inow and avs sl SNOW QUEEN AND PRINCESSES Hititichool, pictsred onthe front o the and cý ode ia Satarday's Santa Claas parade snnwmobile on a Jaycee float. Her 0 ia Clakville, accompanieil by a colorfiI Princesses included Kim Johnson af 'J ' serjea of 25 ias anis eight bands. The Qativille-Tratalgar H.S. left anda NP animal parade was sponsoreis by Oak. Mitas area girl Jalie' Stover Who ~7 ville Jaycees. Ms Oakvdlle Show attends Whsite latis Secondary tichool, ji Queen 1970 was Sue Leçterc of Perdae csght.-<(Staff Photo) i VOL. 111 -Ns.32 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DbCEMOEO 9,. 1970 Seaond Devisas MilIton District High School Peddling peppermint patties ay JohnmF. McMrih 11Ji' he student conduit i gnin la, lve a sale ai "Peppermint Patties" atarting tomorrose tlsUrsday Dec. 10. The prodaci, a triditiosal Iceat sotte Christmas Seaso, Wi ctst you ordy 50cent a bos. Proceeda avilI go tenues tis year's achool prajecte. These seuIl include the bailding ai bleacters ftr the football pec- itetrs wilb a seating capaclty ni approxiusotely 400 - 5010. Thse mast ai tins proiect oa quoted aroand the $2tti range. Tlsey alan intens toiinsael a stereo sound sstem sella phono, lapes, and tise worla, ithe cafteria. Estimates ai tise mot con close te $1,000 includlng ntatiatin. Yen, tbey have tahen on qulin a chatienging tank, and ttey cas meet tiischllenge, hut only nuls yoac help! ta corne on, takn advaninge ufthOe appertunity la tietter Milton District High trimaI, and hoy a bos ai Peppersmn Palanes for yaurseOf or a triend ai Christass. Opeclal Note De Wednessay, Dec. la at i Pan. tihe Music Cluh oi Milan District High School is cardiay ulviliag yaa lina night ai musical eniaymsesl, teaturiai lise (Oak- ville Cianzen's Concert Band". This band ban tees in exsatence foc approshaely 110 years, snatig il one ofthe aldeat handa ia soutbern Ontario. Il la maindy coinposed ut adula tint there are alan stodenin seho participate TheuMilton District Hlgti tchanl Band will also perorsO durilg tise second hallalf the concert. There ses11 ho a variety ai warlis ranling lew esanaples are: Canon Bahy Ligti my Fire, Ocitih Grenadiers anis Slavonic Dasces iy Dvorah. Tickets are $1,00 toc adulte ans 75 centsfor ca tie parchases hy coolactiai Oie Music Clati President, Anse Benct ai 077-lai9 or Marie MacMurphy at 878-2017 or any me ai Oite lOo ing ludenus daice tictnyler Justne Pilipovabi, Lydia Dodaih, Karen T,.,ile, Janet Orodie Randy Hood, Jaice Rirbardas, or dote Comber. Plan Faik Fest tisa ana musicl note, the Folb Club wii ite holding lin annuel Folk Festival, wila "Peace an Earlh" atte tinane. fIsola held THIO Friday, Dec. il as O p.m. the admission coat heinga nsonool $1. Ouriformer actianl sars Mamnie Saintai By Donna-Jane Byers W'eil, our pipa have stecb aooter hockey stick-pin te Oie got of Oie titit actimi bockey coodan doi. Lai by Captein Bil McGratb nue hockey bernes dtimped Oie dads iromn Centrait-. 