64en ,,ga.atan Lfl mpion, Saecinesday, Septeseier 2, 1970 Rotary pool crowds break prior record WiUs rcler ceaUser crerpit pet sceni tac cecreetisoa m mnmad bacs la sciscal teerna- mssg. A toal oi 395 cern creaisg, allendance ai loal regisslered se Use Usree swim poals la slamly decceaoisg. prageame, 75 per cens ai liasse Roaay Paris Pool mii rimse il's paosedl sieir sasia examo. gaieos 8p.m. Sept. 7. Kelan Pool Thieleen adalla allendel Use inopenles iin11a.m.aunl 8Bp.m. adal owm pragease, said dally and miii castanue an UsaI BSharran Prerlar, superviser. ocisedale depesding an lise Neai yr oa lat enpand Use weatiser. lhnoch orna a iseing ranoideeed. Ceawsedaie Rotary Paris Pool Mare sastd ml alec ise lrcried in htave iaceemd cmsdecasly over la mose lise has arc langer, bol eaes sala, cearis Change bouases are algu in Us saprvisarOc Main.Las sind lac lise Keisa iteacs yea'agccI1,4sesm sitareline. doseiyPrdysltla 75 Tise systeas of pipiaf lobe Mc. Maw leiae lsy ars aee iniae Use pool sesehed ceey sarces o th atmrm tea nod seeiltisyea, said Miss Prottr. thsetartlithalsallas nany peple All sommer weehdays Use pool seemed la 5107 ihame tram lemrperaisire wsea 75 degreas. On hlildayslibisyear. meeltendametîmalaer wsea ssed A toal cf 675 people regissered and lise mater lemperalare tacr lise ltree scimming deapped to 67 degrees. Pera:sesîlsyean miUs adulla ailt swimamiof accLmmadtedmna spectal riais "Nestyem reemptassmll dit otalled25. Mr. Mrim as lse placedmo adlt somlig. pleasedmts lis years sccen ab sit ai "ise staff miiile bcin in btU Use sarvicai swmmtg creuaetlandmweiscpeltuprmate and leader palcal prattases, and leasIer, isranze medallian ond laspeslto fer thesnlinacoursses amardaofmeril courses." ogais sent yar. lii at lsa ped Barlingles Recreaian Camn- Use liteguard staf itl iiitrmsr. mintce han alan expressed sn- Kelan average 670 teresi la relara nexi ye. Tisey Kelia Pool an Use cther bond hlted as mhtdmr camp an Use reparla an average ai 670 peeple Kelan grounds Usis ymar. Two fîrms ask changes in zaning legisifatin Beznnn ai lise Milles le- les laclary praperiy te Rt ami dastrial Parts praperly boc- Ue clerltwsats proreedisUsne dering Use CPR iseimees Court amnimentltetheacstisttly-lae. mnd Ontario St. mtlt Se maths ta One aparlaaeniaofsecen sarnys permit construsction ofa aseen is to have 6 uitsa odoneaof i and il ssrey aparlmenlamwitlt1i0 startets l itave 120 amIts. asils, MiltoneCaasctlagreed ThePlanning Barddil Manday. pepesedl Use mralter Sie boit wiUs on recammesdatai o athUe as a steplanamendmreat andUshe development cammiliee Couscil develapaseni cammitlee and agreedtaUshe reaafingaof the ld caaseil cascarred. Fail conservation education program Several demanstraisan ad area, mill Se Use tapir as lectures hase iteen arrmnged lac Salarday, Ct. 31 ai 20 pas. ai Use fit conservation informnation ihln Poll Conservation Area. and edaicalion pragram i Us te Mrs. J. Manssel, B. Se., ai Use Itoin Regtan Conservation Iraqacia Bruce Trail Cssis, mdil Aalsarity. med Use demansralian. Gordse iladley, B.Se. Agr), Frankt Timmermans, milduite will eeploin Use liassalagical terSescian foc Use HaSesn Regias (lahe ) researcht ai Cramiarsi Conservation Asstcrily, seitl Lakte Conservation Areas a n explais misai maltes a habitat ce Sanday Sept. 13 ai 2:00 pas. refuge lac materlami. Salas-day, On Salas-day, Sept. 19 aite0 Oti. 1t as :0 tiC a. ai Mont- ase., Roeet Catchpele, B A " af slerg Canservaioas Ares. Gay Brases Pubict Scissel in Hiltssg clasSes and fmime Watesdaa-smsil discmasthe land are reresesended ai earit et torarses thîe Milice axsm Par- ltese octtvitises. Pactiser in- ticipants sitaaid ment as Use formaioan about Use pragrass sspper level of Ratllsnalte Point avaîlaltle ai Halles Regian Conserva ian Area. Conservaion AUsas-ily ai l2ii Plant sacremsias, Use salas-at Main Stcent, ilhton, Ontario. ofsec atengetaism 'Ln an Set dote for convention BC I Tise ltas East LiteraI Asamciation hsave set Marris 2as Use date tac tisei- noatsaion convenioan. At Usai conetion Use ridisg mîlI neet a man ce wman ato