2 The Corodian Chamvpion, Wedoesdîay, October 7, 1970 HORSES BOARDED PONY RIDES- CORN ROASTS GROUP ACTIVSTIES f HAYRIDES Go. .0ie rid isOruor n'd h'i0ioiso thet 579-th Lino Hornby sowYLSUN TOROUGO TOURS. B PM. Soàu 9FRM SAT MAq0 READY M5 START THE RACE, tuee three Scouts Sterry Wilon and Aody Fora of Oahitille. Ove carry their raae 20 the haohi of Ketio Lake. itSrot panrptd the feU rmpor eM at Houstiog the rmuo are (frut toi hari) Tony Lee, KeIluteîeu -{Sfeff Photo) Cano. races, treasure hu THEY'RE OFF AND) PADOLIRO other shore et the lath.. lb... Scoots partirlpated in ramse raceo highlight woekend camporee Gehoolle Dostoc Fait Coun- poreejar Sousouasheld Frday, Saoarday mnd Soodey et theu rampsite on the Sinth l 2e, Nam.ageueyo. C'ver 120 boys esjoyed a ueehund oB Bma and leornosg desp'le interuîttent ames. Btegu'atiim was hcld Fridey Wvu0gan om Seturday the boys unjoyed a trip ta Reluo Con- servaion Aree uhere they ompetedl in raoe races. 'The boys learoed the prope îey to hantle and paddle ranotao aod competitiono uere held on hoth movire and experlenredl leveli. Pourosg rein Setordep efteroom mmneo were putintoea htandthe wiooero were chooeo. Rein dampens game Aoy boys uot wshiog to meoter reooe rcbng olayed at the cempsbte for e iorcer tour- hantenlttthe r lodrewea tbaurhiàSewtsIm GIACI ANGUCAN CNUICH hMio. Ontario. Recoor: Reit. R. W0. Fote Assistant: Caono F. H. Mmoui SLNDAY, OCTOOER 1l, 1970 Trioily XX ooo0 ai.-Htolv Coorsioion. 9.30 au Si'r Chuich Shboou! 930 au -Holy Eioihai'. and Serioi 10.05 a.m-Sr. Chor'.h Soiiool. 11.00 aio.-O4iu anid ThorsaU, Ouit. 810.00 .- Hotu Coimmuion. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 300 Ontario Si. N. 0782022 Clsoissiaos geiborcd mn the ram o the Lord Jeos Chirist. Lord's Day SLND&Y OCTOSEO 11, 1970 10.30 ou.-O'eaoing aif Bread. 12.15 pmi.-hundoy Scisool. 7.00 pos-Gospel hervie. Wedorodoy, B pari. - Frayer and! Bible iroadlng. Aloarcetecomeîtooboae Thruih Hîu u.usir (Ooiiiî! chalsocsi% f 'eci' 1 huis 10 41 KNOX PRISBYnERIAN CNURCN Minier: Ruv John M. Murai', Milton. Orgaoistr Ms L. VI.iublioo SONDAS, OCTOBEO il, 1970 9.30 a.i -Coiorcocauiu' Class. SAS U5 a.-Sr. Church Subcoi. 9.45 au S-oung Proylr's Biblr Class. 10.50 2.20 Su. Ciuuiroi Suhool. 11.00 a.or-auromnicr of Nul: Rplisi. Sron, "The Eldci'îhiy." 21.00 a.u.-No'scry. IMMIANUR BRARDOT CNURCN Commesolal Str'eet, Milto Paisr: Rer. Cloyoo Coins 871-473 B78-3542 Tile Lord's Day SONDAS. OCTOBR i1, 1970 9.A5 aum-ilble ScisooL. 11.00 am.-ffBorobBg Worsoip 6.50 p.u.-S0og Service. 7.f5 p.m-Eveoing Wos.bIfP. wediocsday Sf5 pu.-Pryer Meting eut Rile Snedy "Let us enter loto the House eftirbo Lord wt cilaaholvioe an RUcHi Cousio Ot CNSMCN 0F CHOS? No. 5 Sloocroad and 4t Lias. Trafalgar SONDAS, OCTOSER 11, 1970 1000 2 m-Bible Scmui Clasoe, for aul aisl. 11200 .m.-Moroing Worslp. 0.00 p.u.-Preodolng of the Gospel. BOSTON AND OMAGH PRESSYTERBAN CNBRCNRS Minsier: Mr. W R. Losr, S.A. SONDAS, OCTOOER Il, 1970 10.00 Oiri.igh: Worship 11.30 is "ii .rchiy t0 ail. NBGNWAY GOSPEL CNURCN A locali asscihly ot The Prntoissl Asscurilies et CVi kefbld Rd, and! Hoy. 25 Milton Ooîý Rv M. Choisiensen TrI. 078-2064 THE LORD'S DAY SONDAS. OCTOSER 1l, 1970 9.05 au .-Suodoy Scilool. 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worshlp. 600 pum-Ouuily Proycr. 