2, Oien nnulied oui tbe Aldershoi The laisofiiting clinic complees las examnainss test oeek and we aI Robinsn non lave a naional cet in anc midul. Thisoisstethigitest level you cn reaci on a vntieytiall cet and Oie lady wbo did ilin Mrs. Baird (Oie original hamper ami grinder nI Oir phiys. ed. seing>. LDse in fisaI Va-Va-Voom. in' Oenoy tenpole bere. tord Eglin nitti a great upset ictory oer Oakvie- 'Trafalgar snatcbed sp Oieir licol Hace and Ken Brown, and aur present actinol sars, el Devlmn osd Debbie wallon eul] provîde the bratin1 enlertammen. Dudosik osîl play tbe piano, wbite Oiat ane-mas-lanl tefan K. Desiaurier oli play Oie gaine, thebharmonnica, andoisgalin ose aen. Master ni ceremonies Derrick Wesdell ansounced at a surprise Santa Claussnay be on band! Hacmng trouble gestion lin Oie Chrisnoas spirit? Weil, lais nS moSt:obaltie docter ordrred. ta ce lsg and brng a cstion. No! il's o siton! titefan K. Desiaurierwu, coonhl osi bis linger ia Oie again les eek wten ls name 7maIoo News and Fanîs Viena", waoctiosen as thtitle of our nst oroly solroducel octinal sesaper. AS the lirai publication lasi Stialrday collai ht ail tie press, Oio poperos -Mc asi", Garnel Mitchiell amandes teran o tickets ta the nras done. Sitofn s loolng foe sneyoanlucky girlto pairap wîla 1cr Oie cooog dance. -wis sillng"' tiPeoksng ai the daoce, on Priday ngit, Dec. Il the popular, "-BI-nDrmosd-Band" -Major Hsopl's tioarisn liasse i cssassg la Milton. Ticktis cost osy $150 iOi stadros idrstificatsos crnd ami $1.75 aitissi . Siwuing 10 lae rya.. anc vibra tions ai ttie von-nouai fcotorisig Major Hooples, Boardsvg iasse. Notice -sminus 15 days till Christmas. Thse mnisîrs aois junior girls bave siilleed tirrîst cas anis are no aaoniti r thefiaI mord icti sols tir pastrd tis omti 'Ihe senior seani bas tiers pîirisd lames Hîcana. danse 'tiartiars, CaraI Vaang, Recti Hamilon. don Alcosi, Carol Halooco, Donna lsctlrbergec, Mary Dabie, Asne Ranstian, Drtitie Taisa Karen wsîîos ans itiris Neil. Are ysti rcady" 'tie Ctiristvion osncntlyîascamn'aup. . pano gaina skis gais'" Cane an noya, let's naie Ibis assrntily Oie grearost rcer. Whi the GiAA (girls atletis association) bave alreaisy ctirdues a garat apperase by Sasta Claus Dec. 22! (Ha, Ho, Ha,ý ORecotier tiase Phtiaatrapis me bais takes ainsi tna wemba aga" Rrnrntirr tint adorable phtiatgraptirr. laies? WOeil Oie picinres are isevelopris ans reasy f. yapo aai The prlures 55ulr lu,, tiLvic lace fou w doa os long as yaa pas bose yso tae theo. Il yas'dans wan1 laros aller yasr 40 ou tiseImil, yaa soîplp celasn Oie phtios ami ive'llrrtarnlthirssalai IIANGIN'ILOGO I 'ranqu<fiy Base Concer. Dec 22. 2 Psm $1. mitinladenl id. Il.5 la itbsat.- '21 - BpPaI Fonrd Chistmas is coming anis Oie gF s tassal netini fti.., ftor tOi lu, moybe (siten tinse esamo cone next mk samenos may tîns tit sacs are cookeis). armîlves in Oie mannloe, ami occocingly WODS non pari nf the action in Oie Daheille Santa Claus Parade. The Oieme toc anc fOt as 5Has the Grinci tuie Christmas" nîla nar ciEis Whtelpisole osM everybodys favorite Grîncti. Menters ai Oie bond braves the Stintrdoy marning cold toplaypChristhaas Fcurais, wbicti non eapeciatiy ccimendable spon consîderason nI Oie bndi porly Oie oitit tetore. 