6 The Caradian Champyce, Wcdnes. September 30, 1970U itdA p a bit Fair sucoess d, Paf ý i, gececati y Oeit tise faic osas a osel lu Awards Gordon Ridier 0f Guelphi ti1 li ho csanding mccn tee poutry bow, wousof 229 awardu isself. There wss tisdy nometite for everyrne. Ontario Scissel for 4-e Deaf, Halten Centesoil Macor, Miten Fslre Geparlrnent, Haltes Federation 0f Agriculure, casudy lootisscnxerciin machines, cerassocu, liquid esnbroidery and coirnetic dispîcyn itere att fesliired aI the No. t hall. Sasse atenophore Whid 4-ore wore rnY nen hostos ccd stime sn ccd dif- furent events the fceceal rurl almnoiphere rang truc once agaon Losg roiti of frs Pies, muffins, lacad and cileor goodies broogist isusgry boo te even the hoît fed visitors. Tise ccowd ws scalleced nt4 peuple frorn every oask of Mie. Mayor Brios Best ssndseted 4-e officiel oponinli. MP Rud Whtitlg presenlad a rose tont i th4e 4-H Qicen cd os enclonge recels0f 5.5 foot lots lcontin,,id froicu Page 1) redoced la 4oI teet ccd the plaotiofstrip repacsd hotweco il ccd the bouses would ho e on-te reidestial loin. The lots would hoe deepeoedý te provide for this in a 25 fmot usd4-. Othor question in lise Tomprop plan regardssf street patterns worc rmsolvcd and il itas cgreed tu rernove prolected future ciorci sfilas. Relaints to te revewnf the WinspoY Plan, mernhors atreed il nould hoe arceptebte te retein tno oaU porka in the developnt plan lot declarcd 4-ey nould notl ho csidored s part of lise lino's tieper cent dedication for poici use. The position of the north, sou4- colierter rssd, with ltse msisting bigb pressure gai main aI the resr of properties raillez 4-cc on 4-e moadl allownce, a ofictod. Agreemnt la the roadt potlarn the walkwayi and the proposec cc de sas was alan reacbed Or the Balton Land Group propossl Itihuad been agreed aith4e sstsai of the meeting sew drgit planl would hoie epared incerporatini the changes agrced 10 by 4-s courncd and planning isoard Wtcen 4-mse arc received th, rnsnicipality coilI return tht questioncoire reqmcred fY sth GepartmenmlofMidcipl Ailalet Mfter the Minislar 0f MuncaiPo Affaurs ton gieo draft plo apoo4-rnriplty se dveloprwilhrsirdt installations and Otbe requorements. ahus The MP wnacO lutoer cecocg cosse ececse on lise Shmc-(yso te one ofthlie haIl. ffl Queen Gsscoe Pell of PalermeSo was ssmed 4-H QsOeen and GladYs Smiths of Miltonea camacine 4-H Princeis. pal Bounfield, of Mionllas, esss Sinitis of Miltes sdt Saso dd of RocIiwood al coateteith4e Qneeo's tille ccd Ciody Corstiogtey aino 0of HOrnIby entered Uie Pricceas cotteit. Betweefl 2f5 tu 2510 people en- joyed a bot met cladar thc grandslaod pot os by the Omagis Cbapter 0f the Great Laites Christian Bible College. A npohesioaic for tint groop ssld sisey were bsusier itti bot mesle tdis year liss e lst. Militbar Aootber local group itti a food b.ols wss Uie Haltes Junior Foriners' mutk bar set op niear Uie catlle show barns. Midway coesntoscirec oftered the ssci lot asd cold drinits. raodY flous, tetfy apples. saocbUrgn ccd lot dogs. The rnidway by Happyland Sows fealflredihall a dotes large rides, ccd traditional rnerry-go- rosnd and fsar lddle rides dits year. laside Uie main bal, Haltes Agricclaural ilocietyns iecreterY Mrs. Lithosn Readisecd, witb ssstance froo lady directors und bier bosband George iteadisead, were kept IsaSY cli weoit long wits entcies ccd te, formation queries. Twe thlc ier Tise bail liadt the domestie arn prenerven enîcien, icisos citdren's coopelitions col ladies' needlecrafl on dlapiny. 