Hardly the end Thse reloase of kldnapped British frade Comssulaaion JamesCrswa like a natlionsal conscience clcrigflr Canada. It Prssed surely tisat tisa kind cf exploit by kidnappera caut force the capituation of tam and corder in a clf3e or a country. Deating in motus lives la flot a negit bordes but thse final mxile of fisose responsible for tbe kidnapping usas effected usitisoit any great sadiness on ltse Part of mSt Çanadians. Like otisers use are eiated la see tse release of James CroSs. Froon released acemmnla of tse kidnappers' views il wuld seem Usey onc Prepared la admnit tisat tisey badt ssuderestimated Use refusai of tse goveessments tc0 uegofiate on Use terrml the kidnappera spclled ont. Tise eoqsecteel five or six day duration of Use caPer dragged late 60 days and on il smticably dropped fromn Use iseadlltues Uscy more no donisi bappy la sec some conclusion rcaclsed, as once on ail. 'fle bitter page tisaS bas been added More parkîi We're happy toi soc sonne Progressise steps tousard more off. stret parking for Milton's doesteusn core, Last meeb's approsal by courudil of a Parking AuUsoruty proposai la Purcisase (ses more Mary St. properties is asotiser step la te rigist direction. Bofore long we con envsiion tise bocal Parking autheriSy oesing or controlig ail Use PropertUes on tise souUs nide 0f Mary St. bteen Hugi ansi Charles Oto. Thon cooincil coulsi malte Plana la carry Mary St sSraigbl throuig from Bronte te Ontario Bts. te Use blatory 0f sssr country la tise t=ain 0f Pierr Lapocte. Notlslng ces bedn tocerase UsaS or lai adoi consfort to bis famlly. i usas brutal, premeditated and rcflcctcd tbe svagenesa 0f Use etement lavolved. lssddibly inscrlbcd as it la, pcrbaps mnay serve as a remlandcr there are alus tisose miso wumd attacs mur freedomi amd ssssplant for It fisoir osen kind 0f cule. Ille atinekers are not aluas as on pcn and bâatant la tiru aprProsc, mb.icb makes us ail a little more coscious of thse need fer vigilance. Ansciosas on moU1 may be tri Say tse reloase 0f James Cross bad neatly ended Use Opisodo, it usossd lie dangerous to asmume tisotmou.r feedonm are onfirely safe. wlsen on 100e concers, use can loue our rigula. Surly Use mue lesson use slmuld loarn la tbe need for contiung vigilance. We are ntl immune te Usat nord any more Uses use are immone te staina 0f violence on our national fabric. and it wusmld gise tise toon alother major casi-as artery. As it nous jogs lit the cear 0f tise domestesn stores, Mary St. in a bottleneck. Tise parking auUsority and consrcil usd11suon base cigist lots ready for off- Street parking along Mary St. Some Parking bon alceady been provided by lurivate enteriprise. Once Use loin are ready to accomnuodate cars il milie a pleasure to uitsess Use ceoeai 0f tise dangerous angie parking aloog tise main stceet. Edîtorial notes ... Election night usas an exciting on>e baud over Use ceins So yoonger mon. accosa Halton and bure at Tise He retires usiUs a record 0f lo1 sevc Cisampion tse telepisoses more ringing Usan miii bu bard te belat. nsevc cOnstantly us ceadors caiied la for us> + + + to-tise-minute resuis froos Use varis Wtcsmtfrucoploussae eleclion centres Usroogh Use cmunty. Wt OtfrUsuPlssae Hais off tetsem'ioners andi condolences gummics during the Cisristmas au Use iosers-otu cimse t 211 