fl2 The Canadien Chamepion, Wedesday, ttnoambar 9, 1970 BEZEK CENTRE ashen completed wil km a reeshea of tits drawasg hy -dureag tIse tant seven montha. An oebaseueedat Usecentre on designer John Easien id Toronto. Rev. Bernard Warren ansi a group of avec Saturday. Buildinsg co-ordinator is 7:Enos Mc a bOsan Oaa votoasteers have htait tIse hasement segment of lte bralding by band E cago saa Dream becomes realîty Bezek Centre holds open house REAL NASSAGAWEYA STONE is being anril ta buildinsg Use centre and tIse ficst stage, a foc the stasas face of tis masmade fireptace Pasemenî is now being compteteil. Me. ut Hezek Centre, Second Liose Nassagaweya Warren and Pas f amils' have lived in a trailer Plling stone for the ficeptace wbile theis, mines us Use site since earts' Mas'. TIhe first apen tank on are 0ev. Bernard Warren ami Hezek bouse of Use centre vius hlsed an Satardas.- diroctar Norman Hure. Me. Warren and (staff Photo) nameroan votunteers Pave devoîrd tbrmr lime A drean that bas bren visuatied for a number of s'eues became a reaits' Oaturda' soben Bezeb Retreat Centre on Second [Une noe CamphrOlviltr oprord ita doors 10 Ose pablie. Priends and neighhoes Irosa mites aroand visited the open bouse ta ser sehat bas bren happening on the 52.7 acre site, just norOs-aest of Mohawk race teacb, ashere 0ev. Brnard Warrnand aband of volunters haveropeot Ose pusi sevro monhs building the bras unit of a retreat Do-it-s'arself job Sînce the licol sud nus tured on Mas' 9 of Ibis s'eue, the croup of es 0 people, ander the teadership' of Mc. Warren, han laid concete btock, pasrrd cernent, halt pactitions and iostattrd oindons ta tome 4,000 Ires of spacr. Orcasse of votuster belpi Ibis section ofth Osewa retreat rentre Pas bren ciccted for a cast af $20,040. "Godas people gave geereaasty and aithe right ime, so that some 111,000 nus availahîr for materiats and sprcial Ossoga Osat vatuateers mstlda't do tihr wrtt-drsiing, paweretine, escavatisg and srptic oyssrm," said Me. Warren. "Wr have hepi coss to a mnimum in constractian, and trs' ta operate as gaod stewards af God's mnones'." tactudrs residene At Ose open bosse visîtors ton a haseet building about 100 fers long and 40 fret wide containing a lasots' staff cesîdeace, bîteben, mocbsbop, maahrooms and shoasers. Omatt daoamtorirs have bren halt teo accommadais about 12 and acommun eoom to bosq 50 or 60 peopl is anoOee areaaof Ose ptans. "The facitities ae liaitrdhotbuthlland nest ear me bape 10 staet Osr mais floor." Me. Warren addrd. Att Stane dug ap durtng excavationaofOthe entre nilubc used for a stane face on Ose indoor tireptare. "mhe furepisce nill have a eat Nassaganrs'a stase tare,", be tasghrd. The Sezrb Ortreat Cente Pas bren grrminasiag in Me. Wareen's misd fac qaite, tome tbar, bat it asnjust 18OmonOs a00 Osai be esignrd a sucetoat masistrs' in Atderemd ta Oive osOsout a fisrd iscomr ami sprsd bis time baitding an inter. desaminatianat meeting place. Meeting place Evrotuatîs' tbe centre nitI coosist of t4,os0 square fers ami mîtt mnctadr a numbr of large merting roomo and ac- comsmodation for 40 overnigbt gests. The purposr ofOshecentre "s to peovide an intee. droomînationat meerting ptace foregroups aussmg tadiscussand vbarr spirituet traOss, and t0 provide a restaso spot far peaplr Who nant toi gel anas' from thr eortd f or a short period of liane. ince constructian first began, the morh bas heem ratîres' sappartril by Oreeasitt