Awc 0t eau "amards nigbt" for 100 members ni Halion's 4-H agricalliscal clubs os Friday ebe recpinla and dosors of ioletss a boot ot amards galberedt le Bt. Paul's United Clmrch in Miltos loc the anneal ceremmny that signais tie end of meother succestol year of 4-H 1'd atyear 180 mesuhers zciledbst48 prejeclu Tbey cempietted 138 of thete toc a 93.2 per cent coteptetin. There nere 28 tiret year meeshers receiviog awards. 17 second year maie- bers, 18 wilh up la five projecis cmpleted, 17 miih six le il trojecis f inlsbed, else mitis il te 17 projecte and tour senior members mitis 18 or more 4-H prejecta eespleted. Top mesiber Outstandieg 4-H1 club meseber inHalles for 1970 was Keits Aitlaet, mite recelncd Use J. E. Whitelech trojsby. Thse Halles Bog Producors lropby foc Use moul outelaedieg 4-Hec witb mnder 12 projecle compiled vient 8B1llte, misie Marianne Lepa wntise Claude Bais tropby as the mleleendlsg tiret year 4-H member. Premier 4-H club of tise year oas tise Acles 4-H Field Crep Clob. Mary Anderson mon tse secrelery of tce year amard. le their speeieg remarhs agriculturai represeetative Henry J. Stanley and ies assistant Hugis Conk mengraiulaed ail 4-H membeies mnd tbalted the leaders for donatlog tiseir time and assistanc e tuse progiraon. Thsc Kimasis Club of Use Kingsway nasale tbaehed toc pronidig a busitripleoToronitor a visitte, the Scieoce Centre, and for sponsoring the specisi project sourds oeil scbolarsips. Tops in smeclaub Trophies toc the lep member le cacs club mere gives oui as Acles 4-H Cati Club donel by Nieo Braida le Keith Aubkes, flaten 4-H Holstein Cati dosated by Fred Nurse le Paul Stewart, Hatms 4-H Jersey, Gaeresey Dtuai Purpose Bboriboro dooaled isy Halles-Peel Jersey Club 10 Lois McNabb, Halles 4-H Beef Cati dosoled by Hallen-Peel Beet Improvement Assoc. le Janet Hmltec, Actes 4-H Field Crop dnnaled by Halles 000l ami Ccop Improveeet Amsoc. 10 KelUs Cocobleed Acles 4-H Cati ami Field Crop Clubs dosated by H. H. Mioe le KeiUs AlUses, Halles 4-H Field Crep desaled by Halles Sonu and Crop Improvemeni Assor. lei Lamne Wils, Halles 4- H USnep doealed by Zone 3, Ontario Bbeep ticeeders & Pendocers 10 Keith Aitbes, Hatton 4-H Conservation dosaird by Halton Regios Conservation Authorîty lei Cathy Lasby, Hailles 4-H Homse dosaird by U.CO., Halios Braocb le Bitl Btokes. Wiosers of judgleg trophies Norvai Junior Fermer Trophy, Ketth Aubkes; Champion baveck Judige, Basdy Bennett; Beel Catle Judging, Doog Gordboose; Daîry Catle Judgig, Bill Stokes; C.N.E. Shteld (Higb Novice), Paol tewart; Bayai Bank Trnphy Seed Jsdgisg), John Nurse; Small teedu Judging, Keilis isiben; Coarse Grains Judgisg, Keits Aubkes; Cash Crop, Jobs Nurse. Amards le uhemmes Wîssers of sbommasip ronybite mere: John Wiilmott 'Champion Berf t, Doog Gard- tiome; Ward Bronridge 'Chsampimn Daicyt , Jase Nixon; James McKay (Grand Cbsm- Ixot), Doog Gardisose; Benvien iForma (Fust Yeart, Bill Affisos. Foc a pair oftdairy beifers, Bob tiaCDonald mon the Canadien Inperial Bank of Commerce tropby foc Holstis ami Jobs Non non Use W. J. Norriagles blopby in Use Jersey or Gueresey Kîsgsmay Kin a serolar- lisps mont le, Aresn 4-H Cati Club, Beryl McEsery; Halles 4-H leef CaBfClub, Bruce Blevensan; iton 4-H Holstein Cati Clob, ton McClure; Halton 4-H Jersey, lurmy Duel Purpose Shor- bocoý CoU Clob, Marg Robinson; Hcou 4-H Field Crop Club, Leub leslie; Halles 4-H Field Crop Club, Deseis McClure; Halton 4- 0 tbsep Club, Gies Stevenson; gllIon 4-H Horse Club, Vaierie ftla; Halton 4-H Electrin