rnpresent tlem inthe sent provncial nînctias IUS LiSeraI candidate Raisin Skace JU TA P# Us te lant s-Incitas Oct. 17, 1967. WILL G Mr. Sueef nthUe ares cet long citer Use nctias te lalt a posiion sn Otaw a odaten stC Sien set lac Use nst nînctias bat isg-es-aiiy astici pate nemîll F lie ltnld se Use sprisg ce flotI ai Lites-at etincatie mese Tees-y Kennedy aîd tise eeraice set tSe date erly ta T P I ime te Usîik aboat il, Pai cusdn o h isin esesatie David BaSler s ry ilnclarnd FREEI candidate ai îles peint. A ND D ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 8 8 bisETS EVERY87 GRACE ANGLICANi HAsî VAG A RL MILTOI DIROPI/A Reluctant ta re-zane area Alihoagit Planning Board appraved plans fe- lte Alliance Building Carparation Indastrial Cesaplex an Base Uine Rcad and agreed tuachange insaassg fram, Mi ta M2 several membe-s were ceary af the ch5ange in zening. Mi pravides tas- ligit or secandary indastry wltsle M2 maltes allamance tar Iseacier indastry. Mesher C . millie sid four memberscaoiced reser- vatiaons altoat thse ce-aaning lîecaase tey mere cnce-nnd abotaailat sort ofindastry mit Hie nated tcsas if an industry wesUsan ohncsius odaemas alowed in there waaid be nating Use tawc. caahd do. He said Use lamna heald esiercise their centrais nase miss Usey stil hace Members ai the Planning Baard liaad seen ander Use im- pressien tise Alliance Cemplex wsel concentata on sisoscase industry and mondered mlty Aliance manied a malsthUe site. attrative tohea'y indstry. Sonne memlterswanted teknW esiacsly mity Alliance wanted Use change. VANDEBEI IWEEDI COIÎT SRVICEI 18839591 4ONE CALL ET YOU PION OM CLEANERS :IICK-UP ELIVERY m2972 M PLAZA ONTARIOSLARGE---------------L-R DUMONT ALUMINUN OTROSLR NO PAYMNO INSTAERS SAIL BOAT RACES attracled abotaa 30 heata itelanging ta tihe PetrlU TLJN i7 ClasAssciaiono Kelsfor rae Srday. Hete boutsdotî5 Fel O R RE ETMT AL f Laite as tise race gela andermay. Law minds and sorte raja hampe-ed ___________________ Ontario Steam & Antique Preservers' Association Incorporated PRESENTS ITS TENTH ANNUAL REUNION "STEAM-ERA" 1970 PARADE DAILY IN THE FAIR GROUNDS_ FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 5 AND 7 GROUNDS CLOSED ON SUNDAY STEAM PUFFS Over 50 Picoures and th. Complet. story of First Decade ofi Steam-Era coie avaîamsîe 501, on thse grounds DOWNTOWN PARADE LEAVES MILTON PLAZA AT 11.30 A.M. SATURDAY OFFICIAL OPENING BY THE HON. GEORGE KERR AT 12 NOON ON SA TURDA Y lb Good Food II Gos Engines Ob Early Farm Machinery *b New Displays for the Ladies *b See the Giants of Yesteryear * Trading Post * Sawmilling and Threshing S Steam Engines Ob Gas Troctors * Souvenirs Ob Scale Models S Vintage Vehicles * Spinning and Weaving * Tester Toiler and Fans *0 OId Fashioned Clothes lb Rides for the Kiddies ADMISSION sl.OO CHILDREN 50c 1700 GRANDSTAND SEATS FREE CAR PARKING UN THE FAIR GROUNDS (WHILE AVAILABLE) - SOC GROUJNDS OPEN 8 A.M. DAILY iYGROL ires. Le Sec, Lyse AT MILTON FAIR GROUNDS PLENTY 0F PARKING IN MILTON FAIR GROUNDS AND NEARBY VARIETY PROGRAM EVERY DAY ALL DAY at the. Grandstand WITH VINCE MOUNTFORD, M.C. i PLi chu Bar lue pla H T la Grs Ma Ma Sm, iy lad lit under 12 I I 9 7 i .1175 TH sy lay g ygraand. aid a lteld ently. P games i ler, fiee ussn, r cec, Ra cLead ' tard, Bs aie, Dat era, Lins cLcd, P sard. t card, F ish, and lie Aeiy Virgsn la ymwas A. T. .9 CAO KEL BPI A IAN R. R. IAN OC Colorful souvenir. tells story of steom This weeisend ai tise hOOsh an- OsPie are alma anallable et lb. nualreuoo te Onariea-o Sgeam Champion office. ,g and Antisque Preservero Asscaions a pSattipg ieam Patio"' mas produted tal sd pae calld !=Se bYlTie Chsampion taorlise Oleam- Patin" promses oleteneoftae Era sponnss Sities reviee Use Most mauglt-afte souvenirs af shoami gravAis and Use crslst theaStabosa. iavr ssuoc e icdeigsgs sin peoolbi lasse enlar pesolbef pls oavec 7B eelasso. Arrangeent& tan ise cther islacis ad wite photos oi mode la have a mopy sealled la Blease-Ecas licol decade ai ysou lreesss, mils passe caie- "m.. s isoe i siii mati lac ns . pitmeelo. tor 75 cents.