seaugin. Ose emample is a "sale" item candidates competing for joug oser t00 misicis yoo may f lad is more expeosive Public offices Usece usere baussi te ti un he fetise Besson Usan SI ny absoust as maniy lomers as minocru. Lime daring Use year. AnoUser type 0f + + +corne-on is Use practice 0f soose firmu +n ftoertrn ritpbi te Smaul yoo Bgsft accomPnird by an Ose0f isoe rtirng roo pulic invoice. Oten tise usife tisinus tise office ibis year lu tise "grand old mon" husai ordered the present and the of politics in Esqosesing Township, isusisansi Usis is mide placed tise Reeve George Carrne. Mr. Currie bas corder. One local fumily leurnei base servel a total 0f 24 yearu as coosiciilor, liais syutem works usten an cisuemise useve and deputy reeve andi us Smo record albums arrive in ltte mail. They occasions beldi Use Pout of Warden of couldult pouuibly bave Brdered the Haltes Coaunty. The 0-year-old-reeve recors-_tey don't esen oson a record feit it usas time to Sure la lais gavel and ployer. l'm olussys intreste ina the press rleono misici pais ume my dosis, mroît of cacis mnd ap la Use monte baskset, se File 13, as su sa tnn arounsi bre. Tltrees astuloodlg information in mmne of the contenssbut there la "ls Sonn reaf dams-ta- narUs reearcb. For instance on item feom the Ontario hepaetment of Teade ansi Commerce PUTPoets to bave piepoinuesi Use "auerage Onisrio woman, " Ibui a an ontousdmng fat, lue ns wmoan lises ta te Usouajil of as "ýaverage." BuS Mes, Lilal Lysnburnr, mbc meote Use release, mrigglos out of UsaI ose b dtatig UsaS aittags te foflomiog siatihtes are average, Use wnmen Usey uupposenily repremnt are veey mocb idividuals. S ere ttep are, i case you are iemeste in la mpaeing Miss or Mes. Average Otario mitb aIl She Miss ladividaaiss of Use province: Bue i fise fonet 4 inctes tell ansi meigbts 1321tes. Siseuis 3200calories a day andiea ainiapu going on a dieu, Tise Ontario momes annuaiip conssones: -160 is. of mosi; 353 eggs; 91tite. of sugar; -aSevou Ins of cbene; 103 in, of usuabues; '-100Ris.nffresh fruit; 0 Ibot.nf eud; -21 in,. ni marfe; 244 quarts ni mlo; --42 hout dngs; 191 btles of pop; -146 pans of cigarettes; leu ounces of sliustey. Sime of tise Usings Mes. Average snmI libe lu beau ansi icb mere bonisanda bacon aSl aiong: se malcises iebecisuoo lice bsoars a day, spessis a ynar of liee li1e on Use teleptene, usesf$M oeib of cometics, spendsone and a baS tisses au mars on clotbing as iser isoshaus, chsarges 50 per cent of ber purchases ansi reiurs 80 cents of eseey retasi dollar. A inn meets aoge Usis coner castigatei sonne Brihish dormers sebo saisi buepiog mas net oniv mrcostb, fi mas af ne physlcal tenelitot babies. Our relart mas" --et tem hurp -il's sery saUising."ý Nom an expert la Use filelsi of etiquetie, none cUser Uhn Amy Vandferbilt bas aise come out on sue sude. "PbysiologicaBy, il's intar 10 bang Iban boid Il au" sayu the lamous lady etiquelilian 1711 mbane boots base solsi more Usan tuso millin cesi" uay if you maut 10 bueP, bang, ami dm1' tie uduiy apaingehec about il," qaoUs Amny. Heur,hear, sayl. Philosobits By KIlO SMape Wuoldat IL te ulce if eseepone selo lises on"frnmbte Sb'et" waald muse la "'Ilanksgiving iitreet". A FRESOI BLANKET OF WE 5100W fe11 osver ilton andi accidenta rosulted on roasis ami bagbmays mouad out nf lameL disltritlBysS ueois and mwiale suome 0feut bnwmeltetdnsiaay,its Mercbantms more caier complaining SisaS Use lacs of a gond stii sey muis a esdone. To snusiil raosormd moef il as burting tiseir Chtristmas gif t isuieus, bat Usey residenlial sirreis la Milton bto, picture posteard scenes, are ail bappily dolag a teoming business since the wite sSoff alUsougs motorlala usoren't ton, bappy auss a numbur 0f Sraffic came doms early Friday morrnn.