Club, kdnard Bird. Upecia prejecl Tise Kimans special projects ismpetition wn ieers nere N ope liallers, Pauai Stewart; Caif tsplays, Elizabeth Anderson- holdings or Faces Pias, Calby asby; Building, Faron, isceilasmaus. Models, Ccsig arrison; Esonys, Barbare Brownisige; Blides, Gles 8leensos; Plant Collections, so'is McClure; Pedigrees, g Robinson; Bbonbss, Barr id. Amards mere pceseeled by Iton Crop and Soil Ite- vement Association, United eeders Inc., Haiton Holstein oh, Halles-Peel Jersey Club, egale Jerseys, Guerssey he Breeders Asse. of De. Rlis, Ontario HerefordAso. lcto bshrtboce Club, Onlearlo The Canaduvn Champion, Wednnsday, cobe, 28, 1970 1 irds toi 100 Halito 4-H members Aberdeen Angos Assoc, and nos fout lisn the Shonmanship BAILTON 4-H BEEF Lassy 907 Cathy Lsby 887 Tom EasernCanada Chaolais Aso. Caosandhadte fourt place cL FCLUB Parker 864, NomaLeael 3ý Fint year meesier mocket amb. He was the lep Leaders: John Willoit Bob Leah Lesie 8M, Sharon Lehi Marianne Lepa, mosit out- sonan at tise Horse Club MerBDJackson, Clarles 8M2 John Brown 616. GRAIN: slnagtrtyar memer, Achievement Day andbmi Per« Idra t rcn op e it eh A ien 936, NormeaLele RI Halto clubjesey 05 er se chene placed Boru helise Janet limnter 858, Bruce 864 Leah Leshie 853, Bharon Hultn 4H Jrse Guresy lse uosforbores Stevenson 857 Jus Wnmt 5i Leslie &3, John Brown 576.aE Duei Purpone Bshorthon Cati Club site pisccd 111h amdin lee Haltes 4-H Horse Club 411e pbsoed third. Marianne pisced nleUs le tbs Bbommanslep, Clane at ber Acievemeet Day and ber Dual Purpuse Bbortbore beller came firstilits class. Bshe mas second le USowmsnslep aithUe Hocse Club Acievemeet Day and ber psey pleced tiret le Use Posy Lise Clase. Bbc mas 1tinl tise Junior Bection of the Uivlocb Judging Competitios. Bill Btokes, oulstsndlsg member mils ander 12 projecl complcted, bas made higs staninlgsl ibtrerclubs Oi year. le Use Halles 4-H Pield Crop Club bs liait for second place, le Use Haibse 4-H Bbeep Club be sood second aed inesHailes 4- H Horse Club ise sleod firal. BiBl eus compieted 10 projects le feur years. ail wîlb over 86 per cent. He basiseon le the lep Usree le sis ofthOese prajectu. Firsi at tm faits le bis Field Crop projert BiBl eslebiledl mieter weat mbicb mon bles firsi prise at Msiltan Pair and mas the mlnleg cuhbit al Erin Fair. Inethe Bbeqp Club be Be pleced third le Use le- termediate Sectione of the Livonlech Judgleg Computitioe and mas the lep Dairy Judge nics mon blenthUe Chamipion Dairy Judgisg Tcopby. Be Uied toc fooctis place le Use le- lermnediale sectiee uf tbs Becd Jodgleg Trupby. Be lied foc lourts place le Use lelerusediste section ef Uic Beed Judgieg Competition. Tise foilomisg are the listai nI club membsrs and total points umarded ti year on core, jodgisg, esasu, utteeduece, projeci, reports, esisibit and shomnsip: ACTON 4-H CALF CLUB Leaders, Niso Bruida, Russell Marray. 100 per cent compilation. Membere, Keitis Aitkse 943, Carol Bomerville 912, Cathy Lasisy 964, Bris Lasby 892, Beryl McEnery 870, BIB Leahsy 831, Leub Leslie 179,' Bars Brun Ij Saron Leslie 867, Tam Purker 8W6, Pal Murray 729, Karen Pierce 716, Jobs Bron 674, Janet Clesdionleg 5M5, Robert Murray 518, Basas Murray 5i2, Busas Maly 510 asd Ricb Wilkinonm 58. Top 4-H club member has outstanding record Huitou's outstasdisg 4-H member of81970, Keith Aitken of Aresn, les a record Usai speaks toc itseBf. Be man anarded Use J. E. Wbilelocb trophy ut Priday's sourds sigbt. Neîtb bas completed 21 Projerlal isie years of 4-H norh 9486 