'bhe Sienior Oasis tren thenselces a 11111e porly ou a renard for the bard narti ans enmaman saccesa of Oieir '(siie Festival. The cafetruan bisd nccc tiers sa tati toc nny kin of mois concert tetore, ohici may cbampsnnsbsp oi tte ycor oiOi on lt-lt score. Our mini-ladies coactied bysenior Carol Young w0n to ont of tie actiedale three games with scores of 30. oser Witer ote (sarry Pat) and G-I ogainot Alderatiot, but aost soc fial game t. GOtivilie- kTraagar 6-lt. 'Tiere oece 12 leams in ail mncludsng a surprise enlry tram Hamiton_. Delta. And ot course y bavrile inpic la... suc boys' tesietiai team, wbo bave speord Ohir exheibiion san ositi ina -rep vcriesin a ivisionn agoist Olabeloci and Gcorgetown. Gar junor sean porlscuiarly look libe o ceai saper sean. Ttiey ose coactird thissyear bythe enior .tiosa' vslleytil lean captaso Mr. White Oaks Secondary School Helping welcome Santa te some tend of indiatilon nit we'reup forOihat exchngenîih Long Islond sctisal neGt oprini And tetomon ssiomsng ai Oie Cenleonsol Pool anis plovion instirtbati in thie gym, by Oie ticor ne bit Wenisy Mason's inouse, yo as rs-r oais haoce expectes any ot os te gel up ami play torDSante Claus the sens day. As lasaid betore, il nos especiallp conioensotle, ans I hinilt sagtl tir bed wor fistie extra saneing in Oie sincking os Chtirnas Eve lac sar braver nembers. Milton -bigioorry (Thisweek tirions as nîisnay laroagb oar tiockey season an so Ohissnrrt'snonremoy thetine Oial decdesntio'sin and oatao contention toc the Ironse 1511e. Do lac, lsfrst place tiasoner tien outfoartiands, btatorneet Miltn lis tunie sassais, ans lary're sos bîgea ory. Il promises la tic qaste the garde, copecsatiy osîti sac test ployer The rea game sctedale opes alter Ctiristvias, Curling enlies Psissy Farbîr tirre, nîla Oie iside tisa on girls' curliog -The ladirs sn tie leas are Mrs. Arnitoge uns Mis Dicti Il's insscolly for receolson ssly ami o experience is necessary but Oie gala tope ta get a lilsie competssas alter Chistmas. Far the gentlemn in sac audiesce wo iOOstiltaeagosiser ai sac 'gorgesas girls', ltiey mse evry wminrsday 4-" tie taclîngin Cusrling Clati. Valerie Vslleybail repscsssg. 'Mti girls' msdgel, junior ands senior valleytial leams arr tilasting thir w oards wha lsatis lîbe a territic seanon, 'iheycve tiers ssppssg on o lîtle lady Trrnvs sat for sesebsng reososs.tButîoe'cetadsoone m mite Pre la lry sat tie e lise arraneens. Tise score mosn't wt i olhalsive bmoD 2 0, bul Oie name nos ail goalse Harley Psckering's nîlti bis FAtiT STUPFs 'Mie serentlssg tram ivs ibsinesa, sella 105 matches wn, 43-23 avec Ersisdale, anisa 5O- nipe against Strertavîlle. the girls' inokeltbil leoins gai il lagelr agaîs tie lady leoctiera 7-0, delsossely lac bîgneol name ai Oie arsasn s .ais Ithe boys' teoketiall actiedude steels rorly Itis yer, Dec. 18 sesti a triple teadr ut Georgeion. Thtia doy or searae lac alaleles Iran Oie doscers as ne etiosse btiem the game andtheMainie ance bocki banc aI WOSS. Myselt, t Ibîsti l'il lobe Oie bakelbil Cac Ip wit th leaer FlOU 2235 NO nc-o.acn. ar NRTH END B.P. - 239 Base LiseRouis nna Miltan 3t 878-2471 smunie9 -M headlines a HALTON & PEEL 1WILL BE OPEN SATURDAY 9 A.M. to 12 Noon DECEMBER 12, 19 for you r CHRISTMAS SHOPPING CON VENIENCE HALTON & PEEL TRUST AND SAVINGS COMPANY 252 MAIN ST. E. MILTON pion YOUTH s s e r "n b 1 y