1 ala featured several Worn'u testitute ipocial dlapteyi whers Hornby W. i. tseit tise grand prix for tise second yesr la a roit. Tbsougisoot lin talc, dicector ccd judges notedt a noaber s enlaxbitors and rny ses idess te enldiits. Secretery Mccs Readisesd reported 4-ere e 219 entry forma f ilted out Uoi year-op 17 frorn lait yesr. miss M. Maxtec rosoegfiflg post Ateraserviat ai Halls eCeuty'a Treasrer fac 23 yens eMisa margaret Maited of Milte e bacs aked toerelleVedlfiir l 1. ob bythe end ofthe Year. dl csuty Cosacil declded i n arrepi ber cesligeuion ccd wi dl love the reipocclittlltles of il o tresaer dlvlded itleen d n clerk and hMa ssictmtL Mti e Miaxted tit hoe retalned On r tessportey toia folloig hl retirementL Tisorsiay, Octi. t marks tise specosg ot lis isso to Unitedi Appeol tando s in akisole. Tise dicectorn 0f 4-la fccd are bcping te ralat $151,10f or rnore, tu distritote aong 4-e lA mesabor agescieî for Uic promnotion of thelr l970-71 progrcns. These 18 besefittiof ittieties cuver c broadt specan, 0f boulli ccd social services and, wht4er it hoe the Canadian Arstritis acd ttheussstsls Society or 4-e St. John Ambuldance Brigade, the Victorien Order of Norias, the Mutiple ýSclerss Society, 4-e Association for tise Mentatly Retarded or nitatevor, 4-ane la îsrnething tu0 appeci 10 lise symspathies of everyoneand00 a ganerons reiposse la slicited. First In nrth Tis la the ftnt tine a United Minister (Contiuued feses Page t) Campielvilte, Acton, Georgetowns ccd Glen Wiliams cihin lis fold. Can revote Mr. Lawrence uaid lise procinsional permilu issaed in the componis can ho revohed at ccy tisse ccd 'ne rntend tu revolce liser i liseir approvat plccs ccd rebabilitatioc iciernes are not foilowed." Applications foc pecesits bad tu inctode a sile plan 4-at shows 4-e sape, typsgrapby, contours, dimnsions, acresce ccd location of tise properly owsed or seder lease for foIure pst or quarry operalsonu. Itlisadi osow 4-e use or propoied use of eailncd and the localtion or use of 4-e busildings ccd structures lytisg witlan 5W feet of the Pit or quarrY t eoporty losedcarien. Il msl aie show tise ernsliog ccd ccticipated final grades of Sencav ation, oteur ccd ex- cavation sebac andas fer as possitee ultimate pi develop- iment, ultisoate road plan, f progressive and oltirnate cehbiilitatios and, wbr possile, the intended use 0f4- eland aller the extractive îoporatconu have ceased. Tise mioistec rnay refuse a poermit ses'e lte oporation of the mine would ho agint the "te- telrest cf the poblic la preserving the cisaracter of 4-e formation 4-at inctodeî tise Niagara Encarpocent and the availab4ly cf ila naturel attribolen foc n joysoent by the public." Et edsry Ca-oporative la Mr. Lawrenceusaid lsdl ie generallythe industry bashoeai coperative but felt tint poriscpt tomne people in lise industri ai migist lry te defeat the order il meort, se action ise 4-ougist wont s te have lstti e cbance of succeso. Es Mr. Lawrence termed coi a arby quorry se "ccisoly mess' a lout ais e lt leglalation la protec e 4-te escarpmest wus te lime lo ds the jois of saving IL. Appeal carnpascsc ban ieers conducted in