4 The anadianChampaon, Wednesay, Octabe 7, 1970 ris ~ports forum] Atfearimanager DtaCaetMtonLegiait Bani aaeami tant week taah an eeamantudfeate the Bantaia ropet h ofaner f a the Ontario Bantain Banahai C mIý onnhip lt fE. Satarda>. Ctae vies canceenent abaat an OBA enttng that statesno autyaff garne coun hae tonnai alter the secandt naek in Octaher. fihat thin ln affect aaa la that if Milton lant the firat gaine, andt they dit, andt advearse weather cauaed the secanit gaine ta hae cancettait thia Sataeday an Miltan andt ifEanerefana tu refann ta Miltan for anather happenil the eriesa chairnaran waatd hava ta itentare a minner. The f.aarth aathat theahtiaataanaer in cbanning naaatdhle ta amant the aariea tu the nner af ttthenrt gaatae rtinlscase Esuez. trkeai dtay Ctaer aas aaderataadabt> eaaagh ired atten tan efforts ta get the fina eies underay nananad attmpta get the secondgarenf theaariaa ptayedaon the Suaday fottaWtaf the Satarday were thae. Claer la quick ta rentamber halaf prennaneditut meattag Penetang a th ont> eight hournotic naand te ta> followlng a sortes wih lita, and waadera why Ese n t ternd wanaed t play ana aeriea with Merritanaover a ttres weeknpam. Dartag the ttnnee annh tanins the Milttan club tay idta. Il culd ie aaar grapesaandaaottang moretbut inaaansltiamuc f a caïncidence tttattha sarienachaieaan hattpena ta lUne ta Surita mttch ar n te naine tague as Esses. It mn 'dt ha fair ta say te sortes charantis aplayatg tavariten, but ttanl haaa't dune a lt ta iscont Prentdent dtaapponttd Acanriag ta Ctaer the tacat club carniet tOne heef ta OBA tresiteat Jan taglea at Gaelph natt enprannel aonme disappointment t abaut ttte a> tinga nacre gaine, bat rafanent ta intarfere wtth hlnts saniea chaian.t ttaaatnthaa ahard laaata tahaif thclubhaâtito fneîtthe gli>afo t an Otaria ctanapianahip titat man dectaradaon tae met af ane gaine.a theatan clabs claah hena Sataeitay att1 pi. A unit Satday anSl ha an abtatata must far tae fanhana hO napratent thesaleahapa for an Ontarioaçhantpianipint Hatan Caintt>. Hoaheynniaie On tae hachay ncena nain caach Cnet Hymera nai anderstanitahtn ideased with tae shownaf te Merchants put an in thair fient atach in Janiar B. extabitian play. fia Merchanta wnnthete tirnt gaina agatant Htatmilton by a healthy 5-3 noargan Feinta>. Wtala tl a pana taahashnaaa ta fange tae naea of tae sasn an oneauhxhibatin gaina as aatgle arn la atill mare encaaeagtag than a tams, n matter abat tae tanre or tecalibreao atmpatitiatt. Tia Merchanta at 1970 ranembla, ta a certain dagrea at lttaât, tae Marchanta at tant yaar ari tat ta> Inahent titetean for tOn fient tan periaita atnd tan apened up ia the fialt alarme andt came ap math a in wt ana gannt peetant ot barbay. Whila it ta tan, tan for aty harsh neitichim, thara mare ont> a fana real stanntnuts at the Maroatst. Gary Ntashmoutt bave hai ta hae a ahan-in tar thetfietstaratfthenigit. Nash playa a harnt bitting gaine andat minat tangernan nramtang teblue laa. Heascareithis intle turca goalsinte secont panin Feinta> frtram junt aninte tae Htamiltton btn tata. Ha managent ta