20 of ese over 86 percent complation and 15 ut the projerle over 90 percent. Be placed tintl te earb of the tour prujertla b underleoh this yeur. Out of u possible 1,80 Palets in eacb projeri ise bail 943 Palets le the Acisu 4-H Cati Clob, 936 Points ibte Action 4-H Field Crop Club grais section, 952 Polets le Use coco section, and 853 peints le lise BuBon 4-H Bheep Club. Ai les Achievemeel Days ie s 6 iet le UShomsilp and bis UShrtbr Steerwas firstiinili clam ut Acles Fuir. He oas tirsit mn bshwsuusuip ami bis market iaish piscod firstinl ils cham ai Georgeton Fuir. Bis exhoibits of coco and sale boUs placed tirstin the Field Crop Clsb Acievemesi Day in Acles. Bis enlebit ofnIos placed le îhe firsi prise group ai Eri Fair and bis Storors trer -Haln-Peel conoies organioers report local miles nf the 1978-71 neries of Canada Savmngs Bonda presesily totl 91,287,860. To dole $34 sdlbioe have beco sold le Otario. -101 a beef le aie? A com- pliment lu pams on? A question lu mh'? Lellers tu lise ediler are nelcomed toc Tise Coampion's editorial Page cohuson, " Or Nouders Write.'1 maes sevenUs le Use Bruit prise group n lis dema. He nus fourUs le the Senior Section of Use Livestocs Judgleg Competîtios ami second le Use Benior teed Judgisg Cose- petitios. Iu Ose Baed Judgleg Competitios be mus Use 8Suai Seeds Judging Tropby and Use Course Grain Jsdgleg Tropby. Tise Norvul Junior Former fropby, wlecb le unarded 10 Use lugisesi combleed maore le Use Coîiniy Beed aud Livestucs Judgiug Competions, gses lu Keith. Be nus unarded lise Holtus Boil and Crop les- provemaent Association Trophy for bigbs standing le Use Aresn 4-H Field Cop Club and Use Niso Braida Trophy for Use bigisesi standing le the Adtos 4-H Cati Clubfseigst standing le tbsse ben clubs non blen Use H. H. Bniou Trupsy toc isaviog the legisest combleed score. He nos aoardcd tise Ontario Bbeep Breeders'und Producers' Tropsy for the bigisesi standing le the Ballon 4-H BShep Club. Keith nas selccted by the Rural Learsisg Association as a delegate of Ontario te, attend a neek long Costerence in Alberta. nA . MOURE l Îutl i54-227 tvw o bushelcity mioivg tank i'i w a*vew 21"mil a nom huqv tevste strength steel frame bigger - nw mý,g a:n ) ne l-oa, n e d hyw LI ia - rv G.fta kmt your aywam SWANSTON FARM EQIJIPMENT LIMITED BL IR, 3 Ruckmusd - 916-891 Tom Beeten 8X0, Phil Agoem 832, Bill Alliuon 832, Deug Gar- HALTON 4-HPIELD dhouse 832, Keitis MeKismon 817, ClOOP CLUB Craig Harrison 812, Laur Leaders: Harold Pattersos, Wiilonoli 8M9, Jisi McKay ~8,Ersie Alexander, BiBl Alexander, Gave McKinsos 7599 Dan AI Bconnridge, Bitl Wiluon, Don WiBesoit 771, Deug Nec 697. Bbernood, Pete McCartisy, flosemary BonUs, Dos Nichsolson. 100 percent completion. CORN: HALTON 4-H HOL.STEIN Jobs Nurse ti77, PhUl Agnen 868, CALPCLUB Marg Andersae 591, Keilis Leaders Bert Btewart, AI McKiesos 501. HAY: Mary Bromeridge, Jet f Nurse, BiBl Aoderson 897, Dessis McClure Bisceir Deesu For isurry 96, Grace Bird 874, Des McClure Harcisi,LarryBenoeit. 1Murray 7M2. GRKAIN: Lerse Wilson 933, 10tPar Ken McNaib 903, BiBl Btokes 903, cent compiction. Paul SeatEdmard Bird BU,. Jonne Wilson 928 David Reid 900, Ann McClure81,DvtTyo M 869 Les McDonld 884, Grc Cure David Bayslorig 742.nMc Bird 876, BiBl McDesald BT, lRAE R , rson 74o- Mary Andersan 816, Gary Put- SRWER:Nra n lersos 847, Bary Reid 841, Barb dersos satisfaniory compilaton, Erwnicee 838,Jubn Patterson Janet Hunier saiistuctory M38, EienMarsal 837, Kareno compietios. Marshalil 837, Bruce McGee 830, Cathy O'Hoan 811, Mary McGee HALTON 4-H 784, Tedt Bron 783, Cecil Pat- CONSERVATION CLUB lersoe 779, Kutby 'Popp 770, Leaders, Bob Merry, Dos Chaurles Cochls 757, Baedy Barris. Cathy Lessy 906, Mary Benetty74, Debie Bolcisers 745, Anderson 964, Bob Lasisy 875, BiBl joie Aoderson 744, Paul Laidles Lahiy M6, Lis Aoderson 862. 