-<(Staff Pisoto) VOL. 111 - No. 22 MILTON', ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DtCtMOtO 9, 1970 'lHIBD SECTION Sugar and Spice f i b y fIsmiley j Ilis une cf Uhse days. A milil, mwhite ycndeecoutide thsemindom, nomlog aod hlo'isg as tougismo'd neser een thesuff isesore and sommune mas ieyaug t0 imprems os, Andlooiimosi ays allerauome ltof a cis driver blid me sageiy, "Sure looks ite me're gossa hase a gren Chistismas." Wereeedeccraingitheiing-room, its issu 8 10I. Move all thse jun outf Usai crp tc pasos and Usere's no place ceauhece in Use homse in mics pou cas dram adeephreatsmitisutieasdng insonme nois agais anvupiursesichaioraabook- case mih lis feet sticing oui. Eseeyihieg's gose fasrly umooffily, isut soy mile s lisghlly isysierical aisout one slip. Fur tmcyeaes sise'stees teliomlng oithe lods to Oeep thes roiten tere fef off tiee nwmaisogauy coUree taisle. i Notedy, of courue, adules inelodesi lu aliomed la put a copcof coffre on Use coffen tablie.) iss auoening sise fournd tisai Use pomters had Poloa gouge about a foot long and a quacter-ineis deep in Usat cirgmn tereitory. Ashes suffering as mach pain au teugs sonieneisad tateo a an-opener and put a gouge of usausiar dimensions in her ow uhin. 1ffrail aurta of caufort, lite, "Weii, no ecan puticuefeei onii," ce "Ncisody'll notice Usai, mises i's cveeed mush cofnee cais, ' butithe esitis moe lise isroming 01l su lire tison Os rouisrd mwiners. lise phione has'l heem moetiog fcr imo daiýS. For mn, tIsu is sucmilgated humss Oui thec cld lady s ulieely coosiocedl usai ail .siîeof Peopleihaveiseencailisg lis out a sieatinthie famlyLard forisidor a isein lihe laausly, lord dooisiy forid 'Mai s tise su-cols. 1 secer eaul anyiody. lIssllicaithu use out-calisu sise feelc as iscîpless as a lemnale mush btU aeroi in a "igaud a lacs oipper eobseippei c e goto t ee lite an elepisant. (Inn of "'sY old footisali-mar isnes is decidei to siaci me off on a mneery auier, asd lu swcln cighi doms to an ale ie a piao lng. Il hegan mush curling lau, cîforoausy. Bui Il (Idiv iseiP usat i ment to lise local bah-cof- une-yar cn Friday sigsi mus a gamne leg, and dancndla loi gamnierîthan i sisould have. OUR READERS WRITE:- mariage te gei aout, loui lame nougs so Usai I cant pososisiy iselp mils mocing furnmtue. Yeu sisoud sec thatmfe of mie manadisg a grand piano ail] iy herself ausUs me iselisg isy geoohing. I douisi if ise's tes inn Posudusu inte lasi tmo days. locs emake iaeolyoyoos day, i'm oiacing euam, papes. Tiss sometlaog sUc lise Ciiese mater torture. Deop isy idrop, i perces yooe ohol 1h01 vou nener weri'n are n0t, and neser militle aisle t0 teach acîiscdy aoylisg more usas t0 lie his Ai i hase lnaeued Ioda' is UsaI > pesîloin is now speilcif 'peosecoîe" Usat cocvagnesy isas isecome "oacagism": anid chsata feilcis cisc hies an aieceaift s a *Pclit' -lomnîce, 