's firsl big seomfatl. Norbrt Bademavbec if 92 Sith Ave., Kitchener mas te sicton. Hîs car mient out if costrol ma piomumetedl 25 fre oie Fie Sîdecoad just rast if Campintîville ahout g.3o a.m. Const. Tom Peurîve of Miltos OPP invrstigabrd and said te mans car mas a total mrch. He mas atone ie the car at te tier Intimidation I721 voteshby Bie Morrom, former voseiciltor, ailh 2696. Art pel( twa clan Concllosttso elcted in ach mard: Ward oe re Hyde 820, Ernest Sybes 695; John EStoîli f60; mard Imo Harvy Levi' 743, Mcs. Donna Desaimin 624, Praror Porter 60t; lot Harrison 428. Ward trer, Phdl Siddatl, Mes. Joas Smith hi' acclamation. Hardie0 Sherk man rtrctrd 10 separate sobool board wit 25f voies ho Clarence Deyir's 185. Acclaimed wrcrErnest Bodonr foc board of edicoain, Joho Arms troeg aid Geraid Me- Caiiom foc hydro commissioen Saibeetinc and Jie Young toc' mater commission. Nix signl A propsd ced and yrllom revoling s folt sigi mold coue motoricîs, esprcîatty aben te baie erch traffic lighln ai Ibat istersc;on applicanis front, Bell Scoe. Garage ere infiemel lis merb hi' Milton Coeil and buildieg ispecier Boy Oien. Thsegas coapaiy sign moald sit mla sIaleI for 8.30 tosiglit lad pcopety aI thc cocner of Base tadl Photo) charges [air Bn d .and Marlie St. Sth - ~ cooicii aisdtherbuilding iespeclor Milesn OPP tei meeh lid lave relce Ah lhsicn eqrst. R ingl,ringl charges ofintimidaion agaist20 In01 fase fsiioieg aseries of re lerson la e eieclios resuiîs fromt The te Toms Lise otb of Idorvai Champiie's elecin teiepbose Hailome'es sighl. Tes area mes ce sîlt service Monday nmghl. mere cbacgrd rorlier foibomieg SOId in w eek fe a staff of reporters in itensive investigations. Esoesî%g Nassafameya, OakI- Spehesases said the OPP arr Licenîce pl atcs have brcs on vle an Brlieglos fed resalîs 10 stli iresligahog a fire te samne sale osîy ose mee i n Ontarie and the office, Ibrer Champion toghl mhich destroyrd a barn aI afccady Miltbu Licence Bureau employers asered over 200 teSecond lie faim sear Moffal epots a totl if 178 passenfer trirpbosr isqolirs brîmees 8.3 ooced by Ontario Social andl licences and 23 dual parpose pas. and t a.m. Most of te Faoily Services Minister John licenccs haverbressod. The loai mnqolies ciecersrd te elections Yarcasho. Arson is sospecîrd bot haeau is aI arement point and in te towntships. lo date nocharges have bees laid. Walipaprr store os Main S1. GIVE HER A DISHWASHER THIS CHRISTMAS Compare Z Westinghouse 5 CYCLES SELF-OLEANIMO FILTEI SANITIZER oJET SWIRL MMLTI- LEVEL WASM 9 Westinghouse Wl Pa29To i KILBRIDE HALL, a part of te csmmooily for mssy yeurs may ho cîordi unles te peopl e of te community gise lion Hall Board ssihotance ineesloeing the hall 10 gond condition. A The Caeedev Charrcvr, Wedvesday, Dvcý1e v , ho 970 Free bus service s farts here Friday vI;;dffec, ,rit i a llie I 10ne tugudane C'hristm;as promcotion is bvîsg o et oail (hetvscac Bob Osetîcît ottocril 15 shoppers lis year by and hitc vomitro, pro-vides for a Milton Chambr of Coimmerce. froc ickct iv be gîcen shoppers Chambr organisers have ioith ravh porchane ($1 soppleenentrd the ssal free mniooas). Thcy fil in their Ch~rstmas draw sssth a lie sameand addrss aoddrop itin a shopprs' bai service designed to dra tais in each partîcipatiag gel shppe thOe stores and store. Each Monday hefore homeagsdorig the daytlire. Christmas $100 worth of 'Me hon service starîs ibis mccchandise vouchers mdll hoe Friday, Dec. Il and cones daity isicibuird to iucky shoppers aod escept Sondays fron,a.maa ho 5 one the daybhrlocChistmeas te pai. sutl Thorsday Dec. 24. AUl f1mai peloci toialiig $100 miii hoe rides arc frce, cosctesy the givr amay. Chambr and ocr 80 Ail tickets dcpcsitrd belmeen pactlcipaig stores and services. ceai anA Christmas miii hie Bsotese cligibeo priors. Vouchr cange 'ttsrareethrer sectionsstOthe rom $5oito$10in value. hosciy rosies trhonbu miili te. Il traces Milton Pont Office rvecy bor on lise hoar and tracets op WANTED TO BUV Mill ti and thcoaghthemcst and soaOs-west ea of tse tome, It Johnson's Furniture miii leace the Post Office agaie ai 30 iue ls past each hou and aiieay Os hrad an Marii 01. ho, secarv theH norlh corerofomn andestop a c Miton Piaa Thes itl races the on th s5e afo Sd sa d Chares and Main Si. corner atb 15 ano,,d fineecs. Stoves mnts o ehour and srves .teogsasos acese cSet i.. theaiouth-eat sction of eton, Poenv relscsîeg oece agaîs te lise piaia MILTON 878-3781. and downtomn acras. 160 MAIN ST Alhough therbsmillnohoraoci Ovso is op aoddomnerach andrcvry cesîdeliai sîceel, seganiors report nove miii have 15 math morectha ahblockbo catch a free Hon Hie clements & Noble ba ee hedivn fre eIn INSURANCEI msade aerraeens mith Tyler 1AGENCY LIMITED1 Trasport of Actoo for the hus, 16 MARTIN ST. MILTON. supeccîned a covao of siochants. île fO-pios sponsors I nde h ae coitihtrdrnoagh 10 pay *m. foc theh ous service aed f$5i0 focr ~ ,-= j bise free shopper dram wich

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