Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Dec 1970, p. 23

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7Barbara Dutchys, 10,tof TeCnda hmin ensaDcme ,17 N agara-on-the-Lake mon the e CstcCaptWdedy tbr9 9CC3 1 97 poetry derbv soonsored by Reeve, deputy, candidates Theob........ Othe hîen in 10e atinid bou a horsecH IS MS.R E s ta te p la tfo rm s to U BCF JR.Curde O..- SOC-NENfWySRC The question of vibo mas 10 and ansmer period followd. Ward Burtiogtoo and Oab âe sokioat ne viable unit wilb the Halles cepresent ,ton by populatio esuRISN represest the vices of Ward 3 3 cetincillor Mci. Ella Foote and have more represeoan on out Bodrd of Educatiuo then sue 1bave regiouai OPTOMETRIST renidentu on' Ibis year's George Pellelterio, Ward 3 couoty counicil Ibn merely the "mhicb , s ooorluog melI". "We guovecron, be Said "I bave TiuOErI o ot ooto Ntaddtsfrree i o n mada e ords toi north esember. -I am fully aware of the oroare large euougb i population As tacr as road auproveeeti cossion and neparate scbool Prior to the actual speeches of couuîy," bie uaid, -but as reg.o ands bave agood iuprovemeuto bave uot been board addrenaed over 70 people at candidates, cbairsoas Clemeota cbairsoan of the couds vommittee bleoigf rural urban aod progreuss g as fast as hoe bad - a speelal pre-elertion candidates' anoouuvedil aut utvear's total ho ils. .~... Ine=n nets in Cair-vimn Publice Sehal amuille, su Tuesday evening. Tbe meeting wais npsnsuredi by tbe Upper Burlingtsu Citiamus Forum miIb vice-president G! Bradford Ciennents la the cbair. Arelabned tooffice Eacb candidate n gives a [ive minute opporbmnity ta ad- dress the audience wiIb lt sumpaign speecb and a question ssusmeot on Ward 3 mas $10,631,515; five per cent of 00e ttal asesmeot of Burîtaglan. With ttau bie poued a question te, sucb candidate asking "-What minl Tour neut step or suggestion bie, n Ibat Durcy McKeough has declared that mith regional goveruimeut Haltot Couty vacoot remain by itaetf?"' ReeveGordot Gailagher utated bie realized tbe tomos of NSGAWEYA ,lPf.tàuhl,pcomfllsit During a cegidar mseetig beldi on Hifbmay 401 easl of Tues9daY evesliug of lait meeb, Cam pbellviîîe resurfaced and meesbers Of Nasoagameya regraded ibis fait. Couci had Cousil, achier uirge th e DBO 10 te action on the careif stretch of -Rcived a complaint f romo coud. ratepayeir Henry liest cer the lacb of an adviance pol for -Notified tbe tomnuhipis Msuday'n electiss. Reeve Mrs. A. Comodttee of Adjuunts a road MacArthur naid cossoeil mais midenmng dedicatiso nooid only resiss as su advsuce pol mas bw necessary on a seporalmi talked about earlier but targotten porcel sud sot the porcet of land suben the electios by-lam mas frses sutach il suas seporated. 'The pauied. Obe naid ose shos Id be Coesesittee hud sought direction betd in future elections. au il mnterpreted 00e regulationo ta state a furiner must dedicata a -Ogreed mitb a tetter frosu R. tuadt sudening parcel on his D. Pinkney, R. R. 3 Milton nbicb entiro faces frontage if hie vauligates the federat separates a sisail lot from, il. goverseseni for planning to hreene developeee i ail the Approved repoiri te tbe inser potenlial jetport sites i Ontario oast suaI if the tonship budlding untla fhialdecision imade.Mc. a an estanate of $175.Moisturetis Pîubney salid i suas casuif the parellogltosuarp, il disarosdatary. Coucdloir Art ws roporimi. Gîbson saîd the goverument sauld tie freezng 32,000 acres of -Dectded 10 otai prives on prime land in order te obtain tas etdmoroutdmr cat'peting for the tetport proporty aI the lonest coonicîl ellamberu, and posuible price. recsnsîdec a revised seatisg arrangement for the cosoicil -Approved a motion urging tahle. At preseol three of tbe fivv the provicial goverument lui couincîlioru oit nith Ibeir bucha 10 ksvobe strict controts over the audience. trsvktng firmi dumping industil mastes, sud urgig the -Delegated the reeve and goneessuent la start a research clerk ta attend a meeting suith program os the ceconstitution of Avtan Pire Ares coesmittee toi much mautru. Support mîli 0e dîscusu a proposed salary ssugbt fron aI mnicipalities et cocrease