C6 The Caeudioe Chaempion, Wedeetday, Septetet 2, t97S wwg-oo7 -- au-. Ontario apg strive f0 m WLaR upr ec hui otheCGifi tthcd oes hed tgSt Syhs matr Thechthoerehnerd uts SereecitSmith ovd tlhe hîed hovd Therhciwa aut estaStshed vn 191 hySmith E. GrflteandSbas been bit reut t have iv photo loey ad Sd lu e Sexitvc ever snce-(ta ff1 Photo) Farm in Grîffîn fcil for more thon 100 y< R. R. 2, Actet or LaI il, Coni- cessin 6,Erin Townsip iP.itel heeve te ail larmeet efth1e accu. This tarm andturruadingiland bas beonetd and ccupiedhby the Orilie lamilytîtne IM3 tmith E. Grifiv ot tmî15ville licol bougtt the ltnd tn 10318fr the tam et M0 poudo. He setlnd ente land ad raised a amily of six chiidret. He diedin Mo, aed leit the ferro te bit tee William. William refîred en l9ti aed moed taErin, leavitg the arm, ture gaveib th e l e t o Harold L. Orifie, and is tam oporated Sp hst sn Smitit R. Griffio. The Grîffiîm arr et Writs denceet. Smith repretetsth1e 1115 geveratiev sive lot iamîly came tei his country atd t 1the fiS georratiot ta lice enth1e Mixed farming itvlta coin mnpractisr fcr ail larmr- toduy. Nowm peciaite in oe boced ofcatie.ý daîry le Sert, and oeoccmerciai cipp The Grîltie cetury ltha us porc Sem Sert cuidle vîi th seep torvîpo and regîstercd serd grain. The pure Strd Orîttie heet herd mut establisSed ii Sp915 yte laie SE. Gtitivand hissotoHarold and is tcilmaiitaiccd undr th rameotS. E. Griivaiid Son The hrd it cmp-itcd ofScot tdale Sten and Ailiari Sterintg brcedt. Approtîmateli3 IN hicict- and to bulv mraite ut te priac herd. Euc eS r somi catile lt-om the ht-d ut-c ener-c en lieor 12cfthe local toit-v Most teed lort-h1e vieck i predoced rigbi ov the tut-c ce planted, culicued sud harveet cv15 their co cqcipmrvi. Fer uscdtforthteSerd is lit- gait bot-lt-y, corn aed cuits TIhe autl postur ouidcvrs ail comme-. Si arc iepi insîde dut-lot the col ainter montht.I iia(vlre5i tout-rm the coille aret-e n ouidoort fot- a bt-catit of freth ai "At one lime t-e Set-A val ulcu brtouhtin idurîvliaivter.- sa Harold GtilScn 'TSese caille a gond lot-agit-v ua eaut cli ecitage ecepioahll ccl Duriof a sicem the iterd a gatee tcgeohet- unider a iree t aarmih." Se addcd, itut îlot otteti daîge-oct as a boit iigitiig coud stie the t-t ard a gond ncmSe- could Smithit preodevi et T Octarie Ahortitorv Actociati and reeetiy rclcrted ftiimua Vo Conta Rien, aScre tac oit thorn baiisttlm t-eS. G. Bae ict-m ere sld ty p-icuitres The Saln wii iSe iitmi oeta rutIle tSre ut ShortSo Orummed eut tiecvae-a-ein A country. 'Ne trip at a j effort opoinormi Sp the Ont Food Coneil and the Depa ment et Agriculture atd F0 Anide trom a pt-lue bord J.I . e o- OPTOMETRISTI IWJRLINGTONI IMALLI I ELHONE 632778 odý Of sherthares, Orilfiiet aise havea SlorS et 20 tuffolk sheep- Tric Orittinlin m as aine spocialized en rcgislccnd nemi graie and certittnd scnd potaloco fac a tiumSer niyatSr rl is usedlarc mc= ia ain and is soid loralyle iu rmnrt. aithaugh oe occasionilil 10 et- ported ta, the United tates. The graie is geavti aed riened toIShe seed pantrighlt n tfarta. TheclaieS.E. Orîttin vaesmade a -iloerto Assoriate Mem- Sec" itn 1937. This medal vat litoro in reconioneto las graini gavwer ahoboad doec outaifudîng