The Canîdîan Chamipicon Wedesday, Sopteniber 2, 1970 5 Asks Nassagaweya for aid sooSxdyR fietr Toesday Ded o loateindustry in twp. qui Providing Nassagaweya hey old iticanîtelirliooolîlo Ontana Dronlopoin ro uenroipa Coonnit ginestltnnthenneessary tond. portiontlouooooney totftoooohosvr 70 polooOosofoast ble .appronais Proomn Food Cor- Mr urnmd thpopoed willng ta muvs laidus iy in i eekeaoiesareto ast poransos ootd bo n business in tbsiiding inouid be 10,000 square ornas mitere botit the btieiodCpe r to tlsese sem prsposnd plant on tie ten on a 15 acre parnnl. Atboot 15 roinipaip and Oie proince f.aliira h hapo t eFnatb Lise sortit of Hîgbmap 401. people inouid be nntpioyed. tnleb agren inoild be usetitilio x- An assoniale repeesesbsng tise Mn. Yarem asited couitnil 10 Membons of coanncil miii tour a "URNT E tirmi described Oie business as eonsiden reszotsg the land and meat pariting piant inKithenr an intrsgueing operalsos.- Tie asked assistance in bavng ta une ose of Mn. Yarnvo s RieF INISHIHN'G firm miii take portions of Nassaguoeya approned as a machones in operation. Thte plant & REPAIRS ebinitens rejeoled as Prosincial Equalîoatîon Aresa beopsswlue wofhHAR usecnooinat by major meal MrYaremosaid he inotdait prcpsesincil ttseoe. EA paetesand separale meallfromo the Ontario Denetopeet Cor- Mn. Varnm oaîd he mat REPCU bous. porationtfor at$11.000toan and Fonce ametay eticin i naVR Titemroat miti be partSd in40 eopeoled a total iniesîmeni of pneprelomenl is any esl rn eOLV o pusd boses and sbipped bont10$00 ta son ol ane rouni îmis 10er eanoreLRR o tbe eforseandthedbene neorta ge h lu t leur any sort of pollution. 878-2243 PHILLIPSI PLYRtN STF sjpdaeii g somrml ay1a I F-ld Howard Theanualiloward reun oas hitd ai Lomnilloe park îecentty. Prises mcme amurded for gamen and races toMichtael Bitter, HesOier MaoLeod, Tom Hooston, Dean Pearson, Làa Greco, Ro...Howard, David BuLond, Gury Homurd, Lui Homard, Bonsy Homard, Jimmy Boale, Donny Pearson, Jesine Grees, Linda MacLend, Bannie Bart.,md, Russoll Homard, Janet Homard, Linda Inglîs, Seysn Homard, Ries Hendersen, Dannp Sithi, and Vera MacLood. Jntîy boans Thse jott bous cotait mas won Hp Virgsnia Pattersen. The eldent lady mas Mes. Lolttie Homurd. Se eldest man mas Me. Noes A. i. MOORE J"ssace CAMPUVLL 854-2271 KELLY AVAILABLE AT IAN tS GARAGE bLiNE SOUTOHp OF Et5Y RD. R. R. 2 HORNBV, ONT. 826-346 tAN BREAE, nnOPelETG6 reunion Homard. Theoungestitaty mas Wilam urcitem, teon Me. and Mes. BiSl Parcbem. Me. and Mes. Duiting lranetied Oie tutitent fromn Sasitatcheman. At Oie end ot Oie day a dusce mas itoid aI Brookoitie Hall miOi lthe MacLend orchtestra. -111 Oinmon, Cathp Johnson, Cindp Corp, Lynne Frame, Janet Benerley, GaiRovass spervssor; andDaleSrgdmn MîssingmtenOthe photo mas toiten mas Lyus Rsoborr -Stoît Photo) Aportment project is delayed by province Milton Planning Busrd mas adnised ai tboir regotar meeting Tboesdap ltait a parîments propnsed ton cnustruction on Miii Oide Dr. sitondd bo detayed anail titensoration aathitn romplenes a stody on flood prose ara.Lands beionging to Mes. Marie Martîn bane been designated for an apartmesl proposai A letton trous tbo Commusily Planning Brasoit ofthOe Gntorio Goenmenlread in pat,t"I Hiem nf Oie tant Oiat mmlt of ittockts A and B are tlood prose as mell as aportinnoftheoparking ares ton Blocit E and Oie Con- servation Aotbonities stadp is appruscbing compietion, il migit bo adnisaitleOihatronsideralion of usy igb deusity denelpmenn on Oiis site bo deterned'antil Oie repart ronommendatios are avadlabte and anp chbraie les- prenostente secessary to remsne thetinooding Oirmat une astoined itp tbo appnspniate astoirities. The ltter pointe out Oian Oie tomns sfticial plus pesitibite asp permanent itsildings front boing but on Oie 0usod plain se Bnp arasobjent te peniodie Ssooding usieso miOi Oie mritten cnsent of Oie Conservation Astoinity. Thte ltter aiss sotSd Oiat Milton flis mîtten Zone 2 ofthOe Toronto Costred Rogion and msold bo sobjeci te Oie pnoies applicable tb Oiat zone. Tite Communitp Plasning Brandi aise pninted ut Oie amooint nI open space on Oie site sa saitstesdard. Mîltos Coanecil bad eartinr gises Iboir itleosnsgs ns Oie pnsjectibtnobjectios tesus Robin Hmod Malti-Fssds anti Me.' and Mes. Donald Lambert- sneessitaned an OMS bmnling. For your convenience THE BANK 0F NOIVA SCOTL4 EXTENDS ITS w tt BANKING HOUES iV sjs ~ IN MILTON We are now open THURSDAYS to 6 PBM. OUR BANKING HOURS ARE: MON., TUES., WED. 10 A.M. - 3 P. M. THURS., FR1. 1OA.M. - 6P.M. àk of Nova Seotia 242 Main St. E. 878-2347 prstoin. F resident nI Proomn Food JS Haremn said lttdia migit boa. big murkt ton Oie protein. Eneeptblsgsused Enerpnlsing in osed isnlodîog ,tite fat. The lai is osed for deitydea ted sa p. wite lthe representatinos saîd temr marbiseny mas aotoaiiy elemennaey and onnomplioaled Fay's ELECTRIC (V)MPI t 'TP PIICTRIC SEIAIICL "INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE "ELECRICAL CONTRACTING B ELECTRIC HEATING B ATER HEATER RENTALS 878-2048 a A OPEN FRBTE RGVLE GN O EVERYAGNFO INCLUDINGEse h r-a « WIDNISDAYý 9-6 MLOOT AND ý4c STRÀADWICK'Sý FREE ESTIMATES 776 KING ST. E. HAMILTON 527-3681 IUIGS THE ELEPHANT is MitIon's plapgnoond masot. More Oie Lkytop gens a meicnme tess ten Denise Bnigant of W. t. Dicit ptapgrsusd. The namre 'Julios" mas pieited as the maurts namne, [rom numeousothenusmes submited byplapgrond leaders . i