tank tae abat an tae tnp cerner an tha far tante of tae net alabant tae ttamilttm goaia ratt getting a chance taEltsnatght nnthe sht. Rat bard abat Nash aa ratent an havng ana of the hantant ahas na te Utleagne tant year annt it abat basnat tant an> of tae aaiph thia neannan. Jtandy Pasnsa nwcmar ta tha aisant pichet op tnao goals aand mie hae ntitn't appean ta hae an cetortat an Nash, onyhat> naha scores tan of yoanfe ngoaltahan ta haea tire felttanathaveante ctuh. Bah Rahon anit Kan Pactan, bath neanant reargatarita ntatnt tarin tae coe of a tangO ntate tOms year. Ofitch Lajeananna, a gain> aort of ntatamaman aba Ohme ta tat ant te tooh aftr, matadnt hallp but catchmy eya. The tapanhaaing yaangtentamtbhavea nabae lt goaagtforfla air an aine gnea, but thmnaithaentid Pierre Pilte. The reat businessagat anntamaay Friitay nigbt an harchonin stage thaiebamme apaner. fi> than moach Hymara hapea ta hava hin reiter et Janior B Leagne. Las. pener Errors put Bantams in touchy Altear ignait aUl seata. wt hardiv a blamish on theïr recard, Miltaon Legton Bantains taS ta piacat and tnap>at an 8-7 tacisian ta Estes an tae tata gaina of tae Ontario Finls a Estas. Milton coanaittatl 12 antansu aa gaina ahana theay cainli do sotint rîght. The grime. plapait in40titagranaiaathet, sitesEsaex ltea 10tesatin thttaistiniog. Miltan lied te coe in tae tai innag and aient abeail an ona point in tht fonîtt. The gaine mn nanan munnt than taa tans out of tant bat Essex cama ap math tan ram an the satanth ta min te gaina. No nappant Tha nancath moult haa bean tae aimng ta breakmante flaae Onact. fia big pîtcbar tantat tee hantera an that crual an aiag. Theafianoman struck ont, tin hitu matinet ont Bean toan tae ttaitd haBar ant gane ap a let ta Toobe>. Bath Tooha> ant htadvnancadinnautoler balle andt Tanha> tannent on a urner. Tin ouoller mon got on hase thraagb an anme, amir n thensecondt ont mlnniog non of ta garia. Bahair ment tae itance fo Mito ontemud qigI unitn htt, haag aight hanter andlaiigoar free peane nahit tal téence mante 12 errer Onthit Oin. Kerr sut Wat ahanent t ptdhg fon fluez wlt fi Meatag fae n lniagsanui Wat Isar-Bag fnac. Kerr gars fine tai ta WnSni' utta but strsin ai posçition uavn battera to moltan fane. Kean Fa> sanglat tra tintes for Mitan abtae Wata Blesa alagtad ont touhiat, French triplet ont McPbait ast McCann bot ainglet for tae Miltan bittera. Tooba> mas tae big bitter fan tae milliersanith a tan lit hanter ai tae foneth and a single la tae nevanth. Miltan mil put tae saien an tae bace saturda> atarnoon ni ta> bain tae saine Euses club in Mitan. If sacinsan> tae thinit gaina Onl i plapait on hiltan grounts as mael UTS HERE THE 191 7 WAYS TUMU-,,,I 8 Lisgar Tws $@&sns a Sales MWi naIe T S21-MU9 il a. on 61- 3Amaai" S.o ,ain LPTER A SLOW FIRST pariai, action pichet ap in anar Hanailtan Junior fla. Pta>ern sanen nenand easecond andntatamoreasuin thetiperias tae Hamitan net as actian eeached a peaa ta tae faton herchants cane ap mitb a 5-3 exhitation nain secondi paniant -(Staff Photo) rhird period spurt Merchcints win LentO> Gare> Nash, a natenea