1 oin soi csmplafiog.n Tie paintinog is iisned. My ue ni moh seliner 0w usai lise fousnicce is ail mcvd taîls. lihasscppeduuomicgas 'ce wrln. M'e phouncompanyisaos nnablentcibreak ihecoug This cld gîi isas Icegolies hecr despairer heslgouge by spctilg asomp in thse pase' Andiijsimaeted an eam papeemceiiss90 pee cect. Oncoose of lise douce, 1ihave a seau suit sirstinoixyeas. nem hes,em gons: sfilicu mahini, reaill 1 don 'thave tego sacte the dnis for liii day. lise coris spaed, Tise show lies aro. Ms oifn, auho predîced her w dJeodh b oon, is alice and el ad saling s'oronands. Noi a lad cld file. moally. Belner see iian the grea rd, thug culîd usecor COMNE INTERFSTING COMPASONS EPuSERGE ilear Sir: Your edîtion of Nos, S mode inteeessmng readmng, ssnlaining as il disi, reports of tise Nasuagameya Coancl in action ai a regular meetimg foilomesi by test meet's elue- ioeeeîng piatfoem. Tise acta aod tise speeches matre siernsiog comparimuns lu Outhe 00e band a promise is made to figisi te edeaUs forUthe preseesahiouofncvery audîvîduals elgis yet seseral carreus Pois cf concen emergo- 1. Has Cooocdl meitten la Miolier Jamsesou to peotesi Use peoposesi taud freeze, pesoibiy of our entie tonsip, whlate tie moela a iurtr agomamon extenson la mabie op bi mid Usis couid affect aSl audividuatsan amiopose acute hardsbipo. Have Usey renearces aund questiosies tise Proprieiy of Use proponei step, lu an officiai aPacsiy, au eepeesenaiives of aSl tise reuidento' If Use freeze su permitted mithout ressauce and properiy values faaS, miS or amsesomeuts tie reviemesi domumardi? 2. Ou Use Otiamay-Saegiitz probiem, I hsave to assume tisai building permiis; mere applied for lu btU cases, I lu nos tise intention, misco application is made for a peensils, tisai tise Oufiorities bave tise opportuuîsy la imipectibhe planu or Use site tc mosure compiasce aulUs requleements? Ia bomleugeable control lu misîsiei, tise noust esuit could hace bren Use poilti cul of an amtmursl situation to tise Smo paries concerued. Ias one CounciSlor opines, tise by-lam eu te auteeprete. Smo mays, Usen Council bas a moral obfigation for allomlog sucisa situationîteaeist. Ih sems teme Usai by-iams are pasuedl but Use koow ortesi emnttcaorceUshem is lacking. There bave ten a riuoser oi sucs infractions miseeno5 action lu laben. reuidentiunoticeUthsee andibhatno stepu are tabes. iben apatsy sets sn, Tise reent issue ci a geavel pif temng perosiited to operate mUshout a iceses o ne; surely, coanicil's position aSit e .M.B, beaelng mas severely moatenesi by, au the absence of positive action, mondonmog l, Appeovesi plans are mode, by-lams Pasuesi, only to tie ebanged aten mmne buiess enlerpemses, teugs lampees meSl- ueesed in mord manipulatioo, pleasi ignorance ni our plan or dangfe thse geub- ostos carer of a feus dnllars assessment. Andi if, te quote, "lise greateat oaural camnot a more deteemmes stand tie laben la peoteci Usem? Graves pst iicess base gone ieoau f2. to $100. -mby not bave ttem pot a $5,0W. depost,mbhicicantbemuedlta iance legal fees sisossis ttey continue 10 merciy gîve uip service tn tise lam. Why, ai source, are gravel pis cwerr noS requirei lu ensue Usai ibeir contomners ccmpiy wiUs the traffie oct aulac cais for a tarpaulio to ecer ithei peabesi oass- peabesi la Use esimit Usai aueh