offrrisgs, inctsding donations from an far amas' as Roman CaOsotîcs as Vancouvr, Methodists n Bermoda, Pentecostats in the Obituary Mrs. Beotrice Lillycrop A fie meenberof the Ebeeer United Cbsereh Wamen, Mea. Eg 8IE1 Beatrice Lilts'crop died ai Milton District Hospital on Nov. 17. Ohe eau a residest et Moîffas. Oeloved wife of Norman PDeased) and de. moser ofaI eTE R6 Mes. tohna Moare (fia> of Maffat and Ivan of R. R. t Maffat, ase is aIea suroived hs' grandcblldrmn Oerndee, Garey and Sandra aend great grandsan Scott. FaneraI nervice nan emndacled at MeKersie Fenerai Home is Miltan Nov. 19 nilb Rev. Russell Findles' offielaîisg. Inlteree aa in ceener Cemelers'. Patîbea reen were John Kit bisg, Wilsn Onyder, Sandy Bachanan, Jacb Ba'ntom, Jahn Boister and Garry Moore. United States and Cheistians of al] types is Ontario. "Wr have bren deeply tuched," steed Me. Warrmn, "hy Ose encoaragement and lselp ne have reetved feons many friendswbo havre hurebaf- fitiation and tittlr andrrstanding of Cheistisaîls' pet frel OsaI nIsat ne arr doing is wortbnsile." Name dfreetars Directors of Beze Centre asclade Me. Warren, presidmt; Norman Hare of Milton, vice- peesident; Gordon Jars' af Toronoa, treasurer; Mes. Edna Rtare, Milton, secretars'; Mes. Dorta Warren and Mes. Claire Jars', director. mhe advinars' conrl of the ceote ineludes Rev. Ranald Armstrong of Toronto, Gordon Hardeaste of Toronto, De. Ed- sourd Jabs of Kingiston; Bruce L£wrnroflToronto, Miss Jo McCaart of Toronto, Date Paul of Toronto; Wmn. RayeraIt of Toronto, Rev. James Reene of Miton, Mel Strinmun of Toronto and Mes. Margaret Wilousghby, Milton. -Pannisng a Chrismas party? 'Me Cbampion woutd tibe 10 share the nens asitb readrs, caOl 878-23et ta arrange phota or stars' DUMBFOUiNDED by the happentings around ber, young Elinor "Bubbles" Wood of Clifford conls up in ibis rocker asstb a ntray cat, Babtes and ber parents attended thse open bouse at Bezek Centre, Second Uine Nassagaweya on Saturday. Thse cat strayed mnto tbe centre for wartmth fromn the cold ontdoors -<Staff Photo) I. -Champian lelepaone Ulnes nere bues' Maaday as headrada of callera sougel aeelln reamille llsroagb Thea Cleaens annel etectim service. Thi Alan r honore couneil Fridas' of ibis sthe pans HALTO? staffera county s Warden' Margare soatch an approaci Schoi Bri to Dan s'aa snwbanS fra SI cvening. B Veur j oola sioned The dat, 7 1 p.m and taisi CaroI Ca behoo. Grades us'Oortaml': Toronto li s'il Se c aiated , aod Eaton' have their ssy. AU stade loobisg Ioi, Por their ivoncert, r Strepheed. The firn sponsoeed t aod Schant last rebo remaasasg i Vvo nev vrsochisgoc OShepherd. Whenthe weather outside is frightful.. Letit thow! Ths Io '10000 rugged 1 4 810W PUP.Throws Sfl5w Up tai1S foot Cleans a 50-foot drlosiway In tan minutas flat. Woigha ooty 22 ths. > (Sa aven the vvifeannd bide con bandla him.) Na chuta tu clog. Nosatoroge problom. Littbow This la TOSO'S husky 20" Sitowt'tous'.* 3,0 h.p. Rugged chain driva. Ditos lnosnnow os duop s'1 silches. Hurle up tu half a ton of 800w a minuta. Yot lt won't tant you $400 Ilke a lot of other big Inow throwora. Take ore horna for nly $279.95 Letitthro W! -sape lor on ovr o a/t othar, compoah by prid j eoowthrowors iol q acrapor b"' oens rgh dOo Io tho povemrn wlthuuthsnoin ro The14" Impole o hews enow fastor and oate thon othar unite TORO Yau don't need a latta daugh te handle a latta snaw. B011E GARAGE Highway 25aat Britannia Rd. 878-3912