707, Bob MacDonld 692. Norma Leslie 784, Noman do- BALTON 4-B JERBEY, GUERNSEY DUALPURPOSE SHORTHORNý CALP CLUB Leaders, Jobs McNaisb, Walter Norvisgtoe, Ken Elle, Lamne Elle, Mac Alexander, Ersie Alexander, Harold Pat- tersn. Lais MeNubb 921, Nen McNaisb 914, Marg Robison 914, Jase Nison 884., Valerie Elle 875, Jobs Bison 861, Bob Nobinson me9, Bruce MeKen 854, Brandit Hilissas 844. Marianne Lepe 751, Carol Bison 890. ACTON4-HFIELD CROPCL7B Leaders, Rumsell Murray, Niso Braida. 100 per cent compieation. CO3RN: Keith dithes 952, BiBl Leahy M3, Bais Lahy 928, Catby Lesby 913,Tamn Pocher 912, Carol Boneervdlce 869, Brott Bamervnrle 11155. RAY: BiBl Lasbv 918, Bois YOULLBE PROUI OF VOUR 7 CUSTOM BUILT il ALUMINUM WINDOWS ANO DOORS Woathsright ALOMt5OM o THE eRton us R1.14v 878-2223 secamn 0, Lyle klles 89 HALTON 4-B ELECTRIC CLUB Leaders, Keith Witie, BiBl Noper (Detario Hydro) Janet Honler 934, Mary Anderson 855, Edmurd Bird 848, Ted Brun 7Ut, Normas Anderson 789, Lis An- derson 772. HALTON 4-H IJEEP CLUB Leaders. Alsert Hanler Lloyd Btokes, Don Bretiset. 'Keilb Ailbest 853. BiBl Stokes 847, Jaset Honler 843, Norma Leslie 3,. David McKinnon 819, Oies Steveson 810, Deug Gurdisouse 656, Keith MnKion 627, Barris Currte 00. -I WINEB WEE EWA00D Friduy evonleg lepcsrosin irpby asd Mary Anderson of MUts iss uion 4H lb emesm dupMlsmbmasmed 4-H secreisry of the yonr.- teir 1970 mors mitis as amard egt. Leader Niso (StaffI Phsoto) Braida asd president BIB Lahy of tbs premier 4-H club of Use yonr, the Acles 4-H field crop club, are Bert Stenard and Niso Braida, presdent asd vice-president of Baillon 4-H Clubs Leaders Coonndl, presided over the amurdis night peogcum. Haltos MP Rud Whilleg, Baillon cmlt MPP Jbs Beon and Ballon Wurdes Alan Day of Gubville mccc amosg the officiaeis anstisg out amarris. Mugie Eurl Burt provided tmical esiertaismesî lhrougboul the evesing. Nol ail the anards ment 10 the youngeters. Clubs leader rer- tificaies nere anarded le Bull Alexander, Bill Sinclair and Loyd Btokes for completing Byve Yeurs of service; asd le Niso Braida and Jobs Willmnoll foc 15 years of service. Durmng the evesisg the Halles Federalion ot Agriculture urisolaruips mere presesled 10 Anse Ruhl and Bill Leahy. . Betty Kennedy interviews the most interesting celebrities ... w eekdays 3:05 to 4p.m. LISTEN HERE: ONTARIO'S FAMILY SPTTON We've done aur tIiing. Now you can do yours. Our thing has oIoo/obeen to maho the Bug sotd, dependuhie o:id potico, But ltb),, unve people hove ben tutong Ourt h,,,g, ond doog tho,, ou.,,. (Lik nddutg cote flonono nd kioky point jobs.) Frovkly, ,oete delightecd And mhotos vors, m'd ,iko t offtr m oo sggestions: I'ke snazzy tu-g thitgs tOu e oe mhees, chtove stonuuoods, dritng Wseu lmuyohoilt the ohomoagn [ughts, or oot roy tain s trupes, (Yoo tou9h etoogh ta survioe auythiuug anyhody cu get thev at n,VW dvaleoîo o olnuy place ooold dsh out. The beaomy of j cl iso thutuom Nomutloooks ,mike AVAil Yoo on tuk on, old Benîje ound potut ivesurviv0)e n mhle ueo gn. bock in the g1000e, or do soos for out etntionu.@ n -I THE NEW TABAR BUILDING SUPPLIES STORE IS NOW OPEN! EVERYTHING A BUILDER NEEDS AT CASH AND CARRY PRICES 25 Baseline Rd. 878-3263