geavel faisu on Use mails, caaumig damage to cars ansi endangering tise ives oi Uhse au tisem' Witt ibis s nos siendeft la e directiy ersusca of Council il miss, I isope, te regardei as suggestive of Use apparent neif far tmrmer foiism'Usrougb action 10 ameas misics tlame'-and mauy otteeu'-oeem toiackte attentiou to desail mbicb tise7 nesi. Yours very ieiuiy Kenneth Robinson Camptellissle NEED LONGER "usALK" LIGHITAT MAIN CORNER Dear Me. Domnu, TMis lester issun regards ta tise crcssmaib as Main ansi Marin Sirneis. Tisocrossmait lovery auuoying teame andmany others Fieuiiy, thselline loisi for one la cross tise sures ci apprououaîeîy 19 secnds. For nideriy people mush or aulUsot pauceis mnd motiers mush ycung chlsrnuaud pnebapu a carniage, lis isuot neuriy enougs tisse la crcc. EcensifYou geîtcUshecorner on tisse Yeus bauniy mabe il acroos before Use ligsi cisanges. I tlanb as meass 30 seconds uboutif tie ailomeif for eeossmng. siSessusiiy, I ssggeut osuiiing off tise maib cgnai betmrenUsheisour of 1 a.m. tog6a. Tiiucoting on aisucs an our i a masse of tue for deivers and if auy Pedeutins are arnunsi tise yean ceoss wsUs Use gren lîgisi. De Severai occasions f bave trind ta cross Use sent otte malb signai ansi bave ten eut O1f isy cars turnmng eigbt. Asy ebiif malimg irom Sceel ansi matcbing tbe signais mouidut reaIize a car usigist tocs Usey traust au the signala andidanut andeestani teaffic ai Sis in terscin. If me mabe IL Useougs Ibie IfU 'you wiUsnat a pedmltrian teing t, use can monder nurselves lacsy - tOeeer du me bace to mais muii me have a pedessesan accident beicre nometiau is donc ahout Uhs paientialbhaaard? Sîueereiy, Andrea Porter 212 Quers Sii., Miltos CAR CLUOSAS GIVE I5RAGGERS A CHANCE Dear Ser, This ix a lester ircm sapporters ci tise Golden Huorsscoe Dragmay miso f lsd il bard t0 beiseve tisai your paper mousi pesut orucieadiug infarmation statsng Usas "fem drivers from ibis part of the prosinve compete su tise ecenta. " 'lise Golden Hcrsesbe is use cf Use test desigonesi apc on Canada mils adeqate lacsilîec and lise personnel ix terrifi. Safnty 'sua Primervosccruus l snomcuderUshat mass ail cf lise ycanf feibomu miso oms ibeir cou car su teis urea go tc Use Golden Hurcessce. Tise majorsty of tisese driuees do Use mort ou Useir oms cocu pay Useir oms isay andi nic tise sport cf soie legal draf eaciug. Drag racssg inscicei preso timsing augisi iseire lise noce su gel a car cn shape tecame you tuam Usas tise compeiion sa morbîng isu au isard. Asd mayte Usere may neyer gel t0 te top drivers but me gel a goodal of peesonai satsfaction feom the sport. Ye o' osnec asy fîgis ai the utasp uske Yeuo sec ai Use Grey Cup game or eu-eu ai minerihoctey,adUshe crsuseondigt tabeîthe cpportuunsystecorne ut andmwaicsus some toune meet tise peuple misu participate nd gice tise sport a chance. Ycuru sineeley, The liarcsers Car Clos, Qabvuille Members Jobs Sacuderu, Homard Bradley, Boy May, Glenn Lisier, Dave Boume, Thu Scott, Norman Bigoar, Bob Bosbam, Bandy Bonbam, Dave Debues; anil spunsors tanne Saundees, Trafalgar Tesaco, Homard Bonbam. mi 20 years 090 Taken from lhissue of TiseCanadian Champion, Dec. 7, 1950 Excavatoons have beeo made aod forum ar bsîo ult for thiefourodations for Haiton Co o rnHoe for lise Aged on No. 25 High- may South of Miltnu Waieemamns