second goal aix minutin tater tant The cach atagnait ont Nant aont fomnt,>st eaadta naacntee tn cameaopalth ornati anthitg Parsonsaas eing inpeieandnaii theannh, Raid> Parsons, hitan short at ensatinnat itneing is tait hae naa paant natth han. itarchants abatant ta a 5-3 nictary itint an tae oet. obaSl. Ha pointait Fantan out an ver Hamnilton Junior fi thUt Parsna put hilton an tae tae outataaiting itafenceman. trast exthition ganta of tae taresbat at 9.13 of tae saconit Tha heechanta open thair asanin taMilton amena Feinta> pelod it altOasistance troint negatar seasion i Mitan Feita> nigbt. Baittar ond Laleuaesaa. night. tt taok: the herchanta tae hWI Tane fan Nanta isn periaita for cents ta start Nash beat tae Hamilton ganter narbing at tae miagara anit taîce i tae tant perit andt tan playa manbing amootOt>. amiti a hat trick on more thon perian tadtthan fiant> Parsons' shootar anceni ta nanae an tae P in to . "f~ .nng goal ian tescondtperlidt et club, Nash sold scoe a tnt ot t ap antil tae thaint. goals tin eae. The ttit man b> fan the bent Kat Bridtgman net Parsans paniadin l tha grana. Mitan aut- up forOttssecond goalof tae gaine tanai Hainiltan 4-t in tae finat mbtdap througb the tant periont. peoi ttaaet theatan of tOn garia. uceito Henry fnoppait a loona peca Caacb Carl Hymens anait tae in tae net an 10.42 ton tae final ganaue tarbs playera ma rea goal ot the garia anit put lont ot aCtio. At FnItap a gainae tOnne rach. aa atifltptaerlnktg for t8 Data Heipal, Hugli Marsall, apata - Rant p on dy pýi i Greg Chuchmacb andt Tran Wbettoa anit Trenon R tt ail Roberta, att local boys up froant, tam action in tbe hilton nana. tae miroir barbe> nyntn, ale Roherts ta net action. Hymarn man eapeciall> Rabanta, a Miltan boy, alla pleasit math tae gaina harahall mont of the anrh as hae botarba 12 tue n .4 aht maatto t ean Uta We mare tigbt in tae tiet appaaaittoaelont track of. Ha gant perlitd at barba>," aalit appaed a tinta nrnoan on tae Hynnara abter tae garna. Levers win industrial crown blast Meters in final game ljeanera tefeahad Mater n thUt Leaneeni tank a 4.0 tei and haine an an nattt =r&.Bna ftfth and decldtg gaina an nanan tnkad hank tan tae cent of Hownt a ert n n het Thurniaa ngto a mn ta hfttha t a aie Jan Dtn t at fildti ta hetag ta Dame Galles aind tantaitriat ntatLanltt nCeak h a pretnt t.eae Gorky, bO hait haUt fiat for tae fient time. alngtet, annedent aa hth Lamne an due ta emrs. lttbasaheenntmlog, or a di Ganhy and Data Gâtes gat an foaeta at hich anterantthe haie data ta tieti nd nntflt Matera talant ta Catcha nP ha tage - peeaga ahn a rroi. A. Stokes atammat a Leanea', wha muae teattiagf 2, foi:,mnta teain deapti t ian ta bl ataht nttng ta haUt Grailhy and ta tae atah t ItUttl t mitfneasn. Whaa Leaneen an- Gates. han fante atm t mu fuatile. B S tarent tae teagate it man atinat ta tae ntnth, Lee Cantaan Carne -e ia os n an cemplttat an emptoyas tslam, reanhet fient an an urner and aoefn simafleist dwie n ia annt atilt han nix emoyelan ont rinncet an a doulhit ta> Dave ntgt attat ta> Bah Rahain. tanrea-emptapeen ptaying an