worh en prodociaf pore ted graint This mcdai madehimua ie memiter ef the ussociatione Wloir ceclitted tend potatant mr e longer grw con ethe ferro, they alto acre utrd for avec M0 yrartir Thete polatuas wen many prioco avec iet yeart as wcii ut the grandchampioe avard ut 15ie Rayai Wieier Pair le 1927 and 1920 Atîilver cupaas gicen tac the hetr en '27, a geld pachet wc ihî 1920. Bociure tt-catured sueis ai the Orifi Somrclead. Oitfivt are memSers efth1e -Old Gurd' ai the Rotyal Wtttter continuus incthe show starled. Ibteoriginal Grifn omestead viarlon acres insizu assnoe inureased tit250 serin. The cetry old be wm uilt y on oncle efth1e laIe t. E. Oritis. te recent pecest liey hove tpeciatîocd sn gravttg tuable turnips. ThSeetghtur acrsaecut Sy hand and voreipo are vushed andvntxed rghtones ferra The lurnip sa wsed in a large tub and plaeed it a grocery carl tac vuing. TSe cuci la Silit mit5 bondies aI the stde te, lthe turemPs cas b Sered i.oansd liited tram thr Set vwun cateng. "Where two tur-tips touc in the bashet meuts the vax coatisg it ot perfect. Thereforecthecart la givea a tiip, tei esue an ee vux castig on cach separale lorttp. saîd Smith. And have thny ever berti burned bp the hot I NUFFI1ELD DIesel T racter SALES & SERVICE SWANSION FARM EOWIPMENT R. R. 3, ROCKP1000 856-9512 a 9 c PICK -YOUR -OWN Field, Beefsteak and Romcs AT CHUDLEIGH BROS.- RR. 3 MILTON -416-878-2725 I i BEOININO No. 24 Hmp. AUGUSTS i 29 7 No 70 ACTON < ROUND SATUDIT RW. USEL suNDAYf0110 1/28BUSHEL BAWN i TO Nu. 5 Hvoy. Dumiv Bi BAU Q.W I At Chuduiigh's - TrhuPekYou-Owfl Appue Form 1 L ------------------------------ Die growers must eet competition Canada Research SIntilnB on qalily wuli Se prescsted ut ortoelasd Station toil disuser a ibis meetiug. Mor. Reid Dcohain, spruyer evalualion projert which ut the Farm Products Isupection bas hen conducted in the past Baoch touS diseuse the oclectito Imo peaco in an attempt ta ard gradieg et applin for con- dîseaver the limitatiens ai Vrolled almosphere soage ami sprayers heisg uued 10 spply Dr. Sam Laugheed, University of peaticides for onsent and disase Guelph, wiii discans iodices tac comot. determisisg optimum matarily WîAaemphaiOSbeing placed on in MeItoi uppien. apple quallty for consumer To ucrammadate surit s foul caliofaties ard te, ment ram- proguam, Ane meeting viSl gel pottion, Imo tlklt mith empSesis, underwuy ut 7 e'cleet. 4-H shows calves just for practice With grent iscreasin in appie cragle Seing plasted inNorlth asericu during recent yeaco, o reat deai et camnpotition tar ssrhets lrem other apple Ipoving regians la anticipated. Apple gravers in Osftaoi I ave tu a Scame mare eiit in Sie use ai bond, laSer and gond ultursi pructises tai ment ibis ompottiiai. Te assint gravers ta, Smsd s series ot spocini meetings are Seing Seid insi orotiins acrous the province pone Sp lte Ontario Apiple Mommiuies and tSe Ontario )epartmeet et Agriculture and Meet Sp. 8 The meeting Seing Seid for npple gravers sn lte Tarante- Hamilton aein is Seing Sel d as te evetcsg et Sept. 8 ut Citudligh Bren. Orcitard. Higit- vny 25,iart sortit of Milton. Ficatorrd on cte programn mIS SeDr. D.8H Heisiche, US. Departmeet et Agriculture, Wenatcitee, Washington, vite mi