for Acton's vaorister Ballon und tbree surrosunding firefighleru. couies. -Learned ns date han beco -SIent a letter of thanha ta the cotabhsboed foc a public meeting Ontario esiniser of higbsuays for on proposais 10 mîden 10 Sideroad lavig tberesonnedller strîn" througb the tonship. Threaiten ac A sontroversalîissueîin 'tissagasueya Tonship for pat mulût, the case of the potty stahle but et front of asu00her man's tome appearu headmi for a court Ina letier tabled oîtb Nasuaganeya Couardl Tueuday. solicitors lor Paul Saegltla 25 Sdcroad, theeatee t talbo thc uase ta the Minister of Municipal Attaîrs and tlbo suatever ncesuary legal action is tt'vcssary, if the cesucil dou not lave the haro removmi. The solicitors listed several sctions of the tonship bytasu suhich, tltcy foît, ruled Mc. Saogtitz' vetolibor John Ottasuay's solai tarv illegal. Cbarges fly Coucocil held abrief dicusuioo bt dectdmi that if the case suas rOu a lefal malter, the tous said ut ibis point the botter. Councîtîse Allan Acloman said the etholo thetg could have been preventei tf cousicit bad adopted their Pl1a n niig ho0a rd ' rcetetnendation ta have the banmovmd ithe expenseof IT'S HERE TUE 191 Lam à araien E40 P. Rest wuneri shaepee Witeir> storae Lisgar Twin Sousons suis. a laie 820-3009 Wimtoe Churill Misa. reutictd t eac yer. e lry 15 douuhesmiIIbeîtlmoney we have." Road work Mc. Gallagber alao esade note Ibal tbe roadu committee cpected a better goverument grant Ibis yeur sud added the total vost of the Cedar Springs projovt mas $200,000 sud the first sphait top iu t b hon the coud loy Dev. 1l. 'Economy and regionat governmnn are of intereot to everyoue," said the reeve. Weouell Gall, anoîber candidate for the reeve's Poiiou, mas defitdtely opposed ta any fores of amnalgamation oith the ciîy of Hamiltan. "-I an convinced that Burlington bas the sund aieand cilber resuces to perit il t0 remata ondepeudeut of surrosundtg imiviipalities etbde aith0e samhe time sharing wibh tbees tbe respouuihiity of adsunisterlag cocorty affairs," saidl the candidate. Mare participation "I pian uarger participation in cecreational and public morks aress if elevted," bie said, "and I apprecialo the esperienve I have received serviag on couicdlin the paot."1 "Il is imperative thal the volts of Burtingtonusendi responuible, vigorous and capable represenlatives t0 cosuly cosucd, reprstaie w10 are able 10 reflevl 00ue nUishes sud viemo of the residents of Burtinglon in a stroof, yet diplomatic may." "My stand on Regional governeseot iotao beep Burlioglan the nay tl is nom-i Haltan County onîT," said James Swanborugh. 'Last year the question on hallbI gave uo a choîce hetmeen tbe Peel. Mtoutouauga area or tbe tfatiltoo'Wentmortb area, but tinve the goverrumeul bas ob- oiouoly juot been puttig out eeleru andodecisio swgomdto il memade, I sy sue vai f*t for evoryhady's chuice-liarlingan and Halto." Al tbe ingredients Ho added Ihat Haltan Couty is the mndstriel ratio is on the Ion sîde bol said "me mon't uell sut our environmen and clean living meel 1 mabe a fen lau "To loob ut ibis plan hooestly sud ohilectively, cosucil needu a mm eho does 001 act for developers, builders and laid speculators-a man subo doeu not on land or is speculating la land in Hation Coanty, especially beste intuorth Burlington. The Cosuty Itoadu Committee needu nen lOfe, a people's represeotative nbo mdl spea up whes the staff or the province propose 10 huild ouperhîfbnays tbrougb sur quiet, rural ares sud sumeose suha mill speao up os traffir controi asd speeig oosur couds ta hring peave sud tranquility havkit th0e nort." "Tbs 1 bave arraoged my binhess lv devote ail the lime necessary ta art au Your reeve, sud the courdcilor. Unnelceme A short question and animer forum foiloned the candidates' speeches. Muin questios Ibron ai the candidates mere the problees of replavisg treeo in the Cedar Springs area once construction sa coespleted and a cincerued ratepayer mondered suhy guests aI couty courdi more made ta flesuelcome. In reply 10 the question on trees Reeve Galiugiter stated the Irees mouldhle replaced andcounciflor Elle Foute uoted tha1 plantiog