Brne -nt nias sagninlo ebâe, aloisla ta- HEAflBTNES ullusratisg people who dij plqing Lasgriitge f880 Use message front te itisptay. Thse niuIloBs are losspectait kyllrer local Scnouta. Lefttu ilors visitait tise Bie hl opes bosse Tlourusa eil riglot Mitas Vsn orummi, Rirtaey Asellan ait Mark Useir Seult traup-USa Plo) Chamber of Commerce plans fres Christmas bus service Plans tee a free Chritmas teus service fo Miltta shuoppers niece sppravet loy Milona Cloasuer ai Commerce ut oits Octaor eecalive mseeg. Tloe los il run Mseitsy ta Friitay, Dec. 10 ta 24, caeeyieg uliapperu fessa ail ars of Use tanin un loori>' trips a aunit fessa Use Milton Placa saianontan rare aresaitatres. Cunts uniS be boe loy the sponsaring mer- chasats. Free daw lan Caoitteerloairmsn Ras Hareris reparts Use lais service ait promation niill coul an ostiialeit $1,tf0 unit tar ruport ta rollecteitabout $1,5e tram Use sponsoring utares--loaviga $54 taoit la 80 aitereit ta uloapporu ta the forntuoMsfreeteani. latais osuoapperu frani, aut of an, Ih ata l s nss t une the linuas ser- aice , niaaiit ta eseeseageitla do lhion Ctaristmaus sloappla ta Miltansutores unit 80 eligite foe prizes ta Use fres itrsi. A Urer-part raute far 080 bus -Miltan Fiee Depurtment reportas ere niere noafirsturiog For Prenentian Wesk, Oct. 4 la W0 loas loess itralteit ani thUe lait staitlitisabole turver thwike tanin tanae loaur. Rittes ure itesignoit se, that no-one niaaii loue ta niulo teettaer tloan sae balo ta esrl 01w bous route. Cloansier bief ta aUser bussiness, Use Closaker esecive: -Decitet ta otatais peires on sen i ttter tatas tac Use itantan unit placa ares. -Eitarset Miltoit Cauacits reply ta Use Tarsata-Cestret Regian, Design for Denetapsmin plan. Casatil tau gei thUe tan be plarei thUe cane ase grassUs seras, sot thoe zone tnia ecreatiesl aesas obtient an the mapl in ther ganeenesent prapasi. -Urgoit Milton Coutil tai seni sognoe ut tise tanin estrunres, iadcatang the irectian ta Use busmness sectios. -Loarurit a seni 'ussp ta Miton" siga n letaig prepareit far 080 Clououlee aiga-loaoi et Use crer af Mata ait Martin Sta. New seoson opens for figure ska tors A taranit seni figure skating Tfsose off or as inceative ta thn arseasnt ail penotnp for Miltas rhliires tanirk afittleharter. figure ukasers Nov. 3. Pant Amuateur coaches arr available Piesident Mes. Betty Bfacklaek for the yaungstees taaning assaunceit Mes. Jasiee Mafoer louonble. aree Geninger> asit Miss Terri Reutier uni retors as prss Ulis Ieeffenfaliip iPe. Presîdent Ejîren McCsatsheon Mes. Elees MCutchos was naot in ker message fa parents eeotoit tu serve as prenident for Usat a Choristmas party wiit be the raming yese wita Mes. hld Dor. 24 aidthUe eprainaf is igina MeCoteos as vice tessativety stateit for Marrta 13. preuitent, Mon. Rasafys Fonniick seoanit vice, uerrefaey Mes. Fay lise. MeCutokeas satei thUe Stark uni treaisurer Mrs. Evefyrs cos af ire is gaiag Up again tloiu Gifies. year btnilitaapei thelnreae nui 1w atasarbeit toaga o- Directore elorsed aperatisa and assistance frnt, Eiorteitasitirertors tiere Betty Rotariasaunit parents. Moalit Barbasra Snaa, Jane Barbaur, Af Strata, Acflie Kssnk, Jase MrCusia ait Lys Grlswsli. Tke rOut a ia non- Useofittorgaisatao. pnsrdb pheRotar Coslub.ta spn et a Registratios ttais year niif be tanateit fa 144. As Use liassast progresse Use mhitres ailS 1w ginen tests set loy Use Cassian Figure kating Assocatio saithUe sast Ttaueuity Mf esc manUs. Ii'S MEUtE TUE 191e hit cho ihfanegofasof ts sias spsrklang ivrwase andl aimeactor o weliry fo yssrs to corne. 7 WAYSTOUONEJABE Bm Mnes sisaipasa ILsgar Tuin SOoswW STORE NOURS sèes antd surins Cioantn Oaa Murca0 o.Tans., wes., tsars., s.. 2U -3W8U tas rie. Fri.a 55500, mision ChuilSIlSOS 184 lýip B78-9972 S. dof41- S miles S. nf muaa Set December 8 date choir's flrst concert Miltan Manie Asuaciatianus rcaity far presestain ta Use chair, nitica nias farmei lauiinre anit coaristoru are Beptem1wc, nUs present its lieut utartaog ta niacl an sao salit concertaonTaestayrvenag, Dec. nici nul give 11w sigot sanie 8, caniutur lReg DiCola as- vseoety. sasaceit Us nirol. Ttae nenily-formrit Munir "Sangs of the Cloristmas Aasociatiani 1w bing aganuarrit ta> sean' ta Use Usomo for Use 35- Miltan Rotary Cisb, in cou- vaice muant cloaie's toust concert. jaactian niita Hly Rasary "Teoir lata staettag ta sassai Cksrc. Msatars induite prt si ItseitUstkn in serealniUsprrlascoires- loavea e g air rt," Me. Diçata perere ta Miltoas d sutiistrict sauit. By csacert toue ko espects crtaer1, pIsa nsm1wr nika junt Use> nuil louve Il or 12 fumiliers tave ta sing. ThisO s c 55-lltm op sent ry copetitv pric 0 fr 4aBr S' - otaviy o rit - wta evde tS HUNTER OAK & SADDLE OAK Naurl od not o ak p-e s, i na -h it narldenl alue ai silo 9 85 EnLnf<JDfC RE 2112 MAIN ST. E. MILTON FREE DELIVEIT 818-231 -I The Casain Champian, Weitsesey, Ooker 14, 1970 à Whcit one soves cinother spends Goargeon truster rnie Boardi magit have invostoiîthUe Baitnae taidthUe Maltas Boardi af masoy inta capital foaits berause Eiticatiss lor frit mare af Useir it nias uneit for capital ru- cpota ruponititures stasulit b posititure tay Use essaicipalaties taken sout af cirrent funits esUs. ssyniay . 'ttary uue if O tasbitit liss ersin Use masey Usraugk soco Using s sniooiog punis iteetes Mr. Baitnar unit teand satUes tues Usera aver ta un," niant sme lon alois resut 1w 1we unit. tune, test frit Usore niosit lor a r st svtg if a solution nias LanieeelU sale a.seit. Me. Singlrton naot taey niault Dicectar J. W. Singleton aot liane beau ale ta put abaut Usere nias valiitity in tae $1,004,0 iif tat Ueir coorrest se- .suggestian tant rgulutias rosat litd regulatians nat praoilateit itis lorig pat itt praolitit it tait poe. Ho sait] practice. aou'l rese er fait oves tlugthUe boardi tanieret yoe nie niereabke ta lanior Use Use mutl rite tar muaicipaatins mitl rate soas Use ressty loy idtii ait thesaviagsso a the love mils," te aruit, noitg Use taspayoru.