tait uSant and demanstrate prontsg and training et apple Vmes- Or. Bah PisSer et ihe y sars wax? ,ttsametimes spishin os yeu cilSes,' Se said "Sut ns ose hon Sera sertansip Sort." Spelt mahitierl The turnip crop is plandwAith spocisi machisery, the planter caverinli tva ratto ut a lime. When tSe rout sa approximately one incS long, the rrop la sprsyed vilS lte tirst Voeatient et in- secticide. The crop os ltes eft for onother montS. and given o second spray. "Ocr turnips are laie turnipo," suid Smifth. The early oeiseemnto hve sch little tante and such a vatered centre." TSeir crop mlii Se harvinted during the frt weetf NoveinSer. Smith van aise chairmas ofthen Ontarto Tursip Oravers Assuoctatiotn for a namber ai yeams ltsmixed farming ahardfile foi lte Ortfiu? "Net hurd, junt busy," vas the reply. The Presideet opeeed the meetingvwit the4-H Pledge and CaroliSomervie, secretary, rend the minutes of the lest meeting wiie vere adopted as med. The secretary thee 100h roll cuti and the busines aI bailding a Suot mas Seougit op Sp Bah Lashy. 'Ttey discnssed the fiat and onated Kei15 Aites, Cathy Lashy, Bah Luahy, Norma Lenlie, Scias Murray and Curai Somervilie for a committen. Qals sigit Nent the seeretary handed eut aonme badges te Se mare ut 4-H eventa. We vere tld quio aight vus le Se as Sept. 9 and prolects mont Se completed diat doy. Susse Murray maved thot the meeting Sie adjoureed and Tom Pacher secosded IL Rntreshmecls vee set-ted aed Pal Murray tasoied tSe Sont, Me. Lashy. Apple meeting at Milton The taSl apple meeting spoe sored Sp the Onlaro Opsrt mont. of Agriculture and Food and Apple Marketing Coin mission w-l Se heid in Millt Sept. O aI 7 pi. ngreed te protide a truckt and driver for delivery of non- returoabte bouSes collectedt Sy the local Operation Burvival Reeve Ron Harrisnoted a drive vans Seing scheduled for Sep- lember vheo non-returnable bottes woald Se collectait by lte giroop. The botilles ilen have un Sie delivered to acentre it Hamilton. Cooncil agreed toi te provision of truck and driver for lte Hamilton trip. Depoty Ronce Ferry Barr coondered if studento couid Se orgaoioed to dlean op the mli pond arean wSere a Champion letter criter had compiainedl of pollution on lust veeks isue. The extent oftowntOwnersilP up lte stream frrnm the mili pondl vus to Se loohed intc, y lte morks committee ta, determine hom tar if hod autltority. The letter toriter in lait week's isnue ottservedl Iton pleauant lte pond wanountil sitecon.ed fa lte entrunce where nhe contptained of pollutioli ruoht left along ntrram batho. If'ia g-trk AR jI Watch, Outl Pestent agahis theNt iS sur tam test Rarelaey tosaranos. RBne ose orisrance amers te tali orth ofail par possessios Cati BseO INSURANCE 208 Mate St. E. 818-2894 ATTENTION FARMERS SEED WHEAT WE WILL HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY 0F SEED WHEAT ON HAND FOR FAIL PLANTING. THIS WILL BE TOP QUALITY SEED, GRADED, TREATED AND PACKED IN NEW SACKS- ORDER YOUR SUPPLY NOW: CANADA NO. 1 TALBOT WHEAT CANADA NO. 1 GENESEE WHEAT CERTIFIED NO. 1 YORK STAR WHEAT SEED CLEANING AS OF SEPTEMBER 2ND WE WILL BE CLEANING WHEAT FOR FALL PLANTING. IF YOU HAVE WHEAT FOR CLEANING AND TREATING CALL US FOR A SEED CLEANING APPOINTMENT FALL FERTLZERS Coli Us For Vour Foul Requirements Of Fou FortiIiz*5 CONTINUES TO SEPTEMBER 12th. DON'T MISS IT. (LIMITED QUANTITUES 0F MAI! ITEMS ON SALE) STORE mi HeURS W. stock a full lino, of A TO B R BEL FRIDAY ARAST~ER rmm.