ruiral Oauc'slle afld it ac been ddtficult to enfist ecougs canvassers lu lisorougliy isanhet the ares. It cs quite possible liserefore fisat tonne homnes wAt ie mlssecdriog the caovate asd sisould titis happen, Claire Siteelmait, wbt te tise aires chairmanr, points out ltat the oversigist is nl ontntionai asd topos no ose wti feel ollgisted as a resilt. A lost of canvassers appeari beiow and aspose nito la ntt calied upon isy October S tsoutd contact one of tisec - preerably lte nearest ose - an tisaI cao- casser would ise more tisse pleased tu corne atd pick sp yosr donation. Thse campaignin te 4-l ares wlll cointiue te Oclôiser 1f. canvasseri are: Mrs. Harold Douglas, Mms. Ross Lawrence, Mcs. Sydoey nLamb, Mci. Wlliard Featserstone, Mcs. D. Glass, Mrs. P. E. Howe, Mms. R. T. Cowon, Mcc. tlk Braiticwalte, Mcs. L. Picherla Mr. Bill Kelley,ZMs. H. Pickeýt, Mm.. E. BlMnR. Stewart, Mcs. J. Htamilton, Mcn. G. Pst, Maureen Sweetesas ccd Claire Sweelmoc. -Shop tiscocgt Chsampion ctassitiectc-were lthe targates Simca a.. issu inintitaîlse Noehs,.0513 iosprovements began iis eec a ewrercreaos aisot os Sca Lisse Rd. os ss'îs icoth- nest tourdasins. Rima naino Cccadie lcc ofa Milton heu parchcad lin 35 sere alla ccd plas te toin il inte c hoautif i Park wltt Plicde ccd rerrealirnil facilities. Tan eart scrapers ccd Ina bulldozers rnoved onao 4-e cite Iat week te iterl levelliog 4-e lad, ksoching stewn desd trees ccd intprovlcg the strean wtdct floits tisrOagh 4-e north ide of lte Park. Retahoase Thse property te locted on 4-e south side of Sca Line Rd., wt 0f lin CNR by-pass eanment ccd mort- of the CPR riway toc. A touse ccd barum onch pportysce o e retaised. u.foi Crisci, a locat mer- ISalvation rmyl PICKUP TRUC< INi MILTON & AstA EVEeYIMONDAY CALLI BAVE 1999 OÙl Ù9991 Tiese weaOliS etisle wlth a p-out, zip4a ilng for aldud warsstl M4êl~~ wookc saluai llave bean chouan t provcde, colt, espple st6 WR 5ftimB aand fisc in a choie o an egthes. Ail coooaid in faUl en4 wlscter sisadas of browc, rust, veine, camai, ng"l and grey. Bisn. 9 t le. Sisop 10w cand tae *d- vantale of the Bi G SAVINGBI 4-e new club. He enptaioed 4-at dccce isall on mne corser cf 4-e I clb wu iescositrfoer~ o pe ark. [J. R. Curne and rnrnbersitips wtt heon sale FINOUNE ~tedrmemrhidpfrim &RiPfR OPTOMETRIST adUieerstrsitead as E NISHING away ca Hâitîan d Toronta. eCARS tRLNG One itccded icl tbes ccd ilMALL saverai barbtecues willie Spras tE CVEtYL thrugdte fo4-e parti avntuaSI D L mgi.te..e.... artoc rsetead loce coure LA RRY TELEP:HONE 832-7788 LE 1 ILYU ETPECITO-IRPRICES RY ARERGIT ELLYP AR AC 4y79;98 &BE 3 DAYB Oa0N LY r Prrsonaf Shopping Only white quasnfntesfi ladtdes' coals * Hamilton * -Burlingion * Dundas Star. itsrs 9:30am ta ISOpet. doiy Thur.. & Fri *tAil pem. Hamiltouns etteContre. OarfisgoanaiîtheMalti Dndc.s ni nesit Plisa covers North OukviUle Rama italo Canadlan Club Scn mMi eftrtflNme M Start work on new park IHorni hi9 The ai tabU.C.W. lx tand t 2 Presadert oUtwmid splth a PO lThe a charge o prOgratti toid t xi et atm Mue. T eccompa OCmrey i Khagrea ta yeur 1 h r imit OfUt land et te lThe Ut mure coi Ibis lm Mrs. ici te rail t onte la antides board int John Wl ci wtel. Oct. 21 Pai et Camc Octetuel A wor teAloCa Homxw uot, ie rein report, beconde 4100.00 Ciacit The dna liloelle UId e a buk tendil ami fe chu r