it. Yemm. in tDatles tnnhtd Jaha Jarva nanrtatnet ont The teainn h beantaey rtnnate nenetng Yanmn anad Ratnh Me- taingmg taRullhan. In the nanit, i eitg abltnpietnnp tmntav Carmacka falloeetninf> Stater mu natket, Idate secndn capahle catchera, Dan Polet atabnhg aind taaaght ta Datan. and eseanaa haine an antbaifi andt Gain Yeamin, andt a Yoang Laie Gana> gat an dan ta an arnei. BannCarteegflt an fentaen patcher, Daei Yemin, ta reo urer nmrtag MeConmanh, and an r ne , atate tacnad nant nain aut tae pinntaag safR ntth Fred Bayan Hoaraneurflcad out ta boine an an urne.- Dafiner and Lm couitlan. tanna Ganhy. tt ta hart ta ningte ait na Tongh analgamet Jin Dalles tacent a singte eu ptnyer an star of the gaina hait In tae finat garie, fi nana tany taina hetanth foe Leave ta> Lame Grailhy, mha han gan ta ha ifiimt ta chanta naha nantd aingthag, anaattag tacond nai tae unataat ptyer taUthe teagn, mtort pitching fan Leavenas tird and cnaang haine an an mante nereat glood ptay ndi piaO>, i man dacidant that Date nathitd eiTan. actaaaed four soldatsaand twopoat Yarmm, mha hant deteapnt tarin, hIbreruisn oumi. Ratph MnCnemanh mus tig troubles nnetag tae ptayafta Leaneras pickad np thnae more man an tae plate mtUt tOnn ahaatd ataet. In apita of tta, hae nm ta tae eight nahan Data stagtes and a donubta. pitcbent n terrifin gaine aflnmtag Gaies atgtd, eached second an tea htt, ntnihtag out otai an eran an taed an an anmoi. Jin Daten andiAan Stakes hanta hattera and issang fota free Atan tokes atagtad, atata second tailamant each mtUt tan ingtles passes. Sinening Mehan pttcher, and man sent home an a donubte and a doublte. Daoubtes ee Bob Rabuon,mwaa eeveinUta asmanhet ta> Lee Couitlon. Data saahei ta> Lee Couillan na nintb b> Phit Litanhangan. Yemm atmo douhte acnning Data Yeima (2) Dan Powett (2) Tagathar, ta> aflamant t7 hita Cauitlon. Data Gaies and Bepan Ramnt and fanned threa hatea. In tae atU, tnaa more rnm ail aingted. Singles a"n mant tu Untit tae fitt inaiag haUt mena gainait ta> Laaver'n ahen Mater pla>ern Bah Rahaan, Sin tainteraaInatal tai tanna. Thin Dan Powell sngted and cama Hannaaithait Bill Cannie. *he lutile long distance Stili the best for Iess Win a pair of Pintas-pick up your entry fort with every $25 d.poslt at the Canada Trust/Haiton & Pee, Trust office ln Mi MOTOSLD ITOUCED Mitan ta the gainst Brnai tsel car. Ugresh m11I ~ erng ~jj~iaJth n .an a P.înafr ln 12an mni.7 ant cent 23;lais - We'Wre tuhr7was TEMPERS BECAME SHORT an Miltan hardianta andt Harna tan Junior fis clanbein aon exhibition opiner an hilton Acata Frita>. Miton mon tae ganta 5-3. hinca Lajaanaata naa anvoe tan th nl a, ati, k f OrN-O rnn OigOt of tae gainae ban 0ie tanglaita tb Jan KoloaffatHamiton. Ont"im sbnllnndt YSafPoo . fezn 4 socket s eer- -dtýdnd clid madeof sronq% cotrolablearleoi ssitei i inniat sOna to CHICK3nsitch ara in ann BOXcinpanîntanqc 3AIL PA RT A bre a n (uo ioWi S.39 S519ere NOBODA D EVCDUNM LO Y Famita ol ian - 5a mrisa Strma, Ak 21ntonnas - a19 nd 63 BASE UNE RD. CESoriim y 878-3222 A, fi l 1 409 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2369