ï 8 A.M.- B P.M. - SATURDAY iO IlA.M. FR1 UNTIL SaR NOON iI I & UNt ILL IVERT UnS IDAY 0o DAY î.M. ITIL .M. 1~ Idp i Furrow queon contêst heUd with plow match Ry H. J. Stanley lte J. E. Mititeineit Mesoril Trophy. Ttis yrar the Holtot Foreow Thetop co-petitors mt ien bcS hocco Compolîtion v tS hil tel"cr opeenlt uithIe toa ie t 'cu Hallon tervational Plowioli Match Vo be Junior Plovîog 'Match. The Seld Oct. t1-47, 1970 in Victoria location n lte larin of Word Coonty. Brownridge, aSeut onemile sorts The Btot Quen competilin Of Hornhy onithe 7thLite. ms slstedl for 0.30 pin. mites contestants mli plut snd 1h00 The days activities miSl com- prescrit a flâtres minute tait. AS menea s9.10 ont. mitit cachiog contestants moet have hauo f0 ail compotitors os match tasaitdonatfarâtand boilto 4 ploig. Boysand girls 1401021 year oage as ofNov. , i8. years ot age, us ot Nov, t, tOt, Anyose interestelithe Hlton tout titen compote in two classes Forroto Qocos Competition of plowing. The minner in each sitould contact Mns. Spencer class recetves priemaney ith Wilasn R. R. t, Norval, the lte overoli champion receivina chairman of titis commiltte Will investigate pond pollution CUSTOM FARMING COMBIN PLOWINS PLAUTINS (corn &Grain) PHONE 8718-3454 0.S. HILLMAN CluSSelda tmopart meeting. The firsl part stsrted ut shout 7.30 p.m. aI the facro ut Mr. K. Murray. Susso Murray, Put Murray, Busas Maly, Janel Ciendioning and Rares Pierre gel Ane meeting undermay hp iesdisg ISeir calcin for eracice te showmaship. Niso Braida, club leadr, actedaajudge to make il seemu lite the officiai taie day. Caroltomer'tiile gave a tallh as the greomisg ai a colt. Mary qusotins yene hed, udm hies aiod drink wvu servait Cathy Leahy lhoshed the hSt Mc. Murray. Showo ces Thte second part ofthe meettng Bahi place aith1e turma et Mr. Lashy. BaS and Cathy Lahy showed calet îshoatorns and Ransell Murray shomed Bils as Siemas asnt. President, Bah Lasy, tuihmi about thowmaîtsSip and is importance. The cmlt ofth1e memhros ten ed theSers it Russell Morray us jcdge. Nent, ail ralves vece led SacSt ta the barneesceptoune wit as sed for a deinstratios. BoS Lasity monducted tas demonstratios os rieasing, itppisg and gronining the rail. Foliomvisg ibis mu te otficiel opesing ofth1e meeting whirh had 1 5P o r localidair rotai looh tr-oid Ell chi laovil bot tari rudsg ltesn ay tacmino tarn tor t il mIS retur einher. d. TWhgi Apr loi Inca Who i ey fon5 amues. ASl tkues Ce-( exchonge eli-He prOgi e here ta o ch, Mlton Co oge te -lamantl i idiemsier daitotf Tite Chin aml ta] p-lto t le *toponin, erai c bmllel ya WR amtr ai oi trotu Courcir eoriginsl passed ftios. Ne aire a p Prrcy t Scheel. MONT( Merry I Merry Public Ai hon elier Snldeirt Ventrui Achoni Schont thon la Monel Schtol des t Aill hs Kindri Bus 6 direct %topte Pator Mont( Schoo Bus m tOril Ous o 'cili t Perd Sped (Al SoI, Cem (Rt Itu Ma scI aci Oc. sel (C) Vtu ira We 1.5 PU Jel Pc Ni, Sh Pt 1 1 YOUR ONE STOP 877-3512 FARM & GARDEN CENTRE 877-7375