moldhoieStartediearly spring. Au for tho question of ropresentation on cosuty couclil Mc. Omnoougb stressed iat eetng bould 001 0ie closed sud 00 "ards sblould be laid on the table". "l'm certaidy 001 for thiî stufibooss on 1he vouurd," bie added. Young bocb -am frustrated ai vosuîy vounvil," said deputy reeve David Cos. "'m'u jaut a young buck up therotryinggîo do a job and gothing nosuhlere. " Mc. Csuus' staod on regional tovoroiment os dit the system of tovecuimeot moust corne fromt the Ounicîpality. "If me gel good goverumoot in Public Heal00 aod tbo Chdldreu's Aid Socity. "t have added a litile sugar t0 esy viegac bite Ibis Your," hoe vouvluded. Rep. by pop. Opposng candidate Arthur liudop salid ho suas i lavor of Ballon entosdmng et an easterly direction as fair as regional goverrureutsuas concerned. "My seond hesî 'boise os shatever Eurlitou suants. What sune nemi co rprosenamun hy population," ho stated. Heoslressed botter bus servive frsm Ward 3to rocreational outtets et Burlingun and toucbed on tho tapvo of moai and bridges enth0evssuly "We need tadosand poctîcîpote esore i the activities of Burlingtou," suas bis concluding reesarb. Cyril Ashcroht, ormean Craig sud Aodreu Prume, three of set canddaesuho ran for PUC, oece on baud aith0e meeting. Au lhree are esperiencod and tsucbed on topicu of lreo lrinsiing, barîed bydro ues, the sus Lusuville bydre station and cosuntty sueil problesus. Cul op vtllage Acctaimed Word 3 comoiilior Mcs. Ella Poste lhaobed residents for 00010 confidence in hier durig the paut year and added she suould contue "10 get bor feetsuel" agai his yoar. She espcesuedber vies on the e Lotville Rd. stahang site lhaughl ilowould "eut uplthevilage tas much-"andduted thatdead elm tcees around the cosuly îhould 0ie vol don ta reduve the danger laad. 'BaIlon Couly o 0one of the mmlt econorndo uils et Ontario, sudll scbmol board trustee George Pellollerto. Mc. Pelleltero aso thmiied ralepayers for their etonfidence sud added " ibe cosî per poruon for edlucalî s soe in theosunty thao anynhere e10e on Uinaris". Caodidate for Sopacate Ochool Board Paut Quinn gave no soepored speech hut saîd ho .houghl il ovecyone's 'esposilty taget outa vote. Chutresan Cleetenta thanked dlonidWefo00iremrh 'tion legal coucîl. Be totisuatedi the planning hoard menhors had beenlikeoed tuoa goup ofidiots wOcs thvîr mostion came belote ..Yo tîsteot proven yot that you are 001 an idiot,' shot havit Cosocillor Jîco Wtslon. At thesuggestiuon o Reve Mrs. A. MacArthur the issue a again shelvcd. 10 9 P. M. 17 9 P.M. 24 6 31 6 NEW YEARS DAYI 9iPlM 9 P.M. 2e5 CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY 1 JANUARY CLOSED Sal tudIv1 6 P.M. 26Pm CLOSED BOXING DAY 2 AUR F10 WERS Brivq Christemas vbsor ist youe vvvvhvoeor thebshome ofsoeone dear o.ith o Isvsl0 gesetivg clavt sr flo'ers. * Poinsettia le Mueus 0 Azuleus * Cyclamen Ob Roses * Mixed Bouquets ID Mixed Poinsettiau Pans 0 CacP i and Disn Gardens CHOOSE ARRANGEMENTS NOW FOR BEST SELECTION -1111> Creenousesw i~ 431 Main St. 878-9501 N Selecting a mattress and box spring? WHA TSHOUL D YOUILOOK FUR LOOK FOR v eý.d1 p.r h egto the boy weeboywiht s gts t.Ti en pcýisrnteiga h vester whor s veV n sv s heavet LOOK( FOR firc non sag upr t0he~ bottc n pcilydein, boxs prn vg qve u tor co vvtv LOOI~K FOR a ,e,, 9"ter ruttvq the lvvqth of thv bvxspf eptv g thevl fihuovd we etttulat touppvvotr t,,ther ubxspr cntucin LOOK1 FOR .. duvi guard ov thv bottvt vf thv boa sptivg mtade of THE LUXURy ORTIIOTONIC MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING BYAESTOniC'ARE THE ONLY COMBINATION IN THE WORLD THAT HAVE ALL 0F THESE FEATURES: me*oul uniddle Raiai cents mmi- supoid matr nnsag boxsv,,v petiOtn cOvvahg oxsfrn vbosuo COMIEIN AND COMPARE insist we show you the dfféence c89 ss $26900 $ 5.. 3690 NFURNITURE - MILTON PM Milton Chamber of Commerce DECEMBER 1970 MILTON CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HOURS Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 7 6r.M. 14 9 P.M. 21 9 PM 28 6 PM 9 6 P. M. 16 9 P.M. 23 9 P.M. 30 6 P.M. 6 P.M. 15 9.M. 22 9 P.M. 29 6 PM -I

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