730 ym. - Oscoiog Evoogel' stio Senvice. Wrdorsday - Subir Sîody, 7.30 pai. Ary mon uis, Ict ii co oluno mr, and drinil. John 7, vo. 37. Chriîst stands ready 10 pro- vide syiiualio life for ohose uuto aurrhiioiy. ST. PAUB.S CNURCN Of THE USNITED CNURCN 0F CANADA Mois SL.citJames St. Minisocc: Soc. C. A. HUmner, S.A., R.D). Orgooisl and Choir Leader: Mns. Heroid Mogee SONDAS. OCTORER il, 1970 11.00 am.-ASrvoiceof Thashsois'ioo ChiOdrro usd11 attend soith their parnts. CHURCH SCHOOL 9.30 a si.-hiaoday Sohool for ohuldren, 9 yean oand 11.00 .i.-infaon Nurscry in charge of rgisordnus ond Nuirey Drporouuot. 11.00 a.m-Kindorganoro aod Priuory Deporomeor, cees Ai Weioome festrocluojon to the toor- rament. On Setordey night the hoys thoed b moitie "Ire Station Zeileon tom 2lo them fromt the MGM moitie rompmny. Smnday morooog featored the frouts' Gin servires, hot Protuetn mnd Ctolir. kollowed hy e treosore hutnt. Woodcrrft; traeing uit mxe and hooife wero elso ovailaille for boys wiihing to uan Couprft badges. Venuerarcooko A tucil top ielliog hot doge, Husband, wifs Guslph grads MW.madhiro. Terreore Jacq~u rerently gradsated trou, Welington Colleage, Unversity of Guelpho. Mc.. Jarouso 10 the fiorer Weoody Msrphy, dmughte of Mr. mnd Mns. Joseph Mspy R. R. 3, Georgetoin. She roreived a B. A. degree 10 French suddile hmilod, mn Ron R. A. degree 10 Folitirai Sciurce. -Oî un thc ilighîaya this intiday îuboendT Re cxtrs aiert and reucuiler, impatient drivers ulso taise chanoes oftn cue eccidents. pop and rhips n'as rom hb t Veiturero. The Vutourersdlaou the coiog o the grosp; the leaders w ada the diahus. Coup mhet for the po n'm Joho Gosldlog ofM= a Assioteot rhief wao Tamn Wright of Gailville. Chorh Reroso, Trafalgar îao oerretarp- freenerer and Aody Bourhe, Oak- ville arted as proran directei. 'iOWAStF of avüie proilded anamhsiance and powe hoat for the n'uheod uit creî mnear stending hy. R Saivory roubinaoios of tresis seafood miii sotisfy yoor oppetite. Indelge yoocselt on ose oîsocted delira- ries trou Bloc sea. OULES MIE à % Ceoise dine wthS we STFFE OPLES &o t or o O lIER OAOS5 IL or $EER1E A 6U Mioie LBeurd 1Tiy BRIvE iUTdER 6 SLIOED SUIES 1 2 OZ. Ja - z 9 Mel. Ot' Ie ".Bti CiMe PlPlus FRESITINKES TIN MORNETS MES! Coloor their woy tothe et the fafl romporee et Keato ou tise weeod.- Rock Hudson id mooy olther (Staff Photo) CRON gatrnes aod fuon O TOR Fil. complaint on dinnor chop Critirins of Miltoon lo.o a large segment of dedlreted s...Il Ru 12 ré.. 13 eai 14 Boarldover thercaocellote citioeno," oaid file hoardos ennoual -Mayor's Dlooer ueo motioo. (Comeiil derided ta rot --n qoirhly gloooed over diiring a oot thii year'o diooer toi maites the meceting of Miltoo Courui held $MtUroiin vieî ofoonaotripated Mooday. municipal deailât.) u The hoard decried the run- "32 uaheo me îeep, hot I silS cellation of the dioiier. "'The tfee ou remolotioo la in order," couporatively omeli eopeoe maid! Reeve Ron Harris. Com,- entailei l fer ootweighed hy the rolloro offerednooother commeoti KHALWALSOI opportsoity to may 'thaoh yoo' to mnd filed the taeller. _ ____________________ raalS 1.165S.1y7 -,4ur aÀeBu.17 FI IZ ERIA KATHARIN HGPBUIRN 1 SATUIA! & SONDA! TIME 0HANGE FOR FR1. A SAT. 192 MAIN ST. 878-3282 BURINS 00101ER 6:30 A 00F.M. S o ce tti' w c r 001ni *%i f8 F1. 5..10 swe.àwueu1 WARMA of Lydia Kiwi Pri 'Me gros! fi tc A Uigo Pire Pr holding i on Millet firet ighh deportn marcheÉ No I T< titres qo are to action i Grovei withoot à thc Cou Cooori infrartio, ily -Ian termar Campbel A lette 2h. Mli uni ope coad. on Us site it overhort front 10 Fosrth B Slow MerArt George fi