and dincios isace iseen dog aod mamos are w iso laid te the properis feom, te Milton wateemoeks oysiem. Wsith leus than isaif tic eligibie coier exercisigUhei franchise on onday th vo0ing mas not kees on Milton. Mayor Heuiop, Reese Dics and Depoiy Reese Hsigoms had ail iseen accorded acclamaitiooo andiwo ofthemwards eiarned members of Use uchool board isy acclamaio. Tfsere weeno by-iams isefore lise eleclors aod leso liian 600coters turnedout. Ai tise souilla raiepayers' meeting ieid mn Broote last Feiday mightil lias sialed Usai mncorpoeation of Beonie au a village is peaciicaily certain if lise peiiion Usatis helog ciealaei passes Use necessary aoutorsiies. Tise former reeve of Nelson Tomnsip, George Tisorpe mai elai'ed t0 office la tise eleciios held in Nelaon teni Monday. His 1 , M voteshave hi a cean maorty oer Ehuer C. Fouiner The auouai meeimg of Nelson Tommship Federaiion of Agriculture mas held in Nelson Hall on Wedoeuday ecenmng muts Vernon McArthusr b g nme pesideritif Use associaion. 50 years 090 Takenieromitissue of Th nacdan Cisampion Tisueslay, Decemisec 91920. Milton miii enter au mntermediate ieame for the OfA cOmPeiion ad ho0este eut creditaisiefigure se tisem, hiscgaestyear'u ieam mntact, msUs a numiser of promiuing playeru miso neei oig isol a 112le esperence. Miss Besoin Anderuson, of General Hospitl osiaf of nurses, is cii Guelps for iser home su Campiseicille, afier hisasg Compleeil iser Uree yearcourse oftaining ai lise istution. 'lhe Warden's supper aulleome off seul Thouday esening, afier Use meeing of coooiy coooicil. George W. Curtis died cf Brigisis disease ls Saiurdac ai its isome sear Zoomermuan. Barlingoous monument 10 folles Soldiers mullis asbronze statuofa Caadian slier iniseavy marciing orde ona pedestai f Siaouiead grossite. Omsing la lise suiig doms of mndustries there is agreat deal of unemployment i Milton, au elsemisere su Ontario, aud issus fe.ared tisomne famillesumili sufer durng aitrunlesu mors cas ie foonsi for use isread-miunners Happily some s bisesg lourd. FredInhon is tatng 10of ten te0 theibssiand formers are enggmng iiers, 100 Years Ago Taisen from use issue of ThseCanadian Cisampicu Thoesday, Decembeef, lilli 'Me MethisoUs Nem Connexion Chuecs, aflee uudergcssg repaies aud enosaticu, militec re-opeued nus liaish. Tise Rec. Edmaed Eeecham miii pinacs ai i.30 a.m. -aud6.3 p.m mises collecionus miSl bttaben up for tise trust lousi On Mouday a uocial solteb gises lu Use cissec by Mr. t.cgan McCauo mises musse, adderesseu, recîtalionu and conversation miii ie tse tcpic cf the day. The uem noncuie if Miltcn Curling Club was elecled au Use annuel meeting iseisi but heîday cvemung. Judge Mîiller mas niected peesideol, Henr7 Watsou clce-preoident Wiliam licout seeceans aud treauree John Specai.Sen. PatrcusRes. F. Te ayse, Cisaplis Jasper Mactin William Foulas, J. "Fraser, J. Walie, Me. Martin and Josephs Mactin mece eleeied to lise Ccausctiee. Wes'egretntsay Usas lise ilanessocf Jobs McNaughîsu, Esq., peeuneil hlou feom Peesidiug as Use las smeeting of County Coc nesiuesday. Me. MeNaugsien bas teecîil foe some lisse pool, bsut ie îs siomiy eeeccveig. The nisamisaticis cf lise pupila cf the Palerme Ccmmou liehaul miii tie heid ou Frîday, Decembee. 23. Toms Hall ueo evensuf. l'eceedu for pruonu foc Use eildren.